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Clinica Chimica Acta 326 (2002) 47 – 59

Vegetarian lifestyle and monitoring of vitamin B-12 status
Wolfgang Herrmann *, Jürgen Geisel
Department of Clinical Chemistry-Central Laboratory, University Hospital of the Saarland, Bld. 40, D-66421 Homburg/Saar, Germany
Received 17 May 2002; received in revised form 19 August 2002; accepted 5 September 2002


Vegetarians are at risk to develop deficiencies of some essential nutrients, especially vitamin B-12 (cobalamin). Cobalamin
occurs in substantial amounts only in foods derived from animals and is essential for one-carbon metabolism and cell division.
Low nutritional intake of vitamin B-12 may lead to negative balance and, finally, to functional deficiency when tissue stores of
vitamin B-12 are depleted. Early diagnosis of vitamin B-12 deficiency seems to be useful because irreversible neurological
damages may be prevented by cobalamin substitution.
The search for a specific and sensitive test to diagnose vitamin B-12 deficiency is ongoing. Serum vitamin B-12
measurement is a widely applied standard method. However, the test has poor predictive value. Optimal monitoring of
cobalamin status in vegetarians should include the measurement of homocysteine (HCY), methylmalonic acid (MMA), and
holotranscobalamin II. Vitamin B-12 deficiency can be divided into four stages. In stages I and II, indicated by a low plasma
level of holotranscobalamin II, the plasma and cell stores become depleted. Stage III is characterized by increased levels of
HCY and MMA in addition to lowered holotranscobalamin II. In stage IV, clinical signs become recognizable like
macroovalocytosis, elevated MCV of erythrocytes or lowered haemoglobin. In our investigations, we have found stage III of
vitamin B-12 deficiency in over 60% of vegetarians, thus underlining the importance of cobalamin monitoring in this dietary
D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Vegetarian; Cobalamin; Vitamin B-12; Holotranscobalamin II; Homocysteine; Methylmalonic acid

1. Introduction risk of diseases. Vegetarian diet has a beneficial effect

on some cardiovascular risk factors [1– 4] and reduces
Diseases that are related to a modern lifestyle such coronary heart disease [5,6]. The beneficial effects
as hyperlipidemia, hypertension, obesity or cardiovas- could be due to the diet as well as the healthy lifestyle,
cular diseases (CVD) are common in industrialized which includes desirable weight, regular physical
countries. There is a considerable body of evidence activity, and abstinence from smoking, alcohol, and
that a vegetarian lifestyle is associated with a lower drug abuse. On the other hand, a recent review article
concluded that the beneficial effects of fruits and
vegetables against coronary heart disease are unim-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-6841-162-3070; fax: +49-
6841-162-3109. pressive, with roughly equal number of articles report-
E-mail address: ing negative or no associations [7]. Therefore, the
(W. Herrmann). estimation of effects of vegetarian lifestyle on coro-

0009-8981/02/$ - see front matter D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 9 - 8 9 8 1 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 3 0 7 - 8
48 W. Herrmann, J. Geisel / Clinica Chimica Acta 326 (2002) 47–59

