One-Page-Strategic-Planning - XLSX - One-Page Strategic Plan

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Our study and professional training center with the passage of time we have been internationally recognized
PAST - where we have been training people, so we have been in the North American continent as well as Central America achieving
successful professionals
As a study and professional training center, we are currently in one of the best training centers, so we have
TODAY - where we are now
different locations and we are currently providing our services in Guatemala

Our goal is to place ourselves in the best study and certification center worldwide, providing successful
VISION - where we should go and why
professionals to the world, our vision is to place professionals who will help the population

MISSION - who we are, how we work toward our We are currently at the top of certification centers so we work with international professionals as well as
vision, what makes us unique international certifications, as well as provide scholarships to people with limited resources and the opportunity
to different people
CORE VALUES - guiding principles of our work and Our principles is to help others and guarantee successful professionals for the population so that every day is
how we operate better


OBSTACLES - what could prevent us from realizing Get out of update on the most important issues, stop training our employees, and not worry about the
our vision competition.

LONG-TERM GOALS - what we will do to realize our Obtain certifications of the most requested to be able to train our clients in the best possible way, as well as
vision improve our tools, collaborators to be closer to our clients.

SHORT-TERM GOALS - what will be done YR1, YR2, YR1: Realizar un catalogo de las tendencias, adquirir equipo para poder impartir capacitaciones en linea, YR2:
YR3, etc. Partner with people who know about the topics that are trending, as well as clients or companies that want our
MEASUREMENTS OF SUCCESS - what benchmarks will
Number of associates or instructors.Number of people being trained. Number of associated companies
be used as indicators of success


RESOURCE ASSESSMENT - infrastructure required to A classroom, from where the trainers will be giving the training. Computers in good condition, methods and
realize vision strategies for optimal class development.

IMPLEMENTATION - Plan what will be done along Training, workshops and laboratories should be planned through which didactic information and tools are
with completion deadlines shared with professors to improve the virtual learning system.

Currently there are different platforms as well as different alloys, collaborators and investors which provide us
DISSEMINATION - how the plan will be announced / with different ways for our study center to become known, as well as different information will be granted
assigned and to whom through our networks and official websites, as well as Our professionals and people who have certified will give
testimony of what our study center provides

The success of each of the certified professionals will be monitored through supervised practices or our allied
PROGRESS ASSESSMENT PLAN - how we will oversee
companies which will provide us with feedback from each of the certified professionals, as well as different
progress, monitor success, and implement revisions
exams which, upon passing, the approval certification will be given.

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