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Revision Test Topic 7 to 17 [85


1. Which diagram represents blood flow through the mammalian heart? [1 mark]

[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2019]

2. The diagram shows a neural synapse in the central nervous system of a [1 mark]
honey bee (Apis mellifera ).

[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2019]

How do neonicotinoid pesticides cause paralysis and death of honey bees?

A. They destroy I.
B. They bind to II.
C. They inhibit the release of III.
D. They block the activity of IV.

3. The image shows a cross-section of a flower. [1 mark]

[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2019]

Where does production of haploid gametes occur?

A. I and II only
B. III and IV only
C. I and III only
D. II and IV only

4. The image shows part of a section through the stem of a non-woody [1 mark]

[Source: © Ross Koning. Image used with the kind permission of the author.]

Which feature distinguishes the transport of materials in the tissue labelled I from
that in the tissue labelled II?
A. In II, active transport is used.
B. In II, products of photosynthesis are transported.
C. In I, movement of materials is the result of transpiration.
D. In I, there is a higher solute concentration.

5. Which statement describes the control of reproduction in flowering [1 mark]
A. Flowering in short-day plants results from changes in gene expression in the
shoot apex.
B. Flowering in long-day plants is controlled by the production of auxins in the
shoot apex.
C. All flowering plants depend on the duration of periods of light and darkness to
regulate the timing of reproduction.
D. Flowering in short-day plants occurs when day length is longer than 12 hours.


6. The diagram shows the chromosomes derived from a single homologous [1 mark]
pair following meiosis in a diploid cell.

Which diagram represents the homologous pair from which these chromosomes
were derived?

[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2019]

7. The table shows the results of blood type tests on samples from four [1 mark]
individuals. Which row represents an individual who can accept
transfusions from people with blood type AB?

[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2019]


8. What is the role of the joint capsule in an elbow joint? [1 mark]

A. It seals the joint to retain the synovial fluid.
B. It provides a point of attachment for muscles.
C. It produces cartilage to reduce friction during movement.
D. It directs the formation of bone tissue during growth and development.

9. The image shows a transverse section through a collecting duct in a [1 mark]
vertebrate kidney.

[Source: Professor Peter Takizawa, Yale University]

How is the movement of materials across the wall of the collecting duct affected
by the release of ADH from the pituitary gland?
A. There is increased movement of water in the direction of arrow I.
B. There is increased movement of sodium in the direction of arrow I.
C. There is increased movement of water in the direction of arrow II.
D. There is increased movement of sodium in the direction of arrow II.

10. The image shows a light micrograph of tissue stained with a dye that [1 mark]
binds to the nucleic acids in a cell.

[Source: by Jose Luis Calvo/Shutterstock]

What is the major purpose of the tissue depicted in the image?

A. Absorption of digested food
B. Production of insulin
C. Spermatogenesis
D. Fertilization

11. The diagram shows a stage in cell division. [1 mark]

[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2019]

What is the stage shown?

A. Anaphase I of mitosis
B. Anaphase II of mitosis
C. Anaphase I of meiosis
D. Anaphase II of meiosis


12. What observation did William Harvey use as evidence for the circulation [1 mark]
of blood?
A. The ventricles of the heart pump blood out into arteries.
B. Valves ensure unidirectional flow of blood.
C. Capillaries carry blood from arteries to veins.
D. All organs of the body have a separate blood supply.

13. The diagram shows the human male reproductive system. [1 mark]

[Source: logika600/Shutterstock]

Which numbers indicate a gland providing fluid for sperm and a tube that
transports sperm only?


14. The hormones insulin, glucagon, thyroxin and leptin can all affect energy [1 mark]
storage in the body. Which hormone increases the rate of energy release
and use?
A. Insulin
B. Glucagon
C. Thyroxin
D. Leptin

15. What is the function of the loop of Henle? [1 mark]

A. To reabsorb salt
B. To maintain a hypertonic solution in the medulla
C. To transport liquid from the collecting ducts to the convoluted tubules
D. To reabsorb glucose


16. What is the nitrogenous waste excreted in insects? [1 mark]

A. Urea
B. Uric acid
C. Ammonia
D. Urine


17. What are features of both endoskeletons of mammals and exoskeletons of[1 mark]
A. They are both made of bone.
B. They both have cartilage.
C. They are both moved by antagonistic sets of muscles.
D. Both consist of dead tissue.

18. The blood of two men was tested and the results are shown. Anti-D refers [1 mark]
to the rhesus blood group. Clotting indicates that antigens associated
with a particular factor or blood group are present in a blood sample.

[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2019]

The man who tested positive for anti-D was then tested for ABO blood group.
These results were obtained.

