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VOCABULARY AW iisten and repeat How do you say in English? How do you spell soup? J Luggage. How do you say this word? What does luggage mean? Excuse me, can you repeat that, please? | 7m sorry, | don't understand. | eae I'm sorry, can you speak more slowly? Useful Classroom Language CONVERSATION A compiete the conversations with the phrases in the box. Then listen and check your answers. Can you repeat that? How do you pronounce this word? How do you spell that? What's this called in English? What does delighted mean? 1. A _Howdo you pronounce this word? 2. A pect B Which one? This one? B It means “very happy.” A Uh-huh. That one, B Favorite. BAL, A How do you say @ in English? B That? That's called a keychain. B Strawberry. A Sorry. A B Sure. Keychain. B Strawberry? $- Sax 2 pain work. practice the conversations with a partner. 1 Ne CoM LLM COED ‘UP How do you / i greet someone? CONVERSATION mel | ® 1 tisten to the conversation. Then practice it with a partner. Marco Hi. My name's Marco. What's your name? Kelly Hi, Marco, My name's Kelly. Marco So, where are you from, Kelly? Kelly I'm from Toronto. How about you? Marco I'm from San Diego, California Fa 2 pain work. Practice the conversation again. Replace the underlined words with information about you. PRONUNCIATION—Syllable stress ® Wtisten. notice the stressed and unstressed syllables. Circle the stressed syllable in each word. 1. co 3, Meexivco 5. Cosnaeda 2. Tosroneto 4. Koereva 6. stuedent ® 2 tisten again and repeat. Which words have the same syllable stress? LANGUAGE PRACTICE ° Ei "m a student. lam —> I'm You're from Mexico. you are -> you're He's from Korea. he is—> he's She's from Canada. We're students. They're from the US. she is she's we are — we're they are — they're I'm not a teacher. I'm a student: He isn’t from Brazil, He’s from the US. They aren't teachers. They're students. complete the sentences, Nice to meet you! - Unit 1 Possessive adjectives my your his her our their ’ is not —> isn't; are not —> aren't ive} ACTICE 1. “Hi, My name is Nelson da Silva. 1__‘m__a photographer. This is my wife, We from Sao Paulo, Brazil.” name is Gloria. . A Hi, _my __ name is Jung-hwa Ban. B And name is Jae-won Kim, A We from South Korea. He from Seoul, and I'm from Busan, . “Hi, My name ___‘6__ Greg White 1____an English teacher. I'm from Sydney, Australia, My parents from Australia, they're from Ireland. Their names Brendan and Maggie. Fa 2 pain work. Tell your partner about yourself Is ee ase Nice to meet you! » Unit 1 CONVERSATION Ennis PRACTICE Wy @ 9 complete the conversation. Then conversation with a partner. Kelly Hey,Marco!|1_ SP Marco [2 —____| thanks. And you? Kelly Good, thanks. Marco Who's that girl over there? Kelly Her? That's my friend, Emily. Would you like to meet her? Marco Yes, please! Kelly —_Hi, Emily, this is my [3 Marco Nice to meet you, Emily. Emily Nice to meet you, too. __| Marco, Marco, this is Emily. Fa 2 pain work. practice the conversation again. Use the ideas below. 1 2 How are things Things are great classmate How's it going Not bad brother Fhe B pain work. walk around the class and introduce your partner to another classmate. A —__ this is my friend, , this is B Nice to meet you, C Nice to meet you, too. Nice to meet you! - Unit 1 LANGUAGE PRACTICE 0 CE ae Are you a student? Is he a teacher? Is she-an artist? Are you actors? Are they doctors? Who's that? What's your name? Where are you from? How are you? How old are you? 1. What are your names? 2 2. How old is he? — 3. 4. Who's that? 5. Is she your girlfriend? 6. How are you? m2 Where are you from? Yes, lam, Yes, he i Yes, she No, I'm not. No, he isn’t. No, she isn't. ‘Yes, we are. No, we aren't. Yes, they are. No, they aren't. Who is > Who's What is > What's tirag Match the questions and answers. a, We're from Brazil, b. Not bad, thanks. And you? . No, she isn’t. She’s my sister. 