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Submitted In the Partial Fulfilment Requirements for The Award of The Degree





Ms. Swati Mathur Ishita
(Assistant Professor) Roll No. 03321401720

Jagannath International Management School

Batch (2020-2023)


I hereby declare that the project titled “The Impact of Social Media Marketing on
Consumer Buying Behaviour during Covid-19” prepared under the guidance of Ms.
Swati Mathur Ma’am submitted under the partial fulfilment of the requirement for
award of the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration from Jagannath
International Management School, Vasant Kunj affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh
Indraprastha University is my original work and has not formed the basis for the
award of any degree to the best of my knowledge.

Name: Ishita
Enrollment No.: 03321401720
Class: 5A (E)


This is to certify that project titled “The Impact of Social Media Marketing on
Consumer Buying Behaviour during Covid-19” is the original work of Ishita, 5th
semester, and has duly completed the project under my guidance and supervision
up to my satisfactory level. This work has been done under the partial fulfilment
of the requirement for the award of degree of Bachelor of Business Administration
from Jagannath International Management School, GGISPU, and has not been
submitted to any other University for the award of any degree.

Submitted to:
Ms. Swati Mathur
(Faculty Guide)



I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to my project guide Ms.

Swati Mathur Ma’am for her guidance and supervision. Her methodology to go
about the project really helped me a lot. I would also like to extend profound
thanks to all those who have indirectly contributed in making of the project in
some way or the other.

Sincere thanks to my parents for all their love, care, support and for making me
study in such great educational institutions.

Thank you!


This is an internship report regarding the “Impact of Social Media Marketing on

Consumer Buying Behaviour during Covid-19”. It starts with an Introduction about
the Social Media Marketing, Consumer Buying Behaviour and social media impact
on their behaviour and followed by the brief of INGLU and ends with
interpretation & conclusion with references.

This report also include the literature review of various research papers based on
the similar topic. There is a briefing about the internship project that was assigned
during the required internship to me. All the consumer buying behaviour processes
have been discussed and explained to reveal the significance of social media
marketing on buying behaviour along with the SWOT ( Strength, Weakness,
Opportunities, Threats ) of the organization.

The report shows an internal architecture of the working of INGLU marketing

business. It gives a detail about the supporting department that has helped the
business in their daily working.

Also it discusses the objectives, policies of the organization along with their
competitors at national level. There are also some suggestions / recommendations
for the business. At the end there is the conclusion of the research done with the
help of the questionnaire and annexure of the same is attached.


S NO. Topic Page No.

1. Certificate 4
2. Acknowledgement 5
3. Executive Summary 6
4. Chapter 1: Introduction
● Objectives of the study
● Review of Literature
● Research Methodology
● Limitations of the study
5. Chapter 2: Profile of the Organization 24



1.1 Industry Overview – Marketing & Advertising Industry

The Indian M&E industry is expected to grow 11.8 per cent to garner revenues
worth Rs 91,700 crore (US$ 14.79 billion) in 2013, according to an industry
report. Traditional media such as television, print and radio continue to dominate.
However, other segments such as animation, visual effects, films and music are
quickly gaining acceptance due to their content and the advantages of digitization.

Conventional media such as television and newspapers remain the masses’

preferred source for information and entertainment; they account for over four-
fifths of the advertising revenue. However, the Internet has gradually been
increasing its share in the advertising pie. Spends on digital media hovered just
above 1 per cent of the total advertising expenditure in 2005; in 2012, it stood at
a respectable 7 per cent.

Search advertising catered for about 38 per cent (Rs 850 crore [US$ 137.14
million]) of the total online advertising spend while display advertising formed a
significant 29 per cent (Rs 662 crore [US$ 106.86 million]) by March 2013,
according to the findings of ‘Digital Advertising in India’ report conducted by the
Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and IMRB International.

Advertisements on mobile phones and tablets have increased from a 7 per cent
share in FY 2011–12 to 10 per cent of the online advertisement market in FY
2012–13, which amounts to expenditure of around Rs 230 crore (US$ 37.17
million). Social media, email and video advertising comprise 13 per cent, 3 per
cent and 7 per cent of the online advertising market, respectively.

Social Media as a Strategy

Social media is increasingly being used by companies, big or small, to reach out
to potential consumers. The advantage of social media is that a business can
interact with its customer in a closer, peer-to-peer manner, something that is not
always possible with non-digital marketing. Social media is a unique instrument of
communication that facilitates interaction not just between two entities (the

company and the consumer) but between multiple parties (i.e. the company, its
clients, stakeholders, employees, etc.). With social media, companies can create,
sustain and leverage connections and strengthen their position in the market.

Multinational American Express is an example of a company which is active in

both B2C and B2B spaces. It has established conversational platforms, both
independent (Open Forum) and mainstream social media (Amex on Facebook), in
an effort to improve communications with small businesses and potential investors.
American Express regularly updates its website with news pertinent to its audience
(e.g., facts and trends about small businesses), often posting challenging questions
aimed at involving them in discussions as well as facilitating meaningful
interactions between small businesses. This way, the multinational has successfully
established itself as a hotbed of information exchange within the industry.

Professional networking site LinkedIn is another hot spot for marketers, especially
with the site gaining popularity among Indian users. Experts opine that unlike
users of other social media platforms, LinkedIn users, being professionals with
disposable income, are more likely to purchase products and services.

