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Academia de Julia Victoria

Homeroom and Guidance 5

First Term Module 3
Activity 2

Grade & Section: Date:
I. Read the information below.

Study Habits

Learners study for different reasons. Some want to make their parents proud, and
some only do it for allowance or ‘baon’. Others want to spend time with their friends.
There are also good reasons why you chose to continue studying in this challenging

As a Grade 5 learner, your motivation to study can do wonders. It will keep you on
track in terms of what you need to accomplish. It promotes your willingness to learn and
perform all activities that entail to achieve the lesson objectives. It makes you focus and
develops values of excellence, persistence, industriousness, resilience and many more.
Studying is one of the main ways to become the best person you could be in the future.

It is important to study, and your success depends largely on your present study
habits. Study habits are the ways a learner plans and do his school tasks with or without
instructions from adults. Effective study habits lead to high academic performance.

Study habits can be developed. You may start by simply spending more time reading,
organizing your school materials, and scheduling your homework. It could also be improved
by learning from others or using proper reading, audio-visual and other materials to help
you in your studies.

Also, good time management is part of appropriate study habits. You can never stop
the time but you can have the habit of doing things on time. It is best to finish your
seatwork and homework on time. Follow your class schedule to learn more and develop the
skills you need in school and life. If you do these, it is most likely that you would have
excellent academic grades in your present subjects and succeed in the future.

II. Read instructions carefully.

Create your weekly study plan based on the new normal set up in education. Study
the sample provided.

III. Read instructions carefully.

Make a pie chart. Slice a circle according to how much of your time is allotted for
your daily activities. Refer to the sample below as your guide.

Processing Questions:

Write your answers after each question.

1. What can you say about the pie chart activity?


2. What got the biggest share of your time?


3. How will it help you attain your academic goal?


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