[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2019]

What ABO blood group does the man testing positive for anti-D have?
A. A
B. B
D. O

19. What is the order of increasing size of muscle structures? [1 mark]
A. muscle, muscle fibre, myofibril, sarcomere
B. myofibril, muscle fibre, sarcomere, muscle
C. sarcomere, myofibril, muscle fibre, muscle
D. muscle fibre, sarcomere, myofibril, muscle


20. The photomicrograph shows a section through the top of a plant shoot. [1 mark]

[Source: Charles Good: The Ohio State University at Lima]

What are the structures labelled X and Y?


21. What could be used in a technique for measuring flow rates in phloem? [1 mark]
I. Potometers
II. Aphid stylets

A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II only
D. II and III only


22. The diagram shows an action potential moving along a neuron. Which [1 mark]
part of the diagram represents depolarization?

23. What is a difference between pollination and fertilization in flowering [1 mark]
A. Pollination is movement of pollen from one flower to another whereas
fertilization occurs after self-pollination.
B. Pollination is movement of seeds away from the parent plant whereas
fertilization is union of two seeds.
C. Pollination is movement of pollen from anther to stigma whereas fertilization
depends on the growth of a pollen tube from the stigma to the ovule.
D. Pollination is movement of pollen whereas fertilization is movement of
gametes from flower to flower.


24. The presence of proteins such as albumin in a urine sample indicates [1 mark]
kidney damage. Where in the kidney would the damage exist?
A. Renal artery
B. Cortex
C. Medulla
D. Pelvis


25. How are fats and cholesterol transported in the blood? [1 mark]
A. As groups of molecules inside vesicles
B. As individual molecules coated in phospholipids
C. As individual molecules bound to a protein
D. As groups of molecules in lipoprotein complexes

26. Neurons transmit electrical impulses. Which statement describes part of [1 mark]
this process?
A. K+ ions are pumped out of the cell to depolarize the membrane.
B. Ion channels let K+ diffuse into the cell to depolarize the membrane.
C. Na+ ions are pumped into the cell to repolarize the membrane.
D. Ion channels let Na + diffuse into the cell to depolarize the membrane.


27. What is the effect of ADH on the kidney? [1 mark]

A. It stimulates ultrafiltration in the Bowman’s capsule.
B. It inhibits reabsorption of water in the proximal convoluted tubules.
C. It inhibits reabsorption of ions in the loop of Henle.
D. It stimulates reabsorption of water in the collecting duct.


28. Which letter identifies phloem? [1 mark]

[Source: E R DEGGINGER/Getty Images]

29. Which processes require calcium? [1 mark]
I. Muscle contraction
II. Movement of an action potential along an axon
III. Production of the skeleton of hard corals
A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III


30. Which process and cause are responsible for water uptake by the roots? [1 mark]

Ebola virus disease (EVD) is the disease in humans and other primates that is
caused by the Ebola virus. Fruit bats are the reservoir for the virus and are able to
spread the disease without being affected. Humans can become infected by
contact with fruit bats or with people infected by the virus, their body fluids or
equipment used to treat them.
The stacked bar graph shows the epidemiological data for the EVD cases in
Conakry, the capital city of Guinea, surrounding suburbs and rural areas in Guinea
from the beginning of January 2014 to the end of March 2015.

[Source: Adriana Rico, et al. “Epidemiology of Epidemic Ebola Virus Disease in

Conakry and Surrounding Prefectures,
Guinea, 2014–2015.” Emerging Infectious Diseases 22.2 (2016): 178–183. PMC.
Web. 23 Mar. 2017.]

31a. Identify the week and year in which the first cases were recorded in the [1 mark]

week 34 AND 2014 ✔
both needed

31b. Based on the graph, compare and contrast the progress of the epidemic[3 marks]
in the suburbs and rural areas.
a. start of epidemic/first cases in rural areas
epidemic spread to suburbs later ✔
b. higher maximum number of cases/greater increase in rural areas
converse for suburbs ✔
c. increase came earlier in rural areas «than suburbs»
number of cases peaked earlier in rural areas
more cases in rural areas «than suburbs» in 2014 ✔
d. decrease came earlier in rural areas «than suburbs»
decreasing in rural areas but not in suburbs in 2015/by end of study period
more cases in suburbs than rural areas in 2015 ✔
e. «large» fluctuations in both ✔

