Plant Transport 06 Handout

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Summary Transport in Plants – Outline

A plant is an integrated system

which: I. Plant water needs
1. Obtains water and nutrients II. Transport of water and minerals
from the soil.
A. From Soil into Roots
2. Transports them
B. From Roots to leaves
3. Combines the H2O with CO2
to make sugar. C. Stomata and transpiration
4. Exports sugar to where it’s
needed Why do plants need so much water?
The importance of water potential, pressure,
Today, we’ll start to go over solutes and osmosis in moving water…
how this occurs

Transport in Plants Transport in Plants

• One way systems: plants need a lot more

1. Animals have circulatory systems. water than same sized animals.
• A sunflower plant “drinks” and “perspires” 17
2. Vascular plants have one way systems. times as much as a human, per unit of mass.

Transport of water and minerals Transport of water and minerals

in Plants in Plants
Water (with minerals) -
Water is good for plants: enters from the soil,
1. Used with CO2 in photosynthesis to travels through xylem
make “food”. exits the leaves (through stoma).
2. The “blood” of plants – circulation
(used to move stuff around).
3. Evaporative cooling.
4. Used for turgor pressure to hold plant What makes it move?

Transport of water and minerals Transport of water and minerals
in Plants in Plants
What makes it move? Water potential = the tendency water
‹ Water potential = the tendency of water to move
to move from one place to another Water is usually a solution
 across a membrane. • \ potential pulls water.
‹ pure water (would have WP=0) • ⊕ potential pushes water.

• Thus, water flows toward more \

water potential.

Transport in Plants Transport in Plants

Water potential (Ψ Psi) = Water potential (Ψ Psi)
Pressure potential + Solute Potential
has 2 parts, Ψ=Ψp+Ψs
Ψ=Ψp+Ψs ‹ Pressure potential, Ψp = hydraulic
‹ Pressure potential, Ψp = hydraulic pressure.
pressure. (like in a car’s brake line, or like air pressure in
(like air pressure in tires). tires).

How water potential works

Transport in Plants
• Water potential (Ψ) has 2 parts,
Ψ=Ψp+Ψs In the tube:

‹ Solute potential, Ψs = tendency of a Ψs = -0.4

liquid to move across a membrane - Ψp = 0
to itthe
Think of likeside
a tugwith a higher
of war – concentration
The waterof dissolved
is the ‘rope’ solutes. Beaker has distilled water
 Water flows toward more \ solute Ψ=0
potential (unless resisted by ⊕
pressure potential).
Fig 36.2

How water potential works How water potential works
Ψ=Ψp+Ψs Water moves toward
more \ osmotic
• Difference in Ψ so – Or
• BeakerÆTube Resistance to entry of
• Pressure potential water
(from gravity on the E.g. Cell walls (Here a
column of water) piston)
• Until it is equal and Ψs doesn’t change
opposite to the \
osmotic pressure. Water enters But water still leaks in
plant cells to raise Ψp until
Ψp = 0.15 through balanced water
Ψs = -0.15 osmosis potentials
Fig 36.2 Fig 36.2

Turgor provides support and

Water potential keeps plants from wilting
• Water enters cell by osmosis –
• ⊕ pressure potential (turgor pressure)
This is how: increases and balances the \ osmotic
• Plants get support (pressure) pressure (it is equal and opposite).
• Water moves into and out of plant cells
• Water stops moving - the cell is turgid.

Summary of Water Potential

• Water potential = the tendency of a Summary of Water Potential
solution to absorb or release water Solute potential, Ψs:

• Water flows towards?

K+ K+
Or - K+
K+ K+
H2 0 K+ K+
\ water potential wins K+
the tug of war K+

Transport in Plants
Transport of water and minerals
• Osmosis - water movement
in Plants between living cells.
• Osmosis has a major influence getting • Soil Æ root xylem, water
water from the soil to the root xylem. passes through living cells

• Pressure potential is responsible for

moving water through the xylem to the Why?
leaves (and air).

