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Bacolod, Carl Janus


The purpose of this portfolio is to expose what we’ve learned, our knowledge and my history activity
during my senior high school. Over the past few years, I believe that I’ve learned what I should learn
expecting to my strata, this includes my self development and improved my skills. This portfolio and files
will be shown as evidence of my improvements.



This activity was given by sir Borja, our assignment is to reflect on counseling that was discussed by him.
The purpose of this activity is to reflect on what we’ve learned on this certain topic and understand how
important counseling is for people that had a big problems in life.


This activity enlightened me on how important is counseling to those who have big problems or
difficulties in their life, also this topic taught me how to handle my personal problem, not all problems
can be solved by yourself sometimes you need people to listen while your expressing your anger and

This activity was given on Oct 28 2018, this activity was given by sir Borja, sir Borja assigned 12 humss b
as a group for this activity to interview our respective mothers that participate in the community we’ve
interviewed them about, how they face pandemic, how they’ve handled the crisis as a parent and as a
social worker. The interview start smoothly and finished in immaculate.


In this activity, I’ve learned a lot academically, but from those mothers who spoke from their hearts, I
learn from them more on personal lessons that I will never forget those people have encountered so
many difficulties in their life but are still in a fight not giving up for their family.

Creatice writing

this is a group activity given by sir sy, this group activity is all about fantasy movies that we will discuss
the most highlighted part story or the summary which includes the characters, genre, and their rising
action, climax, and denouement.


This activity showed us how every storyline was created part by part, how the scenes were going to be
exciting and were to be thrilled give us so much information about how does the movie work including
the rising action, a climax which is the thrilling part in midst of certain movie and also the last part which
is the ending part.


This quiz was given on oct 6, 2021, this was given by our subject teacher sir sy.


In this quiz, I’ve learned that figure of speech is a word or phrase used in a non-literal sense for rhetorical
or vivid effect.
Creative non fiction


In this activity thank you ma’am we were assigned to identify the character of thank you ma’am as well
as their characterization, we also needed to cite the indirect and direct characterization of each


In this activity, I’ve learned how to cite a personality or characterization of a certain person by reading or
listening to a story, also I’ve learned how to be creative in writing in a way of detailing a story such as
describing the character is a big help to write a beautiful and detailed story.

This activity was given early June 2022,our teacher on creative non-fiction gave us a memoir, which we
will create a creative essay that we will describe a certain story about us that we valued.


In this activity, I’ve remembered all the valuable memory which I wrote in that activity.
Discipline and ideas in social science


On March 12, 2021, Mr. Helbert gave us an activity in the module where we are going to write about the
learning that we have gained about structural functionalism.


In this activity, I’ve learned that structural functionalism, in sociology and other social sciences, a school
of thought according to which each of the institutions, relationships, roles, and norms that together
constitute a society serves a purpose, and each is indispensable for the continued existence of the others
and of society as a whole.


This activity was given by mr.helbert this activity reflection about Marxism sir helbert taught us what
Marxism will help to address the social problems that we have in our society.


In this activity,I’ve learned that Marxism is a social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl
Marx. It examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development and argues
for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism.
Politics and governance


This activity was given by our subject teacher sir Borja from politics and govenance, this activity is all
about the sikolohiyo sa agham ng panlipunan, and sir Borja task us with what is our thought in ithe
ncoming election.


In this activity, I’ve learned how society worked, and how people behaved when there is a certain topic
at a certain place because not all people are the same this activity is the receipt why I say so.

In this activity,Sir Borja task us to do a research on the Philippine constitution in 1987, he told us to
highlight the important information on how the 1987 constitution was approved in Philippines and who
were the people included there.


In this activity, I’ve learned that the Philippine 1987 Constitution established a representative democracy
with power divided among three separate and independent branches of government: the Executive, a
bicameral Legislature, and the Judiciary.
Trends and critical thinking


This activity was given by mrs.jonalyn pacio, this activity were we supposed to create an poster making
entitled ways to save mother earth.


In this activity, I’ve learned how to value our mother earth, our mother earth is suffering because of
people who don’t value the earth and it has a big impact in the world.

This activity was given by ma’am jonalyn pacio,this activity was the first work on trends and critical
thinking, ma’am jonalyn task us to do a fads,trend and their similarities.


In this activity, I've learned a lot about the differences between trends and fads as well as their
similarities. And now I know that trends and fads have a bigger difference.

Culture community engagement ,soliditary and citizenship.


This activity was given by ma’am mirth,ma’am mirth gave this work to make a reaction video as to how
important to us to have a commitment in a community action?

In this activity,I’ve discussed how important is community action and learned that community action is
important in our community to help and improve our solidarity and cooperation.

This was the fifth activity we had done for this subject. This was done
on May 13, 2022. Our teacher instructed us to enlist the characteristics
of long-term and short-term community action initiatives in terms of budget, resources, impact, and


in this activity,I’ve learned about the characteristics of long term and short term community iniatives in
terms of budget,resources, impact and scope, as well as their definitions and difference

10 years from now, I would love to see myself as someone who is successful. Having a permanent job
and a lot of money helps people that had difficulties in life, do what makes me happy. Having a peaceful
life and family in the province, buy things that makes me happy too. And pursuing to be come a
millionaire so that I can have a simple life.

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