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Written Work 1

Write the causes and consequences of social change in this time of Pandemic, with
special focus on the premise of political scenario and economic scenario.

The increase in the number of
unemployed individuals in the Philippines
due to the pandemic surely has impacted
the economy. Less workers means less
production which negatively affects a
Unemployment Rate Increase country’s gross domestic product (GDP).
Moreover, this also clearly results to the
increase in poverty, and thus, the increase
in activism. This is a relative reflection of
the ‘result’ of the government’s response
against the pandemic situation. [1]
Social media has proved itself as a
great source of news for everyone,
especially, the teenage population over
the course of the pandemic. It has also
Social Media as a News Source and Place become a platform wherein ‘netizens’, as
of Discourse they call themselves can share their
opinions about specific topics like
discrimination during the pandemic, the
country’s current economic status, as well
as their political views.
Due to the current situation of
education in the Philippines, and of the
country in general, students collectively
rose up to immerse themselves in relevant
issues, and to point out the flaws in the
Rise in Activism among Students
government’s response. They have also
called out officials from the government
who have labeled or ‘red-tagged’ activists
as ‘terrorists’, an act which put said group
of people’s lives in danger. [2]
Filipinos once again showed their
Hunger and Poverty due to the Pandemic
resiliency through ‘bayanihan’. A certain
Ana Patricia Non started the ‘Maginhawa
Community Pantry’, a small gesture to
help those who are incapable of providing
for themselves. This inspired other places
in the country to start their own pantries
as well. This, sadly, is an indication of the
inadequacy of the government’s response,
and that the economy is looking down. [3][4]
In the international scene, Asian
hate arose as a form of scapegoating. This
presents the effect of COVID-19 to econo-
mic situation, and racial political views of
a certain group of people; anti-Asian hate
Racial Discrimination crimes can be seen as a proof of the
relationship between unemployment rate
increase and in racial discrimination
increase amidst the pandemic based on
Hate Crimes against Asians in Italy Linked
to Economic Woes (Groot, 2021). [5]



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