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Safe Working Practices


Housekeeping i8 most important aspect in ensuring safe condition at workplace in

ries/plants. Special attention needs to be paid to house keeping by management by fixing respor
sibilties and making employees answerable for any lapses. Periodic and surprise checks should
be conducted to monitor observance of housekeeping and apply corrective measures as necessaVy
Housekeepng can be promoted by posters and displays at various locations and observance of
cleanliness week etc.
The following general care and precautions should be observed by all employees
The materials, tools equipment etc. should be placed at their designated places. Thesc
shouldbe put back in prescribed place after use.
Nothing should be stacked/placed from where it may fall and hit any one below causing
All floors, passages, stairs should be kept clean, dry and non-slippery condition. Spilled
oil, chemical ete. should be immediately cleaned and measures be taken to modify
procedure/work practices that cause spillage. Where there is possibility ofleakage of oil
proper drainage arrangements should be made.
Stairs, fire escapes and passages should be kept clear of all obstructions, storing no
material at such places.
Almirah, doors, desk/cabinet drawers should not be left open and personal belongings
of workers be kept in lockers only.
he properlighting should be ensured and fused bulb/tube light be replaced immediately.
Nails, other sharp objects should not be left on floors, stairs and passages. They should
be discarded in the dustbin, if found, lying in such places.
Rags, oily waste, broken bulbs, glass ete. should be deposited in designated metal
All projecting nails in areas like shuttering, packing etc. should be removed or bentto
Adequate no. of suitable scarp/waste disposal bins should be provided at different loca-
tions. Scarp should not be allowed to accumulate, but removed regularly from the work
area to identified areas.
The practice of throwing scrap, materials, equipments etc. from elevated location to
lower levels should be strictly forbidden. Suitable measures should be taken to lower
such items safely.
Dirty and oily waste rage should be deposited in approved containers and disposed off
as soon as practicable to avoid fire hazard.
Broken light bulbs, glass metal, searp and other serap objects should be dumped in
places or containers provided specially for them.
Discarded fluorescent and other gas filled tubes should be disposed off' sately.

Portable equipment should be returned to their
The guards should be provided designated svr age piate ziter ne

in all the elevated platforma, aisiea, *airk t t
materials frorn ,
rolling over and
Construction material and inflammabfalling
ower penple at Iorerelevatitn,

material shouid be kept away
Alldrains, sewers, tunnela/channels and basement be cleaned perin
specitically before monsoon. AlI efforts be made to avnd water kREIng in the ar
Places here repair work is in progress or manhole whose.caver is rEmTEdlT
where a person canfall should be guarded by railing and warning signs and reA
visible from a
Air/water hoses, electrical wires should not be run across the loor. These hti
preferably be taken along the wall or else should be fized up at a height at least 7
above ground level.
Gas cylinder should be stored in well ventilated enclosures.
The broken floors and stairs be repaired promptly
Separate containers for degradable and non-degradable waste be kegt and be dispone
of separately.
Protruding nails on wooden scrap should be bent down or be remred tefre beinz
Equipments, tools, scrap and other object should not be left lying unattended wher
they could cause an accident either by falling or causing a person to fall.
Greenery and vegetation should be developed in all possible locations f plant arta
The plantation of trees should be encouraged and its cutting should be hanned to the
extent possible.


