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Lesson three – All About Butterflies

Instructional Objective

• List different types of butterfly behaviors and adaptations

Standards/Key Concepts

• LS1.D: Information Processing - Animals have body parts that capture and convey different
kinds of information needed for growth and survival. Animals respond to these inputs with
behaviors that help them survive.


• I will ask students to think about all the different things that we use our legs for. Then I will
pose the thought “if butterflies use their wings to travel and move around, what do they use
their legs for?” and allow students a few minutes to discuss their thoughts.


• Laptop/ Tablet
• Mini water bottle
• Paint
• Markers
• Yarn
• Cotton balls
• Rubber bands
• Flowers
• Sugar
• Water
• Craft Paper
• Glue


• Teacher will do a small discussion on the fun facts about butterflies from this website
• Students will turn and talk with a partner to discuss what they learned about butterfly
• Centers will be set up around the classroom and students will have 10-15 minutes at each
center to learn about a different butterfly adaptation
o 1. feet tapping
▪ Students will watch this Discovery Ed. Video on butterfly feet and the related
o 2. camouflage
▪ Students will watch this Youtube video of camouflaging butterflies
▪ Students can create their own butterfly
o 3. migration
▪ Students will watch this YouTube video on butterfly migration
o 4. diet
▪ Students will watch this YouTube video about what butterflies eat
▪ Students will watch this YouTube video on how to create a butterfly feeder
▪ Create a butterfly feeder with a mini water bottle, paint, markers, yarn, cotton
balls, rubber bands, flowers, sugar and water.


• English Language Learners will receive a modified set of directions in Spanish if needed

Differentiation of Instruction

• By using different modalities I will be able to appeal to the different learners of the classroom.
There are activities on the computer, videos, text, songs, games, and peer discussions. All the
while there are visual supports to help English Language Learners.


• Teacher observations during learning stations

• Students completed work at learning stations

Independent Practice

• Students will be given a handout with a variety of sentences about butterfly adaptations/
behaviors that they will have to read and illustrate.
o “Many butterflies can camouflage”
o “Butterflies drink nectar with their proboscis”
o “Butterflies migrate to Mexico in the winter”

Academic Intervention

• Struggling students can work with Ms. Nini (teaching assistant) for further clarification.

Academic Enrichment

• Students who complete center work early will be asked to compare how the butterfly
adaptation is like humans or another animal’s need for survival

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