Steps To Create Your Comparative Study

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Suggested Steps to Create Your Comparative Study

1. Select artworks, objects or artifacts​. The requirements are a minimum of 3 artworks by at

​ nother tip
least 2 different artists. ​The art/artists should show a difference in place and time. A
is that at least one of the pieces should look different than the other pieces, either by subject
matter or media. Below are different sources to help you find artists/artwork:
h. About Google Art Project:​
i. Link to Google Art Project:​
j. A List of Artists​ on a powerpoint that I have made
k. A List of Artists​ on a google document that I have made
l. Check art history textbooks
m. Check ​this site ​for an Art History Timeline (for dummies)
n. Check out ​this powerpoint ​to see examples from different art movements over time.

2. Copy/Paste images of the 3 pieces you have chosen onto a ​Title/Introduction slide​,
preferably using a google slide presentation. Cite everything you know about each piece
underneath each photo, such as artist, title, date created, artist’s country of origin and/or place
the art was created, where the art is currently located, your source of information on the art,
etc. Write a synopsis on this slide (about a paragraph) explaining why you chose these 3
pieces, what their connections are, if they have a theme somehow, etc.

3. Analysis of Formal Qualities​ (Elements and Principles of Art): ​Check this site​ for some
clarification. Create a venn diagram in your visual journal to compare and contrast the formal
qualities of all 3 works. Create slides analyzing the formal qualities of each piece,
approximately 3 slides.

4. Interpretation of Function and Purpose​: Check ​this prezi​ or ​this site​ for some clarification.
Create a venn diagram in your visual journal to compare and contrast the function and purpose
of all 3 works. Create slides analyzing the function and purpose of each piece, approximately 3
slides. ​This may overlap with cultural significance.

5. Evaluation of Cultural Significance​: Check ​this site​ for some clarification. Create a venn
diagram in your visual journal to compare and contrast the cultural significance of all 3 works.
Create slides analyzing the cultural significance of each piece, approximately 3 slides. ​This
may overlap with function and purpose.

6. Create multiple slides that ​compare and contrast the 3 works​, approximately 3-5 slides.
Refer back to your venn diagrams in your visual journal to help you.
7. Now ​edit the layout and content of all of the slides​. Consider this advice:
a. Most students will complete the comparative study using a slide presentation software
such as Microsoft’s PowerPoint​®​, Apple’s Keynote​®​ or Google Slides, and then convert
the document to a portable document file (PDF) for electronic submission. Avoid using
animations within slides and animated transitions between slides that may be lost when
the file is converted, or may be missed if a moderator advances through your
presentation prematurely.
b. Ensure you are using subject-specific terminology. Review art vocabulary terms and
include them where relevant as much as possible.
c. When importing images for your presentation, resize them first to a maximum height or
width of 1,500 pixels, optimized for web and devices. This will reduce the overall size of
your file, without compromising the image quality when viewed on a screen.
d. Use a consistent design scheme for your presentation. Use one or two fonts throughout
the presentation. Sans serif fonts tend to be easier to read on screen. Avoid narrow or
cursive fonts. Make slide backgrounds subtle and consistent and use high contrast
between background and text colour.
e. Wherever possible, communicate with visuals and graphics in preference to text.
f. Consider creative layouts using​ ​infographics and graphic organizers​.
g. Check your grammar and spelling, paying attention to the spelling of artists’ names.

Suggested Student Instructions for Organizing the Comparative Study

What’s on the Slides / Screens Suggested Screen #’s

Make intro screen showing 3 works and maybe a short paragraph 1=

explaining why you chose them and make a sources screen Intro

Create 3 formal qualities screens and analyze the formal qualities of 2, 3, 4 =

each piece on separate screens (one slide per artwork) Formal qualities

Research what function and purpose are in the context of art, make 5, 6, 7 =
3 slides for function and purpose (one slide per artwork) Function and purpose

Research cultural significance for your artists and artworks, make 3 8, 9, 10 =

slides for cultural contexts (one slide per artwork) Cultural significance

Create 3-5 slides showing comparisons and connections of your 11, 12, 13, (14, 15) =
chosen works, reference the venn diagrams from your visual journal Comparisons and
and utilize as many graphic organizers and infographics as possible. Connections

Create 3-5 Slides showing connections to your own art-making 16, 17, 18 (19, 20) =
(HL Only) Connections to own

Finalize your sources slide (it will be uploaded as a separate PDF Sources Slide
and not count as a number in your slides / screens total)

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