1. Safety of the self and others is the primary responsibility of each employee. Always usg
helmets and safety shoes when at work.
2. Safety principles are based on good work culture and attitude of each employee.
3. While planning the job consider the following points
a Identify various activities involved in the work/job.
b Find out likely hazards such as fire, likelyhond offall, slips, cuts, burns, etc. in each
activity and remedial measures to prevent aceidents by the assuciated hazards.
c) Find out necessary safety apparels to be used for each type of work such as working at
height, grinding, gas cutting, welding ete.
d Check your hand tuois such as screw drivers, hammers, pliers, chisels, pomer tools such
as drill machines etc. for their healthy and service worthy undition
e Discuss the work procedures with Engineer in-chargejob nupervizor.
f Provide firm scaffolda, platforms with side rails and ve beards while working at heigh:.
7.2.1. Accidents-Factors Responsible. Almost every situation can be susceptible to
accident. It is important to analyse factors which can cause acidents. Atcidents could happen
di to unsafe acts, unsafe conditions, mental and physical state of workers, and lack of satety
a wareness. Accidents could occur in the form
of fall, slip, slide, colision, being caught in,
plosion, burn, fatality, electric shock, ett. Aucidents result in annoyance, production delays,
reduced quality, spoilage. property dmage, minur or disatling injuries, fatality, etc.

pragrannes help in imnproving safety hehaviour of orkers, thus
Safety training
unsafe cts like
actslike respect 1or protective equipment or guard, hazardous morements and hazardou
of handling, use of proper tois, house play etc. Unsafe conditiona responsible for accidents
ipeffective safety devicen, hazardous housekeeping, defective talslequipment/machine
/ventilation, improper dress/apparel for job, ett.

aprperiodic safety inspeetions fusing checklists) enable detection of unsafe conditiona

workerss a f e t y
safety rules should be en forced. All workers should be made to know, understardan
foilow s a f e t y y instructions. Safety
nust be planned as part of the job and hazardo

Use of safety devices and PPE must he made mandatory.
can play a key role in avoiding accidents by giving due care to following
Safety supervisor
otnts Performing hazard analyses of jobs
Enforcement ofsafety rules/instructions
T o impart safety knowledge
to workers
Improving safety by involvement of workers on basis of concept of quality cycle
Matching workers capabilities to task requirements
Improving safe working conditions.
- Ensuring use of safety devices and PPE
Make frequent contacts with employees regardingsafety measures
- Planning safety as part of job.

7.3 SAFE
3.1.Illumination.Where natural lightingis not adequate for safe working, particularly
at all work places and their
n.ght, adequate
and suitable artificial lighting should be provided

2proaches including passage ways as per : 3646 (Part-II).

latest IS
p p

Artificial lighting should not cause any glare or disturbing shadows.

suitable guards where necessary to prevent danger, if lamp
Lamps should be protected by or dry cell/
Hand-held lamps should not be powered by main supply but either by 24 volts
batteries. natural artificial lighting or both,
All places in plant should be provided adequate with or

performed. The general lighting should be

and special type of work
suitable for operations free from direct
distributed to avoid harsh shadows or strong contrasts and
uniform levei. widely both the inner
All windows and light fíxtures should be kept clean
or reflected glare.
and outer suriaces.
should regularly check bulbs, fluorescent tubes
The concerned engineer-in charge/supervisor
maintenance department without delay about any defects/probable
etc. and inform
zone should not exceed 85 dBA.
7.3.2. Noise Pollution. Noise level in operational/working m e a s u es to e n s u r e
should provide suitable engineering control or administrative
Management levels exceeding the
that noise level does not exceed
the limit and no worker is exposed to sound
excess of 90 dBA is
mazimum permissible noise exposure
levels as specified in IS. No exposure in
to be permitted without the use of precautionary m e a s u r e s .
effective control of noise poliution :
Following measures are recommended for
machines should be adhered to and only
Periodic, regular schedule for lubrication of all
recommended lubrication should be used for each and every machine.
level where ever provided should
6Silencers/acoustic lining/enclosures to restrict noiseshould be replaced/maintained pe-
echecked/inspected and worn out silencer/lining/enclosures
c orkers in areas where dE level is high should be provided with
Epment such as earplug, ear muf or ear seal
with ne.
personal ENVIRON
dThe Dse level of machine due to friction, vibration, unbalancing or w. protert
worn out bear
hoid be reduced by proper upkeep,repair and fubricating timety.
Regular audiometery test of workers should be undertaken where evn..
tral noisgA capable of producing hearing loss. exposureeto indu,
33. Dust/PumesGas. No person should be allowed to enter any chambe
pupe. or cberconfined space where zas, fumes, vapour or dust is likely
ikely to
to be
be pre
ber. Lank,vat,
a t promded with a manhole of adequate sizeor other effectivemeans otley
6 AJl practicable neasures have been taken to remove any gas/fumes/var
woch may be present so as to bring its level within permissible limits. Au
certificate in writing has been given by a competent persorn, based on a
c t by himself that the space is reasonably free from dangerousgas 1umes, vapour ord. arhe
d Harmful chemical should be enclosed with airtight apparatus to prevent leai
aminant sage
eThe workers should be provided with suitable personal protective equipment
the natzre of work to be carried out.
fAdequate zentilation and temperature control devices should bemade available i
ork area to cntrol the beat. in the
Adequate washing focilities with good water supply should be made available for ts.
734. Thermal Radiation. The management should make preventive maintenance
e oregulariy check the shielding, thermalinsulation of furnace, high temperature pro
e z and take adequate measures to avoid exposure of workers to hot netal parts, The wotken
= oring on soch jote and doing cutting welding jobs should be provided with recommended per
a l prtecre equipments.
735. Waste Disposal. Following points deserve attention in this connection. It shall e
esred e t arr rare zenerated is disposed offin a controlled manner with minimal impact on

