Casino of Dreams

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CASINO OF DREAMS Frank DeFault ‘The afternoon before a game with the adres in May 1989, a sobbing man broke Lough the scores of reporters surroun- ding Pete Rose in the Reds’ dugout. “ve got to see you alone:” the man cried. “OK: Rose said to him in the empty clubhouse, “what gives? You have the ‘spread on the NBA finals?” \He paused for a moment, frightened, “omamy didn't send you, did be? “No. .. it's my son, Matt... he got m this accident last month. .. the doctors sive him a thousand to one chance to lve!” "Believe me’" Rose muttered, “those aren't bad odds if you know who to bet with: “Hes gotta be the biggest fan of yours ever walked the earth,” the father wept. “Hes got all your cards, . he's gotall your greatest moments on a stack of videocaset- tes tong as my arm. He's at Mercy General... Just a few moments of your time..." After the father paid Pete the requisite '850, the pair arrived inthe intensive care ward. Atthe end of the hall, on a bed rigg- ed with tubes, was Matt. “Charlie Hustle,” the id beamed, his volce whisper. “Hiya, kid,” Rose sald, “Your old’ man-tells me you've been under the weather"" ‘A doctor appeared. “I'm sorry, but Matt can't have any visitors in his weakened state.” ‘Please, doc” Mat's father said, “Tes Pete Rose here." Tm doing allright." Matt coughed to Rose. “Look what! got of you" He reached into “his bathrobe pocket and pulled out a yellowing, faded stub. “My... my Test OTB tickes! Pete said, after a second's pause. “I's worth twenty Darryl Strawberrys on the ‘open market.” Matt gustied “Strawberries” his father patiently cor- rected, He tured to Rose, “See how he adores you? Couldn't you do something for im? It could do wonders for his ‘morale “How about I promise I throw tonight's {game against San Diego for you? Would ‘You prothise to take your medicine anid be 4 good little boy to all the doctors and ‘nurses and not show nice Mr. Giamatti this plece of potentially damning evidence? “Consider it done” Matt grinned to his fol, a8 the EKG picked up stronger readings, ‘Here's the lineup" Pete sald several hours later tothe home plate umpive, han ding him the card with the batting order of the Reds. “Thanks, Pete" the ump sald, taking the ‘card. After the National Anthem he felt Something taped to back of the card. The ‘umpire peeled off a $1000 bi and a yellow Postit note. Along with picks for the Ken. fucky Derby and Preakness was the Inscription "And there's more where that ‘came from. PR A roar ascended from the. Riverfront Stadium as the Reds (ook to the field, followed by pandemonium as the fans reallzed who was pitehing for Cincinnati = Schottze, the team's mascot. J"{ got the owner's dog placed on the rdster this afternoon,” Rose told the equip: sment manager. “Pi the mutt up with » hore Jersey. Oh and try to get a matching collas”" In the bottom of the first inning, Rose called fora hit and rn play with nabody ‘on base. This ply fled to make up forthe 12 run difference, Neither did the surpris- lig behavior of the home plate umpire, ‘who curiously called Reds batters out after only one strike, while giving Padre batters “as many swings as you need, 'm not gon nha get involved. Who am to judge you?” ‘After the last Red! was put out in the ninth, seven innings after the final Red fan {ramped out of the ballpark, and ¢we inn- Ings after the scoreboard had to accom: ‘modate three digite for the Padres’ ran ‘output, Rose madea return visit to Mercy General “Saw you guys on the radio!” Matt smiled. “You know. I think | may pull through after all “His recovery Is absolutely Ineredibe;” the doctor sid, shaking his head. "Never ‘seen itbefore in my years in medicine he really perked up when you send ‘yourself up to bat in the fit ‘When | was batting with a Ble pen; Pete recalled, “rom one father to another.” Matt's father said slowly, “I thank you “Most welcome, By the way.” Fete paused, "Some Reds fans stripped my car in the ‘stadium parking lot Thad to takeacab up here... [think Gtamatt’s men have a tall fon me. and Tam running low on bus "Say no more,” Mate ssid pulling out a second lip from his bathrobe. "(have this winning Lotto ticket good for 10 bucks ‘Take itand claim the money yoursell.” He hhanded it to Fete and laughed boy's laugh, ‘Hadda spend 75 dollars on before I got I tke Hera, like fan" the doctor sad and the four laughed, “We lve you, Pete,and we hope you can. get through these allegations” Mav's father said. "But." he paused, “how do we iknow you're nat going to go out to the racetrack with Mait’s hard carned Lotto money?’ “Oth.” Pete winked, “I've got gambling money’ ets

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