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1. Democracy died after a period of ________(cease) wars, imperial expansion abroad, and the rise of
demagoguery at home.

incessant/ceaseless: triền miên, không dứt

2. The consequences of ________ (compel) gambling are comparable to those of any other addictive disease
and are not simply those of financial loss.

compulsive: có tính ép buộc

3. The prison service has the twin goals of punishment and ________ (habit).

rehabilitation: sự phục hồi

4. The first ________ (conceive) is that legal study at university is exclusively for students who intend
becoming solicitors or advocates.

misconception: sự hiểu sai

5. Too late, she remembered the ________ (settle) effect such comments would have on Johnny.

unsettling: đáng lo

6. Some economists are now predicting the danger of ________ (run) inflation.

runaway: xảy ra rất nhanh

7. The ________ (narrate) in this book plays second fiddle to the excellent photographs.

narrative: câu chuyện

8. They were now faced with seemingly________(mount) technical problems.

insurmountable: không thể vượt qua

9. When you come down on him too hard, you may only intensify his own ________ (critic)

self-criticism: tự phê bình

10. Your speech should not have been ________ (lace) with these facts beside the point.

interlaced: trộn lẫn

11. Their views lie outside the ________ (stream) of current medical opinion.
mainstream: xu hướng

12. The teachers are fair and avoid ________ (favour) and scapegoating.

favouritism: sự thiên vị

13. She has become ________(mesh) in a tangle of drugs and petty crime.

enmeshed: vướng vào

14. Do not set your goals too high or else you will always be failing and there is nothing more ________

demoralising: làm nản lòng

15. The demise of the industry has caused ________(tell) misery to thousands of hard-working tradesmen.

untold: đáng kể

16. Attracting the banks are the ________ (surge) economy and reforms that have opened up industries to
foreign capital.

resurgent: hồi sinh

17. The ordinary reader is impressed by the tone and manner of publication, and the words chosen to ________
(head) a story.

headline: đặt tiêu đề

18. At all events, it was this group of the ________ (possess) that gave the first successful impetus to the

dispossessed: nghèo

19. ________(prey) pricing by large supermarkets was threatening the livelihood of smaller businesses.

predatory pricing: chính sách hạ giá để tiêu diệt đối thủ

20. He is a ________(voice) critic of the president's stance on abortion.

vociferous: mạnh mẽ

21. She made several ________ (par) remarks about the manager she dislikes.

disparaging: làm mất danh dự

22. As women we tend to be ________ (face) and make light of what we have achieved.

self-effacing: khiêm tốn

23. GEW lamp dimming promise uptime at least 1500 hours, raised productivity and reduces ________ (time).

downtime: thời gian chết của máy móc

24. Would you mind if I took one of the pictures as a________(keep)?

keepsake: vật lưu niệm

25. Mania usually alternates with depression, to form a ________ (pole) disorder.

bipolar (disorder): bệnh trầm cảm

26. This was too we a ________ (hole) for the tax planners: no wonder inheritance tax is called a voluntary tax.

loophole: kẽ hở

27. The teacher said that he found it difficult to cope with a class of ________ (affect) teenagers.

disaffected: bất bình

28. He is ________ (fail) polite and tries desperately to understand other people's views.

unfailingly: luôn luôn

29. The court ________ (turn) that decision on the grounds that the Prosecution had withheld crucial evidence.

overturned: lật đổ

30. Some of these statements are misleading and some downright ________ (amend).

mendacious: sai sự thật

31. The state ________ (fast) refused to settle this matter at any time.

steadfastly: kiên quyết

32. What is illustrated by these photographs is as much the culture of shamelessness as the reigning admiration
for ________ (apology) brutality.

unapologetic: không biết hối lỗi

33. The judge found that in her case there were________(mitigate) circumstances.
mitigating: làm dịu bớt

34. He impressed his audience by the ________ (profound) of his knowledge.

profundity: sự uyên thâm

35. The causes of social ________(stress) include inadequate housing.

distress: cảnh khốn cùng

36. He was in the ________ (envy) position of having to choose between imprisonment or exile.

unenviable: không mong muốn

37. He was ________ (capacity) by old age and sickness.

incapacitated: suy yếu

38. The bank is ________ (solve) and will be unable to live up to its obligations.

insolvent: vỡ nợ

39. Natalie considered herself very ________ (virtue) because she neither drank nor smoked.

virtuous: có đạo đức tốt

40. Their refusal to ________ (tail) spending plans and to increase the burden on poll tax payers is expected.

curtail: cắt giảm

41. Rather than a benevolent "socialist" super power China, whose population is made up over 90% Han
Chinese, will ________ (stride) the world as a racially homogeneous, and communalistic "Middle Kingdom”.

bestride: bắc ngang qua

42. Broadly speaking, on-line shopping experiences can be categorized into two distinct dimensions: ________
(use) and hedonic value.

utilitarian: thực dụng

43. It encouraged experimenters to propose ________ (beat) or novel approaches to problems.

offbeat: khác thường

44. It's a bustling ________ (eat) where the fishy fare is served in cones of butcher's paper.

eatery: quán ăn
45. Several spoke out against the harshly ________ (right) tone of the original motion.

self-righteous: tự cho là đúng

46. Elections are essential for the ________ (sustain) of parliamentary democracy.

sustenance: sự tồn tại

47. ________ (similar) is consequently difficult, particularly as the minority groups experience considerable

Assimilation: sự đồng hóa

48. Growth and ________ (mature) of vascular plants are often controlled by light, usually in conjunction with

maturation: sự lớn lên

49. The practice of meditation and ________ (temple) is life-long, reflecting this daily process of repentance
and change at heart.

contemplation: sự suy ngẫm

50. The new policy only serves to ________ (accent) the inadequacy of provision for the homeless.

accentuate: nhấn mạnh

51. Pressure was applied with cool precision: women had discovered that to ________ (step) male dominance
was to avoid destructive rage.

sidestep: tránh

52. I found your book absolutely ________ (thrall)!

enthralling: làm say mê

53. Listen to both sides and you will be ________ (light), heed only one side and you will be ________ (night).

enlighted – benighted: làm sáng tỏ-nông cạn

54. Bertha, exaggerating the seriousness of the affair, thought it ________ (charlatan) to undertake a post
without knowledge and without capacity.

