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Project Management

SESSION TOPIC 2: The Manager, the Organization, and the Team

The specific learning objective is expected to be realized at the end of the session:
1. Define the PM’s roles and responsibilities to the project.


Pure Project Functional Project Matrix Project

Organization Organization Organization

The PM’s Roles
 Facilitator
 Communicator
 Virtual Project Manager
 Meetings, Convener and Chair

The PM’s Responsibilities to the Project

1. Acquiring Resources


OPMN03B Project Management

For use as instructional materials only 1
2. Fighting Fires and Obstacles


3. Leadership


OPMN03B Project Management

For use as instructional materials only 2
Selection of a Project Manager


1. Credibility
2. Sensitivity
3. Leadership, Style, Ethics
4. Ability to Handle Stress

Fitting Projects into the Parent Organization

It would be most unusual for a PM to have any influence over the way work is structured in the parent organization and
how projects are fit within this structure. Rather, the organizational structure is decided by senior management. The way
the organization is structured, however, has a major impact on the PM’s life, and it is necessary that the PM understand
the implications of fitting projects into alternative organizational structures.
 Pure Project Organization
 Functional Project Organization
 Matrix Project Organization

The Project Team

Effective team members have some characteristics in common. Only the first of these is usually taken into account.
1. They must be technically competent.
2. Senior members of the project team must be politically sensitive.
3. Members of the project team need a strong problem orientation.
4. Team members need a strong goal orientation.
5. Project workers need high self‐esteem.

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Pure Project Organization
A "pure project organization" is a model of a business where project managers have total control over the project they

Functional Project Organization

A functional organizational structure is composed by project team members allocated according to the different functional
units of an organization.

Matrix Project Organization

In a matrix there are usually two chains of command, one along functional lines and the other along project, product, or
client lines. Other chains of command such as geographic location are also possible.

Successful PMs have some common characteristics. They also have high administrative and technical credibility, show
sensitivity to interpersonal conflict, and possess the political know‐how to get help from senior management when
needed. In addition, the PM should be a leader, and adopt a participatory management style that may have to be modified
depending on the level of technological sophistication and uncertainty involved in the project. Another critical project
management skill is the ability to direct the project in an ethical manner. Finally, project managers need the ability to
utilize effective strategies to manage stress.

Refer to the references listed in the syllabus of the subject.

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