nary heart disease is a much more difficult task than it B-1 is widely distributed in foods, but most contain
seems from the positive influence on blood choles- only low concentrations of vitamin B-1. Yeasts are
terol. In a meta-analysis of five prospective studies particularly good sources, but cereals represent the
with 24,000 vegetarians, it was shown that vegans who most important dietary sources [12]. However, in a
did not eat any animal products had a higher mortality vegetarian diet, there are a lot of heat-stable vitamin
from coronary heart disease than lacto-ovo-vegetarians B-1 antagonists, such as polyphenols (caffeic acid,
[8]. This trend to a more increased coronary risk could chlorogenic acid, tannic acid) and flavonoids (querci-
possibly reflect that more pronounced diet deficiencies tin and rutin) that can inhibit vitamin B-1 absorption
in vegans are associated with less cardiovascular [13]. Also, some plant foods, such as raw fish, tea,
protection. In the present review, we give a short betel nuts, blueberries, and red cabbage, contain
overview about critical nutrients in a vegetarian diet. thiaminases, which are enzymes that can inactivate
The main focus of this report is vitamin B-12 supple- vitamin B-1 by altering its structure [14]. However, in
mentation, metabolism and monitoring. general, vegetarians consume adequate vitamin B-1
quantities indicating a good vitamin status. In a report
of Vudhivai et al. [15], vitamin B-1 deficiency was
2. Nutritional adequacy of a vegetarian diet determined in 7.6% of vegetarians. The most widely
used method to detect thiamine deficiency is the
Several styles of eating fall into the category of indirect measurement of thiamine diphosphate in
vegetarianism. Each style differs in the types of foods erythrocytes with either the transketolase activitation
included, what foods are avoided, and what nutrient test or the transketolase activity assay [16,17]. A
deficiencies are of greatest concern. Four main var- recently published HPLC method yields results sim-
iants of vegetarianism can be distinguished. Vegan ilar to the erythrocyte activation assay [18]. A higher
diet includes only plant foods – grains, vegetables, precision and standardisation are possible advantages
fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, and vegetable fats. The of the HPLC method.
lacto-vegetarian diet consists of plant foods plus some
or all dairy products. The lacto-ovo vegetarian diet 2.2. Vitamin B-12
consists of plant foods, milk, dairy products, and eggs.
The fourth group are semi- or partial vegetarians. The Vitamin B-12 occurs in substantial amounts only in
semi-vegetarians do not eat red meat, but may eat foods derived from animals. Therefore, in a vegetarian
chicken or fish with plant foods, dairy products, and diet, the vitamin B-12 supplementation by nutrient
eggs. There are many variations. intake is possibly the most critical point [19]. Because
Vegetarian diet has less energy and less percentage vitamin B-12 is important in different cellular pro-
of energy from fat and cholesterol than omnivorous cesses and a deficiency could result in irreversible
diet. Usually, vegetarians have, compared with omni- neurological damages, different aspects of vitamin B-
vores, lower body weight [9]. A low energy diet can 12 metabolism are discussed in more detail later on.
modulate blood lipids and in this way reduce athero- Recent investigations have shown that the vitamin B-
sclerosis and coronary artery disease [10]. Despite 12 level in plasma could predict the cellular supply
nutrient intake in a vegetarian diet is, in general, with vitamin B-12 only insufficiently, especially when
sufficient for energy and proteins, deficiencies could the plasma vitamin B-12 levels are in the lower third
be found in the areas of vitamins B-1, B-12 and D, of the reference value [20 –22]. The prognostic value
iron, calcium and zinc [11]. Considering the four of plasma vitamin B-12 in comparison to newer
types of vegetarian diet, the likelihood of nutritional parameters of monitoring a cellular vitamin B-12
deficiencies increases with more restricted forms. deficiency is discussed later on.

2.1. Vitamin B-1 (thiamin) 2.3. Vitamin D

Vitamin B-1 is required for the metabolism of There are only few natural food sources of vitamin
carbohydrates and the neurological function. Vitamin D (cheese, butter, margarine, cream, fish) and none
W. Herrmann, J. Geisel / Clinica Chimica Acta 326 (2002) 47–59 49

