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1. Industry Overview ...................................................... II-1
Current and Future Analysis................................................... II-1
Historic Analysis.................................................................... II-2

2. Global Trends .............................................................. II-3

Sulfuric Acid.......................................................................... II-3
Current Trends.................................................................... II-3
Global Sulfuric Acid Market Skids on Depressed Market
Conditions ................................................................... II-3
Chinese Companies Shift to Elemental Sulfur for
Sulfuric Acid Production ............................................. II-3
Recycling Gains Prominence .......................................... II-3
Energy Costs Push Sulfuric Acid Prices Up Across
Most Regions............................................................... II-3
Future Beholds an Optimistic Picture.............................. II-4
Trends in the Recent Past.................................................... II-4
Weak Pricing in Sulfuric Acid Market ............................ II-4
Sulfuric Acid Market Remained Dreary.......................... II-4
Sulfuric Acid Market Continued to be Slow.................... II-5
Sulfuric Acid Market in Turmoil..................................... II-5
Sulfuric Acid Market Remained Tight through 2002 ...... II-5
Downturn Indicators in Sulfuric Acid Market ................. II-5
Supply Tightened in Sulfuric Acid Market...................... II-5
By-product Sulfuric Acid ................................................ II-5
International Trade .......................................................... II-6
Phosphoric Acid..................................................................... II-6
Current Trends.................................................................... II-6
Cross Border Flow of Phosphoric Acid........................... II-6
Phosphoric Acid Market in the Grip of Consolidation .... II-6
Disposal of Gypsum and Gas Effluents A Weighty
Problem ....................................................................... II-7
Trends in the Recent Past.................................................... II-7
Phosphoric Acid Market Remained Flat.......................... II-7
Phosphoric Acid Demand Remained STable................... II-8
Phosphoric Acid Market Remained Tight ....................... II-8
Bright Prospects Ahead ...................................................... II-8
New Projects to Flee Market Inconsistency..................... II-8
Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cells Gives the Phosphoric Acid
Market a Fresh Lease of Life ....................................... II-8
Nitric Acid ............................................................................. II-9
Current Trends.................................................................... II-9
Growth Drivers ............................................................... II-9
Environmental Hazards ................................................... II-9
Hydrofluoric Acid .................................................................. II-9
Current Trends.................................................................... II-9
Demand for Hydrofluoric Acid Remains Sluggish.......... II-9
Table 1: World Market for Hydrofluoric Acid in 2005 (E):
Percentage Volume Breakdown by Geographic Region for
Western Europe, US, Japan, Mexico, China, Eastern
Europe, India and Canada (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart)............................................................. II-10

Effect of End Use Markets on Demand .........................II-10

Hydrofluoric Acid Demand Remains Flat .....................II-11
Table 2: World Market for Hydrofluoric Acid in 2005 (E):
Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales by End Use
Segment for Fluorocarbons, Metal Pickling, Petroleum
Alkylation, Aluminum and Others (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart)......................................II-11
Hydrofluoric Acid Market Gets Pounded by
Slow Growth..............................................................II-11
Hydrofluoric Acid Production - European Dominance .... II-11
Table 3: World Market for Hydrofluoric Acid in 2005 (E):
Percentage Break Up of Production Capacity by
Geographic Region Western Europe, US, Japan,
Mexico, China and Eastern Europe (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) .....................................II-12
Table 4: World Market for Hydrofluoric Acid in 2002:
Production Capacity by Key Player (In 000 Metric Tons)
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart)......................II-12
Hydrochloric Acid................................................................II-13
Current Trends ..................................................................II-13
Recycled HCl to Feed Chlorine Derivatives..................II-13
Organic Chemicals A Major Consumer......................II-13
Table 5: World Market for Hydrochloric Acid in 2005 (E):
Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales by End Use
Segment for Organic Chemicals, Inorganic Chemicals,
Food Processing, Brine Treatment, Steel Pickling, Oil
Well Acidulation, Swimming pools and Miscellaneous
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart)......................II-13
VCM The Key Raw Material .....................................II-13
Table 6: World Production Hydrochloric Acid in 2005 (E):
Percentage Breakdown by Production Source for VCM,
DMI, TDI, On-purpose Burner, Fluorocarbon and Others
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart)......................II-14
HCl Price and Influencing Factors.................................II-14
Trends in the Recent Past..................................................II-14
HCl Market Remained Tight Through 2000..................II-14
Tight Supply Prompts HCl Price Rise ...........................II-15
Horrendous State of Merchant Market ..........................II-15
Economy of Burner Acid on Rise..................................II-15
Chloralkali Producers Hit by Rising Costs ....................II-15
Optimistic Prospects for HCl Industry...........................II-15
Wet Process Chemicals A Peek Into Recent Past ..............II-16
Wet Process Chemicals Market Improved ........................II-16
Wet Etchants Market .....................................................II-16
End Use Markets Posed New Challenges .........................II-17
Quest to Retrieve Profits ...................................................II-17
Ban Imposed on Fluorocarbons ........................................II-17
Hydrofluorocarbons Replaced
HFC Market Witnessed a Jumpstart..................................II-18
Wafer Production Remained Flat in 2000 .........................II-18
Fuel Cells Changed Power Dimensions ............................II-18
Fertilizer Markets Remained Weak...................................II-18


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Table 7: World Market for Wet Process Chemicals in 2002:
Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales by Product Segment
for Hydrochloric Acid, Ammonium Hydroxide, Solvents
(IPA, Others), Etchants (HF, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid,
etc.), Sulfuric Acid, Hydrogen Peroxide, and Others
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ......................... II-19

3. Overview Of The Mineral Acids Industry............... II-20

Sulfuric Acid Market - A Profile.......................................... II-20
Applications of Sulfuric Acid ........................................... II-20
Table 8: Sulfuric Acid Consumption (2005 (E)):
Percentage Break Up of Volume Sales by Major End
Use in the United States, United Kingdom, Japan
and India (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ......... II-21
Sulfuric Acid Used in New Copper Extraction Process .... II-21
More Efficient Production Process for Sulfuric Acid .... II-21
Acid Recovery Offers Solution to Disposal Problems......II-22
Sulfur - The Main Raw Material Used in
Producing Sulfuric Acid ............................................ II-22
Future Bodes Bright Prospects.......................................... II-22
Potential Areas of Technological Improvements in the
Production of Sulfuric Acid .......................................... II-22
Sulfuric Acid Production & Demand................................ II-23
Table 9: World Market for Virgin Sulfuric Acid in 2005 (E):
Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales by End Use
Segment for Fertilizers, Mining, Petroleum Alkylation,
Inorganic Chemicals and Pigments, Pulp and Paper,
Organic Chemicals, Rubber and Plastics, Water
Treatment, and Miscellaneous (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) ................................................................ II-23
Table 10: Production of Sulfuric Acid by different Raw
Materials (Percentage) ................................................. II-23
Table 11: Sulfuric Acid Consumption in the United States by
End Use Application in 2005 (E): Percentage Breakdown of
Volume Sales for Mineral Fertilizer Production, Ore
Processing, Inorganic Chemicals Production (Including
Inorganic Pigments), Oil Processing, Pulp and Paper
Industry, Oil Processing, Synthetic Resins & Plastics
Production, Organic Chemicals Production and Other
(Nitrogen Fertilizer, Chemicals for Water Treatment,
Detergents, etc) (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) ................................................................ II-24
Table 12: Sulfuric Acid Consumption in Japan by End Use
Application in 2005 (E): Percentage Breakdown of Volume
Sales for Mineral Fertilizer Production, Titanium Dioxide
Production, Synthetic Fiber Production, Aluminum Sulfate
Production, Hydrofluoric Acid Production, Artificial Fiber
Production, Methyl Methacrylate Production and Other
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ......................... II-25
Acid Recovery An Expensive Necessity........................ II-25
Process Development of Solid-Acid Alkylation ............... II-26
HF Alkylation ............................................................... II-26
Measures to Make HF Safer .......................................... II-26
Business Issues Related to HF Alkylation..................... II-27
Governing Acts & Regulatory Bodies .............................. II-27