Recent Developments
Chinese personal computers (PC) maker Lenovo is competing for a substantial
market share in India’s smartphone market. The company, which launched six
smartphones in the Indian market in June, 2013, has established deals with three
national distribution chains while entering into a partnership with HCL Care for
after-sales service. The popular PC company plans to use its multi-crore
advertising and marketing campaign to convince the Indian consumer that it is
more than just a PC brand.
French advertising and public relations multinational Publicis Groupe has acquired
Beehive Communications, an Indian advertising and communications agency. The
agency, which is now rebranded as Publicis Beehive, is believed to have been
purchased for around Rs 150 crore (US$ 24.20 million). Beehive is headquartered
in Mumbai and has offices in New Delhi and Bangalore. Its clientele include
Tourism Malaysia, General Motors, Bosch and Hard Rock Café, among others.
State-run National Textile Corporation (NTC) is targeting a launch of 300 retail
stores over the next two years. The company is looking at starting 100
showrooms by March 31, 2014 and a further 200 stores by March 31, 2015. This
strategy would enable NTC to sell 2.6 million metres of garments. The
corporation’s turnover during FY 2011–12 was Rs 700 crore (US$ 112.98 million)
and the marketing strategy is being undertaken with the aim of doubling that

Mobile advertising spend in India is projected to reach Rs 430 crore (US$ 69.40
million) by March, 2014, a 43 per cent increase from the Rs 300 crore (US$
48.42 million) spent in FY 2012–13, according to a study conducted by the
Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) in collaboration with media platform,
exchange4media. Cheaper smartphones and tablets as well as small and medium
businesses utilising mobility solutions for their promotions are some of the factors
for this increase in spending. Today, businesses are showing a greater willingness
to invest in mobiles as part of their marketing strategy.
Philips India, in association with Electric Lamp and Component Manufacturers
Association of India (ELCOMA) will seek to educate consumers about the various
advantages of LED lamps. It also plans to inform people about the difference
between quality LED lamps and cheaper duplicates. The prices of quality LED
products have come down over the last two years and will become more
affordable in the near future, according to Mr Sumit Joshi, marketing head of
Philips Lighting India.

Marketing and Strategy – Road Ahead

Industry body NASSCOM in collaboration with AbsolutData Research and
Analytics, has released a report: ‘Marketing Analytics – An opportunity for India
to Lead’ which states that the Indian marketing analytics industry is expected to
grow from its present value of US$ 200 million to US$ 1.2 billion in 2020, a
CAGR of 25 per cent. The report highlights that companies have begun to use
marketing analytics insights more and more in order to gain competitive advantage
in the market.
Marketing is the process of communicating value to sell goods to satisfy
customers' needs. Marketing can either be business-to-consumer (B2C), meaning
individual people are the end-users of the product or service, or business-to-
business (B2B), where other businesses are the target market. While marketing is
often only thought of as the end promotional product (such as an ad campaign),
marketing is really a combination of activities that explores and delivers an
optimal mix of pricing, product development, distribution, and advertising in order
for a business to achieve success, most often measured by increased profits, for
their product or service. Marketing has been described as both a science and an
art, and overlaps, but is not synonymous, with the concepts of advertising,
promotion, market research, and sales.

A number of marketing specialties exist, including cause marketing, social media

marketing, search engine marketing, direct marketing, guerrilla marketing, and
influencer marketing, to name only a few. This research guide approaches the
topic of marketing broadly and does not spend time on specific types of
marketing efforts. This guide is for researchers interested in the field of marketing,
and includes information about the marketing industry and resources related to the
study of marketing practice and theory. For how to find information about

consumer behavior and market research, see our guide Doing Consumer Research.
To find sources on marketing for entrepreneurs see Entrepreneur's Reference Guide
to Small Business Information and our Small Business Hub.

Social Media Marketing -

Definition of Social Media

It is termed as the collection of online communication of various inputs which

may be community – based or individual, interactions, intercommunications,
contents sharing, websites and many more among different users”. Whereas Social
media marketing programs usually efforts to create content that attracts attention
and encourages readers to share it with their social networks. A corporate message
spreads from user to user and presumably resonates because it appears to come
from a trusted, third – party source, as opposed to the brand or company itself.
Hence, this form of marketing is driven by word – of - mouth, meaning it results
in earned media rather than paid media. Social media has become a platform that
is easily accessible to anyone with internet access. Increased communication for
organizations fosters brand awareness and often, improved customer service.
Additionally, social media serves as a relatively inexpensive platform for
organizations to implement marketing campaigns.

Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to
promote Product or service. Although the terms e-marketing and digital marketing
are still dominant in academia, social media marketing is becoming more popular
for both practitioners and researchers. Most social media platforms have built –
in data analytics tools, which enable companies to track the progress, success, and
engagement of ad campaigns. Companies address a range of stakeholders through
social media marketing, including current and potential customers, current and
potential employees, journalists, bloggers and the general public. On a strategic
level, social media marketing includes the management of a marketing campaign,
governance, setting the scope (e.g., More active or passive use) and the
establishment of a firm's desired social media "culture" and "tone."

The rise of Online Social Networking Sites

According to Wikipedia report, there are three hundred and more Social
Networking Sites and 150 crore members all over the world
( At the basic level social network is a web community
where people move through profiles that represent themselves to others. The

important reason for today’s people to browse these sites is because of the
emergence of Social Networking Sites major paradigms shift that has taken place
among the millions of people. The Social Networking Sites able to realize friends
simply and form teams accruing to the interest, business , etc. It is very straight
forward to transfer photos, share views on culture, cinema, sports, education and
day - to - day events and happenings. Social Networking Sites is reuniting old
friends and helps to continue the broken bonds. Through Social Networking Sites
knowledge grows in cultural, social and economical aspects. The ultimate reason
for the ascension of Social Networking Sites is, because of its User friendliness .
Anybody can have an account and relate with anyone. Most of the content shared
in Social Networking Sites is personal details , photos , interest etc. Social

Evolution of Social Media –

The first and foremost purpose of social media is to communicate; People were
interacting even before communication tools were fancied. Discussions have always
existed however the speed to that the connections happened modified eventually
that gave rise to social media platforms. Traditionally these discussions used to
unfold through Word of Mouth. Social Media has become part life, thoughts,
culture and business world wherever folks have started exploitation digital
technologies for networking, socializing, information gathering and spreading.
Social media, in one form or another form has been presence since the 1970„s.

The platform has been integral in bringing social media into the thought and
nowadays sees over millions of active users. Twitter was launched in 2006 and is
a popular micro-blogging website. Currently social networks exist for each passion,
hobby, interest, industry and cluster. Corporations in all types of industries are
developing variety of niche social networking sites. Social media is not just
restricted alone, it includes sending photos, multimedia message contents etc. With
the growth of social media, the social media website started concentrating on
developing technology for sharing of information in various forms like photos,
audio and video. Photobucket was established in 2003 for sharing of
photosthrough website. In 2005, YouTube was launched which was the first and
foremost video sharing and hosting site. The advent of social news and
bookmarking sites like Delicious, Digg, and Reddit, within the mid-2000′s caused
an entire new way of exchanging of information in the world. Social media has
evolved itself day by day from the period of bulletin boards and presently there
were separate social networking sites for searching, financial solutions, movie
reviews, book reviews, sharing and shaping of personal goals, sharing business
ideas etc.