From the soil to the root xylem Movement of minerals into the cells is
through active transport
• Mineral ions move across membrane transport
• Water moves freely proteins.
through cell walls and • Active transport against a concentration
intercellular spaces, but, gradient.
Fig 36.5
• Casparian strips Fig 36.3
preventing water and
ions flow
• Has to goes thru
cytoplasm of the
endodermis cells.

Transport in Plants 2 Control Points with Transport

Mineral ion concentrations affects • Endodermis – water from cortex Æ
solute potential endodermis
Plants control:
• the concentration of mineral • Cells near xylem Fig 36.4
create an osmotic
ions in living cells, hence
gradient that moves
• they control osmosis in roots. water into the xylem.

Transport in Plants Transport in Plants
Mineral ions move out of the cell (active • Xylem - movement is
transport) controlled by pressure
potential (hydraulic
Water potential is more negative outside
So water moves out of the cell (osmosis)

• Water and minerals are

SO: pulled (\ pressure potential)
Minerals – active/direct through the xylem without
Water follows passively expending energy. How?

How are water and minerals are pulled It’s like sucking on a straw……
through the xylem?
Water diffuses out of leaf.

• Transpiration – evaporation Water evaporates off leaf cells

of water from leaves to replace it.
This pulls water from veins.
• Tension – in the xylem sap
This tension pulls the water
from transpiration
column up

• Cohesion – in the xylem sap

along the plant

Fig 36.8

It’s like sucking on a straw…… Transport of water and minerals

• In the xylem - movement is in Plants
controlled by pressure
potential (hydraulic • There is negative water
pressure). potential in stems.
• What happens if you were to
Because: cut the base of a stem?
Dry air has very negative Ψ • Break the cohesion in the
(Ψ = -95 MPa) water column
Soil is between –0.01 to –3 MPa

Transport in Plants Summary of Root to Leaf Water
• With • Osmosis = motor for getting water from
‹high humidity the soil into the root xylem.
‹ wet soils • Water only moves through cell sap.
some plants will even have water
pushed out of the leaves =
“guttation” • Endodermis cells control the osmotic
gradient pulling water in (with energy and
• “root pressure”: osmotic transport proteins)
pressure due to higher solute
concentration in root xylem sap • Xylem does the same: osmotically pulls
than in the soil. water into the root xylem.

Summary of Root to Leaf Water Transpiration and the Stomata

Movement • Transpiration
• To get water to the top of (= evaporation of water from leaves)
tall plants…. pulls water and minerals up stems AND provides
evaporative cooling, but
• It is pulled by the
evaporation of water from
the leaves (like the pull • It results in tremendous loss of water, which
must be controlled.
generated by sucking on a

How do stomata work?

Transpiration and the Stomata • The stoma (or pore):
Plants manage costs and benefits (CO2 in for surrounded by two guard cells
photosynthesis, H2O out) with:
• Epidermis – Flat cells covered by a waxy • Guard cells control the opening
waterproof cuticle. and closing of the stoma
• Stomata – Pores that let CO2 in and H2O out changes in the guard cell water
when there’s not too much water stress. potential
These are highly regulated by the plant

Mechanism of stomatal opening Mechanism of stomatal opening
• Light cues most plants to open • H2O moves into the guard cells to
stomata maintain osmotic balance.
• Active transport of potassium ions • Stretching and turgidity of the
into the guard cells. Fig guard cells….. Fig
36.11 • Stomata open. 36.11
• What happens to the water potential
of the guard cells? • (Closing is the reverse started by
• What will happen to water? passive diffusion of potassium out
of guard cells.)

Regulation of stomatal opening Signals for stomatal opening

• Stomata typically open in the day
(in response to light) and close at • A low level of CO2 in the leaf
night. constrains photosynthesis and favors
‹ This provides CO2 for stomatal opening.
photosynthesis during the day, but • If the plant is too dry:
saves water at night. mesophyll cells release abscisic
acid Æ stomata to close.

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