Revisions Made to Phosphoric Acid and Phosphate

Fertilizer MACTs.......................................................II-27
EPA Eliminates Non-Aerosol Sulfuric Acid from Toxic
Release Inventory ......................................................II-28
Clean Air Act....................................................................II-28
A Tightened US Sulfuric Acid Market A Retrospective
Recapitulation ...............................................................II-28
Condition of Copper Smelters Added to the Firming........II-29
Sulfuric Acid Aided by Diverse Factors ...........................II-29
Phosphoric Acid Market A Profile ....................................II-29
Main End Uses of Phosphoric Acid ..................................II-29
Innovative Applications and Uses.....................................II-30
Phosphoric Acid at the Cutting Edge of Fuel Cell
Technology ................................................................II-30
Phosphoric Acid The Second Largest Acidulant ........II-30
A Historic Perspective...................................................II-31
Wet Process Phosphoric Acid........................................II-31
PWA Growth by Substitution of Thermal Acid.............II-32
Production Technology.....................................................II-33
A Historic Perspective...................................................II-33
Phosphoric Acid Rejuvenated by New
Production Process .................................................II-33
Wet Scrubber Technology .........................................II-33
Nitric Acid Market A Profile.............................................II-33
Major End Uses ................................................................II-33
Nitric Acid Demand Influencing Factors .......................II-34
Nitric Acid Demand Forecast Through 2020 ....................II-34
Acidification - A Major Problem in Europe......................II-34
EPA Expansion of Toxic Release Inventory List ..............II-34
Hydrochloric Acid Market A Profile .................................II-35
Major End Uses ................................................................II-35
Trends in Consumption.....................................................II-35
Table 13: World Market for Hydrochloric Acid in 2005 (E):
Percentage Volume Breakdown of Hydrochloric Acid
Output by Production Source - VCM, MDI, TDI, OnPurpose Burner, Fluorocarbons and Others (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart).........................................II-35
Table 14: World Market for Hydrochloric Acid in 2005 (E):
Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales by End Use
Segment for EDC, TDI/MDI, Food Grade HCl, Calcium
Chloride, Steel Pickling, Brine Treating, Oil Well
Acidizing, Chlorine, and Others (includes corresponding
Hydrofluoric Acid Market A Profile..................................II-36
Improving Demand for Fluorocarbons..............................II-36
HF Future Tied to CFC Phase out.....................................II-36
Searches for New Alkylation Catalysts Processes
Forge Ahead ..................................................................II-37
Membrane Reprocessing of Hydrofluoric Acid
Solutions ....................................................................II-37
HFL in Search for Cleaner Processes................................II-37
Applications of Hydrofluoric Acid ...................................II-38
Technology .......................................................................II-38
AlliedSignal Started Electronic-grade
Hydrofluoric Acid......................................................II-38


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4. Product Overview...................................................... II-39
Hydrochloric Acid................................................................ II-39
Production Process ........................................................... II-39
Recycling Hydrochloric Acid ........................................... II-40
Storage.............................................................................. II-40
Applications...................................................................... II-41
Chemical Properties.......................................................... II-41
Hydrochloric and Phosphoric Acid Combination
Improves Well Performance.......................................... II-42
Health Hazards of HCL .................................................... II-42
Nitric Acid ........................................................................... II-42
Production ........................................................................ II-42
Single Pressure Plants....................................................... II-43
Dual Pressure Plants ......................................................... II-43
Production of Concentrated Nitric Acid............................ II-43
Recycling Nitric Acid ....................................................... II-43
Side Effects of HNO3 Production..................................... II-43
Physical and Chemical Properties..................................... II-43
Applications...................................................................... II-44
Hazardous Nature of Nitric Acid ...................................... II-44
Table 15: World Consumption of Nitric Acid in 2005 (E):
Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales by End Use Fertilizers, Other Ammonium Nitrate (AN) Uses
(Mainly Explosives) and Non AN Applications
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ......................... II-44
Table 16: World Market for Nitric Acid in 2005 (E):
Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales by End Use
Ammonium Nitrate, Adipic Acid, Nitrobenzene, Toluene
Diisocyanate (TDI), Metal Treatment, Metal Nitrates, and
Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ............. II-45
Major Hazards During Nitric Acid Production ................. II-45
Nitrous Oxide Emissions .................................................. II-45
Emission Monitoring in Nitric Acid Plants....................... II-45
Adipic Acid An End Use Segment................................. II-46
Phosphoric Acid................................................................... II-46
Table 17: Worldwide Phosphoric Acid Market (2005 (E)):
Breakdown of Capacity by Geographic Region in Thousand
Metric Tons (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)......... II-47
Table 18: Worldwide Phosphoric Acid Market in 2004:
Capacity of Leading Producers for The Mosaic Company,
DCP Group , Potash Corp, Phos Agros and Groupe Chimique
Tunisien in Thousand Tons (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart).................................................................... II-47
Table 19: Worldwide Phosphoric Acid Exports in 2005 (E):
Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales by Geographic Region
for Africa, Middle East, West Europe, North America, Asia,
and Latin America (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)..... II-48
Table 20: Worldwide Phosphoric Acid Imports in 2005 (E):
Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales by Geographic
Region for Asia, West Europe, Latin America, Middle East,
North America, and Africa (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart).................................................................... II-48
Wet Process Acid Production ........................................... II-48
Air Borne Phosphoric Acid............................................... II-49

Thermal Process Acid Production.....................................II-49

Demisting .........................................................................II-49
Sulfuric Acid ........................................................................II-50
Production Process............................................................II-50
Lead Chamber Process ..................................................II-50
Contact Process .............................................................II-51
Properties of Sulfuric Acid ...............................................II-51
Chemical Properties of Sulfuric Acid ............................II-51
Reactions of Sulfuric Acid ............................................II-51
Uses of Sulfuric acid.........................................................II-52
Hydrofluoric Acid ................................................................II-52

5. Research And Development ..................................... II-53

New Alternative for Sulfuric Acid in Industrial Usage.........II-53
Sony Produces Sulfuric Acid from Chip
Manufacturing Waste........................................................II-53
SGL Acotec GmbH Introduced electrodialysis process........II-53
SGL Acotec GmbH Develops Electro dialysis Process ........II-53
Sony Enhances Lifespan of Hydrofluoric Acid
Wafer-Cleaning Solutions.................................................II-54
EcoPhos Evolves New Method for Developing
Phosphoric Acid................................................................II-54
The Green Technology Group, Inc. Develops Method for
Recycling Sulfuric Acid....................................................II-54

6. Technology Platform................................................. II-55

ICP-MS Technololgy ...........................................................II-55
DRG Technology .................................................................II-55
New Technology to Produce Sulfuric Acid from
Hard Gypsum....................................................................II-55

7. Product Introductions In The Recent Past .................II-56

New Hydrofluoric Acid Product for The Electronics
New Toilet Bowl Cleaner Contains Hydrochloric Acid .......II-56
Bharat Heavy Electricals Develops Phosphoric
Acid Fuel Cell...................................................................II-56
Guangdong Jiangmen Yuyang Develops Substitute for
Rechargeable Sulfuric Acid Battery..................................II-56
Capital Controls Introduces Chlorine Generator...................II-56

8. Recent Industry Activity........................................... II-57

Chemtrade Acquires RS .......................................................II-57
ICL to Acquire Astaris .........................................................II-57
Jacobs Bags Contract for New Phosphoric Acid Plant .........II-57
SUMZ Awards Construction Contracts to SNC-Lavalin ......II-57
Topsoe Bags Contract from Molymet ..................................II-57
TCL to Foray into Phosphoric Acid Production ...................II-58
Mosaic to Cease Operations of Phosphoric Acid Plant.........II-58
Bayer Closes Hydrochloric Acid Production Unit................II-58
Spur Ventures Inc Constructs Phosphoric acid Plant
in China ............................................................................II-58


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Andhra Sugars Starts New Sulfuric Acid Production
Facility.............................................................................. II-58
Nitrogenmuvek Plans to Construct Nitric Acid Plant ........... II-58
Ineos Chlor to Start New Sulfuric Acid Plant....................... II-58
Deepak Fertilizers to Start New Nitric Acid Plant................ II-58
Andalucia Minerals to Purchase Pyrite Treatment Plant ...... II-59
Texen to Purchase Gasification Plant................................... II-59
Metakhim Invests in New Sulfuric Acid Production
Workshop ......................................................................... II-59
Fertilizantes Invests in New Production Facility .................. II-59
Lautan Luas Invests in Nitric Acid Plant.............................. II-59
Hunan to Invest in Sulfuric Acid Production........................ II-59
New Phosphoric Acid Plant from IFFCO and ENMC.......... II-60
Balakovo Starts Newly Upgraded Sulfuric Acid
Production Line ................................................................ II-60
DuPont to Construct New Regeneration Unit for
Sulfuric Acid .................................................................... II-60
Tongling Huaxing Starts Production of Pyrite Based
Sulfuric Acid .................................................................... II-60
Long Thanh Starts Production of Sulfuric Acid ................... II-60
Itochu Constructs New Sulfuric Acid Plants ........................ II-60
MCF to Start New Sulfuric Acid Plant................................. II-61
Anhui Huaihua Launches Nitric Acid
Renovation Project ........................................................... II-61
El Dorado Rebuilds Nitric Acid Plant .................................. II-61
IMC Global and Cargill Crop Forms Mosaic ....................... II-61
Terra Acquires Mississippi Chemicals ................................. II-61
Office Cherifien des Phosphates (OCP) Inks Agreement
with IPCC ......................................................................... II-61
Potash Corp Increases Phosphoric Acid Production
Capacity............................................................................ II-61
Kvaerner Chemetics Bags Sulfuric acid Plant Construction
Contract ............................................................................ II-62
Kvaerner Chemetics Contracts with JSC KAZAKHMYS.... II-62
Morocco and Pakistan Jointly Construct Phosphoric
Acid Plant in Morocco...................................................... II-62
Petrokimia Gresik Plans to Install Hydrochloric Acid and
Potassium Plants............................................................... II-62

9. Industry Activity In The Recent Past ...................... II-63

Agrium Inc Acquires Phosphoric Acid Assets ..................... II-63
Peak Buys Arch's Sulfuric Acid Unit ................................... II-63
Marsulex Acquires Dukes Sulfur Products Assets ............... II-63
Guizhou Wengfu Forms Joint Venture................................. II-63
Quad Chemical Corporation in Agreement with
Dyno Nobel ...................................................................... II-63
Jinan Chemical Fertilizers Constructs Concentrated
Nitric Acid Plant............................................................... II-63
GNFC Installs Nitric Acid Plant........................................... II-63
Czech Firm Inaugurates Nitric Acid Plant............................ II-63
Nanjing Chemical Industrial Corporation Installs a
Nitric Acid Production Unit in China ............................... II-63
Hubei Yangfeng Group Commences Second Phase Project
of Sulfuric Acid ................................................................ II-64
Upgrade Begins for Nitric Acid Plant in India ..................... II-64
Outokumpu Technology Modernizes Sulfuric Acid Plant
in Turkey .......................................................................... II-64

