Vir Cortes - English Study Program Summary

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English Study Program Summary

English Study Lesson Quick Review Lesson Page Link

A, B, C
1. English Alphabet Alphabet
Vowel / Consonants

am, is, are

2. Verb To Be (Present) Verb To Be
I am, You are, He is

Ordinal: One, Two

3. Numbers Numbers in English
Cardinal: First, Second

Monday, Tuesday...
4. Days and Months Days Months Seasons
January, February...

May the third

5. Telling the Date How to say the Date

Excuse me. How can I get to the

6. Ask and Give library?
Ask Give Directions
Directions Could you tell me the nearest way

11:30 - It is half past eleven

7. Telling the Time Telling the Time
10:15 - It is a quarter past ten

I, You, He, She, It

8. Subject Pronouns Subject Pronouns
We, You, They

9. Subject Verb He likes

Subject Verb Agreement
Agreement She flies

10. Indefinite Articles A and An Indefinite Articles

a lesson, an ant

11. Possessive My, Your, His, Her, Its

Possessive Adjectives
Adjectives Our, Their

book - books
12. Singular and Plural Singular and Plural
foot - feet

There is an animal
13. There Is & There Are There is & There are
There are animals

14. This That These This ring

This That These Those
Those those rings

Which, What
15. WH Questions Question Words
Who, Where

I've got brown eyes

16. Have Got & Has Got Have Got & Has Got
Judy has got friends.

I want some water.

17. Some & Any Some and Any
Is there any water?

18. Much & Many & A lot There are many cars.
Much & Many & Lots Of
of There isn't much water

19. How Much & How How many fingers?

How Much & How Many
Many How much time?

Countable Nouns: Many cars Countable Uncountable

20. Nouns
Uncountable Nouns: Little butter Nouns

Mine, Yours, His

21. Possessive Pronouns Possessive Pronouns
Ours, Theirs...

22. Prepositions Direction, Position, Time, Place... Prepositions

opposite, in front of, during,

Negative Sentences: Either

23. Also & Too & Either Also & Too & Either
Affirmative Sentences: Too / Also

Listen to me
24. Imperatives Imperatives
Open the door

possibility, ability, inability, request

25. Can / Can't Can / Can't
inadequacy, permission

Could you help me, please?

26. Polite Requests Polite Requests
Would you mind If I turn on the TV?

27. Present Continuous I am studying English right now. Present Progressive

Tense They are waiting for my sister. Tense

me, you, him / her / it

28. Object Pronouns Object Pronouns
us, you, them

He goes to school.
29. Simple Present Tense Simple Present Tense
Do you play chess?

I wake up at 7 o'clock.
30. Daily Routine English Daily Routine English
I go to work.

I am going to visit my uncle

31. Be Going to Future tomorrow. Be Going To Future
He is going to come later.

Mother: You must come home

32. Must & Have to / Has early.
Must & Have To / Has To
to Friend: You have to wear uniform
at school.

I came home and did homework.

33. Tense Agreement Tense Agreement
I come home and do homework
Are you English?
34. Question Types Types of Questions
How old are you?

Simple sentences
35. Types of Sentences Types of Sentences
Compound sentences...

White / Black / Brown

36. Colors in English Colors in English
Blue / Yellow / Orange

I can't see you.

37. See vs Watch vs Look See vs Watch vs Look
I can't watch you all day.


Exercise name Type

Present simple (1) 
I do, I am, I have, he has … gap-fill

Present simple (2) 
I do, I am, I have, he has … gap-fill

Present simple with ‘always’, ‘never’, ‘often’

I always go, he is never … multiple-choice

Present simple questions (1) 

Do I, does he? gap-fill

Present simple questions (2)

Do I, does he? gap-fill

Present simple questions, negatives (1)

Do, don’t, doesn’t multiple-choice

Present simple questions, negatives (2)

Do, don’t, doesn’t multiple-choice

Present continuous questions gap-fill

are you doing?, is he doing? …

Present simple vs. present continuous (1)

I do vs. I am doing gap-fill

Present simple vs. present continuous (2)

I do vs. I am doing gap-fill

Present simple vs. present continuous (3)

I do vs. I am doing multiple-choice

Past simple (1)
I was, I had, I saw … gap-fill

Past simple (2)
I was, I had, I saw … multiple-choice

Past simple questions

Did I, was I? … gap-fill

Future simple
I will gap-fill

Practise different tenses

present, past, present perfect, future simple … gap-fill

Irregular verbs

Exercise name Type

Past participles of irregular verbs (1)

been, spoken, eaten, written, etc. gap-fill

Past participles of irregular verbs (2)

been, spoken, eaten, written, … gap-fill

Irregular verbs in the past simple (1)

I had, he spoke, she went, they saw, … gap-fill

Irregular verbs in the past simple (2)

I had, he spoke, she went, they saw, … gap-fill

Irregular verbs in the past simple (3) gap-fill

I had, he spoke, she went, they saw, …

Comparatives and superlatives

Exercise name Type

Comparative adjectives (1)
bigger, older, faster, more expensive, better … multiple-choice

