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LAAC: A Location-Aware Access Control Protocol

YounSun Cho, Lichun Bao and Michael T. Goodrich

Department of Computer Science
University of California, Irvine, CA 92697
{yscho, lbao, goodrich}@ics . uci . edu

Abstract-With the proliferation of wireless communication (LAAC) for such scenarios, where location-aware security
technologies and mobile computing devices, research interest keys are used to access the network resources.
has grown for location-aware systems and services. We propose The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We describe
LAAC, a novel Location-Aware Access Control protocol based on
a coarsely defined location area that is enclosed by overlapping related works in section II, and introduce the LAAC protocol
areas of multiple access points. Accordingly, a location key for operation and its security analysis in section III. Then in
location claim is derived from the overlapping access points' section IV, we evaluate LAAC efficiency and simulation
beacon information. In addition, the fact that a mobile device results. We present a case study in V. Section VI concludes
derives the location key enables us to track the location of the the paper
mobile device. LAAC does not require additional hardwares such
as GPS or ultrasonic devices in order to localize the mobile
devices. We enumerate possible attacks to the system and analyze II. RELATED WORK AND OVER APPROACH
their countermeasures. The computational and communicational
costs and the memory requirement are evaluated, and the The Cricket system is a decentralized indoor location-
simulation results are presented. support system that requires the combination of RF (radio-
frequency) and ultrasonic signals in order to triangulate the
I. INTRODUCTION user locations and to provide location services to users and
With the growing prevalence of high speed wireless portable applications [19]. PAC adopts the INS/Twine [17] architecture
devices, the security requirements have significantly increased for scalable resource discovery and the Cricket system for
in recent years, especially for wireless LAN (VWLAN) systems. location discovery [21]. In PAC, The client first receives a
While WLANs provide an easy access medium to users, it is Location ID (LID) along with a time-varying Location Code
vulnerable to misuses because of open-air transmissions in (LIDCODE) from its surrounding access points' beacons,
untethered hostile environments. Therefore, a natural course and sends them to a location authentication server, which in
is to authenticate network access according to various user turn returns a ticket, granting the client service request. PAC
certificates. requires synchronization between beacons and the location
User identity-based access control has been a promising authentication server, and keeps track of the corresponding
approach. A user's identity [26] can be based on a pass- LIDCODEs as they change with time.
word, a token, a ticket, an administered access control list Sastry et al. describe an Echo protocol to compute node
(ACL), or a biometrics [14], [27]. SecurelD is a token-based location based on the round-trip time of messages [22], also
authentication scheme for remotely logging into corporate based on both RF and ultrasonic signals in location compu-
networks [2]. It requires the user to provide both a password tations. They proposed the Region of Acceptance in order
and a random number token. Kerberos is another ticket-based to combat malicious provers from submitting location claims
network authentication protocol [14], and is widely used today. that overstate the true processing delay. A similar protocol,
It is designed to provide strong authentication for client/server based on the exchange RF messages, was proposed by Water
applications based on the secret key cryptography, which is et al. [4] for proving the location of tamper-resistant devices.
derived from the Needham-Schroeder key distribution proto- Zhang et al. [32] proposed the use of location-based keys us-
col [27]. Likewise, the access control list (ACL) is commonly ing identity based public-key cryptography (ID-PKC) , which
used for access control by modern operating systems [3]. solves the Bilinear Diffie-Hellman Problem (BDHP) [7], [25].
However, identification-based approaches do not satisfy In many cases, exact localization is not required, however,
certain security requirements that depend on user information coarse location information is sufficient and much cheaper
such as the location. For instance, courtesy network access than other approaches in order provide location-based access
provisioning in hotels, restaurants or gas stations may only control, such as the locations confined by building perimeters
depend on whether the users are within the perimeters of at an airport, Internet Cafe, hotel, etc. For these scenarios, we
the establishment. Moreover, identification-based approaches propose to define that access to the V/LAN systems is granted
require user-agreement, information management, software, if and only if the clients are located within areas covered by
hardware and communication overheads in order to procure multiple access points/access points. Using sectored antennas,
the related identities. we can further specify the areas in desired shapes. To our
We propose a Location-Aware Access Control protocol knowledge, we are the first to combine WLAN coverage

