Biak Earthquake - Mateo Baetu

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Q: When the earthquake
A: The Earthquake was in 1996.

Q: Where was the epicentre?

0° 57′ 0″ S, 136° 56′ 24″ E – Coordinates
More exactly, in the Pacific Ocean near Papua –
Indonesia, in this case Biak Island.

Q: What was its magnitude (Richter scale)?

A: Its magnitude was 8.2 .

Q: Is it cause any victim? How many? What other

damage is it caused?
Yes, a lot… 108 deaths, 423 injuries and more
than 5,000 houses destroyed.

Q: Any other information that you consider

A: It also generated a tsunami of 7 meters.
Mateo Baetu 1ºD

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