Atofina Expands Hydrofluoric Acid Capacity......................II-64

Jiangsu Luling Installs Sulfur-Based Sulfuric
Acid Project ......................................................................II-64
Ammofos Ups Sulfuric Acid Output ....................................II-64
Stella Chemifa and Zhejiang Central Fluor Industrial Unveils
new Plant ..........................................................................II-64
Ukrainian Chemical Enterprises Upgrade Production ..........II-64
Titan Modernizes Sulfuric Acid Production .........................II-64
Kemira Replaces Nitric Acid Plant.......................................II-65
Anhui Huaihe Chemical Group Expands Nitric Acid
Production Capacity in Woyang, China ............................II-65
Rhodia Winds up STPP Production in Quebec.....................II-65
General Chemicals Ceases Operations in Delaware Valley..... II-65
Dowa Mining Halts Sulfuric Acid Production......................II-65
Dagfos Restarts Operations ..................................................II-65
Akron Acquires Stake in Redsun Chemical Company .........II-65
Cargill Fertilizer Purchases ammonium phosphate
production assets of Farmland Hydro ...............................II-65
Jordan Phosphate Mines Company Raises Holdings in IndoJordan Chemicals Company..............................................II-65
GEM Acquires Koch's Wet Chemicals Plant........................II-66
Bain Buys Rhodia's Hydrochloric Acid, Phenol-Acetone,
and Soda Ash Businesses..................................................II-66
Peak Investments LLC Acquires Sulfuric Acid Plants .........II-66
BCS and GFI Merge Businesses...........................................II-66
Conoco Merges with Phillips Petroleum Company ..............II-66
Japanese Chemical Producer Licenses with
Sumitomo Chemical .........................................................II-66
Dupont Inks an Agreement with Motiva Enterprises............II-66
Jinchuan Group Company Launches Sulfuric Acid System
Renovation Project............................................................II-66
Noranda, Canada Restarts a Sulfuric Acid Unit....................II-66
SvG Intermol Commissions Tanks for Storing
Phosphoric Acid................................................................II-67
Guangxi Introduces Phosphoric Acid Packing Pail Project ..... II-67
Basic Chemical Industries Installs a Sulfuric Acid Plant
in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia.....................................................II-67
Qinghai West Zinc Industry Co., Ltd. Establishes
A New Sulfuric Acid Plant ...............................................II-67
Yangfeng Group Erects Sulfuric Acid Plants .......................II-67
Kunming Chemical Fertilizer Constructs Phosphoric
Acid Plant .........................................................................II-67
Pupuk Sriwijaya Erects Nitric Acid Plant in Palembang,
Chinese Firm Adds Nitric Acid Capacity .............................II-67
Lovochemie Constructs New Nitric Acid Plant....................II-67
Astaris Commissions New Phosphoric Acid Plant
in Idaho.............................................................................II-68
Stella Chemifa Commissions Hydrofluoric Acid Plant ........II-68
Anhui Huaihua Unveils a New Nitric Acid Plant .................II-68
Anhui Huaihua Group Company Expands Nitric
Acid Capacity ...................................................................II-68
Rhodia Upgrades Refineries at Martinez and
Dominguez, CA ................................................................II-68
Indian Firm Expands Phosphoric Acid Capacity..................II-68
Bayer Upgrades Fuming Sulfuric Acid Capacity..................II-68
Sinopec Changling Converts Sulfuric Acid Unit ..................II-68


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Sony Unveils Pioneering Hydrofluoric Acid Wafer-Cleaning
Solutions........................................................................... II-69
Southern States Chemical Inc Acquires Koch's Sulfuric
Acid Facility ..................................................................... II-69
Valero Energy Corporation Acquires Ultramar Diamond
Shamrock Corporation...................................................... II-69
Sasol Acquires Condea Vista ............................................... II-69
Noranda Hikes Equity Stake in Noranda-DuPont
Joint Venture Unit ............................................................ II-69
Solvay Acquires Equity Interest in EcoPhos ........................ II-69
Chevron and Texaco Merge ................................................. II-69
Longxiang Merges with Shaowu Flouride............................ II-70
Fosfertil Merges with Ultrafertil .......................................... II-70
Jordanian Phosphate Mines Company in Agreement
with Iranian Petrochemicals.............................................. II-70
Namhae Chemical Inks a Pact with BASF ........................... II-70
Iffco and GFCL Ink a Joint Venture Agreement .................. II-70
Jacobs Bags Purified Phosphoric Acid Plant Contract
from PCS .......................................................................... II-70
Copebras Awards Phosphate Project to Krebs...................... II-70
Bwana Mkubwa Constructs New Sulfuric Acid Plant.......... II-70
Chongqing Fuling Establishes Chemical Fertilizer Base...... II-71
Fosfertil and Copebras Unearth a Phosphate Rock Mine ..... II-71
Stella Chemifa Installs Hydrofluoric Acid Plant
in Singapore...................................................................... II-71
Singapore EDB Establishes a New Chemical Plant.............. II-71
Yunnan Gains Approval for Wet-Process Phosphoric
Acid And Ammonium Phosphate Projects........................ II-71
Radici Chimica Installs Adipic Acid and
Nitric Acid Plants ............................................................. II-71
Guizhou Xiyang Fertilizer Unveils New Sulfuric
and Phosphoric Acid Projects ........................................... II-71
Lovochemie Installs a Nitric Acid Unit................................ II-71
Henan Kaihua Group Installs Nitric Acid
Renovation Project ........................................................... II-72
Namhae Chemical Constructs a Nitric Acid Plant
in South Korea .................................................................. II-72
Astaris Installs Purified Wet Phosphoric Acid Plant ............ II-72
Daikin Industries and Formosa Plastics Install
Hydrofluoric Acid Plant.................................................... II-72
Astaris Opens PPA Facility.................................................. II-72
Industries chimiques du Senegal Unveils New
Phospate Mine .................................................................. II-72
Quimica Fluor Matamoros Expands Capacity...................... II-72
DLD Resources Forms DLD Enterprises ............................. II-72
Henan Kaihua Completes the Upgradation of its Nitric
Acid Plant ......................................................................... II-72
New Nitric Acid Project Underway in China ....................... II-72
Lovochemie Ropes in Technip for New Plant
Construction ..................................................................... II-73
Namhae Chemical Ropes in Krupp Uhde for New Plant
Construction ..................................................................... II-73
Fushun Petrochemical Establishes a New Sulfuric
Acid Unit .......................................................................... II-73
Astaris Unveils New Phosphoric Acid Plant ........................ II-73
Potash Corp Ropes in Jacobs Engineering for New Plant
Construction ..................................................................... II-73

Eti Holding Commissions New Plant Construction to

Lurgi Completes the Construction of the Huelva
Plant in Spain....................................................................II-73
Zhuzhou Torch Metal Begins Operations.............................II-74
Lovochemie Constructs a Nitric Acid Plant .........................II-74
Sulfuric Acid Project Expansion in Xinjiang Turpan ...........II-74
Dow Chemicals Expand Chlorine Derivatives .....................II-74
PCS Boosts Purified Phosphoric Acid Capacity...................II-74
Nexen Chemicals Raises Hydrochloric Acid Capacity
in British Columbia...........................................................II-74
Emaphos Doubles PPA Capacity..........................................II-74
Sterling Pulp Chemicals Increases Hydrochloric
Acid Capacity ...................................................................II-74
Nexen Chemicals Expands Hydrochloric Acid Business......II-75
Sredneuralskij Hikes Sulfuric Acid Production ....................II-75
AP Government Divests Stake in Godavari Fertilizers.........II-75
Solutia Divests STPP Plant ..................................................II-75
Rhodia Divests Phosphate Salts Plant in Buckingham .........II-75
Mulberry Phosphates Inc Divests Two Plants ......................II-75
IMC Shutters Phosphate Fertilizer Output in Louisiana .......II-75
Rhodia Closes U.K. Phosphate Plant....................................II-75
Nanjing Chemical Ceases the Operations of Pyrite
Based Sulfuric Acid ..........................................................II-76
Grupo Cruzat Liquidates Sulfur Producing Assets ...............II-76
Atofina Halts Chlor-Alkali Production.................................II-76
Dow Shifts to Q-Max Technology .......................................II-76
EPA Issues Final TSCA Ruling............................................II-76
Phosphoric Acid Reporting Requirement Dropped ..............II-76
India Places Antidumping Duty on Polyester Film Imports .... II-76
Caltex Oil Refinery Improves Safety....................................II-76
BASF Installs Pollution Control System ..............................II-77
AK Steel Corporation Undergoes Conversion......................II-77
Astaris Halts Operations at the Elemental Phosphorus Unit.... II-77
DGAD Commences Anti-Dumping Investigation
Against Chinese Imports...................................................II-77
Sony Unveils New Sulfuric Acid Recovering
Technology from Chip Waste ...........................................II-77
Dow Chemical Unveils Massive Technology Upgradation ..II-77
Noranda-DuPont LLC Redeems Duponts Interest ..............II-77
Nitrochem Acquires Nitric Acid Plant from Welland...........II-78
LSB Acquires Nitric Acid Business of LaRoche..................II-78