charlatanry: lừa đảo, giả dối

55. I write this down ________ (verb), for much the same reason I took notes in college.
verbatim: đúng nguyên văn

56. She came to the party wearing a(n) ________ (land) costume and blond wig.

outlandish: nổi bật

57. Opposition leaders said they would try to stage nationwide protests, but previous opposition rallies have
met only ________ (warm) support.

lukewarm: lãnh đạm, thờ ơ

58. She gave me some friendly advice without a trace of ________ (descend).

condescension: sự hạ mình

59. It's that ________ (patron) tone of hers that I can't bear.

patronizing: ra vẻ bề trên

60. And then, to the audience's ________ (mystic), the band suddenly stopped playing.

mystification: sự bối rối

61. The ________ (conspire) of the assissination of the president was brought to light in time.

conspiracy: âm mưu

62. The report is critical of attempts by________(official) to deal with the problem of homelessness.

officialdom: giới viên chức

63. The system of counties was essential to Frankish government, and a count could wield considerable power,
particularly in ________ (far) regions.

far-flung: xa xôi

64. Jaubert had been a reasonable man to work for, had never asked her to do anything illegal or ________

distasteful: không vừa ý

65. Darwin's theory of evolution was a(n) ________ (shed) dividing the old way of thinking from the new.

watershed: bước ngoặt

66. I can find just enough re-run of quality programmes to prevent myself from falling into utter despair and
pining for the good old days of ________ (year).

yesteryear: trước đây

67. If he resigned it would be ________ (amount) to admitting that he was guilty.

tantamount: tương đương với

68. For twenty-five years he ________ (pain) amassed evidence to support his hypothesis.

painstakingly: chịu khó

69. He felt out of place, a(n) ________ (conform) in a society where conformity was highly prized.

nonconformist: người không theo khuôn phép

70. She unveiled the picture with a(n) ________ (ceremony) gesture.

ceremonious: trịnh trọng

71. Travellers may be ________ (inquire) about the world, but they also travel to make discoveries about

inquisitive: tò mò

72. Both Hathor and her potential victims became ________ (exceed) drunk and merry, so she failed at her

exceedingly: dư

73. Operation Rescue was an organization notorious for its ________ (front) tactics and its implacable
opposition to abortion under all circumstances.

confrontational: đương đầu

74. A(n) ________ (face) approach to sustainable construction is required for use by policy - makers,
practitioners and civil society.

multi-faceted: nhiều phương diện

75. Wage control is the ________ (corner) of the government's economic policy.

cornerstone: cơ sở

76. She's ________ (fail) cheerful no matter what the circumstances.

unfailingly: luôn luôn

77. Instead of just ________ (moan) your fate, why not do something to change it?

bemoaning: than phiền

78. For users, they are still expensive ________ (add) features and come with their own set of integration

add-on: thêm vào

79. Foreign observers also accused the authorities of widespread ________ (practice).

malpractice: hành vi bất chính

80. ________ (type) images of women are used to legitimise male dominance.

Stereotypical: rập khuôn

81. It will ________ (legal) sex - far from helping girls resist pressure, it will help boys bully girls into sex.

legitimate: hợp pháp hóa

82. Mongolia, although poor, has considerable ________ (tap) resources of oil and minerals.

untapped: chưa khai thác

83. Towards the end of the ________ (infant) period the child is becoming more perspicacious.

infantile: còn trẻ con

84. It would be ________ (ingenuity) on our part to pretend ignorance of our book's impact, both in sales and

disingenuous: gian xảo

85. I think I must have known ________(conscience) that something was going on between them.

subconsiously: tiềm thức

86. If evolution has________ (wire) into us a belief that there are objective moral obligations, then we will
believe that there are.

hard-wired: ăn sâu vào

87. You want clothes that are stylish as well as practical, versatile, ________ (task) and low maintenance.
multitasking: nhiều công việc

88. His failures ________ (line) the difference between theatre and film direction.

underline: nhấn mạnh

89. In other words, subcultural cleavage has attenuated and cultural ________ (homogeneous) has extended
from structural orientation into policy orientation.

homogeneity: tính đồng nhất

90. As the inspector and others came in, she regarded them ________ (disdain), seemingly unconcerned about
her capture.

disdainfully: miệt thị

91. The concert hall itself reminds one ________ (play) of reproduction art deco and is also acoustically first-
class and adaptable.

playfully: khôi hài

92. She didn't want to confront the ________ (escape) fact that she would have to sell the house.

inescapable: không thể tránh khỏi

93. He made a fortune buying ________ (run) houses and fixing them up to sell.

run-down: đổ nát

94. Business schools, who currently dominate entrepreneurship teaching and research, ________
(compartment) knowledge into functional boxes.

compartmentalise: phân chia

95. Idealism was deeply________ (credit) by the failure to prevent the outbreak of the Second World War.

discredited: làm mất uy tín

96. We will reform principal local councils into a(n) ________ (unit) system based on natural communities and
the wishes of local people.

unitary: thống nhất

97. Since ________ (regulate), banks are permitted to set their own interest rates.

deregulation: sự bãi bỏ qui định

98. These years witnessed the ________(integrate) and destruction of the English peasantry.

disintegration: sự tan rã

99. This was really a(n) ________(whim) thought, and I reproved myself often for the simplicity of it.

whimsical: kì dị

100. There seems to be a(n )________ (satisfy) demand for more powerful computers.

insatiable: không thỏa mãn được


1. A portion of the proceeds will be ________ for providing school fees for poor children for the coming
academic year. (mark)

earmarked: dành riêng

2. The administration ropes in all educational institutions, government offices, public sector ________ and
universities for the purpose of mobilising funds. (take)

undertakings: việc kinh doanh

3. Contraception is less ________ or affordable in South America. (cure)

procurable: có thể đạt được

4. Both toxic and ________ potentials are properties of all drugs. (cure)

curative: chữa bệnh

5. While learning has changed for students in this new century, we are ________ by the boundless opportunity
presented in our lifetime. (bold)

emboldened: khuyến khích

6. It does not become an economic ________ but it does become a ‘newly industrialized country’, like
Malaysia, Taiwan and South Korea. (power)

