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Guidelines to use to advise Mrs.

De Jesus regarding Uno’s masturbating in public:

 Make it clear to the children that you are an emotionally secure source of knowledge.
 Underline that they are welcome to discuss the subject with you whenever they choose.
 Begin teaching to the child the difference between "public" and "private.

Outcomes Teaching Plan Content Teaching Strategies Evaluation and critique

teaching and

1. Determine what the Ask few questions to

child knows about know their level of
pregnancy and the arrival comprehension and what
of baby they may believe
pregnancy is all about.

Stick to the theme and

deliver the facts clearly
and concisely when
The mother will be able 2. Use concise and direct explaining pregnancy and The mother explained
to disseminate important responses in answering the arrival of the baby. pregnancy and the arrival
information about the questions of the baby to her
pregnancy and the arrival children in an age-
of the baby to her appropriate way.

Children's comprehension
develops at various ages
and stages of
3. Choose the words development. When
wisely in explaining speaking, always utilize
pregnancy language that is related to
terms and concepts that
the child is already
familiar with and

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