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Accredited by


(Peace Education)

2nd Semester, School Year 2021-2022

By Paulino S. Angga, EdD



Consider the following in discussing the topics below:

1. Cite the concept and its importance (Not less than 100 words)
2. Provide reflection on the topic regarding its application on the practice of the
teaching profession (Not less than 150 words)
3. Provide examples that are related to the topics discussed (Not less than 100
4. Based on your discussions, provide at least 5 recommendations in sentence

A. Core peace values

1. Ten core peace values cited in the UNESCO Handbook (Not less than 100

Peaceful Person

Build Peace in Care for the

Community Planet

Think Critically Resolve Conflict


Respect Human Be Your True Self


Discover Inner Learn to Live Together


Think Positive Compassionate

and Do No Harm

2. Provide reflection on the topic regarding its application on the practice of the
teaching profession (Not less than 150 words)

Peace is the road we follow to bring about societal progress and prosperity. It will be
hard to achieve political power, economic stability, and cultural advancement unless
there is peace and harmony. Furthermore, before we can impart the concept of peace
to others, we must first experience peace inside ourselves. These guiding principles can
be utilized to create A separate course on peace education is available. Alternatively,
these might be incorporated with school. disciplines, as well as in the teacher education
curriculum We will demonstrate An integrated curricular paradigm for teacher education
is shown here. Peace is a stress-free condition of security and tranquility that results
when there is no fighting or conflict and everything coexists in perfect harmony and
freedom. There does not appear to be nearly enough peace in our war-torn planet.
Peace, on the other hand, may be large and little, witnessed in entire countries or
fleeting moments.

3. Provide examples that are related to the topics discussed (Not less than 100

For example .

Educational psychology assists trainees in comprehending the

growth process. qualities of pupils and educational procedures in
progress thereof. Trainees get an understanding of why pupils
learn and do not learn. why they are motivated or not motivated;
why they have issues or do not have problem sconcerns, such as
why some of them are aggressive while others are docile, and why
They either take the initiative or remain in the background. All
of these repercussions have an impact. a significant influence on
the student's independence/dependence, self-reliance, or
Dissatisfaction, high or low self-esteem, and so forth. Finally,
his optimistic (peace) or inappropriate aggressive) behavior both
inside and outside of class

4. Based on your discussions, provide at least 5 recommendations in sentence


1. Start by stamping out exclusion

2. Bring about true equality between women and men
3. Share out wealth fairly.
4. Protect political space
5. Tackle climate change

B. Integration of peace education into school/training programmes

1. Cite important details on integrating peace education into school (Not less than
100 words).

Formal education not only imparts information and skills, but it also shapes social
and cultural values, conventions, attitudes, and dispositions. Peace education activities
in schools have been shown to increase students' attitudes and collaboration, as well as
reduce violence and dropout rates. Education has always been intended to foster global
peace and harmony. Education at schools and universities is always centered on
universal human ideals. Peace and harmony are two separate universal human ideals
that must be instilled in the human race via education.

2. Provide reflection on the topic regarding its application on the practice of the
teaching profession (Not less than 150 words)

Education may aid in the development of identities and the resolution of the legacies
and grievances of prior conflicts, so enhancing social cohesiveness and leading
communities toward reconciliation. Education has always aimed to promote world peace
and harmony. School and university education is always oriented on universal human
principles. Peace and harmony are two distinct universal human principles that must be
fostered in future generations via education. It should be required in teacher education
because it humanizes the kid, teaching and learning, and the institution. Peace
education is a preventative approach to keep youngsters from becoming involved in the
ways of violence in society. It strives for the child's overall development.

3. Provide examples that are related to the topics discussed (Not less than 100

For example, Nonviolence, conflict resolution tactics, democracy, disarmament, gender

equality, human rights, environmental responsibility, history, communication skills,
cohabitation, and international understanding and tolerance of difference are all
examples of these. Peace education is the teaching of the facts, attitudes, values, and
behavioral competencies required to settle conflicts without violence and to develop and
sustain mutually beneficial, peaceful relationships. Peace is defined as peace and
tranquillity, the absence of hostilities, or the absence of battle or conflict. A feeling of
calm may be described as sitting on a deck in the woods on a peaceful Sunday morning
and watching the birds.

d. Based on your discussions, provide at least 5 recommendations in sentence form.

1. Model kindness and empathy. ...

2. Repair, don't punish. ...
3. Create a democratic space. ...
4. Use experiential learning. 
5. Encourage collaboration in diverse groups

C. Experiences of teachers in the emerging Indian society

1. Cite important details regarding the topic specified in letter C (Not less than 100

Peace education is the teaching of the facts, attitudes, values, and behavioral
competencies required to settle conflicts without violence. Nonviolence, conflict
resolution tactics, gender equality, human rights, environmental responsibility, history,
communication skills, cohabitation, and international understanding are all examples of
peace education. The history of education can be meaningfully changed into
interpretation of events and evolution of a society, mapping the role of education
therein. The entire concept of gurukula where students or disciples stay with the family
of the Guru and learn, provides an important framework of learning to live together.

2. Provide reflection on the topic regarding its application on the practice of the
teaching profession (Not less than 150 words)
The opportunity to practice teaching in a school setting provides trainees with a
platform on which to apply their theoretical knowledge and build the necessary
competencies of a successful teacher. They see the age level characteristics come to
life in the classroom, their own success or failure to communicate the content to
learners, the ease with which they can arouse their students' motivation to learn, their
own skills, competencies, and confidence that are developed in the process, and so on.
This is the moment when students not only test their own teaching views, but also learn
from their colleagues and other good and terrible teachers in the school. Trainees'
confidence will grow as they create connection with the students.

3. Provide examples that are related to the topics discussed (Not less than 100

For example, Tutorials in teacher education provide for time to share. This
encourages one-on-one interaction between students and teachers, and a
student can use this time to sort out problems, discuss new ideas related
to the training program's activities, assignments, seminars, presentations,
and so on, and seek help and guidance on these matters, among other
things. Tutorials sometimes feature small group circumstances, and
trainees can take use of this opportunity to design group activities and
learn to share, collaborate, work as a team, and support one another.
These activities and messages are simple to integrate into these activities.

4. Based on your discussions, provide at least 5 recommendations in sentence


1. Appreciate any good work done by students

2. Display good work of students on board
3. Encourage students to share their peace efforts in school or outside.
4. Praise their efforts to keep their books and notebooks in good shape
5. Praise the efforts in studies, handling responsibilities, taking initiatives,
keeping the classroom clean, protecting school property, diffusing conflicts,

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