4. That's my brother. . He's Andrew, and I'm Nancy. f. He's 21. PAIR WORK. Complete the conversations. Then practice them with a partner, 1. A Hi, Jane! _Howare you ? 2. A Hi, my name's Hiro. ? B Hey, Alex! I'm fine, 2 B I'mLisa. A I'm fine, too. A 2 B guy over there? B I'm from the US. ? A m3 my classmate. PAIR WORK. Put the lines in the correct order. Then ust A I'm from Japan. formation about you and practice the conversation with a partner. A — Nice to meet you, too. _— My name's —1_ Hil Are you a student? _—— Yes, lam. What's your name? B -2_ Yes, 1am. And you? Are you a student? __ Nice to meet you, __ My name's name? - What's your SMART TALK Nice to meet you! - Unit 1 LISTENING © Tiisten and answer the questions. 41, Where's Yuko from? —__ 2. Where's Jorge from? 3. What's the teacher's name? 4, Where's the teacher from? Db isien and choose'(//) the expressions’ you fen 1. [1 a. What's your name? 4, Cla. Where are we? (1b. What's her name? Ob. where is that? 2. Ca. What's his name? 5. Lla. What about you? (1b. What are their names? (1b. What's that? 3. [1] a. Where are you from? 6. (Ja. Can you say that again? (Cb. where's he from? Cb. can you repeat that? Fe B pain work. introduce yourself to a partner. Use the expressions from Activity 2. READING 41 What do you know about Emma Stone? o | Who is Emma Stone? | Emma Stone was born in Scottsdale, Arizona on November 6, 1988. Her real name is Emily Jean Stone. Her grandfather. was Swedish. Her family members are from England, Scotland, Ireland, and Germany. Her family name is Stone. She’s an actor. ‘She's in movies and TV shows. Her first big movie role was in the movie Superbad. She's also in the The Amazing Spiderman movies. Emma Stone’s favorite band is the Beatles. 2 read the text about Emma Stone. Correct the sentences. 1. She was born in Germany. 2, She was born on December 6, 1989. 3. Her father is Swedish. 4, She doesn't have a favorite band. 7 WRITING ; keen) SPEAKING — Where are you from? rind these countries and label their names on the map. | Australia Brazil Canada Japan | South Korea Mexico New Zealand the US Fa 2 ciass AcTIVITy. Go around the classroom and ask your classmates where ‘they are from. Find their country on the map and write it on the map. Ca Coen eked Fa 3 cinss activity. introduce a classmate and show the classmate’s country on the map. This is my friend Jason. Pee tC nese} GQ) Find out more about one of the countries on the map. ONLINE Share your information with the class. 2 What do you do? What jobs begin with the letters S.M,A,R,T? VOCABULARY © Fook at the people. What are thelr jobs? Write the correct letter. Then listen and check your answers. [ architect f. pilot a b. singer g. actor ©. doctor h. teacher d. i. police officer e i. writer 3, Laura 8, Linda Fa 2 pain WORK. Where do the people work? theater hospital school restaurant — office -— airport ieee ee eee resus Fa 3 pain work. talk about people you know and what they do. eure keer rates ieee eke) ek ieee ker 10 CONVERSATION oh What do you do? + Unit 2 PRACTICE © 1 complete the conversation, Then listen and check your answers. Practice the convers: yn with a partner. English teacher b. singer. Chicago Brian So, where do you live? Stacy Well, I'm from New York, but Ilive in[1___ Brian Interesting. And what do you do? Stacy I'man[2 Stacy Really? My sister lives in Seattle. Brian What does she do? Stacy She's a[3 Brian What's her name? Stacy Suzy Davis. Brian Suzy? | know her! Stacy Really? Small world! 4 Fin Q pain work. Practice the conversation again. Use the ideas below. Add your own ideas. Mexico City architect, writer Tokyo actor police officer ‘What about you? Brian I'm a doctor. I work in a hospital in Seattle. eae conversation TIP EXTEND THE ConveRsAriON Ask follow-up questions to extend the conversation, { yi What do you do?» Unit 2 7 ' LANGUAGE PRACTICE . 