Consumer Behaviour -

It is the study about individual, group of individual and the method people use to
purchase and use the product or service to satisfy their wants. The study
combines various subjects which include economics, sociology, psychology and
marketing. Consumer behaviour will try to find out the various factors which are
behind the consumer decision making process for purchase of product. It also
studies the demographic and psychological characteristics of consumers and how
consumers are influenced by various factors such as friends, relatives, members in
the family, co-workers, people living in the society.

Consumer behaviour, also known as client behaviour, provides information

concerning client and his/her consumption patterns. An organization will still
survive if it will offer client desires and demands with a comprehensive
understanding of them. This shows the importance of studying client behaviour.
This requires understanding client behaviour that isn't thus easy. A group or
individual in a group can make an influence on the behaviour of consumer. The
group can be small or large in number. Some of the groups which will make on
influence over an individual behaviour are members belong to family, workers in
the organization, individuals living close to the consumer. Other group which may
affect the individual consumer behaviour are workers union, associations, trusts,
community group etc. These groups do not have regular communication with the
individual customer.

About Covid -19 -

Due to a pandemic, 2020 was an extraordinary year. According to the World

Health Organization, the COVID-19 pandemic “presents an unprecedented challenge
to public health, food systems and the world of work”. The pandemic brought
destructive economic and social disruptions: extreme poverty and the loss of work
and livelihoods to millions of people, existential problems for many companies
and enterprises, border closures, trade restrictions, confinement, etc.

People and their lives have been strongly affected by the COVID-19 crisis in a
number of ways. Various restrictions made by the governments and authorities
affected peoples’ health, and social and economic situation, as well as their
attitudes and behaviour. Current situation of Covid -19 in India: India began its
vaccination programme on 16 January 2021. On 19 January 2021, nearly a year
after the first reported case in the country, Lakshadweep became the last region of
India to report its first case. By February 2021, daily cases had fallen to 9,000
per-day. However, by early-April 2021, a major second wave of infections took
hold in the country; on 9 April, India surpassed 1 million active cases, and by 12
April, India overtook Brazil as having the second-most COVID-19 cases
worldwide, behind only the United States.

The second wave placed a major strain on the healthcare system, including an
ongoing shortage of liquid medical oxygen due to unanticipated demand, delays in
transport, and a lack of cryogenic tankers. On 21 April, 22 COVID 19 patients
who required ventilators died at a hospital in Maharashtra after an accident caused
a leak in its main oxygen supply. On 23 April, Modi met via videoconference
with liquid oxygen suppliers, where he acknowledged the need to "provide
solutions in a very short time", and acknowledged efforts such as increases in
production, and the use of rail (with the Indian Railways transporting tankers via
"Oxygen Express" trains) and air transport to deliver oxygen supplies. On 25
April, the PM CARES Fund announced that it would allocate funding to install
551 oxygen plants using pressure swing adsorption at public health facilities.

Social media allowed people to connect with relatives, friends, schoolfellows,

teachers, and/or colleagues. They also enabled people to have fun, distract
themselves, and spend free time. In addition to that, social media platforms have
played a crucial role in the dissemination of information and have been a rich
and valuable source of information on COVID-19. These are probably the main
reasons for the increased interest in using social media.

Covid-19 pandemic is having significant and structural impacts on Consumers’

product needs Shopping and purchasing behaviors Post-purchase satisfaction levels,
Which could result in significant changes in marketing practices . With public
healthcare concerns and governmental policies, the role and impact of social media
as a marketing tool stands to increase.

Social media offers avenues for consumers to interact with others without having
physical contact. Businesses may find new opportunities to gain competitive
advantage through shifts in consumers’ use of social media post COVID-19.
However, there is a link between higher use of social Media and an increased
risk of depression. Increased Use of social media have amplified social anxiety
and Challenges with perfectionism and comparison for some People. Social media,
which includes the content, visuals, promotions, discounts and influencers, has the
ability to influence the buying behavior of consumers. The effects of social media
on consumer behavior cannot be ignored by brands and businesses. Consumers
who are influenced by social media are 4 times more likely to spend more on

purchases. Moreover, the influence can be so high that 29% of consumers re more
likely to make a purchase on the same day of using social media.

1.2 Objectives -

The main objectives for undertaking this project are:

➢ To study the role of social media in the consumer decision-making process

➢ To find out whether the social media marketing behavior of consumers has
due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

1.3 Literature Review -

A literature review surveys books, scholarly articles, and any other sources
relevant to a particular issue, area of research, or theory, and by so doing,
provides a description, summary, and critical evaluation of these works in relation
to the research problem being investigated. Literature reviews are designed to
provide an overview of sources you have explored while researching a particular
topic and to demonstrate to your readers how your research fits within a larger
field of study.

Andrew N.Mason (2020)Social media marketing gains importance after Covid-19:

This research examines how the COVID-19 pandemic led to increases in
consumers’ social media marketing behaviours. More specifically, a questionnaire
was used to collect survey data from 327 U.S. consumers. Analysis of Variance
tests were performed to examine mean differences in consumers’ use of social
media as a consumer decision-making tool. The findings showed that consumers
have increased their utilization of social media as a tool for identifying products,
collecting information on products, evaluating products, and making product

Naeem M. (2020)Do social media platforms develop consumer panic buying

during the fear of Covid-19 pandemic: This research focused on what people
think and feel at an individual and collective level on the role of social media to
create panic behaviour. Data have been collected from 34 consumers who have
minimum one active social media account. The study has tried to develop
understanding about how social media generates social proof and offers a window
into people's collective response to the corona virus outbreak and shapes panic
buying reaction. The study has provided a consumer panic buying theory based on
the results of this study and on existing theories, such as global
capitalism/information society risk society, social influence, and social proof .

