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Health Information is any idea that we hear A1. PRIVATE HOSPITAL- operated by
from people around us, read from books and individuals to gain profit.
other printed materials, or from the media
A2. VOLUNTARY HOSPITAL- does not require
that influence our health.
It is any concept, step, or advice that various
sources give to aid the health status of an
being run by state and the treatment fees are
Health products are food, drugs, cosmetics,
A4. TEACHING HOSPITAL- includes a school
devices, vaccines, etc. These products may be
for medical students.
purchased from various places like
supermarkets, pharmacies and hospitals. CLASSIFICATON OF HOSPITALS
Reliable sources- are licensed professionals GENERAL HOSPITAL- have completed
who took up specialized and intensive studies medical, surgical, and materials care facilities.
in the field. They are the ones who have
qualified educational background and give SPECIALTY HOSPITAL- handle a particular
scientific explanation to validate information. disease or condition or deal with only one
type of patient.
Unreliable source- is those from people who
are not experts in this field. a. WALK-IN SURGERY CENTER- it is a
facility that offers surgery without the
HEALTH SERVICES are often connected to patient being admitted in the hospital.
healthcare. These programs aim to appraise b. HEALTH CENTER- the services in a
the health conditions of individuals through health center cater to a specific
screening and examinations, cure and treat population with various health needs.
disorders, prevent and control the spread of c. EXTENDED HEALTHCARE
disease. FACILITIES- a facility that provides
treatment, nursing care and
Types of Healthcare providers
residential services to patients, often
HEALTH PROFESSIONALS- individuals who the elderly.
are licensed to practice medicine and other
III. HEALTH INSURANCE- is a financial
allied health programs.
agreement between an insurance company
HEALTHCARE FACILITIES- are places or and an individual or group for the payment of
institutions that offer healthcare services. healthcare cost.

TYPES OF HEALTHCARE FACILITIES It offers various types of coverage: medical

insurance, major medical insurance,
A. HOSPITAL- an institution where people hospitalization insurance, surgical insurance,
undergo medical diagnosis, care and and disability insurance.

1. ACUPUNCTURE- It is a form of energy NUTRITIONAL QUACKERY- involves

medicine where long thin needles are promotion of foods and other nutritional
inserted to specific parts of the body practices that claim to be all-natural
to affect the energy flow. Acupuncture
is believe to treat musculoskeletal DEVICE QUACKERY- makes use of miraculous
dysfunctions. gadgets that are believed to cure certain
2. VENTOSA CUPPING MASSAGE health conditions.
muscle and joint pains.
3. REFLEXOLOGY- focuses on treating The Right to Basic Needs
specific disorders through massaging
of the soles of the feet. The first consumer right is THE RIGHT TO
4. ACUPRESSURE- It uses hands to apply BASIC NEEDS which guarantee survival,
pressure on certain points of the adequate food, clothing, shelter, health care,
body. education and sanitation.
The Right to Safety
treatment of a medical condition by
providing a tailored diet for the The second consumer right is THE RIGHT TO
patient. SAFETY which is the right to be protected
6. 6. NATUROPATHY “self-healing”- against the marketing of goods or the
using the manifestation of an provision of services that are hazardous to
alteration in the processes by which health and life.
the body naturally heals itself. Based
on the theory that diseases can be The Right to Information
successfully treated or prevented
The third consumer right is THE RIGHT TO
without the use of drugs.
INFORMATION which is the right to be
QUACKERY- a form of a health fraud, is any protected against dishonest or misleading
advertisement, promotion, or sale of products advertising or labelling and the right to be
and services that not been scientifically given the facts and information needed to
proven safe and effective. make an informed choice.

A QUACK - is an individual that has little or The Right to Choose

no professional qualification to practice
The fourth consumer right is THE RIGHT TO
CHOOSE which is the right to choose products
The Three forms of Quackery at competitive prices with an assurance of
satisfactory quality.
MEDICAL QUACKERY- includes cures,
treatments, and remedies of various health
conditions that are drugless or bloodless in
The Right to Representation

The fifth consumer right is THE RIGHT TO

REPRESENTATION which is the right to
express consumer interests in the making and
execution of government policies.

The Right to Redress

The sixth consumer right is THE RIGHT TO

REDRESS which is the right to be
compensated for misrepresentation, shoddy
goods or unsatisfactory services.

The Right to Consumer Education

The seventh consumer right is THE RIGHT TO

CONSUMER EDUCATION which is the right to
acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to
be an informed customer.

The Right to a Healthy Environment

The eight consumer right is THE RIGHT TO A

HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT which is the right
to live and work in an environment which is
neither threatening nor dangerous and which
permits a life of dignity and well-being.

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