Comparative adjectives (2)
bigger, older, faster, more expensive, better … multiple-choice

Superlative adjectives
the biggest, the oldest, the most expensive, the best … multiple-choice

Word order

Exercise name Type

Word order (1)

verb + object, place + time gap-fill

Word order (2)

verb + object, place + time gap-fill

Other grammar

Exercise name Type

Opposite adjectives multiple-choice

The plural forms of nouns

1 man, 2 men; 1 tooth, 2 teeth … gap-fill

Personal pronouns
I, me, he, him, she, her, we, our, … multiple-choice

Possessive adjectives and pronouns

My, mine, your, yours, her, hers, ours, … multiple-choice

Questions (1)
Who, which, why, where? questions multiple-choice
Questions (2)
Who, which, why, where? questions multiple-choice

Some vs. any 

some, any coffee / some, any books multiple-choice

Adjective or adverb?
quick vs. quickly, slow vs. slowly … gap-fill

Indefinite articles
‘a’ and ‘an’ multiple-choice

Questions with prepositions

Who with? Who to? Who about? What with? … gap-fill

The verb “be”

I am, you are, he is, was, were … multiple-choice


Exercise name Type

There, their, they’re gap-fill

Opposite verbs multiple-choice

Animals multiple-choice

Animals (2) multiple-choice

-ed and -ing adjectives multiple-choice

Make or do? multiple-choice

House and home text gap-fill

Family and relatives multiple-choice

Everybody, everywhere, everything multiple-choice

Like / would like multiple-choice

Town and city words multiple-choice

Grammar Rules


 List of all English tenses

present simple, past simple, present perfect . . .

 Conditionals
first conditional, second conditional . . .
 Verb structures
verb + ing, verb + to . . .
 Word order
 Reported speech
 Questions
forming questions, question words . . .
Types of words, classes

 Modal verbs
can, should, might . . .
 Prepositions
in, on, at . . .
 Pronouns
he, she, it, them . . .
 Adjectives and adverbs
new, quick, quickly . . .
 Conjunctions
so, but, because . . .

 Spelling rules
Other grammar rules
 A little (see Few, a few, little, a little)
 A lot of, lots of
 Adjectives (see section Adjectives / adverbs; or What are adjectives?)
 Adverbs (see section Adjectives / adverbs; or What are adverbs?)
 All, the whole
 Along
 Always, still
 Already, yet
 Although, even though (see Conjunctions: although, even though)
 Although, even though vs. despite
 Although vs. though (see article Confusing words: although, though)
 Any (see Some / any)
 Apostrophe ’s for is/has (see Contractions / short forms)
 Apostrophe ’d for had/would (see I’d = I would or I had? )
 As long as, provided, providing
 As soon as (see Conjunctions: as soon as)
 As usual
 As well as (see Besides)

 Because
 Because vs. because of
 Besides
 Be used to, get used to, used to
 Be (the verb to be)
 Been vs. gone
 Binomials (see Vocabulary section Binomial pairs)
 Both (see Either, neither, both)
 Conditional sentences (see section Conditional sentences)
 Conjunctions (see section Conjunctions)
 Convince v persuade (see article Confusing words: convince vs. persuade)
 Contractions (short forms) I’m, she’s, didn’t, wouldn’t …
 Countable and uncountable nouns

 Despite, in spite of
 Demonstratives: this, that, these, those
 During (see article Confusing words: during, for, while)

 Each, every
 Either, neither, both
 Elder, eldest
 Even
 Eventually
 Ever, never: usage and position in sentence

 Few, a few, little, a little

 First conditional (see section Conditional sentences)
 For (see Since, for)
 Forget v leave (see article Forget something, leave something)
 Future tense (see section List of tenses)
 Gone (see Been vs. gone)

 Hardly, no sooner
 Have / have got (see article Using have and have got)
 Hope vs. wish
 However (see Business English vocab: However in formal writing)
 Idioms (see section Idioms)
 I’d = I would or I had?
 If (see Whether, if)
 In case vs. in case of
 In time, on time (see article In time, on time: difference)
 Instead, instead of
 In any case (see Besides)
 Inversion: subject-verb inversion after  adverbs, adverbials
 Irregular verbs list (see section Vocabulary, Intermediate: irregular verbs)
 Just: meaning of, position in sentence