O-7803-9792-4/06/$20.OO ©2006 IEEE

two access-granted areas are defined as the shaded overlapping
coverage areas of two AP groups G1 = {AP1, AP2} and
G2 = {AP3, AP4}, where the directional antenna of each
M The number of mobile stations. access point spreads
900. The access-denied areas are those
areas outside access-granted areas. The access points that
N The number of access point groups.
L The number of access points responsible for an determine an access-granted area are called an AP group of
access-granted area. the access-granted area. The AP groups that an access point
MSj The identifier of mobile station i, where i belongs to are designated by network administrators when the
The identifier of access point j, where j 1. ... L. WLAN system is initially designed and deployed.
1... M.
,rj The nonce of access point APj generated by random B. LAAC Protocol Operation
number generator(RNG).
kri The location key of mobile station MSi. In LAAC each access oint eriodicall broadcasts its
Gk, 1.
cN TheaAPs(access point) group that access point APj
is a member of them. nonce generated by a random number generator (RNG). We
The strong collision-resistant hash function. can't use pseudo-random number generators (PRNG's), since
T The location key lifetime. once you know one value, it is easy to compute the rest of the
T The beacon broadcast interval of each access point. sequence if you know the algorithm being used. That is, we
A binary operator concatenating its operands. should not use security through obscurity. It is better to simply
e3 A binary operator carrying out the Exclusive-OR of
its operands. assume the AP's know each others nonces through a secure
channel. If a mobile station MSi is located in the access-
granted area, it collects all nonces of the access points in the
corresponding AP group of the area, and derives its location
key ki by simply XOR-ing all the nonces of access points.
Afterward, MSi constructs its access request (AR) using the
strong collision-resistant hash function value of ki and claims
its location to its associated access point with it.
Note that the access points of an AP group exchange their
AP2 avnonces through the distribution system (DS) of the WLAN
infrastructure, so that they are consistent with their nonces.
That is, access points of a AP group are aware of each
other, and exchange their nonces, thus the associated access
and security mechanisms to provide access control at minor point can derive the same location key with a mobile device.
overhead to the clients. Consequently, the access point can authenticate the mobile
station, and authorizes the mobile station to use the access
III. PROTOCOL DESCRIPTION point for communication purposes.
In addition, each access point can be a shared mem-
A. Assumptions ber of each AP group. For instance in Fig. 2, there are
Table I gives the notation used in this paper to describe two AP groups G1 and G2 such that G1 has three access
various components of our LAAC. points, API, AP2, AP3 and G2 has three access points,
In LAAC, we assume an infrastructure WLAN system based AP3, AP4, AP5 (i.e., G1 = {AP1, AP2, AP3}, G2 =
on IEEE 802.11 [1], and an wireless mobile devices (e.g. {AP3, AP4, AP5}). In this case, AP3 is a member of both
wireless laptops, PDAs) can communicate with each other AP group G1 and G2. Whenever each access point broadcasts
through access points. its nonce (rj), its ID (APj), it also broadcasts its group(s)
Moreover, we assume that access points can be equipped (Gk).
with directional antennas [8] so as to control the angle and Thus, AP3 broadcasts its groups G3, G3 with its nonce (r3)
distance of the signal transmission and to have precise signal and ID (AP3). This means "I am AP3, my nonce is r3 and
coverage area without additional cost, and that signals do I am a member of two AP groups G1 and G2. Any mobile
not bounce. Mobile devices have sufficient computational and station that receives my broadcast message has to collect all
communicational capacities to carry out the simple cryp- nonces of access points in a group to construct the location
tographic operations required in LAAC. If necessary, each key."
mobile device may carry the public key of each access point In this case, the API and AP2 broadcast their AP group
for mutual authentication purposes [6]. G1, the AP4 and AP5 broadcast their AP group G2, and AP3
We assume that access control areas are divided into two broadcasts its AP group G1 and G2.
types, access-granted and access-denied areas. Specifically, If a mobile station receives the broadcasting messages of
the access-granted areas are the spots covered by multiple APi, AP2, AP3, AP4, then it selects the AP group ,
access points, and can be custom-made into special shapes since it only receives all members' broadcasting messages of
according to particular applications. For example in Fig. 1, G1, and does not receive all members' broadcasting message
fig(X4R 1j~ 4:41gE nfive (API, AP2, AP3, AP4, AP5) and the number of mo-
bile stations in the access-granted area is one (MS1). Let
G! f{AP1,AP2,AP3J, G2 {AP1,AP2,AP3},GI
{AP1,AP2,AP4}, G 3 {AP1,AP2,AP3}, G3
{AP1,AP2,AP4}, G3 {AP1,AP2,AP5}.
j g1) Each access point API AP2, AP3 constructs its
BBM such as BBM1 r1 APR1 IG{, BBM2
r2 AR 2G1 G2, BBM3 r3 AR3 2G3 G3 G3 and
A## | broadcasts it in every T.
2) The mobile station MS, receives each AP's
BBM1, BBM2, BBM3, checks the AP groups of
them and selects one AP group. After that, MSi derives
II J X# # . . ''< \ x# # its location key ki by XOR-ing all nonces of APs
API 4AP (rj) of the selected group such as k=r1l e r2 3.
0-I Mt ANgP H" At. I-
A. 1N1.. k ext, MS1 constructs its access request (AR,) such as
j AR1 H(k1) and transmits its AR with its association
request to APR.
3) The association requested access point AP1 can also
AP4 construct the location key k1. Thus it verifies the hash
Fig. 2. Location-aware access control protocol value with this location key k1, authenticates and autho-
rizes mobile station MS1.
D. Security Analysis
of G2. On the other hand, if mobile station receives all
members' broadcasting messages of both location groups G1 We analyze possible attacks and its countermeasures in this
and G2 such as API, AP2, AP3, AP4, AP5, it may select section.
One of them randomly orbased based on signal strengths to join the 1) Insecure nonce combination
group's aess-grantomly gnal strengths
or to

