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Freddy Session

Because you have a conscious mind and an unconscious mind

And that unconscious mind, the back of the mind can continue to hear to understand to respond to
everything I say without the need for you to do anything at all

Its so much easier for the conscious mind to simply relax and enjoy that letting go…that’s right

Letting go of even the effort it takes to make the effort that it might take

To tell the exact positions of arms, legs, or the entire body

That seems to drift through time and space

That wonderful free-floating place of effortless relaxation and letting go

Allowing events to occur in their own time and in their own way

As you drift as a mind and that mind drifts without boundaries, without borders without limits

Future Pace

Get a sense of yourself out there (Vicki)

Watching that beautiful little boy Harry growing up

And you fit and well, looking and feeling great

Completely free of the need for an alcoholic drink

See yourself there with that beautiful boy

You’re out with your friends out with your family, you’re out with your sons

Someone offers you an alcoholic drink and you smile and say ‘No thanks’ and you know that Harry’s
heard you say it

See that look on that boy’s face …feel that love he has for you…feel his arms round your neck

Kisses on your face…let that remind you of just how loved you are

And how incredible you are

As a woman, as a mother, as a grandmother

And as you feel that love the need for an alcoholic drink disappears from your body and your mind

That’s right

Step into that body, feel what it feels like to have complete control of you

To be out with your friends, your family enjoying yourself…being yourself, your incredible self

That’s right

You are love and you are loved, and you are loving, Vicki

People see that, people experience that from you

To do that completely free of an alcoholic drink, how incredible are you?

Step into that body, feel what it feels like

Look back to now and notice all the things you did along the way that lead to that wonderful feeling

And the unconscious mind can allow those changes to occur

While the conscious mind drifts off…someplace else entirely…NOW


That’s right, in your own time, in your own way

Aware of events that occur along the way as the unconscious mind utilises that opportunity

To alter your awareness, and to continue that learning, in whatever way is the right way for you

As you continue to learn even more than before about your abilities, your capacities

To learn as you relax

As you relax and enter that into trance more and more comfortably, more and more effortlessly

more and more completely, and deeply than before

I can wonder… whether you’re aware the hypnosis is

As you drift even deeper you can use your unconscious mind…that’s right

As a resource you can learn from and really have an experience…one that’s satisfactory to you


All that’s needed to build a good rapport with the unconscious is a have a line of communication

Sometimes the unconscious communicates by movement

And it may be that the eye reflex changes and the eyes flicker…that’s right

Or the head moves sightly

Or a muscle twitches involuntarily…that’s right

You can try and keep those eyes still and find the flicker even more

It may be that the left hand moves all by itself and starts to feel lighter, and lighter

Starts to drift up as the eyes flicker and the head moves and the breathing changes

Or the right arm goes even higher

Only the unconscious mind knows which it will use

Because your unconscious mind knows more about you than anyone else
And so as you drift deeply into hypnosis

Even deeper than before

That’s right, head relaxing body relaxing, hand moving

Pick one thing

I’d like you, Vicki’s unconscious mind, to search through all the things in her life and pick one thing

One thing that is of vital and utmost importance…to her happiness, her wellbeing

Her confidence…something she would love to be free of…something that she no longer needs

And when her unconscious mind has made that choice, I’d like it to increase those signals

I don’t know if it will be the left hand, right hand or both hands that drift up as the eyes flicker and
the head moves

That’s right but you’ll know before I do as the movement continues

Body relaxing, head moving hands lighter and lighter…that’s right

One thing that she’d love to be free of…something that no longer suits her…

something that IS of most vital and utmost importance to her ability to go out and enjoy herself…and
do it well and be well afterwards

And when the unconscious minds made that choice I want it to increase those signals

And as those hands continue to lift…as the eyes continue to flicker

The mind automatically moves… towards those thoughts, ideas and images that clarify most clearly
for you the very things you know and do…that’s right…lighter and lighter

The very things you know and do that seem to get in the way

Migration metaphor

Awareness migrates, towards things that need attention

Same as animals migrate, without trying…they just seem to know where to go and what to do

