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14 KOLKATA, 15 AUGUST 2022

A journey aligned to the growth of the nation

he Damodar Valley Corporation trial units in its command area. Our con- tion measures. Still, it's difficult to of operation are one of our important
(DVC) is almost as old as Indepe- sumers include Indian Railways, Steel Au- tackle.Are you planning to change stakeholders. Our commitment to them is
ndent India, having come into ex- thority of India, and Tata Steel apart from the scenario by adopting more unwavering. In some of recent initiatives
istence in July 1948. With an ini- others. Apart from its presence in its co- aggressive plans? we have taken up installation of smart
tial mandate of flood moderation and mmand area, DVC supplies power to A. The original plan of the DVC project classes in rural schools and small scale
water supply, and later diversifying into eight State Discoms through long-term envisaged seven multipurpose dams, a renewable energy projects.
power generation, the corporation has power purchase agreements. The states barrage and a canal system to control
had an eventful journey in these 75 years include Kerala, Karnataka, Madhya the floods in the valley. However, only 8. Is there any plan of going pub-
even as it contributed to the growth of Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, West Bengal, four dams, a barrage and the canal sys- lic in the near future by launch-
the nation. Mr. Ram Naresh Singh, Chair- Jharkhand and Delhi. As a part of our in- tem could be finally built. ing an IPO?
man, DVC, spoke to The Statesman. ternational presence, DVC supplies po- The DVC water system is operated A. DVC is a statutory Corporation under
wer to Bangladesh which is our first cross by a committee, namely "Damodar Val- the Ministry of Power, GoI formed thr-
Q. What was the primary objective border supply contract. ley Reservoir Regulation Committee" ough a special Act of Parliament. Hence,
of setting up DVC as the first mul- (DVRRC), headed by Member (River Ma- in its present form cannot launch an IPO.
tipurpose river valley project of Q. DVC is celebrating its 75th year nagement), Central Water Commission,
Independent India? of operation.Tell us something New Delhi, with members in the rank of Q. How is DVC celebrating Azadi ka
A. The impetus for the formation of DVC about the journey of the organisa- Chief Engineers from Govt. of West Ben- Amrit Mahotsav and how you are
was the recurrent floods caused by the tion and highlight some major gal, Govt. of Jharkhand & DVC. All deci- contributing to the growth of the
river Damodar over several years in the achievements in these years. sions regarding flood operation/release nation as part of the agenda of the
Damodar valley region and especially A. Throughout the last 75 years, we have advices are taken by DVRRC in consulta- Honourable Prime Minister to
that of 1943 which caused extensive dev- successfully implemented our mandat- tion with Govt. of West Bengal, Govt. of celebrate the occasion?
astation. In 1943, a 10-member flood ed functions which are diverse unlike Jharkhand & water from DVC dams is A Our inception and journey are closely
enquiry committee with the Maharajad- other power utilities who normally have released as per the directives of the aligned to the growth of our nation. On
hiraj Bahadur Uday Chand Mahtab of a singular mandate. This makes DVC DVRRC. 7th July 2022 we stepped into our sev-
Burdwan as Chairman, Dr. Meghnad stand out in the energy landscape of the All flood events during the last 75 enty fifth year of service to the nation.
Saha as member, and Dr N K Bose as Sec- country. We have grown from about 60 years have been moderated to the extent These two great milestones are being
retary was set up by the Bengal Govern- MW in 1953 to 6901 MW as of today. With a of 50% of combined inflows into celebrated together in our organisation.
ment. Based on the recommendations of pan India presence, we supply power to and contractual workers in our power sta- benefits for the sustenance of the family Maithon & Panchet reservoirs through DVC is actively participating in all
the flood enquiry committee report and eight states across the country and our tions/ sub-stations and townships from members. DVC doctors were deputed to judicious operation despite reduction of activities to celebrate AKAM in a holistic
with the combined efforts of the Govern- T&D network spreads across 8390 kms. We getting infected so that normal operations sister organisations in the power sector capacity of the lower Damodar channel manner. As a power organisation we rec-
ments of India, Bengal and Bihar (now are thankful to our consumers for being could be continued, ensuring supply of and to a Covid hospital in Jharkhand. and reduction in storage. To further ently organised “Bijli Mahotsav" in 41 dis-
Jharkhand), DVC was established on 7th our partners in this exciting journey. coal to our thermal units and working vir- DVC donated an Advanced Life Support strengthen our flood moderation capa- tricts across Jharkhand and West Bengal.
July 1948 as independent India's first Many pioneering feats have been tually with the use of technology. ambulance to the Koderma district bilities, DVC is a part of the Dam Reha- The events helped spread awareness of
multipurpose river valley project. achieved since inception. In 1953, the To fight the pandemic, we formed administration and monetary support bilitation & Improvement Project and the Urja revolution that has taken place
Through the inception of four dams first pulverized fuel power plant in Asia Covid Response Team (CRTs) in all was provided to Dhanbad district. The National Hydrology Project, which will in the country. In addition, we have
at Tilaiya, Konar, Maithon and Panchet, was installed at Bokaro, the first under- locations. The teams managed the crit- Panchet Hill hospital was converted into extend the life of our dams and enable conducted a multitude of seminars, con-