10. Focus On Major Players ........................................... II-79

Akzo Nobel (Netherlands)....................................................II-79
Albright & Wilson (Australia)..............................................II-79
Asarco, Inc. (US)..................................................................II-79
Ashland (US)........................................................................II-79
The Dow Chemical Company (US)......................................II-80
E.I. DuPont De Nemours (US) .............................................II-80
FMC Foret (Spain) ...............................................................II-80
General Chemicals (US).......................................................II-81
Honeywell Specialty Materials (US) ....................................II-81
Imperial Chemical Industries (UK) ......................................II-81
Israel Chemicals Ltd. (Israel) ...............................................II-82
Kemira Chemicals (Finland) ................................................II-82
Mississippi Chemical Corporation (US)...............................II-82


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Mitsui Chemical, Inc. (Japan) .............................................. II-82
Mosaic Inc (USA) ................................................................ II-83
Office Cherifien Des Phosphates (Morocco)........................ II-83
Olin Corporation (USA)....................................................... II-83
Phelps Dodge Corporation (US)........................................... II-83
Rhodia SA (France).............................................................. II-83
Sichuan Shifang Chuanxi Xingda Chemical
Company (China) ............................................................. II-84
Stella Chemifa Corporation (Japan) ..................................... II-84
Sumitomo Chemical Company Limited (Japan)................... II-84

Table 28: World Historic Review for Phosphoric Acid by

Geographic Region US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific,
(excluding Japan), Latin America, and Rest of World Markets
Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the Years
1991 through 2000 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons.
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ................................II-89

11. Global Market Perspective ....................................... II-85

Table 29: World 20-Year Perspective for Phosphoric Acid by

Geographic Region Percentage Breakdown of Unit Sales
for US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding
Japan), Latin America, and Rest of World Markets for
the Years 1991, 1995, 2005 & 2010 (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart)................................................II-90

Table 21 : World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for

Mineral Acids by Geographic Region US, Canada, Japan,
Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan), Latin America, and
Rest of World Markets Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales
for the Years 2001 through 2010 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons.
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ................................ II-85

Table 30: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for
Nitric Acid by Geographic Region US, Canada, Japan,
Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan), Latin America, and
Rest of World Markets Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales
for the Years 2001 through 2010 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons.
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ................................II-91

Table 22: World Historic Review for Mineral Acids by

Geographic Region US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific,
(excluding Japan), Latin America, and Rest of World Markets
Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the Years 1991
through 2000 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons. (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) ............................................... II-85

Table 31: World Historic Review for Nitric Acid by Geographic

Region US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific,
(excluding Japan), Latin America, and Rest of World Markets
Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the Years
1991 through 2000 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons.
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ................................II-91

Table 23: World 20-Year Perspective for Mineral Acids by

Geographic Region Percentage Breakdown of Unit Sales
for US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific,
(excluding Japan), Latin America, and Rest of World
Markets for the Years 1991, 1995, 2005 & 2010
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ................................ II-86

Table 32: World 20-Year Perspective for Nitric Acid by

Geographic Region Percentage Breakdown of Unit Sales for
US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan),
Latin America, and Rest of World Markets for the Years
1991, 1995, 2005 & 2010 (includes corresponding

Table 24: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis

for Sulfuric Acid by Geographic Region US, Canada,
Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan),
Latin America, and Rest of World Markets Independently
Analyzed by Annual Sales for the Years 2001 through 2010
in Ten Thousand Metric Tons. (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) ....................................................................... II-87

Table 33: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for
Hydrochloric Acid by Geographic Region US, Canada,
Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan), Latin America,
and Rest of World Markets Independently Analyzed by
Annual Sales for the Years 2001 through 2010 in
Ten Thousand Metric Tons. (includes corresponding

Table 25: World Historic Review for Sulfuric Acid by

Geographic Region US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific,
(excluding Japan), Latin America, and Rest of World Markets
Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the Years 1991
through 2000 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons. (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) ............................................... II-87

Table 34: World Historic Review for Hydrochloric Acid by

Geographic Region US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific,
(excluding Japan), Latin America, and Rest of World Markets
Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the Years 1991
through 2000 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons. (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart)................................................II-93

Table 26: World 20-Year Perspective for Sulfuric Acid by

Geographic Region Percentage Breakdown of Unit Sales
for US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding
Japan), Latin America, and Rest of World Markets for
the Years 1991, 1995, 2005 & 2010 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) ....................................................................... II-88

Table 35: World 20-Year Perspective for Hydrochloric Acid by

Geographic Region Percentage Breakdown of Unit Sales for
US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan),
Latin America, and Rest of World Markets for the Years
1991, 1995, 2005 & 2010 (includes corresponding

Table 27: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for
Phosphoric Acid by Geographic Region US, Canada, Japan,
Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan), Latin America, and
Rest of World Markets Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales
for the Years 2001 through 2010 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons.
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ................................ II-89

Table 36: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for
Hydrofluoric Acid by Geographic Region US, Canada, Japan,
Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan), Latin America, and
Rest of World Markets Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales
for the Years 2001 through 2010 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons.
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ................................II-95


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Table 37: World Historic Review for Hydrofluoric Acid by
Geographic Region US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific,
(excluding Japan), Latin America, and Rest of World Markets
Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the Years
1991 through 2000 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons.
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ................................ II-95
Table 38: World 20-Year Perspective for Hydrofluoric Acid by
Geographic Region Percentage Breakdown of Unit Sales for
US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan),
Latin America, and Rest of World Markets for the Years 1991,
1995, 2005 & 2010 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ....... II-96

1. The United States ....................................................... III-1
A. Market Analysis ...............................................................III-1
Current and Future Analysis...........................................III-1
Historic Review..............................................................III-1
Flat Consumption in the Steel and Oil Industries ...........III-1
Sulfuric Acid Market A Profile ...................................III-2
US Braces for Narrower Roads Ahead........................III-2
Sulfuric Acid Potential Growth Drivers......................III-2
Table 39: US Market for Sulfuric Acid in 2005 (E):
Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales by End-Use
Industry - Fertilizers, Organic Chemicals, Mining,
Petroleum Alkylation, Inorganic Chemicals & Pigments,
Iron & Steel, Pulp & Paper and Miscellaneous
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ...................III-3
A Peek Into Recent Past..............................................III-3
North American Sulfuric acid Market Demand
Steady in 2003 .....................................................III-3
Dreary Market Conditions in 2002 ..........................III-3
US Market Remained Weak in 2001 .......................III-3
Phosphoric Acid.............................................................III-4
Phosphoric Acid Market Remains Flat Amidst
Production Shifts.....................................................III-4
A Peek into Recent Past..............................................III-4
Market Softens During 2003 ...................................III-4
Phosphoric Acid Market Perks Up ..........................III-4
EPA Delists Phosphoric Acid from the TRI ............III-4
Purified Phosphoric Acid Gains Prominence
During 2002.........................................................III-5
Phosphoric Acid Tightens on Rising Energy,
Raw Material Costs..............................................III-5
US Market for Nitric Acid..............................................III-5
Ammonia Market Remains Uncertain Despite
Lower Gas Costs .....................................................III-5
Ammonia Prices Soar in Wake of Gas Prices .............III-6
Ammonia Markets Remain Balanced .........................III-6
Table 40: US Market for Nitric Acid (2005 (E)):
Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales by End Use
Segment for Ammonium Nitrate, Adipic Acid,
Nitrobenzene, Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI), Metal
Treatment and Metal Nitrates, and Others
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ...................III-6

Table 41: US Market for Nitric Acid in 2002:

Production Capacity by Key Player for Terra
Industries, Fermland industries, PotashCorp.,
CF Industries, Agrium, Mississippi Chemical,
Koch Industries, Honeywell, MC Global, Dakota
Gas, Royster-Clark, El Paso Corp., Air Products
and Chemicals, and Diamond Shamrock
(In 000 Metric Tons) (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart).......................................................... III-7
Hydrochloric Acid Market A Profile .......................... III-7
Hydrochloric Acid Market Regains Balance.............. III-8
Record Hike in HCl Prices......................................... III-8
Production Reaches Seven Million Tons.................... III-8
Table 42: US Production of Hydrochloric Acid (2004 &
2005(E)): Percentage breakdown by Production Source Vinyl Chloride Monomer, Isocyanate-to-Ethylene
Dichloride, Net Isocyanate, Fluorocarbon, Burner
Acid, Methyl Chloride, and Magnesium Chloride
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) .................. III-9
Table 43: US Market for Hydrochloric Acid in 2005 (E):
Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales by End Use
Segment - EDC, TDI/MDI, Food Grade HCl,
Calcium Chloride, Steel Pickling, Brine Treating,
Oil Well Acidizing, Chlorine and Others
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) .................. III-9
Table 44: US Market for Hydrochloric Acid in 2005 (E):
Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales for by
Merchant Market - Food Grade, Calcium Chloride,
Steel Pickling, Brine Testing, Oil-Well Acidizing, and
Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)..... III-10
A Peek into Recent Past .............................................. III-10
Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrogen Chloride
Demand Expands.................................................. III-10
Hydrochloric Acid Pricing Holds Steady ................. III-10
Recycling HCl ......................................................... III-10
Hydrofluoric Acid ....................................................... III-11
Fluorocarbons Drives Hydrofluoric Acid Demand .. III-11
Table 45: US Market for Hydrofluoric Acid (2005 (E)):
Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales by End Use
Segment - Fluorocarbons, Aluminum Production,
Alkylation Catalyst, Metal Etching, Uranium Fuel
Processing, and Others (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) ........................................................... III-11
Rising Raw Material Prices Hamper Profits............. III-11
Imports Scenario...................................................... III-12
Table 46: US Imports for Hydrofluoric Acid (2004):
Breakdown of Volume and Value by Geographic
Region for Mexico, Canada, Japan, China,
Germany, Korea, Republic of, Netherlands, Italy,
and Others (Volume in Metric Tons, Value
in US$ Thousand) ................................................ III-12
A Peek into Recent Past ........................................... III-12
Recent Industry Activity .......................................... III-12
Focus on Major Players............................................ III-14