area. mobile station constructs its location key by XOR-

ing all nonces of access points in an AP group. This is
C. LAAC Protocol very simple and almost zero cost computation, but we
We describe LAAC step by step in this section. have to carefully observe this computation.
1) Each access point APj generates its nonce rj by a If at least two nonces are the same in an AP group,
random number generator (RNG), constructs its broad- the location key cannot be constructed because of the
casting beacon message (BBM) such that BBMj XOR property. Suppose three access points API, AP2
rj ARj Gk wherej I..L and k=I..N and broad- and AP3 broadcasts their 4-bit nonces such as r1 =
* 0001 r2 = 0001 andr3 = 0101. Inthis case, the r1 and
casts it in every T. We assume the APs are aware of each 2 3
other's nonces,
nonces, e.g.,
e.g., by using a secure communicationr2aetesm anitscneldot(
by using
a secure

and only r3 is useful key. Thus any mobile station
2) Each mobile station MS* receives each AP's BBMj, that receives r3 can construct the location key and can
checks the AP groups of each BBMj and selects one be authorized without any effort.
AP group among them as we described in section 1 To resist this vulnerability, each access point should
B. Afterwards MS* computes its location key ki by select its nonce not to be duplicated with other access
XOR-ing all nonces of APs (rj) of the selected group points in the same group. We adopted RNG to generate
and if the nonce are sufficiently long (e.g.,
such as ki r, e ... e rj. Then MSi constructs its
access request (AR) using a strong-collision resistant 80 bits), then it avoids such weak nonce combination
hash function H such as AR H(k*)
and transmits it
because the probability of success to guess an nonce is
2-k where k is the nonce size of each access point.
3The iasctor*
association requested access point APj (from Even though with this negligible probability, we can
derive a more robust system as follows. We assumed the
MSi) can also construct the location key ki as we de- v
scrtbed shcvalu
scried n setio
Ith R~~ eriiesinfrastructure network in our protocol and this means
catiocceskeypont Authenicaes we can control each access point by communicating
hauhorizes mile station
and authorize moby ac
MS tblestats
ctin tS though the wired system (e.g. Ethernet) under the central
access-granted area are unable to claim their location, In the LAAC system, there are two possible worm-
because they do not obtain all nonces of access points hole attacks. Suppose there are two access points
in an AP group and cannot construct their location key {AP1, AP2} with directional antenna coverage of 900
unless they collude with each other. However, it is pos- defining an area C (Fig. 3). Let the signal area of access
sible for mobile stations to keep their authorized status point API be A and access point AP2 be B. Then
even though they are not in the access-granted area. The the shared overlapping coverage area of A and B is C
possible scenario is as follows. We introduced two types and this is an access-granted area that is outside of C
of time intervals in LAAC: the beacon broadcasting (A or B, not the shared area of A and B).
interval of nonces T and the location key lifetime T. In Fig. 3(a), a malicious mobile station MS' resides in
The former is how often the nonces of the access points A and receives nonce r1 of API and moves quickly
are broadcasted, and the latter is how often the location to B within the broadcasting interval T and receives
key is updated and this should be more considered for nonce r2 of AP2. In this scenario, MS' can construct
security. the location key ki, such as kil rl e r2. However, if T
Suppose the location key lifetime is 6 seconds (T is reasonably small (e.g. T 1 second), and the number
6 seconds). If the mobile station stays in the access- of access points in a AP group is many (e.g., L > 3),
granted area for 3 seconds and moves out, but still in the probability of success for MS' to collects all nonces
the same ESS (Extended Service Set) [1] (e.g. nearby the of access points is a quite difficult task.
