TFN Francis Pogi

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I believe there should be since it significantly affects nursing as a whole and nursing as

a nursing theory. If theoretical principles don't provide education in their application, I think we
won't be able to produce such outstanding nurses’ institutions. The contemporary nursing
profession is credited to Florence Nightingale. But because of the contributions from numerous
sources have demonstrated the complexity of nursing and split it into various categories to be
educated. However, if it does not explain or provide evidence for the aforementioned
statements, it cannot be regarded to as a "theory" discovered ideas. Why then are theories
necessary? Who or what are these in particular?Prior to the establishment of nursing, a set of
responsibilities called for little to no rationale theories. The expansion of nursing as a profession
and academic discipline has facilitated the development of nursing philosophies and theories.
Nursing theory promotes independence and provides us with a framework for critical thought
and making decisions. Nursing theory promotes independence by assisting with critical
decision-making and critical thinking Nursing theory promotes independence as a support
system for critical thinking and decision-making. After all, Nursing theory and philosophy have
increased nursing practice standards and enhanced knowledge (McEwen & Wills, 2011).
Philosophy and nursing theory are similar ideas. The model and theory a nurse selected based
on the nursing philosophies they have or she has. Nursing philosophy presents a definition of
nursing and descriptions of the motivations behind nurses' practicing techniques. The nursing
hypothesis explains how nurses by utilizing models to explain how attitudes and components of
health work, patients may promote healing and good health are linked by describing and
analyzing what nurses do, improving nurse communication, and direct endeavors in education
and research. The foundations of nursing are included in the nursing theory the past, the
present, and the future, and provides direction (Alligood & Tomey, 2002). Apparently, Marilyn
Nursing theory, according to Parker in Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice, is a
comprehensive term that describes and clarifies the Nursing theory provides the advanced
practice nurse with insight into real-world practice and use of evidence-based research Nursing
theory fulfills a variety of purposes that reflect the varied nursing certain areas of expertise.
promoting the delivery of high-standard services the main goal is to provide healthcare. The
role of nursing is defined by theory, which also regulates the development of nursing education
outlines the development of nursing
education, describes the role of nursing in the treatment of sickness and provides thought-
provoking principles (Parker, 2006). Professional nurses have a framework for their practice and
understanding of nursing theory. nursing theory offers a framework for professional nurses to
practice and make decisions. The Grand three primary subcategories of nursing theory are theory,
middle-range theory, and nursing practice approach. It helps the nurse provide patients with better
expert care with the use of these theories.

The goals of nursing theories are to promote, direct, and direct nursing autonomy.
Standard nursing practice nursing theory creates concepts, improves communication with other
healthcare workers. Theories act as a starting point for the collection of reliable and accurate
information and foundation for gathering trustworthy and worthwhile ideas has become crucial for
making smart decisions and performance. Nursing theory offers recommendations for care
assessment, intervention, and evaluation is essential to the work of advanced practice nurses and
nurses. The method provides a measurable method to evaluate the quality of the nursing care
(Colley, 2003). According to Meleis, there are many useful applications for healthcare theory.
Nursing theory serves both a foundation for research and a frame of reference When evaluating
patients,management and diagnosis. It raises the value and level of expertise of nursing practice.
Nursing theory offers further discussion platform for all specialties involved in a patient's treatment
that includes advanced practice nurses. It supports "Professional autonomy," "responsibility," and
"liability" of advanced practice nurses (Meleis, 2011). Arrangement and emphasis, coordination
and less dispersed care, order, a methodical, purposeful approach, recognized All of the benefits of
theory-based practice have traceable aims. Despite the fact that the nursing theory has many
benefits, there are certain barriers to its use and development. Nurses, in contrast to philosophers,
are seen as doers. Many people decide to pursue a career as a nurse in order to assist and
advocate for others and assist those in need, not to reflect on moral or philosophical issues. It has
been established that a significant barrier financial strain and a concern for nursing education and
training are philosophical thoughts about this topics focus on professional accomplishment in the
field of nursing. The biggest obstacle to utilizing a device correctly is applying the wrong
perspective or model to a particular nursing situation is what nursing theory attempts to do. Each
patient one type of theory cannot satisfy all requirements. Furthermore, many nurses lack the
necessary understanding to apply various nursing theories (Meleis, 2011). The Theory of Human
Caring was developed by Dorothea Orem, Florence N. in 1975 and 1979, and Jean Watson. This
paradigm elevates nursing and focuses on a rapidly expanding field and unique health profession
with special ethics, knowledge, and traditions. Everyone can provide for themselves, according to
the SelfCare Deficit Nursing Theory proposed by Dorothea Orem. they, together with their families.
Her concept states that nurses must offerpatients receiving their care when they are unable to
provide for themselves (Im & Ju Chang, 2012).In addition, by classifying nursing as a separate
science from medicine and related disciplines, nursing Philosophy helps nurses better understand
their patients' needs. The idea offers a number of templates that aid nurses in providing results-
enhancing, patient-centered care. It enables medical professionals to express the data to support
their treatment plans. Since the times of Virginia Henderson and Florence Nightingale, many scope
of nursing has expanded. However, a thorough understanding of holistic patient care is still
necessary. Because there is currently information on nurses and patient care, and nurses are
interested in and care about nursing theory and philosophy.

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