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MAPEH – Music Ravel’s Famous Works

Water Fountains (Jeux d’ Eau)
It is a French movement in the late 19th and
early 20th
String Quartet
Refers to the moods and impressions.

There is an extensive use of colors and effects, Comparative Styles of Debussy and Ravel
vague melodies and harmony, and innovative
Debussy was more spontaneous and liberal in
chords and progressions.
form, Ravel was very attentive to the classical
Impressionist works centered on nature and norms of musical structure and the
its beauty, lightness and brilliance. compositional craftsmanship.

Proponents of Impressionistic Movement Debussy was more casual in his portrayal of

visual imagery; Ravel was more formal and
CLAUDE DEBUSSY (1862–1918) - He exacting in the development of his motive
changed the course of musical development ideas.
by dissolving traditional rules and
conventions into a new language of EXPRESSIONISM
possibilities in harmony, rhythm, form,
Revealed the composer’s mind, instead of
texture, and color. “Father of the Modern
presenting an impression of the environment
School of Composition”
It served as a medium for expressing strong
Debussy’s famous works:
emotions, such as anxiety, rage, and
The Prodigal Son (L’ Enfant Prodigue) alienation.
Moonlight ( Claire de Lune)
String Quarter
Although full of melodic and lyrical interest,
He has more or less 227 compositions his music is also extremely complex, creating
heavy demands on the listener.
compositional of Ravel is mainly His works were met with extreme reactions,
characterized by its uniquely innovative style either strong hostility from the general public
but with traditional inspirations. or enthusiastic acclaim from his supporters.
It is defined with intricate and sometimes
Schoenberg’s famous works:
modal melodies and extended chordal
components. Three pieces for Piano
Transfigured Night
Pierrot Lunaire (Pierro in the Moonlight)

More of less 213 compositions


The capacity of electronic machines such as

synthesizers, amplifiers, tape recorders, and
loudspeakers to create different sounds was
given importance by 20th century composers.


Chance music refers to improvised music that

is created spontaneously. Musicians who
perform it often use random sounds.

Famous example of Chance Music:

Four Minutes & thirty-three seconds (4’33’’)

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