31c. Suggest two reasons for the overall decline in the epidemic after week [2 marks]
a. «overall decline due to» fewer cases in rural areas ✔
Answers relating to people who died from the disease or develop immunity to
b. fewer cases due to deaths of people who had the disease/people recovering
more people vaccinated/became immune/made antibodies/were not
vulnerable to infection ✔
Answers relating to health care workers or availability of resources:
c. more doctors/nurses/medical equipment/treatment
centers/hospitals/spending/aid/NGOs ✔
Answers relating to medical techniques used to tackle the epidemic:
d. better treatments/infection control/hygiene/quarantine/new vaccine/new
antiviral drugs ✔
Answers relating to the public and patients:
e. education/better awareness/avoidance of infection/taking
precautions/vaccination accepted ✔
Answers relating to reservoirs of infection:
f. fewer infected people «who could spread infection»/fewer bats/less contact
with bats ✔
The table summarizes epidemiological data from Guinea during the Ebola
outbreak in 2014. The data are based on figures supplied by Ebola treatment
centres. The last column refers to people who died in places other than Ebola
treatment centres.

[Source: Adriana Rico, et al. “Epidemiology of Epidemic Ebola Virus Disease in

Conakry and Surrounding Prefectures,
Guinea, 2014–2015.” Emerging Infectious Diseases 22.2 (2016): 178–183. PMC.
Web. 23 Mar. 2017.]

31d. Compare and contrast the data for Conakry with the data for the three [2 marks]

a. Conakry has more cases than any of the suburbs
more cases in total in the suburbs than in Conakry ✔
b. more male cases in Conakry whereas more female cases in suburbs ✔
c. higher «% of» fatal cases at Ebola treatment centers in suburbs than in
Conakry ✔
d. in both Conakry and suburbs «% of» fatal cases in treatment centers is
higher than outside ✔

31e. Suggest reasons for the high percentage of fatal cases at Ebola [3 marks]
treatment centres.
a. most serious cases are in/are taken to treatment centers
treatment centers are set up where there are most cases/most serious cases

b. long time/distance to travel between contracting disease and arrival at
treatment center
travel to treatment center weakens/upsets/harms the patient ✔
c. Ebola is a virulent disease/Ebola virus mutated «to become virulent»
little known about Ebola/new disease so treatments not yet developed ✔
d. no/not enough vaccine/antiviral drug available «in 2014/15»
antibiotics do not work against viral diseases ✔
e. secondary infections/Ebola patients infected with other diseases/other Ebola
ineffective hygiene/cleaning/sterilization/use of contaminated
equipment/disposal of corpses ✔
f. small number of staff relative to patients/treatment centers
overcrowded/swamped with patients
insufficient equipment/supplies for large number of patients/with the rapid rise
in patients ✔
g. better reporting at Ebola centers/deaths due to Ebola not reported in rural
areas ✔
An antiviral drug, T-705, was tested in order to establish whether it has potential
to treat EVD. The graph shows the data from an in vitro trial of T-705 on cells that
had been infected with Ebola virus five days previously. Virus concentration and
live cells are shown as a percentage of the control.

[Source: Oestereich, Lisa & Rieger, Toni & Neumann, Melanie & Bernreuther,
Christian & Lehmann, Maria & Krasemann,
Susanne & Wurr, Stephanie & Emmerich, Petra & de Lamballerie, Xavier &
Ölschläger, Stephan & Günther, Stephan. (2014).
Evaluation of Antiviral Efficacy of Ribavirin, Arbidol, and T-705 (Favipiravir) in a
Mouse Model for Crimean-Congo
Hemorrhagic Fever. PLoS neglected tropical diseases. 8. e2804.

31f. Based on these data, outline the evidence that T-705 has potential to be [2 marks]
used as a treatment for EVD.

a. cells not killed/few cells killed «even at high concentrations» ✔
b. «T-705» effective/viruses reduced/viruses killed at 100 μM
«T-705» very effective/viruses much reduced/nearly all viruses killed at 1000
μM ✔
c. virus concentration decreases as T-705 concentration increases ✔
d. drug has «high» potential for treatment «at high enough concentration» ✔

In 2015, an experimental vaccine was trialled in Guinea in an area where new

Ebola cases continue to develop. Among the nearly 6000 people who accepted the
vaccine, no cases were recorded after vaccination. In comparison, there were 23
cases among those who did not accept the vaccine.