the primary objective was flood modera- ground hydel station in India was ical work of handling the pandemic at a Covid hospital for the general public. adoption of technology. DVC has already claves, panel discussions and outreach
tion, supply of water for agriculture, installed at Maithonin 1957 and the first the ground level. Preventive and pre- implemented Real Time Hydro-meteo- programmes as a part of AKAM. We also
industrial uses and for drinking purposes reheat unit of India was commissioned cautionary measures were put in place Q. DVC operates both thermal rological Data Acquisition System and have many programmes coming up till
for millions of people of the valley and at Chandrapura in 1963. FY 2021-22 has and entry at all locations were restrict- and hydel power plants. Tell us has developed flood forecasting & inun- August 2023 to aptly celebrate the mile-
adjoining areas. In addition, socio-eco- been a turnaround year for the organisa- ed. Deep sanitisation of power stations, about the major challenges in dation model for prediction at lower val- stone.
nomic development of the inhabitants of tion. Historical records in plant avail- substations and associated offices was both these modes of generation. ley as an early warning system.
the valley was also an important objec- ability, generation, turnover and capital carried out. SOPs were issued for A. Presently, the energy mix of DVC is Q. As the Chairman of one of the
tive. The power plants and the Tran- expenditure have been created. DVC enforcement of pandemic related pro- skewed towards thermal generation with Q. DVC keeps a huge budgetary pro- most important power utilities of
smission & Distribution system co- thermal units have appeared consistent- tocols. Health infrastructure was creat- hydel contributing a very small portion of vision for CSR activities and seeks the country, how do you see the
mmissioned in the 1950s and beyond, po- ly among the top ten central sector sta- ed in all locations consisting of quar- the installed capacity. While hydel gener- to improve the livelihoods of peo- DVC five years from now.
wered the industrial belts in the eastern tions in the country. Recently, DVC has antine beds and isolation centres. A 25 ation is seasonal, thermal generation is ple and society by infusing money A Sustainable growth and alignment to
region of the country which has created forayed into 11 kV power distribution for bedded Covid Care Centre with oxygen the main energy source throughout the into education, health, infrastruc- national energy targets are the primary
both direct and indirect employment. increasing consumer base and promote support and 24x7 ambulance was cre- year. However, the emergence of renew- tural development, rural electrifi- basis for our future plans. We are plan-
industrial growth in its command area. ated at Kolkata. Doctors and Nurses able energy into the grid has brought a cation, social forestry etc. How wo- ning to install 3700 MW of renewable
Q. What is the total installed capa- were engaged for the Covid centre for regime of flexible operation of thermal uld you like to see the DVC working energy projects in our command area,
city of DVC and what is its catchm- Q. How did the pandemic hit the round-the-clock medical support. This units which includes quick ramp up and for the people and by the people? which includes 2000 MW solar PV and
ent area? Apart from local require- balance sheet of the DVC in terms facility catered to all employees of backing down of units and often running 1500 MW pumped hydro projects.
ments who are the primary consu- of generation and top line and organisations under the Ministry of the units in base load to accommodate A Our CSR programme started with our Energy conservation and adoption of
mers and are you selling power dir- bottom-line growth? As an organ- Power, GoI and other public sector RE power. We have tested our thermal inception in 1948. The primary targets for technology will be our priority areas.
ectly or through the national grid? isation, how did you tackle this employees posted at Kolkata. In addi- units under such stretch conditions, and implementation of CSR schemes are vil- We are also diversifying into new
A. Presently, the installed capacity is unforeseen situation to serve the tion, a 50 bedded quarantine centre for they have passed the test with flying lages, where families living Below Poverty businesses such as tourism, EV infra-
6901 MW consisting of thermal, hydro nation at a most critical time? workers and 25 beds for executives for colours. Accordingly, we are well posi- Line (BPL) and SC & ST communities are structure and green hydrogen. We wel-
and solar units. The area of operation or A. As soon as the pandemic emerged, the quarantine/isolation of infected indi- tioned to manage the demand and sup- more in number. The CSR schemes cover come all concerned to join us in our
command area of DVC is spread over an immediate challenge was to provide viduals was also established at Kolkata. ply requirements at various scenarios. 629 villages under 73 Panchayats of Jhark- future endeavours. Looking forward,
area of 24,235 square kms in the States power to the country on a 24x7 basis. DVC has implemented a compre- hand and West Bengal in the areas of edu- DVC is committed to be a customer cen-
of Jharkhand and West Bengal. Topline and bottom lines were not con- hensive Family Welfare Scheme to hand- Q. Flood is a major challenge in the cation, healthcare, infrastructure devel- tric and reliable power organisation with
Presently DVC supplies bulk power cerns at such as point of crisis. The chal- hold the families of the deceased DVC catchment area and you have opment, skill development and employ- an unwavering commitment to societal
at reasonable rates to about 300 indus- lenges included protecting our employees employees which includes a range of taken umpteenth flood modera- ment generation. The people of our area development in our area of operations.


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