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A ‘for and against’ essay

Many young students beginning university choose to stay at their hometown or maybe just
close.Although there are several potencial upsides to staying at home there are also numerous
downsides.This argument goes down to preferation and what works for that individual.

One of the benefits for staying at your hometown is the luxury of having the time to sit and think about
your career decisions. You can take your time to really think about your dreamjob.Another advantage is
that you can save up on rent and food until you find your dream job or work out what you're doing with
your life.One of the most convincing arguments for living at home is that you can focus more on your
studies and not worry about coocing or cleaning or eating junk food every day.

But dispite all of this there are many arguments against this such as depending on your parents ,your
wont have enough privacy,someone else will have to decide how you live your life and i will be harder
get used to living alone and independent.

All in all there are many pros and cons to staying at your home town during university.But personally i
think dispite tha fact that you will have less time to addapt to living alone,living with your parents will
save you more money time and stresful days and there is still no place like home.

Made by: Nadica Angelovska IV-2

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