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MINUTES OF A MEETING OF NEWPORT PARISH PLANNING AND LICENSING COMMITTEE HELD ON THURSDAY, 23rd JUNE 2011, AT THE RIVERSIDE CENTRE, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT, COMMENCED AT 6.30PM Councillors Present : Shirley Smart (Chairman), Tony Coburn, Debbie Dixcey, Steve Falla, Terry Goldstone, Lois Prior and Peter Whiteman. None Chris Hougham

Public: Clerk:

PUBLIC QUESTION TIME None -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P/593 APOLOGIES Cllr. Mary Craven. P/594 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllrs. Peter Whiteman and Terry Goldstone declared a general personal interest on the basis that they are employed in the building industry. Cllr. Tony Coburn declared an interest in matters relating to Christ the King College, Wellington Road, Carisbrooke P/595 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING The minutes of the last meeting held on 9th June 2011 were agreed and signed as a correct record. The Assistant Clerk updated Members on the latest position on certain related matters. Alleged unauthorised use of temporary sports hall at Christ the King College, Wellington Road, Carisbrooke outside normal school hours The Assistant Clerk updated members on his investigations into the alleged unauthorised use of the Sports hall at Christ the King College. On the basis of the information available to the Parish Council, members decided to lodge a formal objection with Planning Services asking their officers to investigate the matter and take necessary action. P/596 LICENSING APPLICATIONS Ref. 036940. Application for Mobile Street Trading Consent by the Proper Pasty Co. (IOW) Ltd


Members noted the application and, in the circumstances, decided to raise no objection, but asked the Assistant Clerk to enquire how these matters are monitored and enforced. LA03 Notification. Application for Premises License at 4 Chain Lane This relates to accommodation over two floors in premises on the corner of Lugley Street and Chain Lane. The premises is to be used as pool hall and the application is for the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises between 1000 and 0000hrs seven days a week. P/597 PLANNING APPLICATIONS P/00754/1110 Cavendish Place Members decided to raise NO OBJECTION to this application subject to the imposition of an appropriate condition to use matching materials.. P/00722/1111/13 Clatterford Road Members decided to raise NO OBJECTION to this application. P/00749/11 Salvation Army, Pyle Street Members decided to raise NO OBJECTION to this application. P/00657/11 Mountain Warehouse (formerly Mothercare), High Street There was some debate on this application as to the nature of the existing signage on the premises, the fact that the building is listed and the prime location in the centre of the Conservation Area. Members view is that the existing oval shaped sign in the middle of the fascia is non-illuminated and noted that the proposal involved fluorescent down lighting across about 40% of the overall fascia area. Due to the location and the listed status of the building this was a point of concern. Members would prefer to see no illumination or more subdued lighting but, on balance, decided that to raise NO OBJECTION subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions including a requirement that the external illumination is turned off one hour after the store closes to the general public. P/00793/11 37 Pyle Street On the basis of the submitted information with the application it was difficult to determine whether this rebranding actually involved an increase in the number of advertisement signs and/or an increase in the number of illuminated advertisement signs. The view was taken that there is not a significant difference between the existing (or former) situation and the new arrangements that are in the process of being installed. Working on this assumption members chose to raise NO OBJECTION subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions including a requirement that the external illumination is turned off one hour after the restaurant closes to the general public. P/00800/112 Kingfisher Close Members decided to raise NO OBJECTION to this application subject to the imposition of a condition requiring the use of quality matching materials.



P/00780/1113 Alvington Road Members took note of the various factors that have to be taken into account with an application of this nature but decided to make NO FORMAL COMMENT on the basis that the proposal should be assessed by a Highway Engineer with expert knowledge on the local situation. P/598 PLANNING NOTICES The Committee noted recent decisions that had been received. P/599 PROPOSED CHANGES TO T & CP GENERAL (Permitted Development) ORDER Members considered a paper prepared by the Assistant Clerk on proposed government changes to the Town & Country Planning General (Permitted Development) Order to allow commercial premises to be used for residential purposes without the need for planning permission. This is a consultation through National Association of Local Councils (NALC) about the intention of the Government to relax planning controls in respect of the material change of use of premises from commercial use to residential so that planning permission would not be required as it would be deemed to be permitted development. Members instructed the Assistant Clerk to respond on behalf of the Parish Council making a number a number of observations including the following specific points. The Parish Council do not support the proposed changes. The best option for addressing the problem is to promote growth largely through new development, not by deregulation. These suggestions will not address problems relating to serious housing shortfall; they are not a viable proposition. Notwithstanding the above, proposals that make better use of (vacant) commercial floorspace on upper floors of commercial premises by deregulation and/or incentives are supported. Proposals that involve the loss of ground floor frontage commercial premises, especially in prime retail areas such as town centres, or in smaller towns/villages where a particular facility is needed to maintain the viability of the community or where the character of an area will be lost as a result should not be supported. In general terms former factories or warehouses are not considered suitable for residential accommodation. There are fundamental objections to the loss of employment floorspace as this may impact on jobs and the economic recovery The suggested changes should not, under any circumstances, include premises that fall into Use Class D (schools, community facilities etc) and other buildings owned by Local Authorities In any event, the changes, if approved in some shape or form, should only relate to empty or redundant premises.

P/600 ANNUAL DESIGN AWARD BY PARISH COUNCIL Members considered a report prepared by the Assistant Clerk about the possible introduction of an annual design award scheme by the Parish Council. The Committee fully supported the idea but, as yet, are undecided about a preferred selection process, the best time of year to make the award and the precise nature of the award itself such as a certificate and/or some kind of small trophy. The scheme needs


the support of Council as there are minor budgetary implications. P/601 QUESTIONS FROM THE COMMITTEE SS raised a question as to the progress with agents acting on behalf of ASDA about the possibility of a briefing for the Parish Council prior to the submission of the detailed application in St.Georges Way. CH will advise in due course. TG asked whether there were any controls in place in respect of customers of the new Newport Ale House (partially) obstructing the pavement outside in Holyrood Street during warm weather and/or busy periods. CH to investigate and report back. He also asked about the untidy condition of an approved building plot in Broadwood Lane (Gunville) with the allegation that it is been used as an open builders store. CH will investigate and report back. DD asked whether anything it could be done about the poor deteriorating appearance (including broken windows) of the mosque in Chapel Street. CH to enquire and to report back. TC asked about the occasional (partial) obstruction of the pavement outside Yatess in the High Street. Again CH to report back. He also asked about the current position in respect of enforcement related enquiries about a site in Priory Farm Lane. CH said he would enquire. SF thanked the Assistant Clerk for (limited) progress he had made in respect of the unauthorised vehicular access to Temptations in St.James Street. LP asked if Members were aware of the deteriorating condition, including rotten window frames, of the external fabric of Calverts Hotel in Quay Street. CH to investigate and advise. PW enquired as the whether the ATM in the front of the former Next premises in the High Street had the benefit of necessary consents. CH to investigate and advise. He also enquired about ongoing alterations to the shopfront of a premises between BHS and Britannia BS in the High street. Finally, he asked if Members were aware of localised concern about the construction of the roundabout at the junction of Staplers Road/ Long Lane to serve Pan Meadows. CH to investigate and report back CLOSE OF MEETING The next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 7th July 2011 at 6.30pm. The meeting closed at 7.55pm.



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