9 CS | ereranens What do you do? * I'm an architect. Where do you live? | live in Rio. . What does she do? She's a college student. Where does she go to school? She goes to NYU. What do they do? They're pilots. : Who do they work for? They work for Korean Air. 4 Where do they work? They-work in an airport. 1D match the questions and answers. « PRACTICE 1. What do you do? _b_ ~ a. She's an ‘architect. 2. Where do you live? _ b. I'm an office worker. 3. What does your sister do? _ ©. In Sao Paulo. : 4, Where do your friends go to school?____d, They go to the University of Texas. 2 complete the cénversations. 1. A Where you 2? 2, A Where ___your sister BI____in Los Angeles. B She___in Seoul. A What you ? A What___she BI an actor. B She___a teacher. Fe 3 pain work. Complete the chart. Ask and answer the questions ith information about you. 1.[ Where do you live? What do you do? Where do you go to school? ales Where do you work? PRONUNCIATION—Reduction of do you © 1 uisten. notice the reduced sound of do you. Unreduced Reduced 1. What do you do? Whadaya do? 2. What do you study? Whadaya study? 3. Where do you live? Wherdaya live? 4, Where do you go? Wherdaya go? © QZ tisten again and repeat. Be sure to say the reduced sound. 12 . What do you do? « Unit 2 LISTENING 41 Look at the four people in the photos below. Write the correct letter. director b.TV host. nurse d.assistant ® QW tisten and write the correct names of the people in the conversations under the photos. There is one extra photo. © B usten again. use the words in the box to complete the chart. San Francisco TV host assistant Los Angeles nurse Taiwan New York Rio de Janeiro Boston i ae a 1. Jane 2.| Sergio 3.) Jason 4 ristening PLUS. Listen to more of Jane's conversation and answer the questions. 1. Who does Jane work for? 2. Does she work for a man or a woman? 3. What does Bob do? 4, What does Bob want to do? 13 What do you do?» Unit 2 READING 41 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1. Where are the people working? 2. What jobs are they doing? © I’m a Student, and I Have Three Jobs. Marie Rodriguez is a student at the University of Chicago. The tuition fees are $64,000 per year. Marie lives with her parents in Highland Park, Cook County. Itis 42 kilometers north of downtown Chicago. “Rent for an apartment in Chicago is expensive,” she says. “I need to make money to pay for college.” She has three part-time jobs. ma server at a restaurant in Chicago," she says. “\ bring food and drinks to customers. Then in the evening, I'm a library assistant. | work in the university library, On the weekend, | work at the movie theater. | love it! see movies for free When does she study? “! study every day,” she says. “On some weekends, | study all night.” When does she sleep? “I don't sleep a lot, but it’s OK," she adds. “I can sleep when | finish schoolt” 2 read the article. Choose (7) Tue or False. True False 1. Marie lives with her parents in Chicago. oO Qa 2, She works in a restaurant in the evenings, oO oO 3. She doesn’t study on the weekends. ag ao 4, She likes working in the movie theater. oO Qa 5, Sometimes she doesn’t sleep on the weekend. Oo Oo Fla 3 crour work. viscuss these questions. 1. Do you work and study at the same time? 2. Do you work to pay your tuition fees? 3. Do you have a part-time job? Describe it. 4. Do you or your friends have more than one job? WRITING : Fla D cuss activity. Look at the pictures and correct the names of the jobs. | * I | i” Se! 1. police officer 2. server 3. architect 5. doctor 6. writer 7. window washer _8. zookeeper Fa 2 pain WORK. Make alist of ten jobs. B what do you think of the jobs? Complete the chart. Difficult jobs Interesting jobs| Dangerous jobs Boring jobs Sha 4 crour work. compare your answers. eke ees eee ices Perec Paes es GO Find information about an interesting job. ONLINE Wake notes and share with the class. 15

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