present in any plant foods. However, vitamin D 2.5. Calcium

deficiency is rarely found in vegetarians. Obviously,
sufficient exposure to sunlight provides an adequate Calcium is needed for bones, nerve and muscle
vitamin D supplementation. However, it has to be function, and blood clotting. For adults, a daily dose
considered that sun exposure could be inadequate in of 800 mg is recommended. Limited data suggest that
some cases, for example, in dark-skinned individuals calcium intakes of vegetarians are below current
living in cloudy or northern climates [23]. On the recommendations [30]. Although oxalates, phytates,
other hand, infants on a macrobiotic diet revealed and fibre in plant food decrease calcium availability, it
symptoms of rickets in 28%, whereas the vitamin D is shown that absorption of calcium from many plant
level was significantly decreased in comparison to foods is excellent. Calcium absorption from low-
individuals without symptoms [24]. Therefore, vita- oxalate vegetables, such as broccoli, kale, and collard
min D deficiency has to be considered as possible rare greens, ranges from 52% to nearly 59% [31]. Calcium
complication especially for children in a vegetarian absorption from beans, nuts, and seeds is considerably
diet. The problem of vitamin D supplementation could lower. Infants on a macrobiotic diet revealed, in 28%,
easily be overcome by using of vitamin-D-fortified physical symptoms of rickets [24]. Besides vitamin D,
product, e.g. rice, milk, and breakfast cereals. To the low availability of calcium in the macrobiotic diet
monitor the vitamin D status, immunological methods was an important factor in causing the high prevalence
are available [25]. In plasma, the 25-hydroxy- and the of rickets. Therefore, in a vegetarian diet, especially
1,25-hydroxy-form of vitamin D could be determined. for infants, recommendation about the calcium con-
25-Hydroxy-vitamin D is hydroxylated in the liver tent of plant food and the availability should be
and sufficient to quantify the vitamin D status. The considered.
second hydroxylation takes place in the nephron and
the determination of the 1,25-dihydroxy-form mainly 2.6. Zinc
indicated in cases of renal insufficiency [26].
Zinc is important for optimal cell growth, rapid
2.4. Iron wound healing, and proper functioning of the immune
system. Animal products, especially meat, provide
Iron is an important trace mineral that is found in 70% of the zinc in the diet [32]. Plant sources of zinc
every cell of the body. Iron is essential to the for- include legume, whole grain pasta, wheat germ, for-
mation of haemoglobin and myoglobin, which carry tified cereals, nuts, and tofu. However, the bioavail-
the oxygen in the blood and the muscle. It also makes ability of zinc from plant foods is reduced by phytate
up part of many protein and enzymes in the body. The in whole grains and legumes. The absorption in-
major part of body iron (70%) is bound to haemoglo- creased when whole grain is leavened and soyfood
bin. Only approximately 20% of the iron pool is is fermented as miso and tempeh [33]. There is some
stored in form of ferritin to replace lost iron. Clinical evidence that zinc absorption is lower on vegetarian
symptoms of iron deficiency are anaemia, general diet than on omnivore diets; however, it has been
fatigue, shortness of breath, and headache. The rec- shown that zinc excretion decreases when dietary zinc
ommended daily iron dose is 10 mg for men and is low [34]. Mean serum zinc was significantly
postmenopausal women, and 15 mg for premeno- decreased in several studies, despite a comparable
pausal women [27]. Dried beans, dark green leafy intake of zinc [35].
vegetables, blackstrap molasses, bulgur, and prune
juice are good vegetarian sources of iron. However,
it has to consider that only about 2 – 20% of the iron 3. Approaches to vitamin B-12 deficiency in
available in vegetarian sources is absorbed by the vegetarians
body [28]. Research shows that vegetarians adults
typically have lower iron stores than nonvegetarians, The discovery of vitamin B-12, also known as
although most studies indicate that the ferritin levels cobalamin, was deduced from studies of a previously
are within a normal range [29]. incurable disease, pernicious anaemia. In the early
50 W. Herrmann, J. Geisel / Clinica Chimica Acta 326 (2002) 47–59