granted-area2), then it can still keep its authorized status Another possible attack is a collusion between malicious
outside of the access-granted area. This false positive mobile devices in Fig. (3(b)). Suppose there are two
should be reduced or minimized. malicious nodes, MS' and MS", residing outside of the
We assume that the mobility speed of a mobile station area C. That is, the node MS' is in area B and receives
is about the speed of a human walking (i.e., the mobile nonce r1 of API and MS" is in area A and receives
stations do not move as fast as a speed of vehicles nonce r2 of AP2. If MS' and MS" collude with each
(e.g. car, bus, etc.). This means that we can reduce the other and share their nonces of access points, then MS'
false positive rate to zero by controlling the location and MS" can construct the location key. However, this
key lifetime. If the location key lifetime interval is is quite an expensive attack, because they should develop
reasonably smaller than the speed of the mobility of a hacking program to share their information in real-
mobile station, we can achieve a near-zero false positive time.
rate in this vulnerable scenario. 4) The Sybil attack
Furthermore, as compared with other location claim In the Sybil attack [12], [15], an adversary might im-
schemes based on the geographic properties [17], [19], personate multiple network entities by assuming their
[21], our scheme avoids a number of additional sources identities as if it were a large number of nodes, for ex-
of false positives. For example, in the geographic-based ample, by impersonating other nodes or simply claiming
location sensing schemes, there are errors and ambigui- multiple forged identities. Unlike the wormhole attack,
ties related with the mis-measurement of the distances of the attacker is able to compromise communications,
the nodes (e.g., GPS error, sector error, and localization gain access to the cryptographic quantities usually by
error. compromising network entities, obtaining multiple node
3) Wormhole attack identities and injecting bogus data into the network [5],
In the wormhole attack, an adversary initially establishes [15].
a direct wormhole link between two nodes in the net- As we describe above, a powerful malicious mobile sta-
work and tunnels messages received at one location of tion might impersonate an access point by broadcasting
the network to another over an invisible, a out-of-band, bogus nonce r' as if it is a legitimate access point APj,
low-latency channel, which is typically a multi-hop in LAAC. For simplicity, we did not provide for the
distance away. Once the wormhole link is established, authentication of an access point. However, our system
an adversary eavesdrops on messages, records packets can be easily extended to resist this attack.
at one location, referred to as the source point, and We reasonably assume that the mobile stations have
tunnels through the wormhole link to replay them at the sufficient computational and communication capaci-
other end, which is referred to as the destination point. ties. Thus, each mobile station might have a cer-
The wormhole attack is very difficult to detect, since tificate (or a public key) of each access point3.
it can be launched without compromising any host, or Under this condition, each access point broadcasts
the integrity and authenticity of the communication [11], a timestamped broadcasting beacon message (BBM)
[24], [28], [30], [31]. and its signature such that BBJVI, SigThA p3
(rjl APy G4), SighAp3 (H(ryl APyl Gi)l TSJ) where
2This means the mobile station has the same IP address as well as the,k iN TS tmeapof P.
same MAC address. Therefore, the network is not disconnected. If the mobile
station moves to a different subnet, the network will be disconnected. 3Actually, this needs a pre-installation phase.
Ea a
MXY Wt 11 yfte tly4

.rWUL 0 -s I n...................F WtxW

(a) Wormhole Attackl (b) Wormhole Attack2

Fig. 3. Two possible wormhole attacks

Then each mobile station can verify the signature of each TABLE 11
access point. Furthermore, an adversary cannot replay