Sheth N.Jagdish (2020) Impact of Covid-19 on Consumer Behavior: Will the

Habits Return or Die?: The COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown and social
distancing mandates have disrupted the consumer habits of buying as well as
shopping. Consumers are learning to improvise and learn new habits. For example,
consumers cannot go to the store, so the store comes to home. While consumers
go back to old habits, it is likely that they will be modified by new regulations

and procedures in the way consumers shop and buy products and services. New
habits will also emerge by technology advances, changing demographics and
innovative ways consumers have learned to cope with blurring the work, leisure,
and education boundaries.

Vancic Pärson (2020) Purchasing under threat: Changes in shopping patterns

during the COVID-19 pandemic: This study was to research beyond panic
buying behaviours, by investigating if consumer buying behaviour has changed
during the COVID-19 pandemic regarding price sensitivity and perceived quality
within two specific food categories, meat as well as fruits and vegetables. In
addition, a moderating effect of residency in either Austria or Sweden was tested.
A quantitative method has been used, in which consumers in Austria and Sweden
were surveyed in an online questionnaire. 169 responses from consumers were
analyzed. The result suggests that the buying behaviour in regard to price
sensitivity and perceived quality of meat, fruits, and vegetables has changed during
the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings in the study create a foundation in a
unique crisis situation that has never been studied before and the exploratory
nature of the study gives multiple indicators for future research.

Gupta S, Chopra C (2020) Impact Of Social Media On Consumer Behaviour:

The goal of this paper is to research empirically the role of social media in
consumers' decision-making processes. A quantitative survey investigates up to
what degree experiences are altered by the use of social media. Customer
sentiments on items and administrations are currently progressively overwhelmed
by outsiders in advanced spaces, which thusly impact conclusions in the
disconnected space. Results show that social media usage influences consumer
satisfaction in the stages of information search and alternative evaluation, with
satisfaction getting amplified as the consumer moves along the process towards the
final purchase decision and post purchase evaluation.

Kaur (2020) Impact of social media on consumer buying behaviour: There has
been a huge explosion in social media as a marketing tool. Social media is
believed to be highly efficacious in reaching consumers. This has been brought
about by the remarkable increase in the development and version of technology,
demanding that businesses rethink their digital marketing strategies. With the
advent of technology, high speed internet and ease of shopping on internet, it is
observed that consumers are adapting to online marketing and their buying
behaviour is being influenced accordingly. The aim of this paper is to study the
impact of social media marketing on consumer buying behaviour.

Sony Varghese, Mansi Agrawal(2020) Impact of Social Media on Consumer
Buying Behavior: This research is about the study of the Buying process of
consumer’s complex purchases, that keeps a special emphasis on how the process
is being influenced by the use of social media. The research explores that how
the abundance of the content and the user generated information can change the
buying pattern of the consumers. The six phases of customer decision process,
also known as EBM model has been used. The research has also been done to
know the relevance of the model in the context of social media usage. A
quantitative survey has been done to explore the aspects of the customer decision

Ramsunder (2020) The Evolution of Social Media: How Did It Begin, and
Could It Go Next?: Technology and the boom of the internet have encouraged
people to connect with each other, share information and build relationships and
the social web has presented a new form of communication through social media
which allow people to interact and converse with each other. This presents
marketers with the opportunity to affect consumers purchase decisions through
online marketing and social media. This social engagement by consumers has
significant impact on marketing activities as marketers need to be aware of the
factors affecting consumer’s purchase decision, the significance of this research
study is that marketing communications has taken on a different dimension with
the growth of online market places and the natural step for CTSA is to engage in
social media marketing.

Ranjeet Singh (2020) Social Media and Consumer buying Behaviour: Issues &
Challenges: Social Media Marketing is very important and it is among the most
successful tool and technique in the field of every type of advertising. It is
already known that how various marketing tools and techniques can increase
number of selling articles is the main aim of every businessman. The main aim
of this study is to examine how social media marketing will affect the final
consumer behaviour among person who mostly uses social media websites and
also to find out the forecasted relationships among various social media marketing
activities, customer activities and behaviour of the consumer.

Asma Misbah (2020) how does social media influence consumer behaviour :
Social media marketing has become the most powerful mode for companies
seeking to reach out to their prospects and customers. The objective of the current
study is to investigate the potential of social media marketing as an effective
marketing tool that helps them to affect perception of customers & ultimately
influence their purchase decisions. The study aims to highlight the advantages that
companies gain by effective use of SMM. The research suggests that the

engagement with SMM has a positive effect on consumers brand awareness &
purchase intentions. The article also analyses the negative influence of companies
media activities which affect the overall commitment & involvement of the

Alharbi Alayed (2020): In this modern and mechanized world, the businesses area
doping a number of tools and techniques for marketing. However, all the tools are
deriving results but the most updated method of marketing is the electronic
marketing. It is the method of marketing that derives more target customers as
compared to the other techniques. Researchers have sown that since the technology
has updated and today the customers are aware of the technology. The customers
are more interested in the social media websites and the applications. Hence these
applications have become a good spot of advertisements and promotion. Similarly,
the search engines are offering adds policy that derives the customers in the
business and ultimately maximizes the revenues for the business

Oancea Olimpia Elena Mihaela (2020) The Influence of the Integrated

Marketing Communication on the Consumer Buying Behaviour: The purpose
of this paper is to highlight, using documenting studies on the specialty literature,
the influence that one has the integrated marketing communication on consumer
buying behaviour. The research methodology involves a) analyze the relationship
between integrated marketing communication and consumer behaviour; b)
determining those factors that may influence buying behaviour of consumers
through the integrated marketing communication.

Lenka Švajdová (2021) Consumer behaviour during pandemic of COVID-19 :

The author aims to identify changes in consumer behaviour when buying basic
products – food, drugstore goods, clothing and footwear and electronics during the
pandemic of COVID-19. The aim of this article is based on analysis of primary,
secondary data and marketing survey to identify changes in consumer behaviour
because of political, legislative and economic factors caused by the spread of
illness COVID-19. The result will be the evaluation of changings in consumer
behaviour because of the pandemic of COVID-19.

