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Accuracy refers to the closeness of a .

• Subatomic- The subatomic scale is the

measured value to a standard or known domain of physical size that encompasses
value. For example, if you obtain a weight objects smaller than an atom.
measurement of 3.2 kg for a given Atoms of the same element are identical in
substance, but the actual or known weight is physical and chemical properties and have
10 kg, then your measurement is not the same mass. Atoms of different elements
accurate. In this case, your measurement is differ in physical and chemical properties
not close to the known value. and have different masses
Precision refers to the closeness of two or Electrons • First subatomic particle to be
more measurements to each other. Using discovered. • Discovered by J.J Thompson •
the example above, if you weigh a given An electron is a negatively charged
substance five times, and get 3.2 kg each subatomic particle. It can be either free (not
time, then your measurement is very attached to any atom), or bound to the
precise. Precision is independent of nucleus of an atom. • Electrons in atoms
accuracy. You can be very precise but exist in spherical shells of various radii,
inaccurate, as described above. You can representing energy levels. The larger the
also be accurate but imprecise. spherical shell, the higher the energy
contained in the electron.
b. Protons • Discovered by Eugene
Goldstein in 1886. • A stable subatomic
particle occurring in all atomic nuclei, with a
A good analogy for understanding accuracy positive electric charge equal in magnitude
and precision is to imagine a basketball to that of an electron, but of opposite sign.
player shooting baskets. If the player shoots c. Neutron • Discovered by James
with accuracy, his aim will always take the
Chadwick in 1932 • a subatomic particle of
ball close to or into the basket. If the player
about the same mass as a proton but
shoots with precision, his aim will always
without an electric charge, present in all
take the ball to the same location which may
atomic nuclei except those of ordinary
or may not be close to the basket. A good
player will be both accurate and precise by
• Isotopes – variants of a particular
shooting the ball the same way each time
and each time making it into the basket chemical element that differ in neutron
Molecules- a group of atoms bonded number, and consequently in nucleon
together, representing the smallest
Mass number ➢ Is the number of protons and
fundamental unit of a chemical compound
that can take part in a chemical reaction. • neutrons contained in the nucleus of an atom.
Mass number = number of protons + number of
Particles- a small localized object or entity
to which can be ascribed several physical or
a. FeO = Ferrous Oxide (the oxidation
chemical properties such as volume,
number of Fe is +2)
density, or mass
b. Fe2O3 = Ferric Oxide (the oxidation
number of Fe is +3)
Empirical Formula – it is the simplest 5. Time of flight (T)
positive integer ratio of atoms present in a This is twice as t if we are referring to the time
compound. it took the object to reach the maximum height and back
Chemical equation – the symbolic
to the horizontal position where the object was thrown.
representation of a chemical reaction in the
Mathematically expressed as T = 2t.
form of symbols and formulae, wherein the
reactant entities are given on the left-hand
Kinematic quantities of Objects in
side and the product entities on the right-
Projectile Motion I (Vertical)
hand side.
• Reactants – a substance that takes part in 1. Acceleration due to gravity (ag) – It is
equal to 9.8 m / s2 since object will speed up
and undergoes change during a reaction. •
as it moves downward.
Products – a substance that is formed as
the result of a chemical reaction. 2. Height (dy) – It is the vertical displacement
component of the trajectory. Most often, it is given

PHYSICS in the word problem.

3. Time (t) – It is the time from the point of release

1. Acceleration
up the end of the trajectory. As mentioned earlier,
The object’s thrown upward decelerate at – 9.8
the ball dropped and thrown horizontally will hit the
m/s2. This means the object is slowing down as it moves
same ground. Using this information, the time could
be computed using
2. Initial velocity (vi)
For objects to move upward, the 4. Vertical Initial Velocity (viy) – Since the
initial velocity is always necessary. initial velocity is horizontal, there is no vertical
Initial velocity is not equal to zero component for its initial velocity, hence, it is zero (v iy
(v ≠ 0)
= 0)
3. Maximum height (dy)
This is the topmost portion the moving object 5. Vertical final Velocity (vfy) – It is the
could reach. Since vf is zero (vf = 0), this could be vertical component of the projectile’s velocity. This
computed using where ag is the acceleration due to is just equal to the final velocity of a free-falling
body with zero (0) initial velocity mathematically

gravity equal to (-9.8 m / s2 ). expressed as vfy = agt

4. Time (t)
This refers to the time it will take for the
Kinematic quantities of Objects in
moving object to reach the maximum height. This could Projectile Motion I (Horizontal)

1.. Range (dx) – horizontal distance component of

be computed using the trajectory mathematically expressed as
dx = vxt

2. Horizontal Velocity (vx) – velocity equal to

initial horizontal velocity since it is in constant

1. A metal ball was thrown vertically upward

from a horizontal with an initial velocity of 10 m
/ s.
a. What is the maximum height the metal ball
could reach?
b. How long will it take for the ball to reach the
maximum height?
c. What is the time of the flight?
d. Using the time of flight, how fast is the ball
just before it hits the ground?
e. How fast is the ball at 1.5 s? Was it moving
upward or downward?

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