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B. Market Analytics ............................................................III-17
Table 47: US Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for
Mineral Acids by Product Segment Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric
Acid, Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid
Markets Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the
Years 2001 through 2010 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ........................III-17
Table 48: US Historic Review for Mineral Acids by Product
Segment Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid,
Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets
Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the Years
1991 through 2000 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ........................III-17
Table 49: US 20-Year Perspective for Mineral Acids by
Product Segment Percentage Breakdown of Unit Sales
for Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid,
Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets for
the Years 1991, 1995, 2005 & 2010 (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart)........................................III-18

Table 54: Sulfuric Acid Consumption in Japan (2005 (E)):

Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales by End Use
Application - Mineral Fertilizer Production, Titanium
Dioxide Production, Synthetic Fiber Production,
Aluminum Sulfate Production, Hydrofluoric Acid
Production, Artificial Fiber Production, Methyl
Methacrylate Production and Other (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) ................................... III-22
Spate of Plant Shutdowns in Japanese Nitric
Acid Market............................................................. III-23
Focus on Major Players ............................................... III-23
B. Market Analytics ........................................................... III-24
Table 55: Japanese Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis
for Mineral Acids by Product Segment Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric
Acid, Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid
Markets Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the
Years 2001 through 2010 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ....................... III-24

A. Market Analysis .............................................................III-19

Current and Future Analysis.........................................III-19
Historic Review............................................................III-19

Table 56: Japanese Historic Review for Mineral Acids by

Product Segment Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric
Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets
Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the Years
1991 through 2000 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ....................... III-25

Table 50: Canadian Market for Nitric Acid in 2002:

Production Capacity by Key Player for Agrium, Canadian
Fertilizer, Saskferco Products, J.R. Simplot Canada,
Terra Industries and Pacific Ammonia (In 000 Metric
Tons) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)...........III-19

Table 57: Japanese 20-Year Perspective for Mineral Acids

by Product Segment Percentage Breakdown of Unit Sales for
Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric
Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets for the Years 1991, 1995,
2005 & 2010 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) .....III-25

Recent Industry Activity ..............................................III-20

B. Market Analytics ............................................................III-20

4. Europe....................................................................... III-26

2. Canada ...................................................................... III-19

Table 51: Canadian Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis

for Mineral Acids by Product Segment Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric
Acid, Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid
Markets Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the
Years 2001 through 2010 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ........................III-20
Table 52: Canadian Historic Review for Mineral Acids by
Product Segment Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric
Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets
Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the Years
1991 through 2000 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ........................III-21
Table 53: Canadian 20-Year Perspective for Mineral Acids
by Product Segment Percentage Breakdown of Unit Sales
for Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric
Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets for the Years 1991, 1995,
2005 & 2010 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)......III-21

3. Japan ......................................................................... III-22

A. Market Analysis .............................................................III-22
Current and Future Analysis.........................................III-22
Historic Review............................................................III-22
A Review of End-Use Markets for Sulfuric Acid.........III-22

A. Market Analysis ............................................................ III-26

Current and Future Analysis........................................ III-26
Historic Review........................................................... III-26
Table 58: Nitric Acid Market in Western Europe in 2002:
Production Capacity by Geographic Region for Belgium,
France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands,
Norway and UK (In 000 Metric Tons) (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) ................................... III-26
Table 59: Nitric Acid Market in Eastern Europe in 2002:
Production Capacity by Geographic Region for Belarus,
Bulgaria, Czech republic/Slovakia, Former Yugoslavia,
Poland, Romania, Russia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan
(In 000 Metric Tons) (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) ........................................................... III-27
Recent Industry Activity.............................................. III-27
Focus on Major Players ............................................... III-28
B. Market Analytics ........................................................... III-30
Table 60: European Recent Past, Current & Future
Analysis for Mineral Acids by Geographic Region France,
Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe
Markets Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the
Years 2001 through 2010 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ....................... III-30


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Table 61: European Recent Past, Current & Future
Analysis for Mineral Acids by Product Segment
Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid,
Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets
Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the
Years 2001 through 2010 in Ten Thousand Metric
Tons (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)................III-31
Table 62: European Historic Review for Mineral Acids
by Geographic Region France, Germany, Italy, UK,
Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe Markets Independently
Analyzed by Annual Sales for the Years 1991 through
2000 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ........................III-31
Table 63: European Historic Review for Mineral Acids
by Product Segment Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid,
Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric
Acid Markets Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales
for the Years 1991 through 2000 in Ten Thousand
Metric Tons (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) ...............................................................III-32
Table 64: European 20-Year Perspective for Mineral
Acids by Geographic region Percentage Breakdown
of Unit Sales for France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain,
Russia and Rest of Europe Markets for the Years
1991, 1995, 2005 & 2010 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) ...............................................................III-32
Table 65: European 20-Year Perspective for Mineral Acids
by Product Segment Percentage Breakdown of Unit Sales
for Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric
Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets for the Years
1991, 1995, 2005 & 2010 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) ...............................................................III-33

4a. France ...................................................................... III-34

Market Analysis...............................................................III-34
Table 66: French Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis
for Mineral Acids by Product Segment Sulfuric Acid,
Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and
Hydrofluoric Acid Markets Independently Analyzed by
Annual Sales for the Years 2001 through 2010 in Ten
Thousand Metric Tons (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) ..............................................................III-34
Table 67: French Historic Review for Mineral Acids
by Product Segment Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid,
Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric
Acid Markets Independently Analyzed by Annual
Sales for the Years 1991 through 2000 in Ten
Thousand Metric Tons (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) ...............................................................III-35
Table 68: French 20-Year Perspective for Mineral Acids
by Product Segment Percentage Breakdown of Unit Sales
for Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid,
Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets
for the Years 1991, 1995, 2005 & 2010 (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart)........................................III-35

4b. Germany .................................................................. III-36

Market Analysis.............................................................. III-36
Table 69: German Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis
for Mineral Acids by Product Segment Sulfuric Acid,
Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and
Hydrofluoric Acid Markets Independently Analyzed by
Annual Sales for the Years 2001 through 2010 in Ten
Thousand Metric Tons (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart)............................................................... III-36
Table 70: German Historic Review for Mineral Acids
by Product Segment Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid,
Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid
Markets Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for
the Years 1991 through 2000 in Ten Thousand
Metric Tons (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart)............................................................... III-37
Table 71: German 20-Year Perspective for Mineral Acids
by Product Segment Percentage Breakdown of Unit
Sales for Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid,
Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets for
the Years 1991, 1995, 2005 & 2010 (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart)....................................... III-37

4c. Italy .......................................................................... III-38

Market Analysis.............................................................. III-38
Table 72: Italian Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis
for Mineral Acids by Product Segment Sulfuric Acid,
Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and
Hydrofluoric Acid Markets Independently Analyzed by
Annual Sales for the Years 2001 through 2010 in Ten
Thousand Metric Tons (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart)............................................................... III-38
Table 73: Italian Historic Review for Mineral Acids
by Product Segment Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid,
Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric
Acid Markets Independently Analyzed by Annual
Sales for the Years 1991 through 2000 in Ten
Thousand Metric Tons (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart)............................................................... III-39
Table 74: Italian 20-Year Perspective for Mineral Acids by
Product Segment Percentage Breakdown of Unit Sales for
Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric
Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets for the Years
1991, 1995, 2005 & 2010 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart)............................................................... III-39

4d. The United Kingdom .............................................. III-40

Market Analysis.............................................................. III-40
Table 75: UK Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis
for Mineral Acids by Product Segment Sulfuric Acid,
Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and
Hydrofluoric Acid Markets Independently Analyzed by
Annual Sales for the Years 2001 through 2010 in Ten
Thousand Metric Tons (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart)............................................................... III-40


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Table 76: UK Historic Review for Mineral Acids by
Product Segment Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric
Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets
Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the Years
1991 through 2000 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ........................III-41
Table 77: UK 20-Year Perspective for Mineral Acids by
Product Segment Percentage Breakdown of Unit Sales
for Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid,
Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets for
the Years 1991, 1995, 2005 & 2010 (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart)........................................III-41

4e. Spain......................................................................... III-42

Market Analysis...............................................................III-42
Table 78: Spanish Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis
for Mineral Acids by Product Segment Sulfuric Acid,
Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and
Hydrofluoric Acid Markets Independently Analyzed by
Annual Sales for the Years 2001 through 2010 in Ten
Thousand Metric Tons (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) ...............................................................III-42
Table 79: Spanish Historic Review for Mineral Acids by
Product Segment Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric
Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets
Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the Years
1991 through 2000 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ........................III-43
Table 80: Spanish 20-Year Perspective for Mineral Acids
by Product Segment Percentage Breakdown of Unit
Sales for Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid,
Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets
for the Years 1991, 1995, 2005 & 2010 (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart)........................................III-43