31g. Explain how vaccination can lead to the production of B cells specific to [3 marks]
the Ebola virus.
a. vaccine contains Ebola antigens ✔
b. vaccine «could» contain weakened/attenuated/dead/killed form of «Ebola»
virus/virus genetically modified to express an Ebola/viral protein ✔
c. phagocyte/macrophage engulfs the antigen/presents the antigen to T cell ✔
d. antigen recognized by «specific» T cells/binds to T cells ✔
e. «activated» T cells activate «specific) B cells ✔
f. «activated» B cells make the antibodies «against Ebola» ✔
g. B cells divide forming «clone of» plasma cells/producing more B cells
specific to Ebola ✔

31h. Suggest possible reasons for the difficulty of preventing or controlling a [2 marks]
viral epidemic such as the 2014 EVD epidemic in a remote rural region.

a. poor transport infrastructure/poor communication/bad roads/difficult
access/no maps/support slow arriving/scattered population ✔
b. poor education/understanding of disease amongst health workers/local
continued contact with infected people / other example of unsafe actions ✔
c. more sources of infection such as bats/difficult to find sources of infection ✔
d. lack of/limited access to medical care/doctors/health care workers ✔
e. lack of/no access to/unaffordability of treatment
centers/medicalsupplies/equipment/antivirals/drugs/vaccine/treatments ✔
f. refusal/reluctance in local population to be vaccinated
difficult to find/reach everyone to vaccinate them/repeat the vaccination ✔
g. migration of people spreads the infection ✔
h.poor sanitation/lack of clean water ✔
The micrograph shows a vascular bundle from the stem of a barley plant.

[Source: Copyright Carolina Biological Supply Company. Used by permission only.]

32a. Xylem and phloem contain structures that are adapted for transport. [2 marks]
Outline the differences between these structures in xylem and phloem.

a. plasma membrane in phloem/sieve tubes but not in xylem/vessels
xylem/vessels dead/acellular and phloem/sieve tubes alive ✔
b. xylem vessels have thicker walls «than phloem» ✔
c. xylem «vessel» walls are lignified «but phloem walls are not» ✔
d. phloem vessels have sieve plates «whereas xylem vessels have no cross
walls» ✔
e. xylem/vessels are wider/larger than phloem/sieve tubes ✔
f. companion cells in phloem «but not in xylem» ✔

32b. Explain how the properties of water allow it to move through xylem [2 marks]
a. water is polar/a dipole/oxygen slightly negative and hydrogen slightly
positive ✔
b. polarity results in hydrogen bonds/attraction between water molecules ✔
c. hydrogen bonding/polarity causes cohesion of water «molecules» ✔
d. cohesion/hydrogen bonding allows water to withstand tension/withstand low
pressure/be pulled «upwards»/moved against gravity ✔
e. cohesion/hydrogen bonding prevents column of water «in xylem» from
breaking/column of water is maintained ✔
f. adhesion of water to xylem/vessel walls «due to hydrogen bonds» ✔

32c. Outline how the structure of cellulose makes it suitable as a component [2 marks]
of cell walls.

a. chains of glucose/1-4 glycosidic linkages/covalent bonding between glucose

b. beta glucose so alternating orientation of glucose units
beta glucose forms straight chains ✔
c. forms microfibrils/long and thin/thin fibres/parallel bundles of cellulose
hydrogen bonding/cross linkage between cellulose molecules holds them
together ✔
d. high tensile strength/rigid/doesn’t stretch so provides support/allows
turgidity ✔

33a. Outline the process of inspiration in humans. [4 marks]

a. diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract ✔
b. diaphragm moves down/becomes flatter
external intercostals raise the ribcage/move the ribcage up/out ✔
c. muscles/diaphragm/intercostals increase volume of thorax/expand the
muscles/diaphragm/intercostals decrease pressure in the thorax ✔
d. as volume «of thorax/lungs» increases the pressure decreases ✔
e. air enters «lungs» due to decreased pressure/higher pressure outside body

f. air flows to lungs through trachea and bronchi/bronchioles ✔
Accept thoracic cavity or chest cavity in place of thorax in any part of the
Do not allow “oxygen” instead of air in mpe or mpf.

33b. Describe the functions of valves in the mammalian heart. [4 marks]

a. prevents backflow/ensures one-way flow/controls direction of flow ✔
b. open valves allow blood to flow through
opening and closing of valves controls timing of blood flow «during cardiac
cycle» ✔
c. closed «semilunar» valves allow ventricles/chambers to fill with blood
closed «semilunar» valves allow pressure in ventricles to rise «rapidly» ✔
d. valves open when pressure is higher upstream/OWTTE/converse for closed
valves ✔
e. AV/bicuspid/tricuspid/mitral valves prevent backflow from ventricle to
AV/bicuspid/tricuspid/mitral valves open when pressure in atrium is higher
«than in the ventricle»/when atrium is pumping/contracting ✔
f. semilunar/aortic/pulmonary valves prevent backflow from artery to ventricle
semilunar/aortic/pulmonary valves open when pressure in ventricle is higher
«than in the artery»/when ventricle is pumping/contracting ✔
Allow mpa, mpb, mpc or mpd if the point is made through the example of one
specific valve.