economic superpower: siêu cường kinh tế

7. We believe that the most effective enforcement tool is self-policing and ________ (strain).

self-restraint: tự kìm chế

8. It is possible to humanely raise and slaughter a variety of food animals, including ________ poultry and beef
cattle. (range)

free-range: nuôi tự nhiên

9. Most of this feature includes behind-the-scenes video ________ of the crew working and goofing off. (foot)

footage: cảnh phim

10. Together they forged a(n) ________ intellectual climate that has profoundly shaped my career. (vigor)

invigorating: tiếp thêm sinh lực

11. We will investigate the tradeoffs among data ________, data hiding capacity, and probabilities of extraction
errors in different applications. (perceive)

imperceptibility: không thể thấy

12. This is a(n) ________ thriller that promises to deliver. (page)

page – turning: thú vị

13. Death, from this perspective, seems unproblematically universal, a simple, irreducible fact of our nature,
________ the same across all societies and throughout time (yield)

unyieldingly: không thay đổi

14. Of course there is a(n) ________ between such advantages of large cells and the disadvantages of slower
cell multiplication. (trade)

trade – off : sự kết hợp, đan xen

15. Today we look at claims that in Queensland, the regime that looks after the most vulnerable people, the
infirm elderly, and ________ adults, is failing. (capacity).

incapacitated: bị làm mất sức lao động

16. Scholars have tried to make a case for ________, competitiveness, and selfishness as innate human trait.

acquisitiveness: sự thu lợi

17. The judge ruled that Newman's comments were not a(n) ________offense. (act)

actionable: có thể kiện

18. She was a very selfish, ________ bad-tempered little girl. (agree)

disagreeable: khó chịu

19. Before creating this sculpture, she studied all the masterpieces of classical ________ (antique).

antiquity: đồ cổ:

20. He claims that the laws are ________ and have no contemporary relevance. (antique)

antiquated: không hợp thời

21. I fretted and sweated as they stalked in and stared around with that ________, accusatory look of all cops
everywhere. (approve)

disapproving: tỏ ý không tán thành

22. A good teacher can encourage ________creativity. (art)

artistic: nghệ thuật

23. She's ________ and knows how to get round her parents. (art)

artful: xảo quyệt

24. Most ________ or totalitarian regimes are nonconstitutional. (authority)

authoritarian: độc đoán

25. One encouraging feature of period-instrument performances in recent decades has been a growing concern
with reliable and ________editions. (authority)

authoritative: hoàn chỉnh, đáng tin cậy (thông tin)

26. It is essential that there is a(n) ________ (author) use of the confidential information.

unauthorised: trái phép

27. He thought back to the ________ days of his childhood. (care)

carefree: vô tư, thảnh thơi

28. They gave him a(n) ________ assurance that he would not be hurt.(category)

categorical: dứt khoát

29. They are taking ________measures to safeguard their forces from the effects of chemical weapons.

precautionary: để phòng ngừa

30. Their ________ greetings did not seem heartfelt. (ceremony)

ceremonious: kiểu cách

31. The full costume is only worn on important ________ occasions. (ceremony)

ceremonial: trang trọng

32. Utilitarian notions in the social sciences are not enough for even providing a(n) ________ framework for
grasping what actually happens. (concept)

conceptual: dựa trên khái niệm

33. It once seemed ________ to everyone that men should travel to the moon. (conceive)

inconceivable: khó tin

34. The procedure is in strict ________ with standard international practices.(conform)

in conformity with: tuân theo

35. The present economic policy is a(n) ________ of the earlier one. (continue)

continuation: sự kế tiếp

36. An historical awareness also imparts a sense of________(continue).

continuity: tính liên tục

37. Last month's elections saw a ________ in power of the country's socialist party. (continue)

continuance: sự kéo dài

38. It's very ________ to find out that your own team members have been lying to you. (courage)

discouraging: mất tinh thần

39. Do you believe in the ________ powers of the local mineral water? (cure)

curative: chữa bệnh

40. She has an artist's ________ eye. (discriminate)

discriminating: sáng suốt

41. The government enacted laws to protect women from ________employment practices (discriminate)

discriminatory: có sự phân biệt đối xử

42. Maria loved both the children. There was never a hint of ________ (favour)

favouritism: sự thiên vị

43. They often are involved in the hiring and dismissal of employees but generally have no role in the
________ of personnel policy. (form)

formulation: sự soạn thảo

44. An agreement on the ________ of a new government was reached on June 6. (form)

formation: sự thành lập

45. There are people who want to ________ you and grind you down. (humble)

humiliate: làm bẽ mặt

46. The discussions reached a new level of ________ and by lunchtime the exchanges were becoming very
heated. (intense)

intensity: sự dữ dội, mãnh liệt

47. ________ and specialization in agriculture, especially in the vineyards, gave rise to commercial exchange
and opportunity for profit and saving. (intense)

Intensification: Sự đẩy mạnh

48. Areas near the frontier were rough and ________ in the old days. (law)

lawless: vô trật tự

49. It is ________ for a teacher to inflict corporal punishment on pupils. (law)

unlawful: trái pháp luật

50. The relation of politics and economy is a ________ of historical gradual progress. (master)

masterstroke: kì công

51. A builder from South London, McAvoy was the ________ of the robbery (master)
mastermind: người vạch kế hoạch

52. Photographs and ________ that cover the walls and fill several display cases chronicle the foods this area is
famous for. (memory)

memorabilia: những việc đáng ghi nhớ, vật kỉ niệm

53. The three countries have signed a(n) ________ pledging to work together. (memory)

memorandum: bản ghi nhớ

54. Olympic gold medalist Ekaterina Gordeeva is writing a(n) ________ about her life with Sergei Grinkov,
her late husband and figure-skating partner.(memory)