4f. Russia ....................................................................... III-44

Market Analysis...............................................................III-44
Table 81: Russian Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis
for Mineral Acids by Product Segment Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric
Acid, Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid
Markets Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the
Years 2001 through 2010 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ........................III-44
Table 82: Russian Historic Review for Mineral Acids by
Product Segment Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric
Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets
Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the Years
1991 through 2000 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ........................III-45
Table 83: Russian 20-Year Perspective for Mineral Acids
by Product Segment Percentage Breakdown of Unit
Sales for Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid,
Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets
for the Years 1991, 1995, 2005 & 2010 (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart)........................................III-45

4g. Rest of Europe......................................................... III-46

Market Analysis.............................................................. III-46
Table 84: Rest of Europe Recent Past, Current & Future
Analysis for Mineral Acids by Product Segment Sulfuric
Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and
Hydrofluoric Acid Markets Independently Analyzed by
Annual Sales for the Years 2001 through 2010 in Ten
Thousand Metric Tons (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart)............................................................... III-46
Table 85: Rest of Europe Historic Review for Mineral Acids
by Product Segment Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric
Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets
Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the Years
1991 through 2000 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ....................... III-47
Table 86: Rest of Europe 20-Year Perspective for Mineral
Acids by Product Segment Percentage Breakdown of
Unit Sales for Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid,
Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets for the
Years 1991, 1995, 2005 & 2010 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart)............................................................... III-47

5. Asia Pacific ............................................................... III-48

A. Market Analysis ............................................................ III-48
Current and Future Analysis........................................ III-48
Historic Review........................................................... III-48
Table 87: Nitric Acid Market in Asia-Pacific in 2002:
Production Capacity by Geographic Region for Australia,
Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia,
North Korea, Pakistan, and South Korea (In 000 Metric
Tons) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart).......... III-48
China The Potential Market for Inorganic
Chemicals ................................................................ III-48
Soaring Demand Boosts Production Capacities ....... III-49
Sulfuric Acid Production Rises in East China.......... III-49
Table 88: Sulfuric Acid Capacity in China (2000 &
2004): Percentage Volume Breakdown by Production
Process of Sulfur for Pyrite Process, Metallurgical Flue
Gas Process, Sulfur Process, and Phosphogypsum
Process (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ......III-50
Pricing Trends.......................................................... III-50
Chinas Intake of Hydrochloric Acid Increases........ III-50
Hydrochloric Acid Market in China......................... III-50
China A Splendid Source of Fluorspar.................. III-51
Five Year Plans Bode Lucky for Chinese
Fertilizer Industry................................................. III-51
Provisions for Sprucing Sulfuric Acid Industry: ...... III-51
Table 89: Hydrochloric Acid Consumption by Various
Sectors in China During 2005 (E) ........................ III-51
Chemical Trading Companies in China ................... III-52
Import Restrictions in China .................................... III-52
Technology Licensing.............................................. III-52
Concentrated Nitric Acid Market in China............... III-52


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Table 90: Concentrated Nitric Acid Consumption
in China - 2005 (E) (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) ........................................................III-52
Table 91: Chinese Leading Producers of Concentrated
Nitric Acid (2004): Breakdown by Output for Anhui
Huaihua Group Co., Ltd, Jinan Chemical Fertilizer
Plant Co., Ltd., CNPC Jilin Petrochemical Co., Ltd,
Qingdao Hengyuan Chemical Co., Ltd, Sinopec Nanjing
Chemical Industry Co., Liuzhou Chemical Co., Ltd.,
CNPC Lanzhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Shandong
United Chemical Co., Ltd, Anhui Huatai Chemical
Industry Co., Ltd, Lutianhua Group Corp, Hubei
Jinyuan Chemical Co., Ltd., Dalian Dahua Group Ltd.,
Shanghai Zhongyuan Chemical Co., Ltd, Shandong
Luguang Chemical Plant , Hebei Cangzhou Dahua
Group Corp and Others (In Thousand Tons)
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) .................III-53
China's Yunnan to Develop Phosphorous Products .....III-53
Yellow Phosphorus Prime Feedstock for
Phosphoric Acid ....................................................III-54
Industrial Phosphates on Rise in China.....................III-54
Projects Undertaken in China................................III-54
Fluorochemical Base Constructed in Fuxin .......III-54
Chinese Demand for Hydrofluoric Acid
Set to Rise..........................................................III-54
Mineral Acids Industry in India....................................III-54
India Imports about 50% of its Phosphoric
Acid Requirement .................................................III-54
Tight Supplies to Threaten Fertilizers Industry.........III-55
India Cracks Down on Dumping...............................III-55
Indian Government Offers Subsidy on Fertilizers........III-55
Indian Government Slashes Duties on Import of
Phosphoric Acid from South Africa ......................III-55
Vietnam Chemical Sector Under Development............III-55
Recent Industry Activity ..............................................III-55
Industry Activity in the Recent Past .............................III-57
A Review of Key Players .............................................III-58
B. Market Analytics ............................................................III-59
Table 92: Asia Pacific Recent Past, Current & Future
Analysis for Mineral Acids by Product Segment Sulfuric
Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and
Hydrofluoric Acid Markets Independently Analyzed by Annual
Sales for the Years 2001 through 2010 in Ten Thousand
Metric Tons (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) .......III-59

6. Latin America........................................................... III-61

A. Market Analysis ............................................................ III-61
Current and Future Analysis........................................ III-61
Historic Review........................................................... III-61
Strategic Corporate Development................................ III-61
B. Market Analytics ........................................................... III-62
Table 95: Latin America Recent Past, Current & Future
Analysis for Mineral Acids by Product Segment Sulfuric
Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and
Hydrofluoric Acid Markets Independently Analyzed by Annual
Sales for the Years 2001 through 2010 in Ten Thousand
Metric Tons (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ... III-62
Table 96: Latin America Historic Review for Mineral Acids
by Product Segment Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric
Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets
Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the Years 1991
through 2000 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ....................... III-62
Table 97: Latin America 20-Year Perspective for Mineral Acids
by Product Segment Percentage Breakdown of Unit Sales for
Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid
and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets for the Years 1991, 1995,
2005 & 2010 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) .....III-63

7. Rest of World............................................................ III-64

A. Market Analysis ............................................................ III-64
Current and Future Analysis........................................ III-64
Historic Review........................................................... III-64
Middle East & Africa .................................................. III-64
Table 98: Nitric Acid Market in Middle East in 2002:
Production Capacity by Geographic Region for Algeria,
Egypt, Iran, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and South
Africa (In Thousands of Metric Tons) (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) ................................... III-64
Recent Industry Activity.............................................. III-65
Focus on Key Players .................................................. III-65
B. Market Analytics ........................................................... III-66
Table 99: Rest of World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis
for Mineral Acids by Product Segment Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric
Acid, Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid
Markets Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the
Years 2001 through 2010 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ....................... III-66

Table 93: Asia Pacific Historic Review for Mineral Acids by

Product Segment Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric
Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets
Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the Years
1991 through 2000 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ........................III-60

Table 100: Rest of World Historic Review for Mineral Acids

by Product Segment Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric
Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets
Independently Analyzed by Annual Sales for the Years
1991 through 2000 in Ten Thousand Metric Tons
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) ....................... III-67

Table 94: Asia Pacific 20-Year Perspective for Mineral

Acids by Product Segment Percentage Breakdown of Unit
Sales for Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid,
Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets for the
Years 1991, 1995, 2005 & 2010 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) ...............................................................III-60

Table 101: Rest of World 20-Year Perspective for Mineral

Acids by Product Segment Percentage Breakdown of
Unit Sales for Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid,
Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrofluoric Acid Markets for the
Years 1991, 1995, 2005 & 2010 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart)............................................................... III-67


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1. Agrium, Inc. (Canada) ............................................................ IV-1

Table 121: Annual Sales Analysis by Segment:

2003-2004 (In billion) ............................................... IV-57

Table 102: First Quarter Sales Analysis:

2004-2005 (Q1) (In US$ million)................................... IV-3

Table 122: Annual Sales Analysis by Geographical

Region: 2003-2004 (In billion).................................. IV-58

Table 103: First Quarter Sales Analysis by Business

Segment: 2004-2005 (Q1) (In US$ million) ................... IV-3

BASF Corporation (USA)................................................. IV-76

Table 104: Annual Sales Analysis: 2003-2004

(In US$ million) ............................................................. IV-3

Table 123: Annual Sales Analysis: 2003-2004

(In US$ million) ........................................................... IV-76

Table 105: Annual Sales Analysis by Quarter:

2003-2004 (In US$ million) ........................................... IV-3
Table 106: Annual Sales Analysis by Business Segment:
2003-2004 (In US$ million) ........................................... IV-4


Basic Chemical Solutions, LLC (USA)................................. IV-79

Berzelius Stolberg GmbH (Germany) ................................... IV-80
Big River Zinc Corporation (USA) ....................................... IV-81
Celanese AG (Germany) ....................................................... IV-83

Table 107: Annual Sales Analysis by Geographical

Region: 2003-2004 (In US$ million).............................. IV-4

Table 124: Half Yearly Sales Analysis: 2004-2005 (H1)

(In million) ................................................................ IV-84

2. Akzo Nobel NV (The Netherlands)....................................... IV-12

Table 125: Half Yearly Sales Analysis by Segment:

2003-2004 (H1) (In million)...................................... IV-85

Table 108: First Quarter Sales Analysis:

2004-2005 (Q1) (In million)...................................... IV-15
Table 109: First Quarter Sales Analysis by Segment:
2004-2005 (Q1) (In million)...................................... IV-16
Table 110: Annual Sales Analysis: 2003-2004
(In million)................................................................ IV-16
Table 111: Annual Sales Analysis by Segment:
2003-2004 (In million) .............................................. IV-16
Table 112: Annual Sales Analysis by Region:
2003-2004 (In million) .............................................. IV-16



Akzo Nobel Functional Chemicals B.V.