i gi waste cn site shall be prohibited,

Wase aterial originating from on site works (plastic bag, cement bags, packing
rus timber. planks, chemicals etp.) should be carried away to an approved area.
If any chemval or oher wastes are stored temporarily in a dedicated area, the same
sioid e ionped in the appropriate waste pit periodically.
T minimize the risk of ground contamination and discharge to surface water drains
zfei. lubricants orchemical products, thefollowing measures shall be followed:
All chemial pruducts, paints or solvents shall be stored in properly designed an
ecntainersin areas away from water source and drains.
The proez shall install fuel storage tanks correctly within a special retentionare
o t a i n any spillage that may occur. This retention area shall be imperviousu
shail have sufficient capacity to contain the total volume of the fuel tanks.
'c, Miror spallage f il or fuel be collected by absorption blankets or granules.
Oil. zrease or eimilar products must not be drained into the ground or drains.
wia sitold be oileed, suzed in tight containers and removed from the site perioalcu
The ation xtruld be treat waste by separating oil before discharging to drain.
Te tanke in the project should accommodate sewage
c s t m n 1acitues
It ie the responsibility of the
project to install a number ot sep

tanks and
tilters for their
accommodations at site and empty them by
waste carrier, if necessary a
For disposal of water during
construction will
have to be taken to observe
care the
issued by MOE and F from time to time.
Project ensure that waste materials and
store chemicals empty containers previously used
safely disposed off so that they do not pose risk
environment. a to workers or the

Project should ensure that procedures for

known by management to the transport and disposal of chemicals are made
workers concerned.
Project should clean and maintain
floor areas, work benches and machinery surfaces
free from oil deposits and dusts.
Project should ensure that before the chemical wastes are
shall be disposed off, they
treated/neutralized with the appropriate chemicals.

Accident prevention is difticult without an understanding of accident

causation. Potential
ar aCCidents depends upon (u) unsafe acts, and (ii) unsafe condition. Hazard recognition is aimed
the study of the acCident process and attempts to find accident symptoms. Unsafe acts are on
erount of violation of rules, misjudgement, carelessness, abuse/neglect of safety devices,
deauate written procedures, and not imparting proper training to workers. An unsafe condition

