22.10.27 GTCA Yep To Send

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CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Before completing this form please read the instructions on the back. Untimely claims will be returned. Please submit this form and supporting documentation to the Controller's Office, Claims Division, 1390 Market Street, 7 Floor, San Francisco, CA 94102 in person or by mall. * =REQUIRED _“ = REQUIRED IF KNOWN 1. Claimant's Name and Home Address (Please Print Clearly) _] | 2, Send Official Notices and Correspondence to: *Dyian Yep clo Attorney *Sonya Z. Mehta, Attorney | 475 14th Street city State Zip city Oakland | suteCA zip 94612 Telephone ame jam Telephone Siti"Hae-1200 =" oe 3. Date of Birth 4. Social Security Number 5. Date of Incident "||. Time of incident van aru) * 07/15/22 **AM 7. Location of Incident or Accident [ 8, Claimant Vehicle License Plate #, Type, Mileage, and Year “* City of San Francisco Basis of Gaim, State in dea al fats and Groutances of te incident enya persons, erie, property and iy departments involved. State why you believe the City is responsible forthe alleged injury, property damage or loss, +See attached. ‘Name, 1D. Number and Giy Department ] Type of Cy Vehicle ‘Vehicle License Number and Bus or Tain Number of City Empioyes who alegedy caused injury orloss | [ 14. Amount of Claimants property damage or loss and ‘method of computation. Attach supporting documentation. (See Instructions) ITEMS ‘TOTAL AMOUNT $ — Court Jurisdiction: Limited (up to $25,000) Unlimited (over $25,000) Il 4. _ 7 2 —_ 13. ~ Do Not Write In This Space * torerie2 Signature of Cia Date Js] Sonya Z. Mehta Attomey Print Name Relationship to Claimant L____ _ CRIMINAL PENALTY FOR PRESENTING A FALSE OR FRAUDULENT CLAIM IS IMPRISONMENT OR FINE OR BOTH. (PENAL CODE §72) Siegel, Yee, Brunner & Mehta ee October 27, 2022 eae jan Franciseo Controller's Office Suite 500 Claims Division Oakland 1390 Market Street, 7th Floor California San Francisco, CA 94102 510-754-3021 Email: SonyaMchta@ siegelyee.com Re: Government Tort Claim Dear above-entitled recipient: Iam the attorney representing Mr. Dylan Yep. The District Attorney's office employed Mr. Yep until July 15, 2022, when it terminated him in retaliation for asserting his rights under his union contract, and for his political activities. ‘The facts are as follows. On October 4, 2019, Mayor London Breed appointed Suzy Loftus as the Interim District Attorney after previous District Attorney George Gascén abruptly announced his resignation. There were only 12 working days until a new DA, Chesa Boudin, would be elected. ‘That day, Mr. Yep and many others protested Mayor London Breed’s press conference and swearing in ceremony of Loftus. The protest forced the mayor to change venues to the Far East Café in Chinatown. Police surrounded the entrance and prevented protestors from entering, However, Mr. Yep was able to enter the building and confront Mayor Breed as she spoke to reporters. He shouted, “You are undermining our democracy. You are interrupting the democratic process. Anybody but Suzy Loftus.” Security escorted Mr. Yep off the stage. This event was all over the news, which published Mr. Yep’s name and image. Also in 2019, Mr. Yep publicly campaigned for Chesa Boudin for District Attorney. Mr. Yep was one of only six staff, frequently represented the campaign at dozens of events, and met and spoke with Suzy Loftus multiple times. On January 13, 2020, then-DA Boudin hired Mr. Yep as an Assistant Chief Victim/Witness Investigator. From May to September 2020, Mr. Yep organized with Defund SFPD Now. As part of this organizing, he led more than 20 meetings with city supervisors and mayoral staff, including meeting with Ivy Lee, Mayor Breed’s policy adviser on public safety. He advocated for a reduction in San Francisco's policing budget. He was widely known, including at City Hall, as one of the main organizers of Defund SFPD Now. Mr. Dylan Yep Page 2 From March 2021 to July 2021, Mr. Yep and Defund SFPD Now met with Board Supervisors Matt Haney, Dean Preston, Connie Chan, and Shamann, Walton, to advocate for a reduced police budget in the 2021 budget cycle. In October 2021, Ms. Jenkins left the DA’s office to focus on an effort to recall DA Boudin. Billionaire Republican William Oberndorf funded the recall. He also was a Board member with Neighbors for a Better San Francisco, which paid Ms. Jenkins more than $100,000 to be a central spokesperson for the recall. Mayor Breed strongly criticized DA Boudin during the recall efforts. On Jume 7, 2022, Mr. Boudin was recalled from office. On July 7, 2022, Mayor London Breed appointed Ms. Brooke Jenkins as the new District Attorney. On July 15, 2022, DA Jenkins terminated Mr. Yep, with no reason provided. Ms. Jenkins fired 15 people that day, but Mr. Yep was one of only two non- managers. Notably, both the non-managers were highly visible supporters of Mr. Boudin. Ms. Shavaun Tolliver announced their terminations to most of these people, but the Director of Human Resources told Mr. Yep the news. Mr. Yep has excellent performance reviews, no discipline, and one promotion in 2021, He will sue regarding his retaliation claims unless we can settle this matter. Please contact me to settle. Regards, /s/ Sonya Z. Mehta

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