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Characteristics of Leadership

NAME: Andrew Cajipe Date: October 26, 2022

COURSE/YEAR & SECTION: AB PolSci 1 Professor: Pablo Montejo


5 Ambition 2 Relevant Profession Knowledge

___ Initiative/Self-Starter ___ Capacity for Abstract Thought
___ Willingness to work hard
___ Analytical Ability
___ Enterprising
___ Objectivity
___ Dynamism/Enthusiasm
8 Problem-Solver
___ Well-Organized planner
___ Simplicity of life 3 Intelligence

___ Patience ___ Imagination

___ Dedication/Commitment ___ Vision/foresight

___ Generosity ___ Ability to spot opportunities

___ Open-Mindedness ___ Forcefulness

___ Single-Mindedness ___ Ability to adjust

7 Decisiveness 1 Integrity

___ Sociability 9 Listener

___ Approachability ___ Facilitator

___ Sensitivity to people ___ Self-Confidence

6 Empathy/understanding to others ___ Sensitivity to events

10 A good communicator ___ Ability to win confidence of others

___ Ability to meet unpleasant situations 4 Perseverance

Review your Leadership Style

Name: Andrew Cajipe COURSE/YEAR & SECTION: AB PolSci 1
Date: October 26, 2022 Professor: Pablo Montejo

1. In reviewing your own leadership behavior, what style of leadership (Tell-Persuade-Consult-

Participate-Delegate) have you chosen the most frequently? Explain briefly why you selected that
- I chose consulting because, when making decisions for a group or organization, you must
let your members identify solutions and try to persuade them to suggest alternative
2. Is your leadership usually influenced more by personality forces in your self or in the group or by
forces in the situation? Have you ever tended to neglect any of these forces?
- I am usually influenced by personality forces. As someone who has a very positive
personality, it is believed that leaders who have a very positive personality are good at
managing large teams and conciliate conflicts among team members.
3. Do you usually let the members of your group know you intend to use your authority as the
leader and how much influence they will have in making a particular decision? Explain your
- Yes, because power and authority provide you with a practical means of achieving
organizational goals by leading the effort and productivity of others.
4. How much attention do you give to long-term objectives (such as increased motivation,
individual development, and teamwork) when choosing a leadership style? Justify your answers.
- As someone who got a lot of patience when it comes to decision making, being able to do
and execute properly the objectives is a top priority for me. Being able to do these makes
an individual a more efficient and effective leader. The ability to operate efficiently is a
leadership quality that goes hand in hand with organization. Simply put, efficiency means
not wasting time while working toward a goal. A leader's time will be better spent if they
have a clear direction, a goal to focus on, and the motivation to achieve it.

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