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Week 1 activity: Read the essay carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Frustration at the Airport

1. What is the theme of Frustration at the Airport?

-The theme, as what I can make out of, is about recognizing the help received at
times we really needed it. Always remember the things that others do for you and
do the same to other people as an expression of gratitude to kindness shown to
you in times of need.

2. Read the last sentences in Paragraphs 2, 3, 4, and 5. How does the narrator
prepare the reaction to come?

-The narrator leaves the audience hanging as to what the character is going to
do next. Therefore, it keeps the audience’ attention to the story/essay.

3. What is the mood of the story? What are the hints that the writer gave for you to
distinguish the mood?

-Anxious, tense, lost, and panicking. From the beginning of the story, the writer
immediately wrote about what the character is feeling and they were feeling
anxious. The way the author worded out the character’s concerns and panics,it
can already be told that the character was feeling lost and tense.

4. The essay was written in a sequential manner. In your own words, narrate what
happened in the essay.

- After long hours of trying to get to the airport just so I could travel home, I had
finally felt anxious. Now, as the bus driver set my luggage on the airport
sidewalk, I realized that my frustration was yet to start.

I looked around and found myself lost with my surroundings. This is my first time
in the international airport and the signs were not making any sense to me.
Where was the check-in counter? Where should I put my luggage? Which line is
the immigration line? I looked at the lists of travels and still couldn’t comprehend
what time and what plane is to depart next. Panic began rising inside me. What if
my plane is next to lift off? I could not be late!

I tried calming down and asked businessmen passing by but my mind was
jammed and words just came out carelessly. He shook me off and scowled
before walking away, muttering about his time being wasted. I had been in this
country the whole semester, and I could not even remember how to ask for
directions. This is absurd! I feel absurd! What did I do? What should I do?

As if my questions are being answered, another bus arrived at the terminal and
passengers came flooding out. This is my chance! I just have to follow them to
the right place and not say a word.

I dragged my heavy luggage and trailed behind the group. We arrived at the
elevators and they all squeezed inside it, leaving no room for me. I watched in
misery as the elevator door closed. My mind went blank and suddenly full and
blank again. I did not have even the slightest clue of what to do next. I stared at
the empty elevator when it returned and reluctantly got inside it. I stared at all the
buttons displayed and guessed what number to press. It was a play of eeny
meeny miny moe when I finally pressed the number three.

I felt panic when the elevator went up until it jerked to a stop. I jumped in surprise
when a squeaky voice announced what floor I was in and the doors opened. I
looked around for anything. Anything at all that can help me. Maybe even a sign.

My eyes prickled in tears when I saw the empty lobby, knowing I already missed
my flight. Amidst my mental breakdown, an elderly airport employee approached
me and coaxed me into calming down. He saw I was lost and offered assistance.
He handed me a hanky to dry my eyes as I shared with him my situation. He
smiled kindly, and led me through a long hallway.

We walked up some stairs, turned a corner and at last! I finally had a glimpse of
the customs! He led me past the long lines of people and took my luggage to the
inspection counter. When I turned around to thank him, he was gone. I smiled
and muttered the thanks, hoping the wind would catch it and take it to him. I
never knew of his name but I will never forget his unexpected courtesy. He gave
me help when I needed it most. I just hoped that one day I will also be able to
pass on such kindness to another traveler who is suffering through a terrible

5. Does the story end with a moral, prediction, or revelation? Write the final
sentence here.

-The story ends with a moral to spread. The moral of the story is to always
remember the help we receive in crisis and pay it forward. The kindness we give
to the world will always find its way to come back to you.

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