memoir: nhật kí

55. Her first defeat was an early lesson in ________ (humble).

humility: sự khiêm tốn

56. They cannot forget the ________ they suffered at the hands of their oppressors. (humble).

humiliation: sự bẽ mặt

57. Sales have slowed down quite ________ (mark).

markedly: rõ rệt

58. To the untrained eye, the two flowers look ________ similar. (mark)

remarkably: đáng chú ý, nổi bật

59. Always check the ________ before you buy a secondhand car (mile)

mileage: đồng hồ đo quãng đường di chuyển

60. The invention of the wheel was a(n) ________ in the history of the world. (mile)

milestone: cột mốc quan trọng

61. One ________ lapse in concentration could prove fatal. (moment)

momentary: chốc lát, nhất thời

62. It was in Glasgow, however, that many ________ events were taking place. (moment)

momentous: quan trọng

63. Guy was greedy, ________, obsessed with power and self-gratification. (moral)

amoral: không theo nguyên tắc

64. Capital punishment was regarded as inhuman and ________ (moral)

immoral: vô đạo đức

65. Since their interest in the past was primarily ________, precise knowledge of actual events and when they
happened was not required. (moral)

moralistic: khắc khe về mặt đạo đức

66. A couple of victories would improve the team's ________enormously. (moral)

morale: tinh thần

67. You become ________ when things are not going your way and you can't really see a way out of it. (moral)

demoralised: bị suy thoái về đạo đức

68. To the audience's ________, the band suddenly stopped playing. (mystical)

mystification: sự bối rối

69. Electric-powered cars are still something of a(n) ________ (novel)

novelty: sự mới lạ

70. Comparisons are simpler to make when ________ data is presented in diagrammatic form and conclusions
are easier to draw from it. (number)

numerical: bằng số

71. ________ pictures have been deemed to contribute to a hostile environment (object)

Objectionable: có thể bị phản đối

72. Personal disinterest in a programme content will help your ________ in assessing its potential for your
public relations purposes. (object)

objectivity: tính khách quan

73. To say that the ________(observe) of this custom or law is sacrilegious or illicit must be regarded as
________ (error).
observance – erroneous: sự tuân thủ-sai lầm

74. Recent developments in biology have made it possible to acquire more and more precise information
concerning our genetic ________ . Scientists can even today identify a number of genetic disorders that may
cause illness and disease. (make)

genetic make-up: cấu tạo gen

75. Since 1990 the price of sugar has tended to fluctuate more wildly than any of the other four commodity
groups, and has almost ________ been the most expensive relative to 2002-2004 prices. (vary)

invariably: luôn luôn

76. A dozen international poverty and development organizations published a report last week on the impact of
building new coal power plants in countries where a large percentage of the population lacks access to
electricity. The report’s conclusions are strikingly ________: on the whole, building coal power plants does
little to help the poor, and often it can actually make them poorer. (intuition)

counter-intuitive: khác thường

77. The scandal surely ________ the end of his political career. (sign)

signals/signalled: báo hiệu

78. He gained ________ for being difficult to work with as an actor. (notorious)

notoriety: tai tiếng

79. Tre Transformer is quite intriguing. It is ________ one of the best movies of the year. (doubt)

undoubtedly: chắc chắn

80. Her hip has been ________ for quite a while, and she'll probably need surgery on it. (trouble)

troublesome: phiền

81. Her latest novel is a(n) ________ thriller, set some time in the late 21st century. (future)

futuristic: hiện đại

82. The new policy only serves to ________ the inadequacy of help for the homeless. (accent)

accentuate: nhấn mạnh

83. Successful candidates will be required to ________ an induction programme. (take)

undertake: đảm nhận

84. Radio 4 also announced a new ________ of Primo Levi’s short story collection The Periodic Table, starring
Henry Goodman and introduced by Janet Suzman, to be broadcast in 12 episodes of varying lengths this spring.

dramatisation: sự chuyển thành kịch

85. In the UK, the ratio of people of working age to people over 65 could fall from 3.7 to 1 in 1999 to 2.1 to 1
in 2040. This suggests a very big increase in the ________ ratio and is consequently a cause for concern
because with current spending pension commitments, it will place a higher burden on the shrinking working
population. (depend)

dependency ratio: tỷ lệ phụ thuộc

86. The UK government has already made tentative steps to raise the retirement age and increase the role of
private sector pensions. These policies will make an ageing population more ________ (manage).

manageable: dễ quản lí

87. Ian Darkin of One Traveller, which specialises in offering holidays for mature single travellers, says: “The
new generation of ________ (retire) aren’t sitting at home knitting. Their keenness to experience other
countries and cultures is ________ (diminish) with age.”

retirees – undiminished: người nghỉ hưu-không giảm bớt

88. The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a(n) ________ calling for a halt to hostilities. (solve)

resolution: sự kiên quyết

89. Environmental degradation is ________ (character) as any change or aggravation to nature’s turf seen to be
pernicious or ________ (desire).

characterized – undesirable: có đặc điểm-gây khó chịu, không mong muốn

90. The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction describes environmental degradation as
the ________ of the limit of the earth to meet social and environmental destinations, and needs (less).

lessening: sự giảm đi

91. Humans have destroyed a tenth of Earth’s remaining ________ in the last 25 years and there may be none
left within a century if trends continue, according to an authoritative new study. (wild)

wilderness: vùng hoang dã

92. Technology has been lauded as a way to free up time for us, yet the reality of an all-consuming medium
often does the reverse. New innovations bring with them a host of ________ consequences, ranging from the
troubling to the downright depressing. Social media makes us lonely. Too much screen-time makes teenagers
fall behind their peers. And at the more feeble end of the spectrum, many of us have walked into an obstacle
while texting. (intend)

unintended: không được dự tính trước

93. Zombies are archetypal monsters from the bottom of the uncanny valley, with their dead eyes and
________ faces (express).

expressionless: không biểu cảm

94. The terrible scenes were indelibly ________ on his mind (print).

imprinted: in dấu ấn

95. Phyllis Schlafly, the ________ conservative activist who helped defeat the Equal Rights Amendment in the
1970s, has died. (speak)

outspoken: thẳng thắn

96. The results ________ poor hygiene as one cause of the outbreak. (imply)

implicate: cho thấy

97. The country’s economic crisis had a(n) ________ effect on world markets. (settle)

unsettling: đáng lo

98. The piece, which had been affected by centuries of ________ and grime, was brought back its former
glory by seven conservators from the museum's Hamilton Kerr Institute. (colour)

discolouration: sự bạc màu

99. The company has established total ________ over its rivals. (supreme)

supremacy: ưu thế tối cao

100 Despite fighting between the government and SPLA rebels, citizens will be allowed ________ (hinder)
access to humanitarian aid via "tranquility corrid.