Mehta S: Saxena T: Purohit (2020) The New Consumer Behaviour Paradigm

amid COVID-19: Permanent or Transient?: This article looks at the consumer
behaviour during COVID-19 crisis and in the subsequent lockdown period when
the world stood still for more than a quarter of a year. Further, the article
attempts to weave through the maze of literature available about consumer
behaviour in normal times and in crisis times, strengthens it with the rapid
assessment reports culled out by the different consulting organizations during
lockdown phase, substantiates the same with first-hand telling and retelling of
experiences by consumers and professionals with marketing background to bring
up a hypothesis of the pandemic affecting a paradigm shift from consumer
materialism to consumer spiritualism.

C Jamunadevi: S Deepa: K T Kalaiselvi: A Dharshini (2019) An empirical

research on consumer online buying behaviour during the COVID-19
pandemic :
Corona-virus have its major influence on consumer buying behaviour which is
going to change the consumers' future hopping habits. This article highlights the
change in consumer behaviour from physical store to online shopping. The present
study was conducted during the month of July- August 2020, where questionnaires
are formed and data collected using Google forms. Analysis of the data is made
through Simple percentage method, ANOVA test, Chi square test and ranking
method. After analysis it found that the majority holding 2130 age group of
customers prefer shopping while free shipping and their cart behaviour is also
analyzed for the same.

1.4 Research Methodology -

Research methodology simply refers to the practical “how” of any given piece of
research. More specifically, it’s about how a researcher systematically designs a
study to ensure valid and reliable results that address the research aims and
For example, how did the researcher go about deciding:
• What data to collect (and what data to ignore)
• Who to collect it from (in research, this is called “sampling design”)
• How to collect it (this is called “data collection methods”)
• How to analyse it (this is called “data analysis methods”)

In a dissertation, thesis, academic journal article (or pretty much any formal piece
of research), you’ll find a research methodology chapter (or section) which covers
the aspects mentioned above. Importantly, a good methodology chapter in a
dissertation or thesis explains not just what methodological choices were made, but
also explains why they were made. In other words, the methodology chapter
should justify the design choices, by showing that the chosen methods and
techniques are the best fit for the research aims and objectives, and will provide
valid and reliable results. A good research methodology provides scientifically
sound findings, whereas a poor methodology doesn’t. We’ll look at the main
design choices below. Online surveys, questionnaires, and polls are preferable data
collection tools used in quantitative research. There are various methods of
deploying surveys or questionnaires.

1.4.1 Title of the study –
The title of the study is “Impact of Social Media on consumer buying behaviour
during Covid-19”.

1.4.2 Justification of the title

I have chosen this title for my project because the Covid-19 has given rise to
the importance of social distancing and isolation while staying connected at the
social networking sites with their friends, family, and relatives, which have given
importunity to local/international brands to use this platform for enhancing their
sales. Therefore, my inquisitiveness and desire to learn and research about the
topic has prompted me to take this title for my study.

1.4.3 Research Design -

Descriptive Research
Descriptive research is a type of research that describes a population, situation, or
phenomenon that is being studied. It focuses on answering the how, what,
when,and where questions If a research problem, rather than the why. Using the
descriptive survey method, statistical information can be obtained, and analysis of
that data can be made to deduce desired results. A variety of data can be
obtained using different descriptive research methods like surveys, observation, and
vase study. Descriptive research focuses on expanding knowledge on current issues
through a process of data collection. Descriptive studies are used to describe the
behaviour of a sample population. In a descriptive study, only one variable is
required to conduct the study. The three main purposes of descriptive research are
describing, explaining, and validating the findings. For example, a study conducted
to know if top-level management leaders in the 21st century possess the moral
right to receive a huge sum of money from the company profit.

1.4.4 Method of Data Collection –

The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been identified
and the research design has been chalked out. While deciding the method of data
collection to be used for the study, the researcher should keep in mind two types
of data
a. Primary data
b. Secondary data

In this research project the data being collected is as follows:

Primary Data:
The survey method is used to collect the primary data in this research as it is the
Analytical research to find out the shortcomings and area of improvements
according to the skill required for recruitment team. The data that is collected first
hand by someone specifically for the purpose of facilitating the study is known as
primary data. So, in this research the data is collected from respondents through

Secondary Data:
Secondary data consist of published material, or any other reference material
which can be useful in the particular project. There are many sources of
secondary data such as, Research paper, internet. In our survey, we have collected
information from Secondary sources of data:
Newspaper and Magazines


Sampling Technique-
Non-Probability Judgmental Sampling Judgment sampling, also referred to as
judgmental sampling or authoritative sampling, is a non-probability sampling
technique where the researcher selects units to be sampled based on his own
existing knowledge, or his professional judgment.

Sample size -
Sample size refers to the number of items to be selected from universe to
constitute a sample. The sample size should be optimum as it should fulfil the
objective of the research. We have conducted a survey of 200 people to know the
impact of Social Media Marketing on their buying behaviour during Covid-19.

Sample area-
The sample area refers to the universe to be studied under our research project.
The area denotes the place or the region to be studied and taken into research
consideration. Thus, the sample area chosen for this research project is New

SAMPLING TECHNIQUE - Non probability Judgemental Sampling

SAMPLE SIZE - 200 ( Age Group : 18 to 25)

Primary and Secondary sources

STATISTICAL TECHNIQUE - Percentage and charts
INSTRUMENT - Questionnaire – structured

1.4.5 Data Analysis Tools –

For this research I have used TAM Model by Davis (1989) which is widely used
to scrutinize individual technology acceptance behaviour in various types of
information systems. A Questionnaire is prepared to study the perceived ease of
use and perceived usefulness to understand the consumer behaviour towards social
media and online shopping.

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM; Davis, 1989) has been one of the most
influential models of technology acceptance, with two primary factors influencing
an individual’s intention to use new technology: perceived ease of use and
perceived usefulness. An older adult who perceives digital games as too difficult
to play or a waste of time will be unlikely to want to adopt this technology,
while an older adult who perceives digital games as providing needed mental
stimulation and as easy to learn will be more likely to want to learn how to use
digital games. While TAM has been criticized on a number of grounds, it serves
as a useful general framework and is consistent with a number of investigations
into the factors that influence older adults’ intention to use new technology
(Braun, 2013).