is a
anv physical condition, which if left incorrected, is likely to lead to an accident. Safety can be
imnroved if such conditions at workplace are detected beforehand. Accidents can be prevented
fom occurring by using safety behaviour sampling of workers and carrying out critical
aminations of task and environmental variables to remove unsafe conditions.
Unsafe conditions can be detected by carrying out periodic safety appraisals which attempt
to identify unsafe conditions. Safety appraisals ensure that-
machines, tools, devices, etc. conform to prescribed safety standards.
- machine and equipment guards, safety devices and personal protective equipment are
illumination, ventilation, noise level, radiation, etc. at workplace are in accordance with
recommended practices.
working surface, stairs, ramps, ladders, fire protection equipment, etc. are in accordance
with the prescribed standards.
housekeeping, sanitation, waste disposal and material storage are as per prescribed
safe practices.
Hazard index can be developed by recognising the hazard and predicting its criticality in
terms of degree of injury, number of workers likely to be involved, if no action to remove unsufe
condition is taken, and the number of near miss accident experienced due to existence of unsafe


Identify hazards. Three basic questions may be asked

a) Is there a source of harm?
b) Who (or what) could be harmed ?
c) How could harm occur?
Broad categories of hazard.
a) Mechanical
b) Electrical

P'io nd xploam
Toxi oleano
Iuring tu worh aotivity, eould to olluwing baxAdu oxit (HOme Apecilie oxan
pecilie exampleg
al Nlipa/lill n the owel
th Palla of non from hoiglt
) all ol loola, nttoriala ote rom boilit
a a r d n annwiatod with m a l n / handli! of
1avandu Iromm plant and maohinery aoeintod uaombly
lazardu rom plant nd nbinory uOCiate with ONmbly, commissioniny
n , antonanew o
h nbaltion of toxie aubataneO
elortricity, hent, noie, etc)
( lamlul onorgioH (Rueh aa

Nippory nevon groundn/levolu

'repare Aetlon control plan
(a) ponible, oliminate hanarda
I olmination iH Dot pouuiblo, tako necewwary provontive measures to reduce impae
pact of
th ha iarda
)Take oanuren (hat protect ovoryon0
d) Striet implementation of Safety Apparelu.
P'ersonnel P'roteetive Wqulpment (PPE)
The une of pornonal protective quipment whould be contirmed tor the following activity
Uatr ef nafoty helmotn nnd uhovu uhould bo made compulsory in plant and work areas
u n nulety hurnoaw boltn and nehor them NOCurely while working at height.

Woar naety gogglew while grinding, drilling, chipping ote.

WolderH ahould ue face nhiold glovow otc.
dusty utmoaphore coalyard ete.
i dunt mankn whilo workin in in

Une cartridgo type chlorine mask while changing Cl, tonner in chlorination plant.

U var plupa in high noio urou Huch as turbine room, oed cycle near steam ejeetion

Any other type of PPE should be usod s indicatod in Work Permit.


All iren can be prevontod, Muin cause in u 8Ource of ignition coming in contuct with com
untble aterial in the proenco of air.

Muterial involved 7ype of extinguisher

Clun of e
A Ordinary combuntibeewood, papor, Waterjot or plain
ubor and cloth

P'l ablo liquids, potrol, korosono, Poam (APFF)

Plammabl (iane 1/, lydropon CO2, CID

Motal inlium of

.In the event ot fire on

live 87
used. olectrical equipment,
Strictly adhere to work Co2/DCP fire
areas where permit instructions extinguishers should De
flammables are for
welding, cutting and other hot work
.Where flammables are present.
ing and use stored and

flameproof used; ensure

.Use fuses and circuit electrical equipment. adequate ventilation; prohibit
.Avoid multi-socket connections.of correct capacity. smoK
Electrical repairs should be carried
out by
7.7 SAFETY DEVICES AND TOOLS qualified personnel only.
The safety devices and tools
used for
irements in
respect ol repair of electrical
dielectrie strength, insulation
The insulating gloves, gauntlets, equipment should comply with
d and worn out safety helmets and resistance, mechanical strength etc.
mats shoes,
in excess of 3000 volt
devices should not be used. insulated tools should be
circuits rating. Rubber device should not periodically
Insulating mats are used so that if used on