1920s, Minot and Murphy demonstrated that they cofactors in enzyme reactions: adenosylcobalamin
were able to cure pernicious anaemia with a diet that and MeCbl [49]. Three groups of enzymatic reac-
included whole liver. Vegetarians have long been tions are involved: intramolecular rearrangements
known to be at risk of cobalamin deficiency. Reduc- involving the transfer of a hydrogen atom from
tion of serum vitamin B-12 in vegetarians has been one carbon atom to an adjacent carbon and its
reported in various studies [20,36,37]. A high preva- replacement by another adjacent group, catalysed
lence of vitamin B-12 deficiency was also found in by adenosylcobalamin; reduction of ribonucleotide
infants aged 10 –20 months on a macrobiotic diet triphosphate to 2V-deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate,
almost devoid of animal products [38]. In subjects catalysed by adenosylcobalamin; intermolecular
with lowered vitamin B-12 [20], plasma homocys- methyl transfer, catalysed by MeCbl. In mammalian
teine (HCY) will increase, which has been recognized metabolism, vitamin B-12 is required for only two
as an independent atherothrombotic risk factor [39]. key enzymatic reactions: synthesis of methionine
Furthermore, infants born from vegetarian mothers from homocysteine catalysed by methionine synthase
and fed on with macrobiotic diets have increased with MeCbl as cofactor, and isomerisation of meth-
plasma levels of HCY compared with controls [37]. ylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA catalysed by meth-
ylmalonyl-CoA mutase with adenosylcobalamin [50].
3.1. Sources and chemistry The latter reaction is part of the catabolism of odd-
chained fatty acids and several amino acids. A
Vitamin B-12 is essential for one-carbon metabo- reduced flux through the methylmalonyl-CoA mutase
lism and cell division [40 –42]. Vitamin B-12 synthesis reaction is discussed to contribute to subsequent
is very complex and restricted to microorganisms. The neurological tissue damage.
main sources of vitamin B-12 for humans in a non- The active form of vitamin B-12 is of importance
vegetarian diet are meat (2 –5 Ag/100 g), fish (2 –8 Ag/ to strict vegetarians because this vitamin is essential
100 g), milk (1.5 Ag/100 ml), cheese (1 –2 Ag/100 g), for normal maturation and development of blood
and eggs (2 Ag/100 g) [43]. In a vegan diet, main cells but is not normally provided by eating pure
resources for vitamin B-12 are omitted. The degree of plant food. The ultimate source of vitamin B-12 is
vitamin B-12 supply decreases with more hygienic derived at the microbiological level. Not all forms of
efforts in preparing the meal. An example of vegan life vitamin B-12 formed by microbes are metabolically
style without developing a vitamin B-12 deficiency is active for mammalian cells. Some forms are termed
shown by the gorilla. However, in cross-sectional ‘‘analogs’’ or ‘‘corrinoids’’ because they are sufficient
studies, it was shown that about 50% of vegans have for enzymatic reactions and the growth of micro-
vitamin B-12 levels below normal [44,45]. The vitamin organisms, but they are insufficient for the specific
B-12 status is directly correlated with dietary intake and roles in human metabolism [49]. According to Her-
length of time following a vegan diet [46,47]. bert [51,52], algae and other organisms produce
Vitamin B-12 is actually a family of derivatives, noncobalamin vitamin B-12 analogous that are
only some forms are active for humans and other unavailable to the human organism and may even
forms are not. Vitamin B-12 is used to describe block vitamin B-12 metabolism, as was shown for
compounds of the cobalt corrinoid family, in partic- spirulina. In vegetarian children consuming vitamin
ular, those of the cobalamin group. The final sub- B-12 from algae, no improvement of haematological
stances that occur in nature from vitamin B-12 status was detectable while plasma vitamin B-12
biosynthesis are 5V-deoxyadenosylcobalamin and concentrations increased [53]. This confirms that
methylcobalamin (MeCbl), while vitamin B-12 is the bioavailability of vitamin B-12 from algae and
by definition cyanocobalamin (CNCbl), which is other plants is questionable.
the form manufactured by industry [48]. Interest-
ingly, animals including humans and protists need 3.2. Metabolism of vitamin B-12
cobalamin but do not synthesize it. Plants and fungi
are thought to neither synthesize nor to use it. Two Absorption of vitamin B-12 from food is a com-
forms of vitamin B-12 have biological activity as plex process [54]. Low intake of vitamin B-12 from
W. Herrmann, J. Geisel / Clinica Chimica Acta 326 (2002) 47–59 51

