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Example rss ing a load (0) em carry! ee ian ie of (150 t). The Design a strap footing t0 suPh sn (60) mn pe ot fe edge of the footing of (100 1) and an interior co umn. The a a mns ior col distance centre tg centre, a oi Su, ie e "oF ae £=2000 kg/cm’, Id not project_beyon or SE mage pressure is 2.0 kg/cm’. Tal k,=0.361 and k,=1237, Solution: S= 5m Property line 1- Initial dimensions of exterior footin 'all(net) 1:20 % Use rectangular footing (L =25m p — 2.0m) L=2.5m 2- Reaction (R, ,R,) IM, =0 (R, x 4.2) =(100x5) = (R, =1191) Bf, =0 (100+150-119-R,)=0 => (R,=1311) Check AR =(119 -100) =(150 —131) =19¢ 3- Actual footing dimensions Exterior footing ee Ah oe [Ri =P +AR | Se ee N94. p= 1 =2.975m =>take (L =3.0m) Ganiner) 20 Interior footing eS USE =6.55m ? : Ganner) 20 Use square footing =>(L =B =2.6m) 4- Actual stress R, 19 39,832 /m? Sa aiyney ---O-K ed (Ars)a (2*3) acta) ~ Ry TE 219,38t/ m* (X=1.68m) + (M,,,,) will happen at point of zero shear : Maa (no | : [eoa-S)| 2 Moat -|ssa0 | - [(100)«(1.48)]=—64 t.m M, {| -{soas-- 25.2tm 6- Design of the strap beam ___ 7 — Assume the width of the strap beam {v= 70cm) / ea —-—“i‘=™SO Depth 3 We ac, [64%10° = (d-109 em) em =0.361)—a9 ()= d+ cover (5-10)om Take (t =120cm ,d =113c") Reinforcement (As) Top Rit s A = Mw -64%10"_ 45 Sem? *k,d 1237x113 [Use (4, =10025 )=>A, =49.1 cm? Bottom Rft The strap between the two columns only A’,=(0.2A,) = (0.2x49.1)=9,82 em? lUse(4', =4@18 4. =10.2 om? Check on shear from (S F.D)= @,,, =79.21) Qrae _ 76.2%10° Gnee = bed Woxtiy “23KR fom? sig. =7kg Icom?) Itis rec i recommended to resist the shear by Vertical sti stirrups o) Using stirrups(®10, 4 branches) i dn, 2 BEAM, me] 9.63 [4222852000 705 |=s =932 om Using stirrups(10, 4 4 branch, IS, Spaced 9c1 7- Design of footings Exterior footing It is always designed as a Strip footin; P..= Loot Mores Guy =19.83 vm? Footing Depth (d) Moment © The critical section is taken at the face of the strap beam. 5 M4! =e) %> =19.93x05) Sy: =13.11 tm/m 2 11x 10° oe sacha Ty n= 41.33 em) Wide beam shear d, © The critical section is taken at distance (d) from the face of the strap beam. «For the hatched strip: oom [Ase = 4 er shear Qonw = Fax [1X(C -4)]=19 83[1x(1.15-d)] Quy = (22.8-19:834) = Pine ead 22.8-19.834_ xd | d,, =0.286 m Thickness (1 (t)= dyq, + cover (5-10)em=> sash (ed) 2 a ‘ake (1 = 600m ,d =S3em) Reinforcement (As) Main steel (4,) (bottom Rift.) Ay fn = Mt = BNI" 899. 0.¢m?/m' kd 1237xS3 Agoasim'=—2 A, = —2_(100%60) =12 cm? /m veo 1000 * 1000 eee” [Use (622/m') =A, =22.8¢m?/m| 3.0m Secondary steel (4 .) (bottom RR) eae cue: [Use (6@16/m') =>, (esa a Check for bond (for main stet) Dearden! = 4.2, (C *D=1983x1.15 <9 8 $22.8 figs Qras(bond) y= et) 28 0.87d [n(x9)] O87 SHG ty x23] “11.92 ke fom? Feet Interior footing The strap is between the two columns onk only Footing Depth (d) _ 5 1Sot My,2=M,.=25.2t.m >from BMD eofip A M,,/m" 229.691 Im Geigy 719.38 r M,5/m\ 4m 1938222" 8.75 m/m\ Take(1=60em ,d=53em)as exterior footing Punching 0.7m mfa.6+a2yHo.7O p= [201 oo sainyo705D te m 3 Qi 2 steer Ip = Ayer) PX4 150 150 57.06 tm? < 801 (m0 4,96x0,53 y= Reinforcement (As) s Aim = Maa 2.6910 = = =14.78 om? /m‘ kd 1237x53 [Use (816/m") bottom Rit in both directions=> A, =16.1 cm? /m' ~ Check for bond. Q,.2/m' =O, /m‘= =19.381/m'\ => from S.F.D Q3.5/m =Gay¢2) XC =19.38x0.95=18.41 ¢/m' Qoeiiowy ___19.38x 10? De ay een 87d[n(x9)] 0.8753] Rr x1, Gy] O45 ke lem? <(25)kg le 2.6m A ia {

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