 Last, the last / the past

 Leave, forget (see article Forget something, leave something)
 Let’s (see Contractions / short forms)
 Little, a little (see Few, a few, little, a little)
 Lots of (see A lot of, lots of)
 Make or do (see vocabulary section Make or do)
 Many (see Much, many)
 Me, too / me, neither
 Mind you (see Nevertheless, nonetheless, still)
 Modal verbs (see section Modal verbs)
 Much, many
 Neither (see Either, neither, both or Me, too / me, neither )
 Nevertheless, nonetheless, still
 Nevertheless (see Business English vocab Using nevertheless in formal writing)
 Nonetheless (see Nevertheless, nonetheless, still)
 No sooner (see Hardly, no sooner)
 Not only (see inversion after adverbs and adverbials)
 Not until (see inversion after adverbs, adverbials)
 On time, in time (see article In time, on time: difference)
 Passive, all forms of (see section List of tenses/All passive forms)
 Passive, past tense forms (see section List of tenses/Past passive forms)
 Past tense (see section List of tenses)
 Past, the (see Last, the last / the past)
 Persuade (see article Confusing words: convince vs. persuade)
 Phrasal verbs vs. prepositional verbs – position of the object

 Phrasal verbs: transitive vs. intransitive phrasal verbs

 Prepositions (see section Prepositions)
 Prepositional verbs (see Prepositions: prepositional verbs)
 Present tense (see section List of tenses)
 Present perfect tense (see section List of tenses)
 Plural nouns
 Possessive adjectives and pronouns (see Adjectives: possessive adjectives and pronouns)
 Prefer, would prefer, would rather
 Pronouns (see section Pronouns)
 Providing, provided (see As long as, provided, providing)
 Purpose: expressing purpose with an infinitive or  so that
 Questions (see main section Questions)
 Question tags
 Rather / would rather (see Prefer, would prefer, would rather)
 Reflexive pronouns: myself, yourself, etc. (see Pronouns: reflexive)
 Relative clauses
 Relative pronouns (see Pronouns: relative pronouns)

 Say or tell
 Scarcely (see Hardly, no sooner)
 Second conditional (see section Conditional sentences)
 Short forms (see Contractions / short forms)
 Since, for / since, from
 Since (as a conjunction, preposition, or adverb)
 Speak or talk
 So or such (see article Confusing words: so, such)
 So that: how to express purpose
 Some, any
 Still (see Nevertheless, nonetheless, still)
 Supposed to
 There, they’re, their (see article Confusing words: there, they’re, their)
 Third conditional (see section Conditional sentences)
 This, that, these, those (see Demonstratives)
 Though, even though (see Conjunctions: although, even though)
 Though vs. although (see our article Confusing words: although, though)
 Till, ’til (see Conjunctions: until, till)
 Too (see Me, too / me, neither)
 Transitive / intransitive verbs (see article Understanding transitive and intransitive
 Transitive vs. intransitive verbs (see Transitive vs. intransitive phrasal verbs)
 Uncountable nouns (see Countable and uncountable nouns)
 Used to (see Be used to, get used to, used to)
 Unless (see Conjunctions: unless)
 Until (see Conjunctions: until, till)
 Verbs, irregular (see Irregular verbs list)
 What, why, when, which (see section Questions: List of question words)
 While (see Conjunctions: while)
 While (see article Confusing words: during, for, while)
 Whenever (see Conjunctions: whenever)
 Whereas (see Conjunctions: whereas)
 Whether, if
 Who, which, that (See Pronouns: Relative pronouns)
 Wish
 Within
 Would/had as an apostrophe (I’d = I would or I had?)
 Wrong, wrongly, wrongfully (See Confusing words: Wrong, wrongly)
 Yet (see Already, yet)
 Zero conditional (see section Conditional sentences)

Listening Activities

Basic Listening Lesson #01

Basic Listening Lesson #02
Basic Listening Lesson #03
Basic Listening Lesson #04
Basic Listening Lesson #05
Basic Listening Lesson #06
Basic Listening Lesson #07
Basic Listening Lesson #08
Basic Listening Lesson #09
Basic Listening Lesson #10
Basic Listening Lesson #11
Basic Listening Lesson #12
Basic Listening Lesson #13
Basic Listening Lesson #14
Basic Listening Lesson #15
Basic Listening Lesson #16
Basic Listening Lesson #17
Basic Listening Lesson #18
Basic Listening Lesson #19
Basic Listening Lesson #20
Basic Listening Lesson #21
Basic Listening Lesson #22
Basic Listening Lesson #23
Basic Listening Lesson #24
Basic Listening Lesson #25
Basic Listening Lesson #26
Basic Listening Lesson #27
Basic Listening Lesson #28
Basic Listening Lesson #29
Basic Listening Lesson #30
Basic Listening Lesson #31
Basic Listening Lesson #32
Basic Listening Lesson #33
Basic Listening Lesson #34

Reading Comprehension

Beginners Short Readings Fill in the Blanks:

Beginners Reading Fill in 1
Beginners Reading Fill in 2
Beginners Reading Fill in 3
Beginners Reading Fill in 4
Beginners Reading Fill in 5
Beginners Reading Fill in 6
Beginners Reading Fill in 7

Beginners Reading Comprehension Exercises:

Beginners Reading Comprehension 1
Beginners Reading Comprehension 2
Beginners Reading Comprehension 3
Beginners Reading Comprehension 4
Beginners Reading Comprehension 5
Beginners Reading Comprehension 6
Beginners Reading Comprehension 7

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