unhindered: không bị cản trở


1. With increasing numbers of people choosing to teach English as a foreign language, the need to gain a(n)
________ (credit) qualification has never been more important.

accredited: được công nhận

2. A campaign is calling for the reversal of a decision to scrap A-level archaeology - saying it would cause
_______(revoke) harm to the development of future archaeologists.
irrevocable: không thể thay đổi

3. Sir Adrian was a true gentleman. He was ________ (fail) polite to everyone he met within the business and
was on first name terms with many of them, regardless of where they worked.

unfailingly: luôn luôn

4. An eight-month inquiry by the all party group on ________ (mind) found frontline public servants could be
less likely to fall ill with stress, or quit altogether, if they engage in the increasingly popular meditation

mindfulness: chánh niệm

5. ________ (absent) is an issue of growing concern among employers in the UK owing to changing
legislation, but there is virtually no robust data on its direct or indirect costs.

Absenteeism: sự vắng mặt không có lí do chính đáng

6. A decision to allow ________ (hear) evidence in disciplinary proceedings against a doctor linked to child
abuse claims was ________ (law).

hearsay – unlawful: tin đồn-bất hợp pháp

7. Slavoj Žižek was born in communist Yugoslavia in 1949, and received a thorough grounding in Marxism
and the principles of ________ (dialect) materialism.

dialectical: biện chứng

8. Can you make up a(n) ________ (four) for tennis tomorrow?

foursome: đấu cặp

9. These wonderful books ________ (capsule) moments in history in truly unforgettable ways .

encapsulate: tóm lược

10. Proposals to protect the right of mentally ________ (capacity) people to be involved in important
decisions about their life have been published by the government.

incapacitated: bị làm mất sức lao động

11. Authorities in the US state of Michigan have charged a taxi driver with six counts of murder after he went
on a random shooting spree on Saturday. Jason Brian Dalton, 45, remained ________ (express) as the charges
were read in court on Monday.
expressionless: không biểu cảm

12. Around 40% of jobseekers have been without work for more than one year, the report says, running
"significant risks of ________ (moral), loss of self-esteem and mental health problems"

demoralization: sự làm mất tinh thần

13. A former migrant has returned home to Senegal after becoming ________ (heart) with life as an illegal
migrant in Spain. After six years, Babacar Dialor Faye never got his legal documents and had to live on
________ (hand) from the Red Cross.

disheartened – handouts: nản lòng-sự cứu trợ

14. Kids have become ________ (sense) to violence. Someone's been shot, and kids are playing up and down
the streets on their bikes, because they're used to seeing it and that's also what you see in a war zone.

desensitized: bớt nhạy cảm

15. Parents often favour one child over another and, at its worst, parental________ (favour) can be one of the
most profound and damaging emotional dynamics a child ever encounters. It can affect the rest of their lives.

favouritism: sự thiên vị

16. When Emma was widowed in 1879, she decided to leave her home in Koblenz, Germany, to start ________
(new) in Glasgow, and settled in the city by 1881.

anew: từ đầu

17. Anti-terrorism police patrol units are to be introduced across London boroughs. This tactic was endorsed by
Lord Harris in his review of London's ________ (prepare) for a terror attack, commissioned by the mayor.

preparedness: sự chuẩn bị sẵn sàng

18. Reports of memory loss with long-term cannabis use are nothing new, and an influential paper published
last year provided evidence that smoking marijuana has a(n) ________ (delete) effect on intelligence.

deleterious: có hại

19. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis and is what causes the
subjective "high". This includes changes in ________ (perceive) sensations, a feeling of ________ (content)
and increased appetite .

perceptual – contentment: thuộc giác quan-sự thỏa mãn

20. Cyanide ________ (toxic) is experienced by humans at doses of around 0.5–3.5 milligrams per kilogram of
body weight .

toxicity: tính độc

21. She has become increasingly ________ (opinion) and verbalises her opinions forcefully without any insight
into their effect on others.

opinionated: bảo thủ, ngoan cố

23. ________ who want to fund the restoration of a derelict arts centre in Cheltenham have pleaded with other
bidders to let it become community-run (benefit)

Benefactors: nhà hảo tâm

24. He was a bad influence on the child, who was at a(n) ________ (impress) age.

inpressionable: dễ bị ảnh hưởng

25. Membership talks were launched in 2005, but progress has been slow, as several EU states have serious
________ about Turkish EU membership. (give)

misgivings: mối nghi ngại

26. He has such great power and yet talked with such ________(humble). There aren’t many people in politics
who are as charismatic as President Obama.

humility: sự khiêm nhường

27. For many people Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) is the most influential figure in the history of western
classical music. His extraordinary talent was already clearly evident as a young man, ________ (mercy)
surviving a somewhat unconventional upbringing during which his eccentric father would often force him to
take music lessons in the middle of the night.

mercifully: 1 cách nhân từ, một cách may mắn

28. How often have you seen rich people take to the stress, shouting that they are earning too much? Protesters
are typically blue-collar workers yelling that the minimum page has to go up, or that their jobs should not go
overseas. Concern about ________ (fair) is always ________(symmetry), stronger in the poor than the rich.
And the ________ (lie) emotions are not as ________(loft) as the ideal itself. Children become
thoroughly________ (indignation) as the slightest discrepancy in, say, the size of their slice of pizza compared
to their sibling’s.
fairness: sự công bằng, asymmetrical: không đều nhau, underlying: cơ sở, cơ bản, lofty: kiêu kỳ, indignant: căm

29. Many teachers expressed serious ________ (give) about the new tests.

misgivings: mối lo ngại

30. The price of property in the city is ________ (prohibit)

prohibitive: đắt đỏ

31. ________ is an economic theory which states that a progressively greater level of consumption is beneficial
to the consumers. (consume)

consumerism: chủ nghĩa tiêu dùng

32. If your credit card debt is mounting and yet you can't stop spending, you could be a ________(shop).

shopaholic: nghiện mua sắm

33. The number of people suffering from shopping addiction has . ________ (TAKE) the number of drug and
drink addicts combined.

overtaken: vượt

34. Everyone has heard of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; few of his son Franz Xaver. A new CD collection
________ (title) The Other Mozart celebrates Franz's music - in all its haunting, ________ (melancholy)
innocence. The 27 songs are brief slivers of ideas, ________ (develop) shadows of what might have been,
reaching a beautiful fulfillment in the later works. But it is clear that the music never reaches the heights of his
genius father. Franz was the youngest of Mozart's children, and his mother's hopes and ambitions focused on
him following the ________ (mature) death of his father. The very best teachers were automatically available
to Franz's, who made his public debut as a singer, aged five. The songs bring to light Franz's ________. (piano)
accomplishments; the piano parts are extremely demanding. The songs hint at Franz's love for a woman; they
speak time and again of unattainable love and ________ (fulfil) longing.

