Introduction To Foods and You

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Introduction to Foods and You 

This survey is designed to help me get to know you! This information is going to help design a
course you will enjoy! I want to learn about what you already know about foods, and I want to
get to know you as a human. Please communicate clearly, but you don't have to use full
sentences, as long as I can understand what you are telling me.

* Required

* This form will record your name, please fill your name.

My first name is Becky, my last name is Killoran. My preferred pronouns are

she/her/they/them. Please call me Miss Killoran or Miss K. What name do you
prefer to be called? What are your  preferred pronouns (if you wish to share)? *

Have you taken foods before? *



I love to eat food truck poutine

and I love fruits and vegetables!
What are your favorite foods? *

Who is your favorite super hero? *


Do you cook at home? Tell me

some things you can make!
Include things like grilled
cheese, toast, or boxed cake
mixes. *

We all have different experience levels. What kind of cooking skills have you
learned either in foods class or at home, or is this your first time cooking?

Do you have any food allergies or food sensitivities? (gluten, peanuts, dairy) 

I don't like to eat fish! Tell me about foods you really do NOT like:  *

How comfortable do you feel about working in the kitchen? (5 stars means
really comfortable, 1 star means extremely nervous)  *


What are some recipes you

hope we make in foods this
year? (you can list more than
one thing and you can look
some up on the internet)

As your teacher, what do you wish I knew about you?  *


My love is split between dogs

and cats, but I love all the
animals. Are you a dog person,
a cat person, a reptile person, or
small fuzzy creature person?  *


Who are some people in the class that you feel like you would work well with? 

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Microsoft Forms

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