food or intestinal malabsorption could lead to negative deficiency introduced by Herbert [40] suggests that
balance and, finally, to functional deficiency when vitamin B-12 deficiency can be divided into four
tissue stores of vitamin B-12 are depleted. Vitamin B- stages. In stages I and II of vitamin B-12 deficiency,
12 in food is released by the action of gastric acid and the plasma and cell stores become depleted. These
proteolytic enzymes in the stomach. In the stomach, stages are indicated by a low plasma level of holo-TC
vitamin B-12 is preferentially captured by haptocor- II, in stage II, additionally by a low level of holohap-
rin, an r-binder protein made in the saliva and stom- tocorrin (HC) [59,60]. Stage III of vitamin B-12
ach. In the upper small intestine, pancreatic enzymes deficiency is characterized by functional dysbalances.
and an alkaline pH degrade the haptocorrin –cobalam- At this stage, beside lowered holo-TC II, increased
min complex. The released vitamin B-12 is recaptured plasma levels of HCY and MMA are observed. In
by yet another protein the intrinsic factor. The intrinsic stage IV of vitamin B-12 deficiency, clinical signs
vitamin B-12 complex is transported to the terminal become recognizable like macroovalocytosis, elevated
ileum where the complex is recognised and internal- MCV of erythrocytes, or lowered haemoglobin. An
ised by specific membrane receptors of the enter- early diagnosis of vitamin B-12 deficiency seems to
ocytes. The absorption of vitamin B-12 by this be useful because neurological damages are irrever-
process is limited ( < 3 Ag per meal). In contrast to sible and could possibly be prevented by early diag-
this receptor-mediated absorption, about 1% of the nosis followed by vitamin B-12 substitution [61]. An
vitamin B-12 is absorbed by passive diffusion even in elevated HCY level which precedes clinical signs of
the absence of intrinsic factor. After absorption of the vitamin B-12 deficiency is an earlier marker and
vitamin B-12 – intrinsic factor complex into the enter- displays the metabolic consequence of vitamin B-12
ocytes, the complex is degraded and vitamin B-12 is deficiency [62]. Hyperhomocysteinemia is, for exam-
transferred to a third binding protein, transcobalamin ple, associated with increased risk for cardiovascular
II. The new formed complex is released into the portal disease, venous thrombosis, neural tube defects or
circulation and is subsequently recognised by specific preeclampsia, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease
receptors present on all cell types. The part of vitamin [63 – 70]. Because of substantial tissue stores, vitamin
B-12 which is bound to transcobalamin is named B-12 deficiency takes years to become evident.
holotranscobalamin (holoTC) [55]. Only 6– 20% of
total plasma vitamin B-12 is present in the active form
bound to transcobalamin II, holoTC II [56]. The 4. Monitoring of the vitamin B-12 status
remaining major part of vitamin B-12 is bound to
transcobalamins I and III [57]. It is supposed that this 4.1. Vitamin B-12, methylmalonic acid, homocysteine,
fraction is involved in transporting redundant vitamin and holotranscobalamin II
B-12 from cells back to the liver. The liver contains
most of the body’s cobalamin. It is calculated that 2– 3 The search for the optimal test to diagnose vitamin
mg vitamin B-12 is stored in the liver [54]. Consid- B-12 deficiency is ongoing [20,42,71,72]. Metabolic
ering a daily recommended dietary dose of vitamin B- studies confirmed that most of low vitamin B-12
12 of 2.4 Ag [58], several years of dietary deficiency concentrations in asymptomatic patients or apparently
are usually necessary before conditions of vitamin B- healthy subjects are representing functional relevant
12 deficiency is apparent. cobalamin insufficiency. Additionally, the diagnostic
reliability of total vitamin B-12 in serum or plasma
3.3. Manifestation of vitamin B-12 deficiency was challenged by metabolic demonstrations of
falsely normal cobalamin concentrations [20,22].
The clinical signs of vitamin B-12 deficiency Transcobalamin is the physiologically active form of
represent late stages of this disease including mega- vitamin B-12 in plasma. Only in the complex form
loblastic anaemia and neuropsychiatric disorders. The cobalamin is taken up into the cells. Furthermore,
condition is nearly identical to folate deficiency but metabolic tests also have disadvantages. HCY, for
leads to irreversible degeneration of the nervous example, diagnoses vitamin B-12 deficiency, too,
system if left untreated. The staging of vitamin B-12 unspecific because it is additionally increased in folate
52 W. Herrmann, J. Geisel / Clinica Chimica Acta 326 (2002) 47–59