Limitations of the study -

• The data was based upon self- reported perceptions. Therefore, while the results
appear to have face validity, true validity of outcomes cannot be assessed.
• The respondents’ provided perceptions for two time periods and the data was
gathered at one time. Hence, the perceptions should provide a fairly accurate
reflection of their behaviors prior to the pandemic.



About the company:

The company provides a package of marketing services that can help all the new
start- ups grow at the faster pace and in the right direction. They also provide
the college students the needful internships and resources in the field of marketing
so that they can grow with their help to build a better future for themselves.
Basically, they provide platforms for students of both type, who are inclined
towards entrepreneurship as well as for industry.
The provide the start-ups with the initial stage marketing support at much
reasonable prices than it’s competitor’s. From content writing to till digital
marketing with all the graphic designing work for the start-ups products and
services. They not only help in setting up the business on digital platform nut
also help them to get their target customers at their doorstep at much lesser cost
per acquisition through various student run campaigns than any other mode of
promotions. They have been successful in establishing a wide network which
enables them to do all the initial start-up setup work at much more competitive
prices than any other service provider in the market.
Within 6 months of operations, they were able to build a potential stusent
customer base of nearly 200-300 students pan India and have been growing at the
same pace day by day.

A. Nature of business -
The nature of business is Service sector. INGLU provides with the basic services
in support to the start-ups run by the youth and also give the students the
opportunity to get education where they can enhance their own self and can get
entertained throughout in the process forming the best overall experience.

B. Mission & Vision -

Mission –
The mission is create the strongest community of the globe where youth can
achieve holistic experience which is necessary for the growth of an individual, be
it through supporting them in start- ups through providing services like content
creation or marketing, or providing them the needful knowledge and resources like
internships to make them ready for the corporate world.

Vision -
INGLU was initiated with a very basic idea to solve one of the issue that youth
face i.e. the problem of getting internships and support for their start-ups at the
early age.

C. Organisational structure of the company -

Chief Executive Officer - The chief executive officer (CEO) is the highest-
ranking person in a company. While every company differs, CEOs are often
responsible for expanding the company, driving profitability, and in the case of
public companies, improving share prices. CEOs manage the overall operations of
a company.
Founder & CEO of INGLU: Mr. Ansh Sehdev

Chief Operating Officer - A COO is a senior executive placed second in

command to the CEO. Their primary responsibilities include supervising the
company's daily business operations, leading key initiatives, and implementing
company-wide strategies.
COO of INGLU : Ms. Arika Dubey

D. Functional areas of operations -

Recruitment process –

Team at INGLU, have come up with their own recruitment process to serve
Diverse categories of clients.
● Receipt of requirement & Job description for the position from the organization.
● Search of profile from our data bank as per the requirement.
● Personal interview with the candidate to assess his competencies, background
and his willingness for the new organization.
● Explaining of job description for the position, organization and salary limits.
● Forwarding candidate’s profile to the company.
● Counseling of candidates in case of any differences.
● Closing of position

Building talent pools with qualified candidates is important for many reasons, and
some of the most important ones include reducing time to hire, improving quality
of hire and reducing cost to hire. In today’s world of data-driven recruiting, these
metrics have become extremely important.
The quality of candidate data pool plays a vital role in hiring decisions. We
always strive to offer quality data pool of candidates to our clients. We’ve an

in-house sourcing team which works on ensuring the quality of the candidates for
fulfilling our client’s requirement.

The working of Finance Department -

Finance plays a significant role in the operations of any purposive organization.
Proper planning and control of business finance leads to the efficient utilization of
resources. Financial decisions also alter the size and variability of the earnings
stream or profitability. The value of the firm is determined by financial policy
decisions, such as risk and profitability. Effect financial management is basic to
the survival and accomplishment of each business endeavors.

The financial structure of a medium-sized business is usually actively managed

by in-house professionals, who review the suitability of the current structure and
the availability of alternative or additional funding in order to match it with the
needs of business in terms of purpose and timing. Medium-sized businesses
normally use different types of finance often supplied by different providers, they
may deal with two or three banks, and may have access to further types of
finance by virtue of their established record and ability to provide security.

The types of finance potentially available to medium-sized businesses range from

cashflow finance, bank overdrafts, bank loans, leasing/hire purchase agreements to
venture capitalists and stock market listing.

Bookkeeper : In small businesses, a bookkeeper is often the first—and most
important— hire. This person's responsibilities can vary widely depending on the
maturity of the company, but bookkeepers focus on daily accounting tasks. This
person could be responsible for recording and monitoring all of the company’s
financial transactions, including accounts payable, accounts receivable, cash flow
and payroll.

Billing Specialist : For companies with complex billing processes, billable hours
or a large volume of bills, having an employee dedicated to the billing function
makes a lot of sense. In a law firm, for instance, a billing specialist compiles
hours billed by attorneys for client cases and makes sure all clients have been
billed properly. The billing specialist is responsible for invoice creation. They also
answer questions from clients about bills.

Payroll Specialist : This person processes payroll and prepares and maintains
payroll-related records and reports, including year-end reporting and tax
documents for employees. This role requires knowledge of regulations surrounding
payroll and benefits. Certifications help ensure the payroll specialist has these

Tax Preparer : An accountant can handle tax submissions and can report to the
IRS if it audits the business. But a small business can also contract with a tax
preparer if it doesn’t have someone with this competency in-house. A tax preparer
completes and files business tax returns, including 1120 , 1120-S and 1065 forms
and past-due returns. This person can lift an IRS levy or federal tax lien, set up
a tax payment plan or remove wage garnishment.

Accounting Managers : Businesses with more complex finances that need an

internal resource who can take care of tax submissions, year-end statements and
government paperwork should hire an accounting manager. The accounting
manager can manage the bookkeeper and use that person’s accurate daily
accounting to gain insights into the company’s finances, including opportunities to
cut costs and or gain efficiencies.

Controller : As business become more complex and the accounting team grows,
companies may need to hire a controller. Controllers take a more strategic view
of the business’ financial situation than the roles outlined above and are
responsible for creating and instituting financial procedures. Controllers also take a
forward-looking view of the business, building budgets and forecasts. They can
also negotiate financial agreements with banks, like loans and lines of credit.