receiv shock. Conducting mats are used a

person touches live
at nlaces like hospital operation to part accidentally he will not
discharge electrostatic charges
and induced during work
mats are connected to earth. The where explosives are
insulating mats and the
used for the appropriate application. processed. The conducting
conducting mats should be labelled and
Rubber Safety Devices. All rubber
Se, thoroughly dried before protective equipment should be
being stored, protected
with oil, paint, creosote, gasoline, from mechanical inspected before
in sharply folded condition. kerosene and damage
acids ; stored in closed boxes andand from contaact
never be stored
Rubber Gloves and Gantlets are
used with
Leather glove can be worn over rubber
operating rods of HT and EHT Switchgear.
where necessary for
rubber glove. The right hand mechanical protection of the
glove wears out
should not be worm on right hand. The rubberearlier than the left hand glove. Then the left
strength at 10 kV gloves should be periodically tested for glove
Ladders and Other Supports should
not be
used unless the
strong and properly secured in places. Safety hooks or shoes support is
should be adequately
ders should not be left
leaning against a tree provided for ladders. Lad-
insecure object. They should be stored upon bracketsplaced upon a box, barrel or other moveable

vertically. Where they have to be inevitably stored in and in sheltered location, preferably hung
supported at intervals to prevent sagging. The anglehorizontal position, they should be
should not be less than 75° while properlyA
ladder should not be placed in front of doors or windows using.
doors or windows are locked. While opening towards the ladder unless the
going up or down a ladder the person should
ladder and use both the hands. always face the
Safety Belts should be made of leather suitable for
or pockets
may be provided for carrying tools.
fastening around the waist and straps
Safety belts should be inspected periodically and
before wearing for the condition of leather near
etc. holes, rivets, stitches, buckles, rings and straps,
They must be kept pliable by treating them occasionally
should be prevented from cuts and abrasions with suitable oil like castor oil. Belts
during storage and use and not be stored with
hardware cr sharp objects.
Safety belts should be wiped with clean linen after exposure to rain and be allowed to dry
al ambient
temperature, and should not be exposed to heat
Fibre Ropes made of manila fibre, sisal fibre and hemp should be inspected
nterior fibres may appear strong. After a certain period of use fibre ropes should be derated and
after a further period they must be discarded
irrespective of appearance. Ronos
handled roughly by pulling over rough surfaces. When ropes have
should henot y

bends soft padding by gunny bags wrapped around the edge

to be run
may be provided and
od over shar
should be passed over the same. Kinking should be avoided. and the
Wet rope should first be dried and then stored in coils. While
be overloaded. using ropes they
Wire Ropes. Wire ropes should not be overloaded and while ould ne
uncoiling kinks be avoidod
Coiling should be done in correct direction to avoid twist. Wire rope should
be cleaned
cated at regular intervals to avoid excessive wear fron
Short bends should be avoided. Sheaves of sufficient
abrasion and to andr ubr.
avoid erosion and
used. diameter and correct groove size shorusting
When workmen work at a eight on a
structure, pole or a tower the
vices and other materials ould be raised or lowered tools, proteet.
never be tossed up or down. Afibre
by means of lines hand
and toolss tive de
rope of minimum
12 mm
of size 10 cm shall constitute a hand-
A hand line diameter
and a single
sheave should
attachment on the pole as soon as the workman reaches hisshall be attached to the pole or blome
the pole. A hand line should not be
hung on a
working position and belts hime.
Chains should never be overloaded. Knots
and kinks should be
Sudden or abrupt application of removed before loadin.
should be used for
loads should avoided. Chains which
not lifting. are used for ha
Chains should be repaired only by ling
approved methods.
Chains should be regularly
open welds. Repaired chains
inspected for wear, damage, battered or bent
cleaned regularly to avoid excessive not
be used for
hoisting or heavy hauling. links, stretch and
Chains should be
wear at the interlink
chains should be thoroughly cleaned and points. Before storing for long
lubricated. periods
Slings. All slings should be carefully
familiarize themselves with the use of inspected before using each day. All users
slings with respect to size and safe loads should
ing angles. Slings should never be used at an for various load.
evenly distributed when multiple slings are usedangle less than 30° to the horizontal. Load must
and care should be exercised be
slings. Multiple slings should be of equal cross-section. never to overload