________ (realist), however, the fact remains that this music, had it been written by a composure of any other
name, would probably have remained buried in the archives.

entitled: cho quyền, melancholic: u buồn, underdeveloped: chưa phát triển hoàn toàn, premature: sớm,
pianistic: thuộc về piano, unfulfilled: không thành, realistically: thực tế là

35. The region has several medium-sized towns and cities, but no major ________ (urban)

conurbation: khu thành phố

36. When you're on a cross-country flight, it's tough to tolerate the ________ crying of a baby. (cease)

incessant: không dứt

37. Our ________ mind registers things which our conscious mind is not aware of. (conscious)

subconscious: tiềm thức

38. They were now faced with seemingly ________ technical problems (mount).

insurmountable: không thể vượt qua

39. The report should distinguish clearly between ________ fact, firm opinion and mere speculation (dispute)

indisputable: không thể chối cãi

40. They have become ________, with both sides refusing to compromise any further. (reconcile)

irreconcilable: không thể giảng hòa

41. Finland’s metalworkers' union chief Riku Aalto has criticised government proposals to alter nationwide
labour conditions as ________and unprofessional (amateur).

amateurish: nghiệp dư

42. His interpretation of the figures is far too ________ (simple)

simplistic: đơn giản

43. The organization insists that it is ________ and does not identify with any one particular party (politics)

apolitical: phi chính trị

44. The new regulations will be ________ for small businesses. (burden)

burdensome: phiền toái

45 Solon replies that birds like peacocks are ________ in their beauty. (compare)

incomparable: vô song

46. It is ________ to generalize from the results of a single experiment. (advise)

inadvisable: không nên

47. Try not to ________ to criticism (react)

overreact: phản ứng quá mạnh mẽ

48. He was confused and ________ and I didn't get much sense out of him. (cohere)

incoherent: không mạch lạc

49. Gradually she began to notice one or two little ________ in his character. (perfect)

imperfections: sự không hoàn hảo

50. They’re concerned about the ________ of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. (build)

buildup: sự tích tụ

51. Karen has always felt ________ by her famous elder sister. (shadow)

overshadowed: bị làm lu mờ

52. An increasing number of tests are available for detecting foetal ________ (normal).

abnormalities: sự bất bình thường

53. He is currently standing trial for alleged ________ (practice)

malpractices: hành động phi pháp

54. All points on a circle are ________ (distant) from the centre.

equidistant: khoảng cách bằng nhau

55. The worsening situation forced the company to ________ (size) from 39 employees to 7.

downsize: cắt giảm

56. The new version of the program comes with a much better user ________(face).

interface: giao diện

57. Who will be the main ________ of the cuts in income tax? (benefit)

beneficiary: người được hưởng lợi

58. The parents showed remarkable ________(bear) toward their defiant and unruly son.

forbearance: sự chịu đựng, rộng lượng

59. A(n) ________(mean/menace) has been committed but the offender has not been caught.
misdemeanour: tội nhẹ

60. I keep getting ________ (contrary) advice - some people tell me to keep it warm and some tell me to put ice
on it.

contradictory: mâu thuẫn

61. He gazed at her with ________ (smell) eyes, wishing she wasn't married.

smouldering/smoldering: âm ỉ

62. He had a(n) ________ (rival) knowledge of south Arabian society, religion, law and customs.

unrivalled: không gì sánh được

63. The ship is an exact ________ (reply) of the original Golden Hind.

replica: bản sao

64. ________(provide) and expression as well as musical accompaniment of the exercises plays a central role
in the training programme of the Medau-Schule.

Improvisation: sự ứng biến

65. Ariadne herself personifies the passively courageous, endlessly ________(resource), and ________ (love)
restorative element in every psyche.

resourceful – lovingly: tháo vát-yêu thương, âu yếm

66. ________ (brain) on creative tasks has been a major activity in the advertising business where it began in
the 1930s.

Brainstorming: ý kiến bất chợt

67. Abuses of the investigative process may ________(perceive) lead to abridgment of protected freedoms

imperceptibly: không thể nhận thấy

68. Their contributions to science have earned them a(n) ________ (last) place in history.

everlasting: vĩnh viễn

69. She appeared on television to make a(n) ________ (passion) plea for help.

impassioned: mãnh liệt, dữ dội

70. No one will raise moral psychology of the question of obesity, for fear of sounding ________(passion) and

uncompassionate – reactionary: tàn nhẫn-phản động

71. We should take a more ________ (passion) view and consider the long-term effects of Briant's work.

dispassionate: không thiên vị

72. The solutions ________ (compass) a wide range of options to suit all tastes and pockets.

encompass: xoay quanh

73. He was known to be a loud-mouthed, ________ (opinion) bigot.

opinionated: ngoan cố, khăng khăng giữ ý kiến của mình

74. The aim of the report is to ________ (lucid) the main points of the new regulations.

elucidate: làm sáng tỏ

75. Some things are ________ (alien) true: Water is wet, gra is green (kind of), dogs bark and houses prices rise

inalienably: không thể thay đổi

76. Jack tried to ________ (one) for his rudeness by sending her some flowers.

atone: chuộc lỗi

77. By 1980 the Republican Party platform had become antiabortion; and a president who pledged to
________ (law) abortion altogether had been elected.