and vitamin B-6 deficiency or renal insufficiency [21], omnivorous persons to lacto- (LV)/and lacto-ovo
(Fig. 1). Methylmalonic acid (MMA) is more but not vegetarians (LOV) up to vegans who refuse all kinds
fully specific for vitamin B-12 deficiency, is expen- of animal products [20]. There was a consistent
sive, and also increases in renal insufficiency [20,21]. significant increase of HCY and MMA from omniv-
Due to their life style, vegetarians normally have no orous subjects via LV/LOV up to vegans, while
folate levels below the lower reference limit. There- vitamin B-12 decreased only slightly (Fig. 3). This
fore, vitamin B-12 deficiency caused by vegetarian study and the findings of other investigations [22,54,
diet becomes a main factor influencing the HCY level. 74,75] confirmed that MMA is the most sensitive
Vitamin B-12 known to function as cofactor for studied marker of a functional intracellular vitamin B-
methionine synthase causes, in case of deficiency, 12 shortage. The scatter plot shown in Fig. 4 demon-
an inhibition in the remethylation of HCY to methio- strates that, within the normal range up to 360 pmol/l
nine. Folate in form of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate vitamin B-12 in serum, a greater number of subjects
becomes trapped because the transfer of the methyl have increased MMA >271 nmol/l. Thus, serum
group is inhibited (Fig. 2). Under this condition, vitamin B-12 concentrations within the normal do
higher levels of folate are required in order to transfer not exclude a functional vitamin B-12 deficiency,
a sufficient amount of methyl groups from 5-methyl- and conversely, low serum vitamin B-12 does not
tetrahydrofolate to HCY, preventing hyperhomocys- confirm functional vitamin B-12 deficiency. Subjects
teinemia. However, due to folate trap causing relative with serum vitamin B-12 concentrations up to 360
folate shortage, a substantial portion of vegetarians pmol/l and increased MMA may have functional
develops hyperhomocysteinemia [20,73]. vitamin B-12 deficiency, which could be attributable
to a lowered fraction of holo-TC II. Using the cut-off
4.2. Distributions in vegetarians values for vitamin B-12 and MMA, we found in
vegetarians increased MMA in 25%, whereas lowered
In an investigation on vegetarians, we studied the serum vitamin B-12 occurred in only 8%. It is con-
course of HCY, MMA, and total vitamin B-12 from cluded by use of total vitamin B-12 as marker for

Fig. 1. Metabolism of homocysteine. SAM, S-adenosyl-methionine; SAH, S-adenosyl-homocysteine; HCY, homocysteine; CYS,
cystathionine; a-KBT, a-ketobutyrate; PRP-CoA, propionyl-CoA; MMA, methylmalonic acid; D-MM-CoA, D-methylmalonyl-CoA; L-
MM-CoA, L-methylmalonyl-CoA; SUC-CoA, succinyl-CoA; THF, tetrahydrofolate; 5-MTHF, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate; 5,10-MTHF, 5,10-
methylenetetrahydrofolate; 1, methionine synthase; 2, serine-hydroxy-methyltransferase; 3, N5,N10-methylene-tetrahydrofolatreductase; 4,
cystathionine-h-synthase; 5, cysta-thionase; 6, L-methylmalonyl-CoA-mutase; AA, amino acids; FA, fatty acids.
W. Herrmann, J. Geisel / Clinica Chimica Acta 326 (2002) 47–59 53

Fig. 2. Homocysteine metabolism in vitamin B-12 deficiency: Low vitamin B-12 causes an inhibition of the homocysteine (HCY) remethylation
and thus induces trapping of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF). The increased folate concentration inhibits the transmethylation reaction
leading to elevated S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM) levels. High SAM concentrations activate the transsulfuration pathway (SAH, S-adenosyl-
homocysteine; CYS, cystathionine; THF, tetrahydrofolate; 5,10-MTHF, 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate; 1, methionine synthase; 2, N5,N10-
methylene-tetrahydrofolatereductase; 3, cystathionine-h-synthase; 4, glycin-N-methyltransferase).