Marketing at IGLU –

Marketing is a planned strategic approach of bringing together consumers and

products. A marketing oriented organization lakes its marching orders from its
customers. It produces products and services based on its customers' needs, wants
and levels of satisfaction Marketing is a strategic behaviour.

Digital Offline Affiliate

Marketing Marketing Marketing

Social Media E-Mail

Marketing Marketing

1. Digital marketing
Digital marketing is an overarching term for any kind of promotional activity that
leverages the internet as the messaging channel. Accordingly, even two different
marketing tactics, like SEO and PPC, are considered digital marketing

2. Offline marketing
In contrast to digital marketing, offline marketing (often referred to as traditional
marketing) is an overarching term for any kind of marketing done without the use
of the internet. If an advertisement is published in a paper magazine instead of an
online magazine, that’s offline marketing. Similarly, if you deliver a personalized
message through direct mail instead of an email, that’s also offline marketing.

3. Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is a type of promotion where a company pays commission to
an external website for traffic or sales generated by it. You can spot affiliate
links mostly on blogs. That means the owner of the website receives a
commission every time someone clicks that link or buys something via that link.
This way, the paying company rewards affiliates for influencing their bottom line.

4. Social media marketing
Social media marketing is the use of social media like Facebook, Twitter, or
LinkedIn to market a company’s products or services. The goal of social media is
to grow an audience and engage with them. This leads to increased brand
awareness, website traffic and, eventually, sales. Social media marketing involves a
mix of tactics, including publishing content, responding to comments, and running
social media advertisements.

5. Email marketing
Email marketing is any kind of marketing messaging done through the channel of
That said, email marketing is not just sending emails. It involves:
● Building an email list.
● Designing and sending emails to the subscriber list.
● Monitoring the results.
● Curating the email list.

2.2 Internal Analysis of the company -

Swot Analysis of INGLU –

Budget friendly packages for Efforts vs Results

customers. consistency
Most efficient chain of network Making up for mistakes
within the company Small team
Growing market reach Tough to train management

Strengths Weakness

Fierce competition in the industry.

Timely reporting of data. Threats Opportunitie Creating online presence on sites where
the company currently doesn't exists.
Sustainbility of campaigns. s Niche markets that are untapped

Strengths -

● Growing market reach or penetration :

Social media builds a conversation and converse with others and build close
networking bonds which share quick information exchange. It lets you follow and
connect with people / groups that interest you – but are not necessarily your
friends, Authors, celebrities, co- workers, colleges, organizations etc.

● Cost effective campaigns :

Social Media Ads are more cost – effective than other types of Digital
Advertising. Also. Social media has a faster reach than other types of Digital

Weaknesses -

● Tough to train or convince management team/ group members :

The industry has low retention rate. There is concern about information leakage,
liability, security, and management also.

● Efforts vs results :
Even if it is more measurable than other channels. It is difficult ( especially for
small business operations ) to balance the effort put on social media against the
results obtained.

● Consistency :
Engaging with your audience at a direct level means more efforts in terms of
keeping up a consistent message/ corporate image.

● Small team :
Since the company is new to the market with a small team, it becomes difficult
to manage with the clients and carry out various operations.

Opportunities –

● Creating online presence on sites where the company doesn’t exist :

Great opportunity for individuals and organisations to connect and exchange


● New target or niche markets that are untapped :

Reach out to certain groups that traditional media didn’t allow you to : because
Social media is for everyone , sooner or later you will come across people you
never thought of as your client.
Threats –

● Campaign susatainaility :
Competitor is going after the same space or same audience with similar campaign
and the question also arises whether the current campaign is sustainable, can it

● Attitudes on privacy :
While lately it seems, everyone is willing to share the most intimate as well as
mundane details of their life - there could easily be a backlash against this trend.

● Economic Environment is very uncertain

Other Key highlights -

● INGLU has a highly skilled set of talents that are built on referral and
Successful partnerships.
● Our recruiters are exceptionally skilled in identifying top talent around the globe
and matching them with the youth’s needs.
● They have an 85 percent fill ratio for every open position we partner for.
● Dedicated team to grow your start-up.
● Always strive to add value to the growth of the youth community.
● Making a strong bond of trust with our client organizations.
● Client’s timely service is our utmost priority.

Competitors of INGLU –

1. India Internets :

At India Internets, we provide our clients with affordable and effective search
engine optimization strategies that will help it get more visibility online. By hiring
the best SEO services company India. you will receive services like keyword
research and analysis, competitor analysis, content and website optimization, and a
strong blacklining process. With more than 17 years of expertise in maintaining
good rankings for over 1500 clients, you can be positive that we know how to
perform SEO.

2. Marketing Mind :

They are a creative agency, distribution platform and promotional partner who can
be trusted to craft a 360 degree social media campaign and amplify your
messaging, to really engage with your target audience. They reach audience where
they live, chill, work and play via interesting articles, funny memes, original
videos, banners, GIFs, contests, and user generated content. They amplify the
message, so it reaches lakhs of viewers organically, and give it the visibility it
needs, across multiple channels.

Number Crunchers, Data Analysts, Media Planners, Media Buyers, Creative

Strategists, Scriptwriters, Content Writers, Directors, Cinematographers, Meme
Creators, Influencers, and Account Managers. They have a variety of experts who
will create a powerful strategy to distribute your content via the right 'digital
media mix' and create a smart plan, so your brand and your message delivers the
maximum impact. They are not mere service providers but act as a digital media
partner and work closely with client to create and deliver campaigns that work

Ways in which INGLU is keeing up with Technological Advancements-

1. Business Management Applications

Cloud computing has revolutionised business management. Simply put, cloud
computing is computing based on the internet. In the past, businesses would run
applications or programs from software downloaded on a physical computer or
server in their building; cloud computing allows businesses to access the same
kinds of applications through the internet. It effectively enables computing
resources to be accessed and shared as virtual resources in a secure and scalable
manner. It is flexible, secure, cost effective and provides instant access to business
management application anywhere, at any time and on any device.