To take care of themselves

An inner voice, an inner awareness that moves the birds, the animals from place to place

That’s right…lighter and lighter…higher and higher

And those animal move hundreds of miles, thousands of miles taking care of their children, taking
care of themselves

No one knows how it feels to be a bird, or a dolphin or a butterfly

That suddenly knows the time is right for a change

That suddenly knows the exact change needed

Hand over those signals

Now I’d like you, Vicki’s unconscious mind to hand over those signals to the part of Vicki

That is responsible for her alcohol drinking behaviour

That part that runs the alcohol drinking habit

And when it’s taken full control of those signals, Id like it to pull both hands up at the same time,
with honest, unconscious movements, so that she and I understand that it’s taken control

That’s right, you’ll know before I do, as you become are of that movement it increases

Like an invisible band around those wrists pulling them higher and higher…that’s right

When that part responsible for the alcohol drinking behaviour has taken full control of those signals

I’d like it to increase those signals at the same time

As those hands continue to lift…that’s right

Fingers twitching, hand moving eyes flickering

What is the positive intention

I’d like to ask that part now, to explain to Vicki what it is that it’s been doing for her

What it’s positive intention is. And why she’s felt that need to have the second, the 3 rd glass of wine

And when she fully understands what that part has been trying to do for her

I want it to increase those signals…that’s right…lighter and lighter…higher and higher

So that she and I understand that she knows the reason…good

Go to the creative mind find new choices

Now I’d like that part to go to the creative mind, the part of Vicki that dreams and has ideas and
makes plans

And allow that wonderful, creative, to run and flow and work

And come up with lots of new choices, something else it can do for her, that’s of equal benefit or

That will allow Vicki to enjoy her life to the full, enjoy her socialising, enjoy a night out

Completely free of the need for an alcoholic drink

And each time it identifies a new choice that will allow Vicki to achieve that

To enjoy her life even more…enjoy her social life even more…be super confident…
But at the same time allowing her complete and utter freedom from the need for an alcoholic drink

I’d like it to increase those signals…that’s right, fingers lifting, hands lifting, eyes flickering

Its working brilliantly for you

I’d like to reassure that part that runs that alcohol drinking behaviour it doesn’t have to take any of
the new choices

Doesn’t have to give up the alcohol drinking

It simply has to go in and get lots of new choices

Working brilliantly for you

And as that part searches

Select new choice

And now I’d like to ask that part responsible for the alcohol drinking behaviour

To pick one of the new choices, the one that will allow Vicki to enjoy her life even more

Enjoy her socialising even more

And to do that completely free of from an alcoholic drink

And when it’s made that choice…the one that it believes that will allow her that freedom

While at the same time allowing her to live her life to the full

I want it to increase those signals…that’s right…head moving, fingers moving…eyes flickering

When it’s made that choice, I want it to increase those signals, so she and I understand

That’s right, good…body moving

Integrate new choice

Now I’d like to ask that part to integrate this new choice into Vicki’s body and mind

Into her very being at a molecular, cellular, neurological level…into her very DNA…that’s right

[Just for a moment see what Harry sees when he looks at you believe what that beautiful boy

believes about you…he thinks you’re a goddess…that’s right…feel that love right now

You are love and you are loved and you are loving…feel into that]

And when that part’s integrated this new choice not her body I want it to increase those signals


I’d like to thank that part that ran the alcohol drinking behaviour for communicating

And I know you’re going to remember it thoroughly later

And from today the need for an alcoholic drink has gone from your body gone from your mind

You are going to enjoy yourself even more because you are love and you are loved and you are
loving and you love life…free of the need for an alcoholic drink

Future Pace

Just for a moment go out into the future…get a sense of yourself out there

With your friends or maybe at one of those events like you had at the weekend…meeting incredible

people…and someone offers you an alcoholic drink, and you smile and say ‘No thanks’

Step into that body and feel into it and ask yourself this question, Vicki ‘How much fun is that?’

