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Bulacan State University

City of Malolos, Bulacan


Nerissa L. Santos
Part I.

1. A dissertation manuscript has three (3) important components. These are: preliminary
section, the main body, and the bibliography. Identify the parts for each component, and
their descriptions.

A. Preliminary

Title page- All of the important details about the paper are contained on the title page or
cover page. The title of the dissertation and the researcher's name are typically included.
 Approval sheet The forms that the researcher submits to the academic panel for work
approval .
In the acknowledgements section of your thesis or dissertation, you can express your
gratitude to those who have supported you both personally and professionally during the
writing process.
Abstract - serves as a summary of your work/research and provides a synopsis of each
component of your dissertation.
 Table of contents is the area in your thesis, dissertation, or research paper where you list
the chapters and significant sections, along with their page numbers.
A list of figures and tables includes a list of all the tables and figures you used in your
thesis or dissertation, together with the pages where they appeared. These lists provide your
reader with an overview of your document's use of tables and figures.

B. Main Body

The Problem and its Background. The first chapter of the research paper serves to
introduce the issue, clarify key terms, and highlight the importance of the subject of study.
This chapter lists the various essentials: the introduction, which provides the justification or
explanation for why the research was conducted; the review of the literature and statistical
foundation; the statement of the general and specific problems; the scope and delimitation,
which identifies the major variables, sub-variables, and the indicators; and the significance
of the study, which lists the recipients of the study and the corresponding benefits.

The theoretical framework is the "roadmap" for the whole dissertation investigation It
gives the framework to specify how you will approach the dissertation as a whole from a
philosophical, epistemological, methodological, and analytical standpoint. It also acts as the
foundation upon which to develop and support your study. It incorporates pertinent
theories, research, literature, study hypotheses or assumptions, and variable definitions.

The methodology chapter outlines your methodology so that readers can assess the validity
and dependability of the research. It contains the kind of study you conducted, the data
collection and analysis procedures, any tools or materials you employed, and the
justification for the methodology you used. The methodology chapter is where you discuss
the specific decisions you took about your research design and highlight the philosophical
foundations of your study. The purpose of the methodology chapter is to explain in detail to
the reader how your study was designed and to support your design decisions.

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Presentation, analysis and interpretation of data. It is the process of classifying and
categorizing data into logical, systematic, and meaningful groups. Selecting the information
that will be utilized to draw conclusions about your work is one of the three main problems
presented in this chapter, which is a significant stage in the research process.

Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations. Each individual query under

the problem statement must be included in the summary of findings, which must be put first
and then the conclusions that address it. The conclusions should be textual generalizations,
which are a summary of the crucial textual and numerical data. The very last paragraph of
your thesis or dissertation is the conclusion. The major goals of the statement are to:
Clearly state the response to the central research question. Summarize the study and offer
your thoughts. Make suggestions for additional research on the subject.Bibliography

A bibliography often includes a list of the books, papers, journals, artifacts from foreign
cultures, and other research sources that were used to create a literary or scholarly work.
The bibliography is a list of all the sources cited in a dissertation that the author also
suggests be read further. The section must include sufficient details about the source so that
it can independently verify it.

2. The different approaches in research are: Qualitative Research, Quantitative Research

and Mixed Method Research. Discuss each briefly, as well as the appropriate research
design (also called research type and research plan) that can be used for each research

 The goal of qualitative research is to gain a thorough understanding of social
phenomena in their natural environment. Instead of concentrating on the "what," it
emphasizes the "why" of social phenomena and depends on the first-hand accounts
of people to serve as the primary interpreters of their daily experiences.
There are five research design in Qualitative Research. An detailed analysis of the
past, including people, events, and records, is best handled by a historical study. A
historical study's goal is to make predictions about the present and the future using
data from earlier research. Phenomenology is an extremely diverse field of study.
In this research methodology, the researcher seeks out data that explains how
people encounter phenomena and their reactions to them. This approach
acknowledges that there is no one objective reality; rather, every person has a
unique perspective on the world. Grounded theory is a method for creating a
theory about a social issue. In addition to identifying issues in social settings, this
theory also aims to characterize how people resolve those issues. The study of a
particular subgroup within a culture is known as ethnography. One of the most
popular qualitative research methods is the case study, which is used to explore an
individual, group, community, or institution..
● Quantitative research is a research project that makes use of and analyzes numerical
data using statistical methods. The who, what, when, where, how much, how many,
and how questions are all raised. Quantitative research techniques are intended to
generate statistically valid data that reveals how many people do or believe a
particular thing. The most common format for quantitative data is numerical, such as
averages, ratios, or ranges.
There are four main types of Quantitative research: Descriptive, Correlational,
Causal-Comparative/Quasi-Experimental, and Experimental Research. attempts to
establish cause- effect relationships among the variables. These types of design are
very similar to true experiments, but with some key differences
 Mixed Method Research

