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In red (most other patterns use a dark color here but I did not have any and I was
feeling cheap):
Magic ring 6
inc around (12)
[1sc, inc] (18)
[2sc, inc] (24)
[3sc, inc] (30)
Bind off and set aside

Mouth flaps (x5):

In red:
Chain 7
Starting in second stitch from hook sc in each chain (6)
Row 2: 5sc, inc (7)
Row 3: 6sc, inc (8)
Row 4: 7sc, inc (9)
Row 5: 8sc, inc (10)
Row 6: 9sc, inc (11)
Row 7: 11sc (11)
Row 8: 9sc, dec (10)
Row 9: 8sc, dec (9)
Row 10: 7sc, dec (8)
Row 11: 6sc, dec (7)
Row 12: 5sc, dec (6)
Row 13: 4sc, dec (5)
Row 14: dec, sc, dec (3)
Row 15: sc, dec, bind off

Stitch flaps onto initial circle using the tails of each flap. There should be no gaps
between flaps as you stitch around.

Switch to brown and create 5 more flaps exactly as above in red leaving longer tails.
Check the gauge as you go - my brown yarn knit much tighter even using a larger hook
so I had to adjust the pattern. You want the brown flaps to be of equal (or even slightly
larger) size than the red ones.

Line these up on the back of their red counterparts and stitch together using the brown
yarn. I did not necessarily want this to be invisible so I stitched all the way over and
crossed each stitch on the way back to make it look cleaner.

Once all the brown flaps are attached, you’ll want to pick up on these stitches to
continue the pattern:
30sc (30)
[3sc, dec] (24)
[2sc, dec] (18)
[1sc, dec] (12)
dec around (6)
Close up and bind off

Magic ring 6
Row 2: inc around (12)
Row 3: [1sc, inc] (18)
Row 4: [2sc, inc] (24)
Row 5: [3sc, inc] (30)
Row 6: [4sc, inc] (36)
Rows 7-11: Sc around (36)
Row 12: [4sc, dec] (30)
Row 13: [3sc, dec] (24)
Row 14: [2sc, dec] (18)
Row 15: [1sc, dec] (12)
Finish stuffing
Row 16: dec around (6)
Close up and bind off

Stitch mouth assembly to head.

Magic ring 6
Row 2: inc around (12)
Row 3: [1sc, inc] (18)
Row 4: [2sc, inc] (24)
Row 5: [3sc, inc] (30)
Row 6: [4sc, inc] (36)
Row 7: [5sc, inc] (42)
Row 8: [6sc, inc] (48)
Row 9: [7sc, inc] (54)
Rows 10-13: Sc around (54)
Row 14: [7sc, dec] (48)
Rows 15-16: sc around (48)
Row 17: [6sc, dec] (42)
Rows 18-19: sc around (42)
Row 20: [5sc, dec] (36)
Rows 21-22: sc around (36)
Row 23: [4sc, dec] (30)
Rows 24-25: sc around (30)
Row 26: [3sc, dec] (24)
Rows 27-28: sc around (24)
Bind off and leave long tail to attach to head

Arms (x2):
Be sure to stuff as you go on these - it gets tough as the appendage get longer.

Magic ring 6
Row 2: Inc around (12)
Row 3: [1sc, inc] (18)
Rows 4-6: Sc around (18)
Row 7: 7sc, dec, dec, 7sc (16)
Row 8: 6sc, dec, dec, 6sc (14)
Rows 9-23: sc around (14)
Row 24: Dec, 5sc, dec, 5sc (12)
Row 25: Dec around (6)
Close up and bind off

Legs (x2):
Be sure to stuff as you go on these - it gets tough as the appendage get longer.

Magic ring 6
inc around (12)
[1sc, inc] (18)
[2sc, inc] (24)
Rows 5-7: Sc around (24)
Row 8: 8sc, 4dec, 8sc (20)
Row 9: 6sc, 4dec, 6sc (16)
Rows 10-24: sc around (16)
Row 25: [2sc, dec] (12)
Row 26: dec around (6)
Close up and bind off

Attach arms and legs to body.

For teeth, cut tiny triangles from white felt and use a hot glue gun to attach them.
Alternatively you could use embroidery string and stitch slits that look like teeth.

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