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A Walk for Tomorrow

By: Jannah C. Latap BSEd 4- English

I'm on the part of my life where I no longer know where my path will take me. I don't
know if the course I choose will take me to the future I am looking forward to. Sometimes I am
asking myself what I really want, who I wanted to become, and what future I wanted to. 

This drawing wants me to tell myself about choosing the path to take. What decision to
make and what dreams to pursue. Knowing that my decisions will affect my future. This
drawing will be my reminder that it's not too late to figure out the things I really like. I need to
weight my decisions and actions. I need to do the things that I love and the things that makes
me happy. I need to allow myself to grow as an individual because I know that I can be a
better person. That there is a better future ahead of me. One day I will look back in all my
uncertainties and will finally say, I made it. I choose the right track; I made the right choice and
my sacrifices are worth it. That my dreams are worth risking. There may be times that I try to
question myself, my worth and the things around me. It feels like I’m not progressing, I feel
like I was still stuck in a same place. But later on, as I understand the nature of the world. I
realized that, I should not force myself in things that I’m out of reach. That there is time for
everything. I just need to fasten myself and enjoy the journey towards success. Its okay to cry,
what is important is that, I know how to wipe my own tears and face the world with a bright

For now, I just need to enjoy the little things that I have. I should not allow myself to
settle for less because I deserve the best. I just need to be kind to myself. I know that what's
for me will find its way to me. I have to be extra careful about my actions and decisions in life
as I wait for my perfect timing. I know that God will lead me to a better path. All I need to do is
believed in myself that I can make it with His help and my determination.

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