edges of loads unless adequate padding is placed to Slings should not be placed around sharp
provide damage to the sling.
A ladder should never be
the ladder is held by another
placed on slanting
oily, slippery or on vibrating footings, unless
person or securely fastened to prevent
it from
The base of a ladder should not be slipping
or twisting.
placed more than 1/4th the length of the ladder from a wall or
supporting surface. Ladders placed near doors or in passageways should be
being struck by doors or traffic. protected against
All ladders should be inspected at
ladder has
regular intervals and maintained properly. When a
fallen or been struck, it should be carefully inspected for
possible damage before use.
overlap of sections for extension ladders should be sufficient to
extens1ons. prevent collapse o
All ladders for outdoor use should be
given a suitable coating such as clear vanish or
seed oil. Metallic paint shall not be used on wood ladders. Portable metal ladders shall notnde
used unless specifically authorised.
The use of ladders for other than their intended use and the use of defective ladders ls
prohibited. Split, brokenor otherwise defcctive
ladders should be destroyed or cut to smalie
While going up or down a ladder, always face the ladder and use both hands for climbing

When you BClect portable ladder, chooRe the proper
Whenever possibie, make sure the type and size and inspect it for
f e n d at least three feet top of the
above the gtenoc straight
g h t or extension de-
ladder will be long enough
extension ladder will be long enougn
Stra ladders and extension
ladders, except for job made ladders, are not to be
uniess thev
th have safety feet. Job-made
ladders should only be used for a ustea
ey should also be
If possible, they specific purpose in-

provided with slip resistant feet.

Never climb an extension or straight
ladder that is not
Js holding the dder to ovent it from moving. tied off adequately unless someone
Re sure that the horizontal distance
from the foot of
afthe vertical support it rests against is
straight or extension ladder to the
hase equal to one-fourth the working length of
ladder the
Do not work higher than the second
step from the top of a
stepladder the third rung
the top of a straight ladder

If it is necessary to0 place a ladder in the

and post warning signs or post a watchman.
swing of travel of a
doorway, barricade the door
Use a ladder-climbing safety device when it is
Do not use stepladders as straight ladders.
Straight or extension ladders are to be provided with safety feet and must be tied off or
held when in use.

Face the ladder and use both hands when ascending or

descending ladders.
Carry tools up and down a ladder in a tools holder and raise them with a hand line or
Clean mud or
grease from shoes before climbing ladders. Ladder steps should also be kept
cleaned of oil and grease.

Only person at a time is permitted to work from a ladder.


Do not use boxes, chairs, barrels etc. as a base for a ladder.

Do not use a fixed ladder from which there is a fall potential of over 6 meters unless it is
equipped with and approved cage or a ladder safety climbing device.
Do not use a fixed ladder that is greater than 10 meters in length unless the ladder is
provided with a cage, offsets and rest platforms at least every 10 meter or is equipped with ladder
safety climbing device.
Fixed ladders must have at least17-18 cms clearance from the centreline of the grab bars
to the nearest permanent object behind the grab bars.
While climbing the ladder the foot should be at right anglesto the step of the ladder.
Ladders are to be inspected before cach use and defective ladders are to be tagged for the