outlaw: cấm

78. Tootle seems to be essentially a(n) ________ (caution) tale, warning the child to stay on the narrow road of

cautionary: để cảnh báo

79. The country's great influence in the world is ________ (proportion) to its relatively small size.

disproportionate: thiếu cân đối

80. In the US, a school ________ (intend) is in charge of the schools in a particular area.

superintendent: giám thị

81. The demonstrators ________ (brand) banners and shouted slogans.

brandished: nói một loạt

82. He has a(n) ________(can) knack of being able to see immediately where the problem lies.

uncanny: phi thường, kì lạ

83. Mick was stubborn and ________ (dominate) with a very bad temper.

domineering: độc đoán, hốc hách

84. My profession had an important influence in the formation of my character and ________ (temper).

temperament: tính khí

85. The final whistle was greeted with ________ (triumph) cheers from players and spectators.

triumphant:chiến thắng, vui mừng

86. She has never traced back her ________ (line), but believes her grandparents were from Aberdeenshire.

lineage: dòng dõi

87. She was a devout Catholic and, so far as I am aware, ________ (assail/salient) morally.

unassailable: không thể đánh đổ

88. In the field of ________ (diet), standards of practice have been developed for practitioners in the field.

dietetics: dinh dưỡng

89. I am afraid I have quite a(n) ________ (incline) to retire on a pension.

disinclination: sự không thích

90. A(n) ________ (reach) and comprehensive strategy, carefully integrated with broader plans for health care
reform, is required.

far-reaching: có ảnh hưởng sâu rộng

91. They're making efforts to streamline their normally ________(cumber) bureaucracy.

cumbersome: phức tạp

92. Trading can be characterized as a pure, ________ (cumber) personal choice with an immediate outcome.
unencumbered: không lúng túng

93. He's ________(centre), ________(manipulate), insensitive; classic signs of a personality problem.

self-centred – manipulative: ích kỉ-áp đặt

94. Sometimes a sympathetic friend can be a constant source of discouragement, all ________ (know).

unknowingly: vô tình

95. Some say he was reborn as an undead god, others that he was simply a(n) ________ spirit.

disembodied: tách rời thể xác

96. This book is about people who claim to have ________ (normal) abilities such as ESP and mind-reading.

paranormal: bất bình thường

97. The refugees slept in ________ (shift) tents at the side of the road.

makeshift: tạm thời

98. The inheritance of ________ (mode) company structures from the past, reinforced by further concentration,
produced very rigid company organisation.

outmoded: lỗi thời

99. In the ________ (mingle) of news and commercials we have a struggle of sorts between two different

intermingling: trộn lẫn

100. Two hijackers used fake explosives to _______ (command) the airliner.

commandeer: kiểm soát


A. There are a myriad of lifestyle issues affecting the youth of today. Such is the pressure heaped on many
school-goers to achieve academic excellence by their parents that these 1_______ (real) expectations are
causing children to become hopelessly depressed. Indeed, some, in their 2_______ (despair) to escape and their
sense of guilt at being unable reach the levels of success demanded of them by their 3_______ (push) parents,
either rebel in what is 4_______ (amount) to a cry for help, or, worse still, engage in 5_______ (harm). It is no
coincidence that suicide rates, expecially amongst young males, have been rising steadily for some time now.
These are tough times to be a teen.

Then there are those who get hooked on the internet; the 6 _______ (virtue) world becomes their reality. For
these teens, their social circle shrinks 7_______ (drama) until, at last, their friendship sphere is limited solely to
their online 8_______ (bud). Not alone do they commonly suffer from sleep 9_______ (private) on account of
their destructive addiction to game play and net-surfing, their behaviour may become so 10 _______ (err) and
peculiar over time as to be considered 11_______ (social) . And while they sit at their computer screens hidden
away in splendid isolation from the real world, such is the lack of exercise they get that their calorie intake far
exceeds what is necessary for them to maintain a stable weight. In essence, due to their sedentary lifestyle, their
weight 12_______ (rocket) until such time as they become morbidly obese.

1. unrealistic : phi thực tế 2. desperation: sự tuyệt vọng 3. pushy: thúc ép

4. tantamount: tương đương với 5. self-harm: tự làm hại bản thân 6. virtual: ảo

7. dramatically 8. buddies: bạn 9. deprivation: sự tước đoạt

10. erractic: thất thường 11. antisocial : khó gần gũi 12. skyrockets: tăng mạnh

B. The standard of television programming produced in this country is in terminal decline. The 1_______
(shed) has become a meaningless term confined in its 2_______ (apply) to 3_______ (go) days when adult
content felt the full force of censorship and was not allowed to appear on the box until after 9:00 p.m.
Nowadays, however, it seems anything goes any time. And, truth told, whatever anything is, it seldom 'goes' for
much longer than a half hour or so at any rate before it is interrupted by a commercial break. And don't even get
me started on those appalling 4_______ (inform) most of the networks run right the way through the night, one
after another, for up to thirty minutes at a time. lt is truly painful. Terrestrial television is now, as far as I am
concerned, a laughing stock. All the quality has been bought up by the satellite networks, with their big-money
weight behind them, but even here 5_______ (pick) are slim. In protest at the dire state of things, I have
become a converted 6_______ (net). I look to the web now to find good content. There, I can find just enough
7_______ (run) of quality programmes to prevent myself from falling into utter despair and pining for the
good old days of 8_______ (year).

1. watershed: bước ngoặt 2. applicability: tính có thể ứng dụng

3. bygone: đã qua 4. infomercials: quảng cáo 5. pickings: lợi lộc

6. netizen: dân mạng 7. re-run: sự phát lại 8. yesteryear: quá khứ, năm ngoái

C. In January 2001, the 1_______ (govern) Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued its latest report on climate
change. Climate models worked out by giant super-computers had become far more reliable since the previous
report in 1995 and allowed them to 2_______ (praise) the earlier projections for global warming. Their
conclusions were that something very serious is happening and that it cannot be a natural process. The 1990s
was the hottest decade for 1,000 years and the Earth is warming faster than at any time in the last 10,000 years.
According to the report, human activities are 3_______ (equivocate) to blame for the temperature rise. The
burning of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide and, due to deforestation, there are fewer trees to absorb this gas
and recycle it back into oxygen. Methane 4_______ (concentrate) have also gone up dramatically because of
increases in rice culture and 5_______ (cattle), both of which generate methane from 6_______ (compose)
vegetation. These greenhouses gases trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere and cause the temperature to rise. In
the worst case, the resulting melting of ice-caps and glaciers would cause sea levels to rise by up to 88 cm,
endangering the homes and 7_______ (lively) of tens of millions of people who live in low-lying regions.

