Worksheets For ELABORATE Module 4 GECSTS

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Module: 4


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELABORATE

Name: Karla Mae R. Abrasado

Course, Year & Section: BPED-1B

Based on Jason Hickel’s article, answer the following questions:

1) What is the main objective of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations?
What is its standard response to eradicating poverty?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global

Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to
action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people
enjoy peace and prosperity. It details 17 goals that aim to eliminate poverty
and promote well being for people worldwide without depleting resources for
future generations. They seek to reconcile economic growth, environmental
balance and social progress, ensuring that all people have the same
opportunities and can lead a better life without compromising the planet.
Eradicating poverty in all its forms remains one of the greatest challenges
facing humanity. The standard response to eradicating poverty is growth.

2) What is the threshold of the earth for adequately sustaining life? How many hectares
should each of us consume annually based on the resources available on the planet?

The threshold of the earth for adequately sustaining life is 1.9 hectares. In the
same way the EF is measured in units known as “global hectares” – an
omnibus measure that includes resource use, waste and emissions. The
researchers at the Global Footprint Network calculate that our planet presently
has enough biocapacity for each of us to consume about 1.8 global hectares
per year based on the resources available on the planet.

3) What are two indicators of quality of life mentioned in the article?

The two indicators of the quality of life are Life Expectancy and Happiness.

4) What crisis may force us to slow down if we do not do so voluntarily?

Climate Change

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Module: 4

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELABORATE

Name: Karla Mae R. Abrasado

Course, Year & Section: BPED-1B
5) According to Hickel, what must be done to eradicate poverty instead of urging poor
countries to catch up with rich ones? How would different nations react to the idea of

According to Hickel, instead of pushing poor countries to ‘catch up’ with rich
ones, we should be getting rich countries to ‘catch down’ to more appropriate
levels of development and changing the rules of the Global Economy. The
idea of de-developing is not about giving anything up. And it’s certainly not
about living a life of voluntary misery or imposing harsh limits on human
potential. On the contrary it’s about reaching a higher level of understanding
and consciousness about what we’re doing here and why.

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Module: 4

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELABORATE

Name: Karla Mae R. Abrasado

Course, Year & Section: BPED-1B

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Module: 4

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELABORATE

Name: Karla Mae R. Abrasado

Course, Year & Section: BPED-1B

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Module: 4

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELABORATE

Name: Karla Mae R. Abrasado

Course, Year & Section: BPED-1B

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