To able to say ‘No thanks’ how much fun can you make it? Cos now you know how good you’re going

to feel…you’ll have absolute control of you…that’s right…get a sense of that now

how much fun can you have…how much fun can you make it…how enjoyable is it to say ‘No thanks’

and still enjoy yourself more than anyone else in the room

and as you experience that now, I’d like to thank that part for communicating

Now I’d like you to have the most incredible experience of liberation


Just for a moment get a sense of yourself drifting up away from your body

Get a sense of separating from your body…leaving your body in that chair for a while

Get a sense of that now and notice as you drift up away from your body

That the essence of who you are, Vicki is ageless. It’s infinite

get a sense of drifting higher and higher…up through the ceiling…higher and higher…into the sky

get a sense now of drifting so high that you can look down and see that incredible blue planet Earth

below you…get a sense of the whites of the mountain tops…the greens of the forests…the blues of
the ocean…see our beautiful planet full of all life …way down below you…

now in your mind’s eye get a sense of a target like a giant archery target

between you and that planet way below you

and you can see that coloured bands the giant bullseye in the centre

and in the centre of that target is absolute [confidence, power and self-belief and a new
understanding of your worth and how loved you are]
Now in a moment I’m going to make this sound… SWOOSH

and as I make that sound you’re going to be fired…shot like an arrow straight through the centre of

that target and straight out the other side into a space of total freedom and bliss

but as you go through the target, Vicki…your mind and body is going to be flooded with the most
incredible sense of confidence and self-belief and love… for yourself

so get ready…as I make that sound you’re gong to be fired like an arrow straight through that target

straight out the other side into a SPACE of total bliss

your body and mind is going to be flooded with the most incredible feeling of confidence

self-belief, self-esteem…and love…get ready…3, 2, 1 …SWOOSH

now you’re out the other side just drifting in that space of freedom and bliss…

and I want you to see the faces of [your loved ones…the people who love you]

see their faces…see their smiles…feel that love like a burning ball of light

lighting up your entire being

you’re going to take that wonderful feeling into everything that you do

now get as sense of drifting down to the other side of that room you’re sitting in

so you can see yourself sitting in the chair over there

you can hear my voice you can see the clothes you’re wearing

notice as you watch yourself sitting in that chair from the other side of the room…something has
shifted for you…its changed

[the need for an alcoholic drink’s gone from your body…gone from your mind..your being]

You have this sense of confidence…you’re free to live your life how you want to

I don’t know if it’ll be 5 minutes from now, an hour or 10 years from now when you suddenly realise

You’ve been thinking about something else entirely and the need for an alcoholic drink has gone
disappeared right here, right now…replaced by a new understanding of just how incredible you are

And how loved you are…that’s right. Go to your unconscious as often as you need to

and only when the unconscious mind knows it’s made those changes completely at a physical level

an emotional level a molecular, a cellular level right into your DNA will allowing you that freedom

forever…allow her to enjoy her life even more

only then will you drift back over to your body…drop down into your body and go even deeper into
this experience now…that’s right…deeper…and deeper …deeper … down and go to your unconscious

as often as you need to, to know that you are free, free of the past…free to be…

Count out

cos in a moment I’m going to count to 10…every suggestion I’ve given you, your mind and body will
act upon…without hesitation, its now your reality…on 8 your eyes will open you are going to feel
incredible…a new understanding of just how loved you are…just how incredible you are…as a
woman…as a mother as a grandmother…as a hypnotherapist as a friend…and that understanding’s
going to grow stronger day by day…and on 10.. that feeling of empowerment as you take absolute
control of you…free of the need for an alcoholic drink forever so go ahead take your time as I count
from 1 -10, on 8 your eyes will open, you’ll feel incredible, you’ll realise just how loved you are and
on 10 that feeling of empowerment, that new understanding, that feeling of confidence is going to
grow stronger day by day as you set about enjoying your life even more completely free of the need
for an alcoholic drink…free of the thought

1, feeling wonderful

2, to achieve the life you want and to do it brilliantly

3, a feeling of freedom from every limiting belief that ever held you back

4, feel the force of that love, freedom flooding your body and mind Vicki. You are love and you are
loved, and you are loving

5, feeling incredibly alive now

6, 7, 8 eyes opening feeling wonderful

9, 10

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