While going for any repairs analyse the hazards and take required personal protective
equipment for wearing in these conditions., Take required safety precautions while working.
Never start work on any pipe line or electric line till a permit has been issued, line has
beenj8olated and tag has been placed at control switch showing that it is under permit "Not to be
perated". Always wear head protection while going for maintenance jobs. Carry all the required
ols for the job in bag and after completion, do not leave any tools lying around.
Never start machinery or cquipment without proper guard. Never consider a job com-
pleted till the required guard has been fitted. Never leave a machine running without guard even
while checking.
If any floor plates or pit covers have beon renoved for
repairs to machiner NNIRONMET
Teplaced back after completion of the work. When the work is in
etc, so that others cannot reach progress, put up som
ut up
upto hazard.
While attending electric defects, you must have a
line is isolated. Use a main switch look out permit to work on line
e and .
device. and see
Every machine or clectrical equipment must be properly oarthed. that the
amperage according to load on the line Use fuse wiro
Do not make loose connections. Do
not insert naked wires into sockets, Yas oper
proper plug for cach cquipment earth
witlr connections.
While working with portable tools, check for worn ust use a
plug and if there is any defect get it rectified. Do not out wires, loose
try to rectify electricalconnections r broken
the help of an electrician. Do not leave
broken plugs, sockets, det
it switches and worn out c
is:get then changed. out cableset
When lifting any load you must know the
safe working load of
sive load than the marked SWL the crane. Never
capacity. lit ov
The loading hook should be in the
he help of crane to centre of the load to be
lifted. Never drag the
bring it under the loading hook. load with



Fhg. 7.1.
Crane signals.

r repairs to machinery, it
put up some must bo
barrier lifted only one man should give correct as shown in Fig:
is in progress, When a load is being signals
h should be followed by crane operator attentively.
a make sure that there a r e no links in chain or in wire of the crane or
Before lifting load, because as 1
TY ings being used. AIso the leg angle of sling should not be more than 90°,
to work on line and see increases, the tension 1n legs increases. Never lift the load with a sudden jerk.
aa ses, the
that the also see that the anchor can stand
When lifting a load with a chain pulley block you should to stand the
Use liited.
earthed. fuse wires of load being There are chances tlvat anchórage may not be strong enoughshackles should be
proper tload Dto lifting capacity of the chain pulley block. Also defects in hooks and
es into sockets. You must checked (see Fig.
use a
res,loose connections or bro
yelectrical defects ken
vitches and worn out yourself,,
cables getas
Blow lHoles Opened Out Hooks
of the crane. Never lift

ted. Never drag the

load with

Reduction in
Crack at the Neck Dianieter of'D' Shackle

Fig. 7.2. Possible defects in Hooks and Shackles.

Operator should-
The Crane
Never use a crane which is under repairs.
the work.
Check all the controls before starting
controls at time.
use more than two
Never foot from ground.
isalright by lifting the load about a
Check before moving that slinging load from
or tool lying on the crane trolley while moving
Never leave any workpiece
one place to another.

Never stand under the load being lifted.


to another.
while carrying the cylinder from one place
Always close the cylinder valve foreman and use a mask while
In case of leakage from gas cylinder
immediately inform the
DOWN handling a leaking cylinder.
lubricate its valve or other fittings.
naked flame and never
Keep the cylinder away from always light with a friction
For lighting the welding
torch flame do not use a match stick,

ighter head protection, body and feet protec

While welding you must use goggles, hand shield,
LIon against sparks etC.
of other people are not
use a side screen for welding so that the eyes
As far as possible
the same protective equipment as being
used by the
a1tected. Welder's helper should also use

When a load is being lifted only one man should give correct nignals nn shown in Fig. 7.1
should be followed by crano operator uttentivoly.
Before lifting a load, mako Nure that thero aro no linkN in chain or in wire of the crane or
haeslings being used Also the leK angle of sling should not be more than 90, because as it
ses, the tonsion in legs ineronses, Nover lift the load with a sudden jork.
When lifting a load with a chain pully block you should also see that the anchor can stand

load being lited. here aro chance tmt anehorage may not bestrong enough to stand the
theto liting capacity of the chain pulloy block. Also dofects in hooks and shackles should be

(see Pig. 7.2)
(O) (O

Blow Iloles Opened Out llooks


Roduction in
Crack at the Neck Dianeter of'D' Shackle
Fig. 7.2. Possible defects in Hooks and Shackles.