vitamin B-12 status that a greater number of subjects deficiency. To create an improved reference interval
with functional vitamin B-12 deficiency would be for vitamin B-12 in serum, only individuals with
missed. Additionally, the scatter plot (Fig. 4) also normal MMA levels should be included. Based on
shows that increased MMA concentrations in vegeta- our results, we recommend a lower reference limit of
rians may occur within the normal range of HCY at least 360 pmol/l. Increased levels of MMA were
starting as low as 8 Amol/l. Thus, normal HCY also very rarely observed above this cut-off level. Another
does not exclude functional vitamin B-12 deficiency. critical point is the distribution of circulating cobala-
Measurement of serum vitamin B-12 concentration min among its several binding proteins. To get more
has been widely applied as standard method for test- specificity and sensitivity in diagnosing vitamin B-12
ing cobalamin deficiency. However, the test has poor deficiency, the concept of measuring the subfraction
positive and negative predictive values because of of vitamin B-12 (cobalamin), which is attached to
problems of sensitivity and specificity [76], which is transcobalamin (TC) and is called holo-TC II, has
confirmed by our investigations on vegetarians reached great interest [42,60,77]. Holo-TC II repre-
[20,73]. One important point for the low specificity sents the biologically active vitamin B-12 fraction
of vitamin B-12 in the prediction of vitamin B-12 because only TC II promotes specific uptake of its
status is the lower cut-off value of the reference vitamin B-12 by all cells. The quantitatively much
interval. The reference interval is founded by the larger fraction haptocorrin (HC) seems to be metabol-
twofold standard deviation of an obviously healthy ically inactive and no cellular receptors are known for
population. However, as shown by measuring of holo-HC [71,78]. The blood holo-TC II concentration
MMA as a functional marker of cellular vitamin B- might be modulated by several influences. These
12 deficiency, the obvious healthy group includes include the amount of absorbed cobalamin, the rates
individuals with clinically not obvious vitamin B-12 of hepatic and renal uptake of holo-TC II, the pro-
54 W. Herrmann, J. Geisel / Clinica Chimica Acta 326 (2002) 47–59

supports the concept that the measurement of holo-TC

II provides a better index of cobalamin status [49]. A
low holo-TC II concentration is hypothesized to be
seen as an early sign of general cobalamin insuffi-
ciency or specific evidence of decreased absorption of
cobalamin. There is no convincing evidence that low
holo-TC II favours cobalamin deficiency or impaired
absorption [71]. In vegetarians, however, cobalamin
deficiency is the most prominent problem.
In a second study on vegetarians, we only found a
few subjects with a normal vitamin B-12 status, while
a majority was categorized as stage III of vitamin B-
12 deficiency according to Herbert, with elevated
HCY and/or MMA as well as lowered holo-TC II
[73]. Stage III of vitamin B-12 deficiency indicates
that the vitamin B-12 stores are depleted (holo-TC II
is very low, compared with omnivores, it decreased by
>80%) and the two vitamin B-12-dependant enzyme
reaction (methionine synthase and methylmalonyl-
CoA mutase) are impaired. However, not all vegeta-
rians with stage III of vitamin B-12 deficiency have
simultaneously elevated metabolites HCY and MMA.
A higher folate level may compensate the folate trap
induced by moderate vitamin B-12 deficiency, hyper-
homocysteinemia is still prevented but MMA is
elevated. An isolated lowering of holo-TC II without
elevation of the functional markers HCY and/or MMA
was found in f 20% of the vegetarians. At this stage,
the vitamin B-12 stores are still sufficient to catalyse
the vitamin B-12-dependant reactions properly, no
metabolic dysbalances are detectable. Stage IV of
vitamin B-12 deficiency is the most severe stage
and is characterized by clinical signs of B-12 defi-
ciency. In our studies on vegetarians, we did not see
stage IV of vitamin B-12 deficiency. However, in
vegans, the MCV as morphological marker increased
slightly within the normal range. The combined use of
storage as well as of metabolic markers for monitoring
vitamin B-12 status as suggested by Herbert [40]
Fig. 3. Course of vitamin B-12 (a), HCY (b), and MMA (c) in
vegetarian subgroups. , Median with 95% and 5% percentile; allows, on the one hand, a deeper insight in the
HCY, homocysteine; MMA, methylmalonic acid; HME, high meat- severity of this deficiency and, on the other hand,
eaters; LME, low meat-eaters; LOV/LV, lacto-ovo/lacto vegetarians. helps to control the plausibility of the results drawn by
Statistical analysis was performed with the Mann – Whitney test the different markers. The latter is also of importance
(*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01).
because no single marker has the power to diagnose
vitamin B-12 deficiency with sufficient reliability. We
duction and release of ileal and possibly renal holo- found few vegetarians having an isolated slightly
TC II, tissue requirements for cobalamin, and perhaps elevated MMA but normal HCY and holo-TC II. This
other unknown factors [71]. Some clinical evidence constellation of the different B-12 markers indicates
W. Herrmann, J. Geisel / Clinica Chimica Acta 326 (2002) 47–59 55