(The Netherlands).......................................................... IV-21
Akzo Nobel, Inc. (USA) ................................................... IV-22
Ammophos (Russia).............................................................. IV-26
Apache Nitrogen Products, Inc. (USA)................................. IV-27
Asahi Kasei Corporation (Japan) .......................................... IV-29
Table 113: Annual Sales Analysis: 2003-2005
(In billion)................................................................. IV-30
Table 114: Annual Sales Analysis by Business
Segment: 2004-2005 (In billion) ............................... IV-31
Table 115: Annual Sales Analysis by Business
Segment: 2003-2004 (In billion) ............................... IV-31
Asarco, Inc. (USA) ............................................................... IV-36
Ashland, Inc. (USA) ............................................................. IV-39
Azot Association (Ukraine)................................................... IV-44
BASF Aktiengesellschaft (AG) (Germany) .......................... IV-49
Table 116: First Quarter Sales Analysis:
2004-2005 (Q1) (In billion) ...................................... IV-56
Table 117: First Quarter Sales Analysis by Segment:
2004-2005 (Q1) (In billion) ...................................... IV-56
Table 118: First Quarter Sales Analysis by Geographical
Region: 2004-2005 (Q1) (In billion) ......................... IV-57
Table 119: Annual Sales Analysis: 2003-2004
(In billion)................................................................. IV-57
Table 120: Annual Sales Analysis by Quarter:
2003-2004 (In billion)............................................... IV-57

14. Chemische Fabrik Budenheim KG (Germany)...................... IV-88

15. Chevron Oronite Company LLC (USA)................................ IV-96
16. China Petroleum And Chemical Corporation
Sinopec (China) .................................................................. IV-105
Table 126: First Quarter Sales Analysis: 20042005 (Q1) (In RMB billion)........................................ IV-107
Table 127: Annual Sales Analysis: 2003-2004
(In RMB billion)......................................................... IV-107
Table 128: Annual Sales Analysis by Segment:
2003-2004 (In RMB billion)....................................... IV-107
17. Chongqing Fuyuan Chemical Co., Ltd. (China).................. IV-112
18. Colonial Chemical, Inc. (USA) ........................................... IV-114
19. Cytec Industries, Inc. (USA) ............................................... IV-118
Table 129: First Quarter Sales Analysis:
2004-2005 (Q1) (In US$ million) ............................... IV-122
Table 130: First Quarter Sales Analysis by Segment:
2004-2005 (Q1) (In US$ million) ............................... IV-122
Table 131: Annual Sales Analysis: 2003-2004
(In US$ million) ......................................................... IV-122
Table 132: Annual Sales Analysis by Segment:
2003-2004 (In US$ million) ....................................... IV-123
Table 133: Annual Sales Analysis by Geographical
Region: 2003-2004 (In US$ million) .......................... IV-123
20. DC Chemical Company Limited (South Korea).................. IV-126
21. Deepak Fertilisers and Petrochemicals Corp., Ltd. (India).. IV-131
Table 134: First Quarter Sales Analysis by Segment:
2004-2005 (Q1) (In INR Crore) ................................. IV-132
Table 135: Annual Sales Analysis by Segment:
2003-2004 (In INR Crores) ........................................ IV-133
22. Degussa AG (Germany) ...................................................... IV-135
Table 136: Half Yearly Sales Analysis: 2004-2005 (H1)
(In million) .............................................................. IV-139
Table 137: Annual Sales Analysis: 2003-2004
(In million) .............................................................. IV-140


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Table 138: Annual Sales Analysis by Division:
2003-2004 (In million) ............................................. IV-140

38. Gujarat Alkalies and Chemicals Limited (India)................. IV-226

Table 155: Annual Sales Analysis: 2003-2004
(In INR million).......................................................... IV-226

Table 139: Annual Sales Analysis by Geographical

Region: 2003-2004 (In million)............................... IV-140
Table 140: Annual Sales Analysis by Quarter:
2003-2004 (In million) ............................................ IV-140
Degussa Corporation (USA) ........................................... IV-143
23. Dongbu Hannong Chemical, Co., Ltd. (Korea)................... IV-145
24. Dover Chemical Corporation (USA)................................... IV-149
25. Dow Chemical Company, The (USA)................................. IV-150
Table 141: First Quarter Sales Analysis: 2004-2005 (Q1)
(In US$ billion) .......................................................... IV-153

Table 156: Annual Sales Analysis by Quarter:

2003-2004 (In INR million)........................................ IV-227
39. Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers Co., Ltd. (India) .......... IV-228
Table 157: First Quarter Sales Analysis by Segment:
2003-2004 (Q1) (In INR 000) ................................... IV-228
40. Hill Brothers Chemical Company (USA)............................ IV-231
41. Honeywell International, Inc. (USA) .................................. IV-233
Table 158: First Quarter Sales Analysis:
2004-2005 (Q1) (In US$ billion)................................ IV-239

Table 142: Annual Sales Analysis: 2003-2004

(In US$ billion) .......................................................... IV-153

Table 159: First Quarter Sales Analysis by Business

Segment: 2004-2005 (Q1) (In US$ billion) ................ IV-239

Table 143: Annual Sales Analysis by Business Segment:

2003-2004 (In US$ billion) ........................................ IV-154

Table 160: Annual Sales Analysis: 2003-2004

(In US$ billion) .......................................................... IV-239

Table 144: Annual Sales Analysis by Geographical

Region: 2003-2004 (In US$ billion)........................... IV-154

Table 161: Annual Sales Analysis by Business Segment:

2003-2004 (In US$ billion) ........................................ IV-239

Table 145: Annual Sales Analysis by Quarter:

2003-2004 (In US$ billion) ........................................ IV-154
26. E. I. DU Pont De Nemours and Company (USA) ............... IV-169
Table 146: First Quarter Sales Analysis: 2004-2005 (Q1)
(In US$ billion) .......................................................... IV-171
Table 147: Annual Sales Analysis by Segment:
2003-2004 (In US$ billion) ........................................ IV-172
Table 148: Annual Sales Analysis by Geographical
Region: 2003-2004 (In US$ billion)........................... IV-172
Table 149: Annual Sales Analysis by Quarter:
2003-2004 (In US$ billion) ........................................ IV-172
27. Eastman Chemical Company (USA)................................... IV-189
Table 150: Half Yearly Sales Analysis by Segment:
2003-2004 (H1) (In US$ million)............................... IV-192
Table 151: Half Yearly Sales Analysis by Geographical
Region: 2003-2004 (H1) (In US$ million) ................. IV-192

El Dorado Chemical Co. , (USA)........................................ IV-197

Elite Chemicals Pty., Ltd. (Australia) ................................. IV-199
Esseco, SpA (Italy) ............................................................. IV-201
FMC Corporation (USA) .................................................... IV-202
Table 152: Annual Sales Analysis by Segment:
2003-2004 (In US$ million) ....................................... IV-204
Table 153: Annual Sales Analysis by Region:
2003-2004 (In US$ million) ....................................... IV-205
Table 154: Annual Sales Analysis by Quarter:
2003-2004 (In US$ million) ....................................... IV-205


FMC Foret SA (Spain).................................................... IV-211

Fosfa Akciova Spolecnost (Czech Republic) ...................... IV-213
Fujian Zhangping Jinxin Sulphuric Acid Chemical
Industry Co., Ltd (China).................................................... IV-217
General Chemical Corporation (USA) ................................ IV-219
Grande Paroisse S.A. (France) ............................................ IV-221
Grillo-Werke Aktiengesellschaft (Germany) ...................... IV-222
Guizhou Kailin (Group) Co., Ltd. (China) .......................... IV-225

Table 162: Annual Sales Analysis by Quarter:

2003-2004 (In US$ billion) ........................................ IV-240



Honeywell International - Specialty Materials

Group (USA) ............................................................... IV-254
Huayang Chemical (China)................................................. IV-258
Industria Quimica Del Istmo SA De CV (Mexico).............. IV-259
INEOS Chlor Limited (UK) ................................................ IV-261
Inolex Chemical Company (USA) ...................................... IV-264
International Chemical Industries, Inc. (Philippines) .......... IV-265
J.R.Simplot Company (USA).............................................. IV-266
JCI Jones Chemicals, Inc. (USA) ........................................ IV-270
Jiangsu Nantong Da Lun Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
(China) ................................................................................ IV-271
Jones-Hamilton Co. (USA) ................................................. IV-273
Jordan Phosphate Mines Co., Ltd. (Jordan)......................... IV-274
Kanto Corporation (USA) ................................................... IV-276
Kemira Chemicals (Finland) ............................................... IV-277
Kemira Chemicals Inc. (USA) ........................................ IV-279
Kemira Growhow Oy (Finland) ...................................... IV-281
Kemira Growhow Uk Ltd. (UK) ..................................... IV-283
Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation (USA) ....................... IV-285
Lanxess AG (Germany) ...................................................... IV-287
Table 163: First Quarter Sales Analysis:
2004-2005 (Q1) (In million).................................... IV-287
Table 164: First Quarter Sales Analysis by Segment:
2004-2005 (Q1) (In million).................................... IV-287
Table 165: First Quarter Sales Analysis by Geographical
Region: 2004-2005 (Q1) (In million) ...................... IV-288
Table 166: Annual Sales Analysis: 2003-2004
(In million) .............................................................. IV-288

