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Science 10- 2nd Quarter Exam

Name :__________________________ Date :_________________________

Teacher :_________________________ Score:_________________________


1.The test charge is positive,therefore a negatively charged object will become attracted to it while

a. while the positively charged object will move away from the test charge.

b. The force of attraction and repulsion depends on the strength electric field .

c. while the conductor serves as the pathway for free electrons.

d.The voltage source is distributed to each load in the entire circuit.

2. The strength of the electric field is operationally ratio of the electrostatic force and _________.

a. electrostatic charge b. electric current

c. electric field d. force

3.The force of attraction and repulsion depends on the stenght of the ________ and _________

a. electric field and electric force

b. electrostatic charge and electrostatic force.

c. electric current and electric power.

d. electric magnet and electric force.

4. Materials that are easily attracted to permanent magnets are categorized as_________.

a. magnets b. electric field

c. electric force d. electric current.

5._________ are imaginary lines used to represent the direction of the magnetic force.

a. Lines of forces b. magnetic field.

c. magnetic force d. electric current.

6. Who is the French physicist that pioneer in electrical theory.

a. Charles Agustin De Colomb b. Charles Darwin

c. Albert Einstein d. Isaac Newton

7. The law of electrostatic shows that _________

a. like charges repel and unlike charges attract.

b. like charges and same charges attract.

c. same charges and not the same attract.

d. like charges and like attract.

8. Colombs law states that the force of attraction and repulsion __________

a. between two charged object is directly proportional to the product of two electrical charges.

b. inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

c. Both a and b

d. None of the above

9.Torsion balance and used it to test his theories on electrostatic ,as well as formulate the colomb’s
constant _______

a. 9 x 10 9 Nm2 / C 2 b. 9 x 10 10 Nm 2 / C 2

c. 9 x 10 Nm 2 / C 2 d 9 x 10 – 11 Nm 2 / C 2

10. What do you call a charges of the objects expressed in Colomb ( C ).

a. k b. F

c. d d. q 1 q 2

11.Which of the following statements sis true about the electric field of a point charge?

a. The electric field is a quadratic function of the amount of charge.

b.The electric field is the same at points equidistant from a point charge.

c. The electric field is directed away from a negative charge and towards a positive charge.
d.The electric field is stronger at points closer to a positive charge and at points farther from a
negative charge.

12..The space surrounding an electric charged is __________

a. electrical force b. electric field

c. magnetic field c. lines of force

13. ___________ is a good conductor of electricity.

a. rubber b. paraffin

c. copper d. paper

14.The standard unit for electrical power is _________

a. joules b. watts

c. kilowatts c. volts

15.Which of the following has the strong magnetic field?

a. north pole b.south pole

c. at any point d. both a and b

16.Which of the following is ferromagnetic?

a. aluminum b. gold

c. zinc d. iron

17.What refers to the space surrounding a magnet,where its strength can be determined?

a. magnetic field b. magnetic flux

c. lines of force d. magnetic force

18.Which of the following would not affect the induced voltage in a conducting loop rotated in a given
magnetic field,as in an electric generator?

a. Rate of rotation of the loop

b. Strenght of magnetic field

c. Resistance of the conducting loop

d.Number of turns of the loop.

19. A charged particle is moving to the east.Upon entering a region of magnetic field, the particle is
initially deflected downward.Which of the following statements is correct?

a. If the particle has a negative charged, the magnetic field must be directed towards the south.

b.If the particle has a negative charged,the magnetic field must be directed towards the east.

c.If the particle has a positive charged,the magntic field must be directed towards the souh.

d. If the particle has a positive charged,the magnetic field must be directed towards he west.

20 .Comparing infrared radiation,radio waves,and x-rays,which of the following is true?

a. Infrared have the shortest wavelength while x-ra have the longest.

b.Infrared have the longest wavelength while x-rays have the shortest.

c. X-rays have the shortest wavelength while radio waves have the longest.

d. X-rays have the longest wavelength whilw radio waves have the shortest.


1. How far apart are two positive charges , 0.05 C and 0. 06 , if the force between them is 250 000 N?



2. If two charged objects ,each with 0.4 C are placed 20 m apart , how much force would be acting
on them?



1. A 2 m straight wire carries a 30 A current and is surrounded by a magnetic field strength of 0.8 T.
Calculate the magnitude of themagnetic force on the wire if it is placed between the pole ends of two
magnets at an angle of 45 degrees celsuis.



2. A conductor 4.5 m long carries a current of 0.5 A. Calculate the strength of the magnetic
field if a force of 0.005 N is exerted by a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the
conducting wire.



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