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To address a research question, mixed methods research incorporates aspects of
qualitative and quantitative research. As they combine the advantages of both
methodologies, mixed methods can help create a more complete picture than a
solitary quantitative or qualitative study. In the behavioral, health, and social
sciences, mixed methods research is frequently employed, particularly in
multidisciplinary settings and complicated situational or societal studies. The four
major types of mixed methods designs are the Triangulation Design, the Embedded
Design, the Explanatory Design, and the Exploratory Design

Part II.
Using the variables listed in the table, prepare a research proposal.
✔ Propose a dissertation title.
✔ For the Statement of the Problem (SoP), formulate the main and specific
problems and the hypothesis (es).
✔ Indicate the research methodology, sampling technique and the proposed
statistical treatment.
✔ Develop a conceptual framework based on your SoP.

Most Essential Learning Research produtivity Innovation Management
Competencies (MELCs)
Skills Gap Coping mechanism Relationship with cooperating
No.of research presentations Job level position Joys/pain of school leadership
in national and international
Total Quality Management Linkages Joy in the practice of profession
Incentives Principals’ Self-Efficacy Professional achievements

Management style Classroom facilities Nature of employment

Salary and Fringe Benefits Research Culture Faculty competence
Job Commitment Protection of Legal Adequacy of resources
Managerial Competence Innovation Driven Employability
Study Attitudes Outstanding Human relations skills
Employability Employment status Conflict Management
Industry Partnership In-service training Deployment procedures
Technical Skills Supervisory practices Educational qualifications

Instructional Supervision Authority, Job Satisfaction


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No. of Preparations Student skills Student Performance
Institutional Prodcutivity School-Based Financial Study Habits
Research and Statistical Library facilities No. of Patents/ inventions
Level of Accreditation Professional issues Faculty Performance
Parental Support Protection of Legal Conceptual Skills
Performance Licensure School-Based Governance and Development
Exams Management
No. of Articles Published in Organizational Climate Instructional Productivity
ISI journal
Faculty Competence Industry Produtivity Library Facilities
Curriculum Enhancement Trends/Changes in Industrial 4.0
Occupational Structures
Skills Shortage Digital Transformation Skills gap
Structure and Trends in Trials and Challenges Community Service
Labor Market
Work Skills Needed Strategic Planning Retirement

Professional Teaching Decision Making Managerial Skills
Competencies Practice of
Leadership Style
Employees’ Business Sustainability Customer Loyalty
Communication Behavior
Marketing Mix Current Employment Operating Cash Flow
Strategic Planning Process Operating Cash Flow Consumer Price Index
Gross Domestic Product Profitability Business Success
Accounts Payable Turnover Environmental, Social Money Supply
and Financial Demands
Classroom environment
Professional issues
Protection of Legal Rights
Innovation Driven
Outstanding accomplishment
Employment status
In-service training
Page 4 of 8
Supervisory practices
Authority, Accountability, Responsibility
Student skills
School-Based Financial Management
Job Satisfaction
Student Performance
Study Habits
No. of Patents/ inventions
Faculty Performance
Conceptual Skills
Governance and Development


Research Title

Meal Practices and Nutritional Status on Academic Performance of Students

Brief Background (Philosophical Foundation/s)

Malnutrition can also result from ignorance about the nutritional benefits of
foods that the body needs for growth and development, which is a problem that is not
always brought on by a lack of food. It is disheartening to see that fast food is still
sold in canteens on college campuses. Campaigns against food-related health risks
have been run by the health department. Nutrition Education is part of the
curriculum, according to educational planners. Despite all of these factors, the
country's malnutrition rate is rising. Where lies the problem? Perhaps education can
give the answer. Given that Filipinos have long valued education as having a big
impact on national progress and on improving people's quality of life through
intellectually developed citizens, the researcher sees the benefits of looking at how
students eat and their nutritional status. People involved in education will become
more aware of and devoted to their roles in the development of the students entrusted
to their care through an assessment of the nutritional state of pupils and their eating
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With this in mind, the researcher will conduct a study to determine the nutritional
status and meal practices of Grade 7 students in EDDIS II to be able to contribute to
the academic development of students considering that good nutrition is a significant
and vital affecting factor.