2. Email and Office Applications
For many businesses, cloud hosted email services have eliminated the need for an
in-house email server, and even for a desktop email client. Not only does this
improve efficiency and security, it’s also a very cost effective email management

3. Integration Of Applications
. This enables Easy flow of information between software applications within or
outside your company, Consolidates your data collection efforts and eliminates the
redundancy of separate data collection and storage Creates a single point of access
to information , Encourages collaboration between employees, Streamlines processes
that involve multiple software applications

4. Customer Self-Service
The transition from “live human” customer service to comprehensive and
automated self-service has been a bumpy road. For years, online self-service left a
lot to be desired. However, between dedicated support applications and social
customer service offerings, customers can get most of their questions and concerns
addressed quickly online.

5. Customer Feedback
Feedback applications have allowed software developers to enhance the end user
experience based not only on what they think customers need, but also on what
customers say they want. Over time, these applications have also added customer
self-service functionality.

6. Web Conferencing
The rapid growth in usage of web conferencing applications has provided a
greater number of salespeople and customer support representatives with an easy
way to visually communicate with prospects and customers.

7. Mobile Apps
Mobile apps for business users have proliferated. Now, business users can use
mobile apps to access a CRM system, view or update shared documents, make
and receive phone calls via their organization’s IP phone system, participate in
web conferences and more.

8. Content Management Systems
Now that companies can build entire corporate websites on platforms such as
WordPress, gone are the days of static websites that require someone fluent in
HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create and update. Business of all sizes can easily
modify most content without having to hire a web developer. However, there’s
still a place for specialists, as these platforms can be extended and optimised in a
variety of other ways that change and develop all the time.

9. Video Audio Hosting

Business use of Internet video has grown by leaps and bounds. INGLU is
making YouTube, Vimeo and Wistia an essential part of their marketing and
training strategies.

10. Other Social Networks

While not all companies benefit to a measurable degree by having a presence on
social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest, many companies do
benefit. For certain types of companies, customer and audience engagement on
these platforms is critical.

11. E-commerce
It’s now easier than ever for businesses to set up shop online. With a plethora of
open source E-commerce platforms available, as well as reputable and secure paid
services, there is no shortage of options for businesses to sell online.

2.3 External analysis of the company -

A. Technological Factors

Social media, as the rise of LinkedIn and other social platforms makes clear, has
had an outsized digital impact. But social media is also having a measurable
impact in offline media.
INGLU tries to stay on top of technology trends not only for the immediately
apparent benefits of making business processes more efficient.

The trends unleashed by technology almost always have unintended consequences
that marketers must be prepared to take advantage of, and INGLU is trying to
make the most of it by -

1. Chatbots and conversational AI

“AI-powered chatbots can be used for customer support, expanding contact strategy
dramatically with a controlled message,” said Joey Penick, vice president of
marketing at Lumen Technologies. “These chatbots have become so lifelike that
many customers don’t even know the difference, but they offer the added benefit
of being able to gather, analyze, and provide actionable data that can be used to
improve the customer experience.”

2. SEO and keywords

SEO and keyword strategies continue to retain their edge. Google’s Page
Experience Algorithm is slated to launch March 2022. The SEO instrument will
assess loading speed, interactivity, visual stability, and HTTPS security, among
other metrics.

Google’s also turning its attention to mobile using its recently launched Mobile-
First Indexing (MFI) to rank mobile-friendly websites. For marketers, this means
focusing on the UX on mobile devices as much as, if not more than, on
websites. Meanwhile, Google’s new Multitask Unified Model (MUM) instigates
publishers to provide more complex answers to simple questions. MUM rewards
authoritative content.

3. Creating value using User experience

Modern customers expect an engaging, user-friendly and smooth online experience,
whether that’s in an e-commerce shop or perusing a website. In 2022, expect to
see a greater push toward a seamless and highly engaging UX, with an emphasis
on interactive, experiential, convenient and personalized experiences.

Cost of Technology replacements –

2020 was a difficult and life-changing year, the pandemic caused uncertainty and
massive changes on a global level. Besides the enormous human health effects,
the pandemic presented numerous challenges for businesses, resulting in economic
instability and forcing many companies to shut down and others to rethink their

With businesses and workplaces closed, remote work became a necessity. Hence,
INGLU invested a total of Rs 20 Lakhs in -
● work-from-home technologies – 30 %
● cloud computing, - 30%
● data analytics,- 20%
● and automation, which increased information-technology spending. – 20%

Ease of Replacement of Technology –

It was not easy for any company to shift smoothly in terms of technology during
the pandemic. INGLU also faced numerous challenges –

1. Not enough time to strategize and select which technologies to adopt

There was surely not enough time for every company, including INGLU to
strategize and think about which technology to drop and which one to adopt.
Several meetings were conducted with the IT department for finalising the new
adopting methods of technology.

2. Difficulty in allocation of funds for adoption of new technologies –

Since pandemic created a lot of hassle in terms with the funds of the company,
INGLU found it difficult to create a budget for the technology replacement.

3. Problems faced in training the employees -

It was definitely a challenging task for the company to first hire the people with
the updated knowledge and skills for teaching and training the employees of the
company to operate with new technologies and methods.

B. Social Factors –

Since INGLU focuses on the holistic development of youth by supporting them in

marketing for their start ups and providing them with internships related to various

fields in marketing, INGLU has to keep an eye on the current trends and cultures
prevailing in the Gen-Z.

The key points to remember for providing marketing services to the youth –

1. Staying updated with the trends prevailing on social media for Social
Media Marketing

Today’s generation wants to promote their start up using trends which are new in
the market and eye catchy. For this purpose, INGLU continuously keeps an eye
on the social media trends to attract Gen Z audience.

2. Understanding the lifestyle of college students in order to provide them

tasks under internships which are not burden on them –
College students are usually busy during exams and projects, hence it is vital to
understand the ways through which they can complete the task given as part of
their internships, in an easy manner without sacrificing their other important
academic work.

3. Understanding the budget of the young students who wish to seek

support from INGLU for their start ups –
Since college students or freshers cannot spend much on their start up as they
have very limited sources of funding, it is important for INGLU to understand
and analyse the maximum and minimum amounts which the students can spend
for availing their service. Therefore, affordable packages for services will attract
students to promote their services through INGLU.


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