the BBM of each access point because each access point THE CRYPTO±± 5.2.1 BENCHMARKS [9], [18]
includes its timestamp in the BBM and signature pair. Algorithm lOByte lOOByte 1KByte 10KByte 100KByte
IV. EVALUATIONS MD5 .046 .46 4.6 46 460
A. Efficiency Estimation SHAI .147 1.47 14.7 147 1,470
Various location sensing schemes have been reported. One
of the simplest approaches is to estimate the position of a
given source based on the received signal strength. However, Moreover, our system enormously reduces the computation
this system is not trustworthy, since a malicious mobile and communication overhead to measure the location of a
station can transmit stronger signal or distract signal of other mobile station as compared with previous systems [16],
devices. Obstacles such as walls, furniture and other objects [20], [28], [29] and does not require any pre-deployment/pre-
found in buildings create a much harsher radio propagation installation/setup phase. Now we analyze the computation and
environment. A variety of ranging and positioning techniques communication efficiency as well as the storage requirements
with different technologies such as RF, ultrasound, infrared, of LAAC.
electromagnetic, and etc. have been proposed to solve this Table II shows the results of Cryptographic benchmark
problem [12], [13]. tested on the AMD Opteron 1.6 GHz processor under Linux
One of the most well known location sensing systems is 2.4.21. Suppose there are L access points in an AP group and
using GPS that is widely used to track moving objects located N AP groups. Let the size of the nonce of an access point
outdoors. However, GPS has several inherent drawbacks of be 80 bits and ID of each access point be 8 bits. We adopt
accurately determining the location of objects inside buildings. 160-bit SHA-1 for hash function.
Thus, GPS is not desirable for an indoor environment. Fur- To make an access request, each mobile station just com-
thermore, GPS requires an expensive and energy-consuming putes the hash value of the location key, which takes only
electrical machine and a precise synchronization with a satel- 0.147 ,useconds. For the same reason, to authenticate each
lite's clock. The ultrasonic round trip time technology [22] is mobile station, an access point takes the same time to compute
commonly used as a means of obtaining range information the hash value of the location key.
via signal propagation time, but this mechanism requires a The size of the broadcasting beacon message (BBM) of each
large fixed infrastructure throughout ceilings and is rather access point is at most 80 + 8 + 8 * L * N bits (=nonce size
sensitive to the precise placement of the ceiling sensors thus + ID size + IDs sizes of AP groups) and the access request
its scalability is questionable. GPS and other round trip time size is 160 bits.
technologies present a costly and inefficient solution to find For the mobile stations, there is no storage requirement for
a mobile object in a wireless network. Therefore, finding the LAAC.
location of mobile objects inside buildings is a challenge.
We propose a novel approach based on a location key to B Simulation Study
verify the location claim of a mobile station in a wireless We carried out experiments with J-Sim [10], which is the
network. Our system does not require specific additional network simulator constructed in JAVA. In the simulations, we
hardwares such as GPS or ultrasonic devices in base stations or created twenty five nodes including mobile stations and two
in mobile stations. Therefore, our systems achieves the ability access points, numbered from 0 to 24, which were deployed
to locate objects inside and outside buildings efficiently with in a linear fashion, spaced 80 meters apart in a 400 meter x
a very low cost (assuming we use wireless signals that do not 400 meter area - node 0 and node 18 are two access points
bounce well). and the rest of other nodes are mobile stations. We adopted
the 802.11 propagation and path-loss model and the free-space That is, if a mobile station moves into the Cyber cafe, it
model without a routing protocol between mobile stations, and receives BBMs of access points, constructs its location key,
two access points broadcast beacons with nonces 1000 times claims its location with it, and authorized to access to the
in every broadcasting interval T. wireless network in the Cyber cafe. After this authorization is
In the first experiment, we used the RANDOM method in completed, the IEEE 802.11 standard wireless LAN protocol
JAVA API package as the nonces r1 and r2 of two access can start. We can also apply our LAAC to trace mobile stations
points with Irj1 = Ir21 = 4,8,16-bit without mobility of (e.g. wireless laptop or PDA).
mobile stations withT = 1 second (Fig. 4(a)) such a random-
number generator is not Cryptographically secure but its time VI. CONCLUSION
performance should be comparable to that of a random lookup We have described a novel location aware technique
table. In the second experiment, we adopted 16-bit lr1 and based on location keys for reducing costly hardware depen-
lr2 with random mobility of mobile stations and tested the dency and improving efficiency securely without any pre-
location key lifetime T = 1, 2, 4, 8 seconds with T 1 installation/setup phase. Compared to previous systems, our
second(Fig. 4(b)). system provides low communication and computational over-
Fig. 4(a) presents the false positive rate under the various head and requires zero storage per mobile station without
nonce sizes such as lr1 = |r2 = 4, 8, 16 bits for access points. additional expensive hardware such as GPS and ultrasonic
Theoretically, we usually require at least a 80-bit nonce to devices.
resist brute-force attacks. However, the first experiment shows
that only 10% of the safe nonce size guaranteed a 000 false ACKNOWLEDGMENT
positive rate under our practical topology in our simulation
model. Thus, our protocol is quite secure, efficient and easily Special thanks to Dehn Sy for helping us finish the simu-
adopted in the real world. lations.
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