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Zelda Takes a walk in North Korea

Zelda was approaching North Korea in the train, she has already went with the security
measurements, suddenly a barista knocked her out and dragged her into the basement.

When she woke up, she was tied to a metal chair with nanomachines. When Winnie The
Poo entered he has some things to say to her “你的社会信用一直很低,所以现在我必须

打你” and spanked her 20 times, all those 20 times

Zelda kept moaning from the immense pain of Winnie The Poo spanking her, Suddenly Kim

Jong Un Enters the room with a chainsaw, ready to give Zelda a living torture “Please stop i

was trying to read my 10293th manga” Zelda said calmly “Didn’t ask” Kim Jong Un Said.

he cuts off her left arm

document/d/1cLilf “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” she said calmly, Phil swift tapes

Zelda’s mouth and ass while she is screaming from Kim jong Un Sawing off her 20km dildo

And then Gordon Freeman brings a 32LK500BPTA

32'' LED TV - Dolby Audio

3.7 dari 5 bintang. Baca ulasan nilai peringkat rata-rata adalah 3.7 dari 5. Baca Ulasan
Tautan halaman yang sama.
Hiburan Dalam Rumah Yang Mendalam
Kecanggihan luar dalam
to the room and forces her to watch halal for once

She was shocked about how beautiful halal is but then, something took her from behind, ITS

She moans in agony, then Jesus enters the room and spins Zelda around
Jesus then sends her to the lord, the lord was so shocked at the history of what she did back then
that the lord just sends her back to the human world.

Zelda finally taking a breath from the basement, was heavily traumatized and loved the amount
of fictional characters becoming alive, she was having fun in the park when a barrage of arrows
was on her way, she immediately got saved by raiden NOT from genshin impact

“Who tf are you” Zelda said “Im Raiden/Jack from the hit game Metal Gear Rising Revengeance”

Raiden said “oh thats why the youtube likes you” zelda said. Zelda notices a doll dancing in the
distance “Wait is that amber from genshin impact!!!!!” Amber then throws a poison to Raiden,

As Raiden is there regretting his life’s decisions, Zelda quickly leaves the area before it get outs of
hand. She finds a bunker and quickly got in to shelter herself, but she slowly realizes this was her
biggest mistake going here. Slowly elite humans gather and attack Zelda who was in the kitchen
making bread and splattering tomato sauce with it, she quickly throw the milk bottle but turns
out it was white latex, the elite humans gets transfured while she gets out of the bunker, but
weirdly when she left she was in a building, thats when she realized “wait, AM I ON THE HIT GAM
INDIE GAME RPG CALLED CHANGED!?!?!?!” she immediately went to the library to meet the best
boi, Puro, but when she went there, she realized the main character already went past the library,
so there was no best boi sitting on the library. She was sad but she had to continue, She went
through the vents trying to find the route puro takes, but its so dark she went out instead. As she
kept going through the main character routes she thinks “This guy is actually speedrunning
changed on gawd”. When she arrived at the water level, the doors was already opened, no boss
was insight, but sharks and squid dogs still roam the water, she sees Puro but Puro has blue

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She finds out Puro has consumed Colin for longer lifespan, and Zelda might be the next one if
she isn’t kind to Puro. She immediately greets Puro happily “OH MAIG DOODGOOD PURO
BAWRK AWBRK AWOOF BARK BARKWKWKK BARK” Zelda said “Human what” Puro said “BARA
RABKK AVRAK VBARK BRABRKK WOROF OWOF” Zelda replied “I am leaving” Puro replied, as
Puro left, Zeldas goodbye to him was “WAIT DONT LEAVE ME BEST BOI I SWEAR IM NOT
DOWNBAD, COM EBACK” as she is sad Dr.K projects himself to the monitors and say to Zelda
“How did you even get here in the first place, you’re not even a test subject” Dr.K Said to Zelda
“Just go leave the building”. Then Dr K opens the door for her to leave, Zelda leaves the building
and orders a goride to go back home, as the night sets she talk to her zhongli bodypillow “Wow
today was bazonkers” Zelda said to the zhongli bodypillow, the bodypillow does not reply. She
can finally take a rest for now.


Nothing Here To See

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