Statement of the Problem

General Problem

The general problem of the study is: How may the meal practices and

nutritional status affect the academic performance of Grade 7 Students in EDDIS II?

Specific Questions
1. How may the participants be described in terms of:
a. Age
b. Gender
c. Highest Educational Attainment of Parents

2. How may the meal practices of Grade 7 students of EDDIS II be described in

terms of food intake and eating habits?

3. How may the nutritional status of Grade 7 students of EDDIS II be described

in terms of their Body Mass Index?

4. How may the Grade 7 students of EDDIS II be described in terms of their

academic Performance?

5. How do the students meal practices relate with their nutritional status?

6. Is there a significant relationship in the students’ meal practices and

nutritional status on academic perfromance?

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study is limited to selected Grade 7 students of Dampol 1st National High
School, Dr. Felipe de Jesus National High School, Lipana High School, Alexis
Santos High School and Mariano Ponce National High School.
The scope is confine at determining the nutritional status of the students based
on their Body Mass Index ( BMI). The meal practices of the subjects will be
identified through the responses of the respondents to the questionnaire. The
academic performance will be based on the general average of the 1st to 3rd grading
subjects of the school year 2022-2023. Furthermore, the study is limited to the
correlation between meal practices, the nutritional status and academic performance.


Conceptual Framework (Draw the Paradigm of the Study)

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Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Meal Practices
 Food Intake
 Eating Habits
Nutritional Status
 Body Mass

State the Hypothesis/es or Assumption of the Study

The following hypotheses are tested in the study:

1. There is no significant relationship between meal practices of the Grade 7
students and their nutritional status.
2. There is no significant relationship in the students’ meal practices and
nutritional status on academic performance.


Methods and Techniques of the Study. (What specific research approach and research design/s
will you use and the specific technique/s in conducting the study?) Discuss well your answer.
The study will be using the quantitative method of research specifically the
descriptive research towards its accomplishment. It will determine the present
conditions of the subjects in terms of their nutritional status, meal practices and
academic perfomance. Collected data will be reviewed and enter in Microsoft excel
for tabulation and descriptive statistical treatment. These methods are use to
examine, convert, and create a distinctive pattern between various data variables.
Furthermore, the output can be accessed using a graphical representation, allowing
the user to interpret the result quickly.

Population and Sample of the Study (consider discussing the selection procedure and
sampling techniques)
The researcher will be using the probability sampling specifically simple
random sampling. Simple random sampling is a reliable method of obtaining
information where every single member of a population is chosen randomly, merely
by chance. Each individual has the same probability of being chosen to be a part of a
sample. The main resources of data are the selected Grade 7 students of Dampol 1st
National High School, Dr. Felipe de Jesus National High School, Lipana High
School, Alexis Santos High School and Mariano Ponce National High School.

Research Instrument
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The researcher will adopt and modify the Students’ Questionnaire on Meal
Practices by Bondoc 2004. The evaluation criterion are: (4) – Always (3) Often, (2)
– Sometimes, (1) – Never/Almost Never.  The nutritional status will be based on
Body Mass Index.

Data Processing and Statistical Treatments (Discuss all the statistical treatment needed. Consider
including a Likert scale with verbal interpretation if applicable)

To identify and describe the meal practices of the student-respondents, the

weighted mean will be computed and translated to its corresponding verbal
descriptions for appropriate interpretations.
To determine the nutritional ststus of the student’s respondents, monthly BMI
will be used. The status will be classified as normal, wasted, severely wasted and
overweight. The frequencies will be translated into percentages and interpreted
To determine and describe the academic performance of the students , the range,
arithmetic mean and standard deviations will be computed.
To determine the relationship between meal practices, nutritional status and
academic performance, the chi-square analysis will be performed.
//God bless!

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