Ascension of The Lord, Year A

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Ascension of the Lord: Christ goes up

in Glory

Readings: 1st: Acts 1:1-11; Ps: 46; 2nd:

Eph 1:17-23; Gos: Mt 28: 16-18

On this seventh Sunday of Easter, we

celebrate the solemnity of Ascension. It
is an important solemnity that marks the
return of Jesus to the Father. Together
with the Resurrection, it is a manifestation of the victory of Christ. Ascension
is a solemnity that sustains the hope of Christians that one day we shall be
where Christ is.

The Ascension is an event that reminds the glory and majesty of the Lord, who is sovereign over all. The
Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches us that: “Christ the head of the Church precedes us into His Father’s
glorious kingdom, so that we, the members of his body may live in the hope of being with him forever.” (665-
667). In the Apostles’ Creed, we affirm and proclaim: “… He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right
hand of God, the Father Almighty.” Elsewhere in the Bible, we have incidents of persons being taken up to
heaven. For instance, Enoch was taken up by God: “Then Enoch walked with God and he was no longer here,
for God took him” (Gen 5:24). Elijah went up: “As they walked on conversing, a flaming chariot and flaming
horses came between Elisha and Elijah, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind” (2Kgs 2: 11). Mother
Mary was ‘assumed’ into heaven, body and soul (Dogma of the Assumption). Christ, however, ‘ascended’ to
the heavens through His Power. This is a tremendous demonstration of His Divinity, His Glory and His Power!

The Ascension is an event which radiates hope to the suffering and optimism to the distressed. The Ascension
beautifully exhibits how a life, lived in faith and commitment, even if it has to go through the barbed wires of
pain, humiliation, suffering and uncertainty has a splendid and magnificent ending. This is manifested in the
interesting saga of Christ’s life. Beginning with His simple and yet powerful event of His Birth, His ordinary
yet impressive event of His ministry, His agonizing yet impactful event of His passion and death, His glorious
and spectacularly amazing event of the Resurrection and finds its resplendent and joyful finale in His Ascension
to the heavens.

The Ascension is an event that urges us in our commitment to be Missionaries for the Kingdom of God. “Go
therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit.”

Dutifully, the Ascension reminds us of how the Lord trusts and has immense confidence in each one of us to be
the proclaimers of His word. He wishes to reign over in our hearts. He wishes to be the sovereign ruler of our
lives. We need therefore, the Holy Spirit to take control of our entire mission. We need a divine help in order to
succeed in his mission. We must invite him to inspire, heal and renew us. 

May the Feast of the Ascension be a reminder for us to open our hearts to let the Lord be in total command of
our lives. May the conviction in His love, the zeal to be His Missionaries and the passion to make this world a
holier place help and strengthen us, to be “doctors of healing and love” in our world of suffering and pain!

So, let us pray: “Lord sent forth your spirit and renew the face of the earth.” Alleluia, Alleluia!
Rev Fr Christopher Sibanda
Happy Feast of the Ascension!
Diocese of Hwange
God Bless You!

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