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Republic of the Philippines. . .) Municipality of Liloan. . . . . . .)S.s. Province of Cebu. . . . . . . . . .


I, Cristina Bohol Antolijao, 62 years old, married, filipino and a resident of Sitio Tiltilon, Barangay Jubay, Liloan, Cebu after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, do hereby depose and state: 1. That on April 15, 2011, more or less 3:00 o clock in the afternoon when my husband and I arrived home from cleaning our corn field, I noticed the door of our chicken cage was already opened thus, my seven native chickens were all missing, four (4) of which are males while three (3) are females; 2. That I subsequently asked my sister-in-law Fotunata Antolijao Wagas if she noticed my chickens but she answered me that she has no idea. I exerted efforts to locate my chickens but to no avail; 3. That in the following day, April 16, 2011, I went to the public market of Liloan to buy rice and I subsequently verified the stall of chicken-for-sale owned by Mrs. Marites Carlos, then and there, I fortunately saw and positively identified only six (6) of the seven (7) missing chickens at her stall; 4. That I talked with Mrs. Marites Carlos and informed her that the six (6) chickens (three male and three female) in her stall were mine but Mrs Marites Carlos told me that if she could get back the money that she paid to the person who sold those chicken to her then she will return to me my chickens; 5. That after which, I immediately went to Barangay Hall of Barangay Jubay, Liloan, Cebu and informed Barangay Councilor Abel Pea Goc-ong that my missing chickens were at the stall of Mrs. Marites Carlos; 6. That Barangay Councilor Abel Pea Goc-ong accompanied me to the stall of Mrs. Marites Carlos and the same reminded Mrs Carlos not to dispose or sell the subject chickens so that further investigation be made and we agreed with Mrs Carlos to talk each other again on April 18, 2011 (Monday) and as explained by Mrs Carlos that will also try to contact the person who sold her said chickens; 7. That on April 18, 2011, Brgy. Counselor Abel Pea Goc-ong and I went back to the stall of Mrs. Carlos and we learned later that she already sold and disposed my chickens for her own gains and interests despite our previous agreement to temporarily hold the selling of the same because those were evidence for investigation; 8. That I lodged my complaint against Mrs Merites Carlos at the office of the Barangay Captain of Barangay Poblacion, Liloan, Cebu and during our conciliation, I informed the officiating Barangay Captain that since Mrs Carlos sold my chicken I am requiring her to pay me also Php 250.00 for each of my chicken which equaled to Php 1,750.00 but Mrs Carlos refused to pay me therefore the settlement was failed; 9. That our case was elevated to the Lupong Tagapamayapa of the said Baranagy but Mrs Carlos failed to attend our scheduled conciliation. Hence, no settlement was made and the Certification to File Action was issued against her which I also used for filing an appropriate charges against her in court;

10. That I executed this affidavit in order to attest to the truth of the facts hereof and to support for filing complaint against MRS. MARITES CARLOS for THEFT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto affixed my signature this _______ day of June 2011 at Liloan, cebu, Philippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this _____ day of June 2011 at liloan, Cebu, Philippines. I further certify that I have personally examined the above-named affiant and I am fully convinced that she freely and voluntarily executed her affidavit;

Republic of the Philippines. . .) Municipality of Liloan. . . . . . .)S.s. Province of Cebu. . . . . . . . . .) AFFIDAVIT OF THE WITNESS

I, Abel Pea Goc-ong, 52 years old, widower, filipino and a resident of Barangay Jubay, Liloan, Cebu after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, do hereby depose and state: 1. That I am an elected Barangay Councilor of Barangay Jubay, Liloan, Cebu;

2. That on May 16, 2011, Certain Mrs. Christina Bobol Antolijao came to our Barangay Hall in Barangay Jubay, Liloan, Cebu and told me that her seven (7) native chickens were stolen on May 15, 2011; 3. That when she allegedly went to the public market of Liloan she allegedly saw and positively identified her chickens at the stall of certain Mrs Marites Carlos of Barangay poblacion, Liloan, Cebu; 3. That Mrs Christina Bohol Antolijao requested my assistance in order to talk with Mrs. Marites Carlos prompted me to accompany her to the stall of Mrs. Marites Carlos, then and there, victim Mrs Christina Bohol Antolijao immediately pen pointed to me her six (6) chickens (three males and three females) while the other one is believed to be already sold; 5. That at this juncture, I courteously approached and talked with Mrs Marites Carlos then I asked her that if possible she must not dispose or sell the said chickens which were claiming by Mrs. Christina Bohol Antolijao so that they may subjected for further investigation; 6. That Mrs. Marites Carlos told us that she will contact the person who sold her the said chickens so we agreed to get back on May 18, 2011 in order that Mrs. Christina Bohol Antolijao and I could personally meet with the allege person who sold said chickens to Mrs. Marites Carlos; 7. That when victim Mrs. Christina Bohol Antolijao and I went back to the stall of Mrs. Marities Carlos on April 18,2011 as we previously agreed, we learned that Mrs. Carlos has already sold and disposed said chickens; 8. That victim Mrs. Christina Antolijao lodged her complaint against Mrs Merites Carlos at Barangay Poblacion, Liloan, Cebu and when the settlement was failed a certification to file action was issued against Mrs. Marites Carlos; 9. That I executed this affidavit in order to attest to the truth of the facts hereof and to support for filing complaint against MRS. MARITES CARLOS for THEFT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto affixed my signature this _______ day of June 2011 at Liloan, cebu, Philippines. ABEL PEA GOC-ONG Affiant

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this _____ day of June 2011 at liloan, Cebu, Philippines. I further certify that I have personally examined the above-named affiant and I am fully convinced that she freely and voluntarily executed her affidavit;

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