Unfortunately, there is far greater 8_______ (unanimous) among the world’s scientists over the issue than
among politicians. As long ago as 1990, the IPCC recommended a 60% reduction in carbon dioxide 9_______
(emit), as the basic level required to return the planet’s climate to a healthy level. Governments globally failed
to 10_______ (act) these proposals. Now that the dangers have been reaffirmed by the latest report, it is high
time that governments took an active interest in exploring alternative, renewable energy sources.

1. intergovernmental: nhiều chính phủ 2. reappraise: đánh giá lại 3.unequivocally: rõ rệt, dứt khoát 4.
concentrations: nồng độ

5. cattle(-)raising/ breeding: chăn nuôi gia súc 6. decomposing: phân hủy 7. livelihood: sinh kế
8. unanimity : sự nhất trí

9. emissions: sự tỏa ra, khí thải 10. enact: ban hành

D. People intuitively recognize the importance of self-esteem to their psychological health, so it isn't
particularly remarkable that most of us try to protect and enhance it in ourselves whenever possible. What is
remarkable is that attention to self-esteem has become a(n) 1_______ (commune) concern, at least for
Americans, who see a favorable opinion of oneself as the central psychological source from which all manner
of positive outcomes spring. The corollary, that low self-esteem lies at the root of individual and thus 2_______
(society) problems and 3_______ (function), has sustained an ambitious social agenda for decades. Indeed,
campaigns to raise people's sense of self-worth abound. Consider what transpired in California in the late
1980s. Prodded by State Assemblyman John Vasconcellos, Governor George Deukmejian set up a task force on
self-esteem and personal and social responsibility. Vasconcellos argued that raising self-esteem in young
people would reduce crime, teen pregnancy, drug abuse, school 4_______ (achieve) and pollution. At one
point, he even expressed the hope that these efforts would one day help balance the state budget, a prospect
predicated on the observation that people with high 5_______ (regard) earn more than others and thus pay more
in taxes. Along with its other activities, the task force assembled a team of scholars to survey the relevant
literature. The results appeared in a 1989 volume 6_______ (title) The Social Importance of Self-Esteem,
which stated that "many, if not most, of the major problems plaguing society have roots in the low self-esteem
of many of the people who make up society." In reality, the report contained little to support that assertion.

1. communal : công cộng, chung 2. societal : thuộc xã hội 3. dysfunctions : sự hoạt động khác
thường 4. underachievement: sự làm kém, không tốt như mong đợi 5. self-regard : tự trọng 6.
entitled: được đặt tên

E. An emerging discipline called neuroaesthetics is seeking to bring scientific 1_______ (objective) to the
study of art, and has already given us a better understanding of many 2_______ (master). The blurred
3_______ (image) of Impressionist paintings seems to stimulate the brain's amygdala, for instance. Since the
amygdala plays a crucial role in our feelings, that finding might explain why many people find these pieces so
4_______ (move).

Could the same approach also shed light on abstract twentieth-century pieces, from Mondrian's geometrical
blocks of colour, to Pollock's 5_______(seem) haphazard arrangements of splashed paint on canvas? 6_______
(sceptical) believe that people claim to like such works simply because they are famous. We certainly do have
an inclination to follow the crowd. When asked to make simple 7_______ (perceive) decisions such as
matching a shape to its rotated image, for example, people often choose a definitively wrong answer if they see
others doing the same. It is easy to imagine that this 8_______ (mental) would have even more impact on a
fuzzy concept like art appreciation, where there is no right or wrong answer.

1. objectivity: tính khách quan 2. masterpieces: kiệt tác 3.imagery : hình tượng 4.moving: cảm

5. seemingly: có vẻ 6. skeptics: những người hoài nghi 7. perceptual : thuộc tri giác, cảm
giác 8. mentality: tâm lí

F. Pop art was a(n) 1_______ (convention) art style in which 2_______ (common) objects such as comic strips,
soup cans and road signs were used as subject matter, and were often incorporated into the work. The pop art
movement was largely a British and American cultural phenomenon of the late 1950s and ‘60s. Art critic
Lawrence Alloway, referring to the prosaic 3_______ (icon) of its painting and sculpture, named the movement
pop art. It represented an attempt to return to a more objective and 4_______ (universe) accepted form of art
after the dominance in both the United States and Europe of the highly personal abstract 5_______ (express).
The art form was iconoclastic, rejecting the 6_______ (supreme) of the ‘high art’ of the past and the 7_______
(pretend) of other contemporary avant-garde art. Pop art became a cultural institution because of its close
reflection of a particular social situation and because its easily 8_______ (comprehend) images were
immediately exploited by the mass media. Although the critics of pop art describe it as sensational and non-
aesthetic, its proponents saw it as an art that was democratic and not 9_______ (discriminate), bringing
together both connoisseurs and untrained inexperienced viewers. Even though public reaction to pop art was
10_______ (favour), it found critical acceptance as a form of art suited to the highly technological, mass media-
oriented society of western countries.

1. unconventional: trái với thường lệ 2. commonplace : tầm thường, quen thuộc 3.

iconography: sự mô tả bằng hình tượng

4. universally: toàn cầu 5. expressionism : chủ nghĩa biểu hiện 6. supremacy: uy quyền

7. pretentiousness: sự phô trương, khoe khoang 8. comprehensible: có thể hiểu được 9.

discriminatory: phân biệt đối xử

10. unfavourable: không có ích

G. The comedy Bringing Up Baby, on the other hand, presents practically non-stop dialogue delivered at
1_______ (neck) speed. This use of dialogue 2_______ (score) not only the dizzy quality of the character
played by Katherine Hepburn, but also the 3_______ (absurd) of the film itself and thus its humor. The
audience is bounced from gag to gag and conversation to conversation; there is no time for audience reflection.
The audience is caught up in a(n) 4_______ (wind) of activity in simply managing to follow the plot. This film
presents pure 5______ (escape) - largely due to its frenetic dialogue.

1. breakneck: nguy hiểm 2. underscores: nhấn mạnh 3. absurdity: điều vô lí 4. whirlwind: cơn lốc
5. escapism: sự thoát li thực tế

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