Fig. 4. Scatter plots illustrating the relationship between MMA and vitamin B-12 (a), and between MMA and HCY (b). 5, All vegetarians; +,
high meat-eaters; z, increased; #, decreased; ! , normal; HCY, homocysteine; MMA, methylmalonic acid.

no vitamin B-12 deficiency but an MMA elevation by mia are further reasons for moderate elevation of
other reasons. Achlorhydria and the intestinal blind MMA and HCY without vitamin B-12 deficiency
loops resulting from gastrectomy may provide sides [21,79,80]. Other discordant results were obtained in
for bacterial overgrowth which may be another source only some subjects showing increased levels of HCY
of elevated MMA and may also contribute to cobala- and MMA together with a high level of holo-TC II.
min deficiency through microbial gluttony for vitamin This constellation could be caused by an intracellular
B-12. Additionally, renal insufficiency and hypovole- functional vitamin B-12 deficiency, indicated by high
56 W. Herrmann, J. Geisel / Clinica Chimica Acta 326 (2002) 47–59

levels of HCY and MMA, combined with a disturbed universal donor of methyl groups, is lowered by B-12
cellular uptake of vitamin B-12, indicated by high deficiency and is the reason for hypomethylation of
levels of holo-TC II. This has been reported for DNA, RNA, proteins, myelin, or neurotransmitters.
patients with chronic renal failure [81,82]. It has been As clinical consequence, the development of psychi-
suggested that the kidney plays an important role in atric and neurological disorders, like cognitive dys-
regulating cobalamin flux [83,84]. However, the function, dementia, or Alzheimer disease, are
mechanisms responsible for high cobalamin levels in discussed [61,70,85,86]. Therefore, an early diagnosis
renal failure are still unknown. An abnormal distribu- of vitamin B-12 deficiency is urgent.
tion of holotranscobalamins in renal failure [81], a An optimal monitoring of vitamin B-12 status in
disturbed receptor activity for renal TC II uptake, and vegetarians should include the measurement of HCY,
the possibility that TC II is functionally altered by MMA, and holo-TC II. Additionally, the levels of
renal failure offer partial explanation for a failure of folate and vitamin B-6 should be controlled. If holo-
renal uptake of holo-TC II in renal disease. TC II is not available, the serum level of total vitamin
A common reason for a decreased serum level of B-12 should be carried out instead. A serum or plasma
holo-TC II may be malabsorption or deficiency of HCY concentration < 12 Amol/l or better, < 10 Amol/
cobalamin [60,71]. Therefore, gastrointestinal condi- l, should be aimed. Holo-TC II should be >45 pmol/l
tions compatible with cobalamin malabsorption have and MMA < 271 nmol/l. A serum level of vitamin B-
to be differentiated from deficiencies by diet. A 12 >156 pmol/l is normal but only a B-12 concen-
vegetarian lifestyle, however, is most probably com- tration above 360 pmol/l does prevent functional
patible with a vitamin B-12 deficiency. Stage I/II of vitamin B-12 deficiency with more reliability. The
vitamin B-12 deficiency, which is characterized by a efficacy of vitamin substitution should be controlled
low level of holo-TC II but normal metabolite con- by sufficient laboratory tests. At least one annual
centrations (HCY and MMA), was found in our check of vitamin B-12 status should be recommended.
studies in a substantial portion of vegetarians. How-
ever, it should be taken in consideration that a
transient lowering of holo-TC II without vitamin B- Acknowledgements
12 shortage by diet can also be caused by a transient
malabsorption, for example, by temporary exposure to We would like to thank Jean-Pierre Knapp and
drugs (colchicines or omeprazole) or by alcohol Heike Schorr for supporting the preparation of this
abuse. A repeated measurement of holo-TC II con- manuscript.
centration and a patient’s interview may help to clarify
the situation and to improve the diagnostic value of
the result.

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