56. LMG Chemicals Corporation (Philippines)......................... IV-289

57. Lyondell Chemical Company (USA) .................................. IV-291
Table 167: Half Yearly Sales Analysis:
2004-2005 (H1) (In US$ million) ............................... IV-293


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Table 168: Half Yearly Sales Analysis by Segment:
2004-2005 (H1) (In US$ million)............................... IV-293

Table 182: Annual Sales Analysis: 2003-2004

(In US$ million) ......................................................... IV-342

Table 169: Annual Sales Analysis: 2003-2004

(In US$ million) ......................................................... IV-293

Table 183: Annual Sales Analysis by Segment:

2003-2004 (In US$ million) ....................................... IV-343

58. Mianyang Aostar Phosphorus Chemical Industry Co.

(China)................................................................................ IV-298
59. Mianyang Tianming Phosphorus Chemical Industry
Co., Ltd. (China) ................................................................. IV-300
60. Micro-Bio (IRL) Ltd. (Ireland) ........................................... IV-301
61. Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. (Japan)............................................ IV-302

Table 184: Annual Sales Analysis by Geographical

Region: 2003-2004 (In US$ million) .......................... IV-343

Table 170: Annual Sales Analysis: 2003-2004

(In billion)............................................................... IV-303
Table 171: Annual Sales Analysis by Business Segment:
2003-2004 (In billion)............................................. IV-303
Table 172: Annual Sales Analysis by Geographical
Region: 2003-2004 (In billion) ............................... IV-303


62. Miwon Commercial Co., Ltd. (Korea) ................................ IV-307

63. Morita Chemical Industries, Co., Ltd. (Japan) .................... IV-310
64. Mosaic Co. (The) (USA)..................................................... IV-311
Table 173: Nine Months Sales Analysis: 2004-2005
(Nine Months Ended, February) (In US$ million)...... IV-311

Namhae Chemical Corporation (Korea).............................. IV-315

National Petrochemical Company (Iran)............................. IV-316
Neochim SA PLC (Bulgaria) .............................................. IV-318
Nitrochem Corporation (Canada)........................................ IV-318
Nitrogenmuvek RT (Hungary) ............................................ IV-319
Office Cherifien Des Phosphates (Morocco)....................... IV-321
Olin Corporation (USA)...................................................... IV-323
Table 174: Half-Yearly Sales Analysis: 2004-2005 (H1)
(In US$ million) ......................................................... IV-326
Table 175: Annual Sales Analysis: 2003-2004
(In US$ million) ......................................................... IV-326
Table 176: Annual Sales Analysis by Segment:
2003-2004 (In US$ million) ....................................... IV-326
Table 177: Annual Sales Analysis by Geographical
Region: 2003-2004 (In US$ million).......................... IV-326


Oltchim S.A (Romania) ...................................................... IV-329

P.T. Asahimas Chemical (Indonesia) .................................. IV-330
Pelchem (South Africa)....................................................... IV-331
Perstorp AB (Sweden) ........................................................ IV-332

PCS Nitrogen, Inc. (USA)............................................... IV-345

Prachi Poly Products, Ltd. (India) ....................................... IV-346
Prayon-Rupel SA (Belgium) ............................................... IV-348
Produits Chimiques De Loos (France) ................................ IV-350
PT. Multi Nitrotama Kimia (Indonesia) .............................. IV-352
PVS Chemicals, Inc. (USA) ................................................ IV-353
Qingdao Haijing Chemical (Group) Co., Ltd (China) ......... IV-354
Qinghai Liming Chemical Co., Ltd. (China)....................... IV-355
Radici Chimica GmbH (Germany)...................................... IV-356
Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers, Ltd. (India)................... IV-357
Table 185: Annual Sales Analysis: 2003-2004
(In INR billion)........................................................... IV-357
Table 186: Annual Sales Analysis by Segment:
2003-2004 (In INR billion)......................................... IV-358


Rhodia SA (France) ............................................................ IV-360

Ricca Chemical Company (USA) ....................................... IV-365
Sachtleben Chemie (Germany) ........................................... IV-366
Samsung Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. (Korea) ........................ IV-368
Saudi Arabian Fertilizer Company (Saudi Arabia).............. IV-371
Shandong Dongyue Chemical Co., Ltd. (China) ................. IV-372
Shandong Ruipu Chemical Co., Ltd. (China)...................... IV-374
Shanghai Zhongyuan Chemical Co., Ltd. (China)............... IV-375
Siam Chemicals Public Co., Ltd. (Thailand) ....................... IV-376
Sichuan Shifang Chuanxi Xingda Chemical Co. (China).... IV-376
Solutia, Inc. (USA).............................................................. IV-377
Southern Ionics, Inc. (USA) ................................................ IV-381
Southern States Chemical, Inc. (USA) ................................ IV-382
Spolchemie (Czech Republic)............................................. IV-383
Star Chemicals (Bombay) Ltd. (India) ................................ IV-385
Stella Chemifa Corporation (Japan) .................................... IV-386
Sterling Chemicals, Inc. (USA)........................................... IV-387
Sulco Chemicals Limited (Canada)..................................... IV-389
Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd. (Japan) ................................ IV-390
Table 187: First Quarter Sales Analysis:
2005-2006 (Q1) (In billion)..................................... IV-391

Table 178: Half-Yearly Sales by Business Segment:

2003-2004 (H1) (In SEK million)............................... IV-334

Table 188: First Quarter Sales Analysis by Business

Segment: 2005-2006 (Q1) (In billion) ..................... IV-392

76. Phelps Dodge Corporation (USA)....................................... IV-336

Table 189: Annual Sales Analysis: 2003-2005

(In billion)............................................................... IV-392

Table 179: Half Yearly Sales Analysis: 2004-2005 (H1)

(In US$ million) ......................................................... IV-338
Table 180: Annual Sales Analysis: 2003-2004
(In US$ million) ......................................................... IV-338
77. Philippine Phosphate Fertilizer Corporation (Philippines) .. IV-340
78. Potash Corporation (Canada) .............................................. IV-341
Table 181: First Quarter Sales Analysis:
2004-2005 (Q1) (In US$ million)............................... IV-342

Table 190: Annual Sales Analysis by Business Segment:

2004-2005 (In billion) ............................................. IV-392
Table 191: Annual Sales Analysis by Business Segment:
2003-2004 (In billion) ............................................. IV-393
Table 192: Annual Sales Analysis by Geographical
Region: 2003-2004 (In billion)................................ IV-393
107. Tanfac, Ltd. (India) ............................................................. IV-400


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108. Terra Industries, Inc. (USA)................................................ IV-402
Table 193: First Quarter Sales Analysis:
2004-2005 (Q1) (In US$ million)............................... IV-403

111. Travancore-Cochin Chemicals, Ltd. (The) (India) .............. IV-416

112. UBE Industries, Ltd. (Japan)............................................... IV-417
Table 199: Annual Sales Analysis: 2003-2004
(In million) .............................................................. IV-418

Table 194: First Quarter Sales Analysis by Segment:

2004-2005 (Q1) (In US$ million)............................... IV-403
Table 195: First Quarter Sales Analysis by Geographic
Region: 2004-2005 (Q1) (In US$ million) ................. IV-404
Table 196: Annual Sales Analysis: 2003-2004
(In US$ million) ......................................................... IV-404
Table 197: Annual Sales Analysis by Business
Segment: 2003-2004 (In US$ million)........................ IV-404
Table 198: Annual Sales Analysis by Geographic
Region: 2003-2004 (In US$ million).......................... IV-404
Terra Nitrogen (UK) Limited (UK) ................................ IV-408
109. Thermphos International B.V. (The Netherlands)............... IV-410
110. TKI Hrastnikd.D (Slovenia)................................................ IV-413

Table 200: Annual Sales Analysis by Business Segment:

2003-2004 (In million) ............................................ IV-418

Unid Co., Ltd. (Korea) ........................................................ IV-422

Wah Chang (USA) .............................................................. IV-424
Wizow SA (Poland) ............................................................ IV-427
Wuhan Qingjiang Chemical Co., Ltd. (China) .................... IV-429
Wuxi Yangheng Chemical Co., Ltd. (China) ...................... IV-430
Yancheng Bright Fine Chem Co., Ltd. (China)................... IV-431
YKG Chemical Co. (Taiwan).............................................. IV-432
Zaklady Chemiczne Alwernia SA (Poland)......................... IV-433
Zhong Qing Yilan (Group) Co., Ltd. (China)...................... IV-436
Zorka Mineralna Djubriva D.D. (Yugoslavia)..................... IV-436


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