33c. Explain how blood solute concentrations are kept within narrow limits in [7 marks]
the human body.
a. solute concentration of blood monitored by the brain/hypothalamus ✔
b. pituitary gland secretes ADH ✔
c. ADH secreted when solute concentration/osmolarity is too high/a person is
dehydrated/OWTTE ✔
d. collecting duct more permeable to water ✔
e. «more» aquaporins/opens aquaporins «in the plasma membrane of
collecting duct cells» ✔
f. «more» water reabsorbed «into the medulla» ✔
g. medulla is hypertonic/hyperosmotic «so water can be reabsorbed from
filtrate» ✔
h. small volume of urine/concentrated urine produced «with ADH» ✔
i. no/little/less ADH secreted if «blood» solute concentration is too low ✔
j. collecting duct less permeable to water/less water reabsorbed/large volume
of urine produced/dilute urine produced «with low/no ADH» ✔
k. insulin causes blood glucose «concentration» to be reduced ✔
l. glucose stored as glycogen in the liver ✔
m. glucagon causes blood glucose «concentration» to be increased ✔
n. negative feedback ✔
Accept hypertonic for solute concentration too high and hypotonic for too low.
34a. The graph shows blood pressure changes on the left side of the heart [2 marks]
during one heartbeat. Identify the two parts of the circulatory system
that produce traces I and II on the graph.

[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2019]

I. aorta ✔
II: «left» atrium ✔

34b. Outline the actions taken by the body to avoid infection when the skin [3 marks]
is cut.

a. platelets/cut tissues release clotting factors ✔ Mp a requires student to
identify source of clotting factors.
b. «clotting factors» activate thrombin «from prothrombin» ✔
c. thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin ✔
d. «fibrin» forms a clot/scab/mesh that seals the cut ✔
e. phagocytic white blood cells ingest pathogens ✔

34c. Hormones are distributed throughout the body by the blood. Outline the [2 marks]
roles of two reproductive hormones during the menstrual cycle in
a. FSH/follicle stimulating hormone stimulates the development of
follicles/follicle cell division in the ovary «to produce eggs» ✔ Two different hormones
must be identified.

b. LH/luteinizing hormone triggers ovulation/development of the corpus luteum

c. estrogen stimulates development of the uterine lining/endometrium ✔
Description of role required as well as name of hormone.

d. progesterone maintains the uterine lining/endometrium

inhibits other hormones by negative feedback eg, FSH ✔
e. HCG stimulates ovary to produce progesterone «in early pregnancy» ✔
f. other verifiable hormone and roles relevant to the menstrual cycle ✔

The use of human growth hormone (HGH) to enhance athletic performance is now
banned from most major sporting events including the Olympics. To investigate
the effect of HGH on athletic performance, doctors in the US looked at changes in
body composition and strength in a group of athletes taking the drug. This was
compared with a control group of similar athletes who had never taken the drug.

[Source: From Annals of Internal Medicine, H Liu and D M Bravata, Systematic

Review: The Effects of Growth Hormone on
Athletic Performance, 148., 10, 747–758. Copyright © 2008 American College of
Physicians. All Rights Reserved.
Reprinted with the permission of American College of Physicians, Inc.]

35a. Deduce from the results of the study whether HGH improves strength. [1 mark]

the drug does not appear to improve strength as less mass can be lifted «by
arms and legs» ✔
35b. Suggest one reason that it is difficult to detect illegal use of HGH to [1 mark]
enhance athletic performance.

a. occurs naturally so hard to tell whether it has been injected ✔
b. HGH has very short half life ✔

35c. HGH is a peptide hormone. Describe the mode of action of peptide [3 marks]
hormones on target cells.

a. peptide hormones do not enter the cell ✔
b. they bind to receptors/proteins in the plasma membrane of the target cell ✔
c. a secondary messenger initiates the cell response ✔
d. causes a cascade of actions that changes the cell’s physiology ✔
e. cAMP is a common secondary messenger ✔

36a. State one function of the atrioventricular node. [1 mark]

a. relays signal from SAN to ventricles ✔
b. causes ventricular systole ✔
c. delays signal enabling both ventricles to contract simultaneously
delays signal so the atria empty before ventricular systole ✔

36b. Describe how the structure of cardiac muscle cells allows them to carry [3 marks]
out their function.

Not necessary to present answer in a table.

Award [1] for each set of corresponding structure and function.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2020

International Baccalaureate® - Baccalauréat International® - Bachillerato Internacional®

Printed for Beaconhouse Margalla Campus

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