The Crane Operator should

Never use a crane which is under ropairs.
.Check all the controls before starting the work.
Never use more than two controls at a time.
Check betore moving that slinging is alright by lifting the load about a foot from ground.
Never leave any workpiece or tool lying on the crane or trolley while moving ioad from
one place to another.
Never stand under the load being lifted.


Always close the cylinder valve while carrying the cylinder from one place to another.
In case ofleakage from gas cylinder immediately inform the foreman and use a mask while
handling a leaking cylinder.
Keep the cylinder away from naked flame and never lubricate its valve or other fittings.
lighting theweldingtorch flame do not use a match stick, always light with a friction

While welding you must use goggles, hand shield, head protection, body and feet protec-
10nagainst sparks etc.
As far as possible use a side screen for welding so that the eyes of other people are not
1fected. Welder's helper should also use the same protective equipment as being
elder. used by the
The electric welders should not make loose connections for supply to translormcrs. Elos
cally supply line must be connected by the electrician only at the work place ctr

Never lift a load beyond capacity, ask for help.

When lifting pointed
always w.
always wear
gloves. obstacles in way by which
a r e no
Before lifting a load, see for surroundings that there you
have to carry the load. close to body. When liftinu
Never bend your back while
keep the load
lifting a load and
load to be lifted, bend your
legs at knces, kecp the ho
load, place your right foot forward by the a r m s and legs
with a firm grip. Never .
the muscles of your put
straight, chin up and lift with
strain on your back by bending.
rod ladder etc. always keep the
farther end ofthe rod up so that
at it
While carrying a long or

may not hit some other workers.

While carrying load in a trolley:

Never overload the trolley.

cannot see the pathway for obstacles or where you ar

N e v e r load it so high that you

carrying it.
Always push the trolley
instead of pulling. control its speed.
On a slope, take the help
from s o m e oneif you cannot
a level ground
and in the required
Always place the load on and check that the stack will
is not level place the load on wooden planks etc.
If the ground
not fall down. lines in stacking
that it does not fall. Break the
stacking, stack up to safe height
done in case of making walls
with bricks.
similar shaped articles a s is
that these
stoppers at ends in lowest rung
When stacking round objects, always place
cannot move outwards.


Always use the correct tools required for each job.

driver etc. with a broken slippery or loose handle,
D o not use hammer, file, s c r e w

such handles and then only use.

replace dressed or
should not be used. These should be
Tools with broken or mushroomed heads
if cannot be rectified should be discarded.
use them. Spanners of proper
Worn out or opened out spanners may slip, never
should be used for cach job. Never use a spanner with a packing or a leverage.

While using wrenches, apply pulling effort, never push it.

Never adopt wrong uses of hand tools e.g.

Using a spanner in place of a hammer

- Using a puller in place of a spanner
Using a chisel in place of a screw driver
Using a screw driver for opening boxes.
Such practices damage the tools and also cause acidents.
While using portable power tools, check for broken plugs, worn out or loose cords, carthing
connections ete,, if defective, get it rectificd and then only use it.
Workshops and garages should have adequate natural or artificial lighting, or both, suit-
far the operations and the type of work performed. Suitable atmospheric conditions need to
abientained in all work rooms by natural or artificial means to avoid insufficient air suppiy.
S guards shall be provided at the point of operation on all tools. Guards shall not be
removedexcept when the machine is
reletion of repairs or
stationary for the purposes of repairs
adjustments the guard shall be immediately replaced.adjustments.
or Upon
com Electrically driven portable tools shall have 3 wire extensions and 3 way plugs and outlcts,

one ofwhich shall connectthe non-current carrying parts of the tool to earth. Tools provided with
way outlets shall be appropriately earthed before use.
Chain hoists and other power lifting devices shall be provided to lift heavy objects to the
tables of the machines.
Do not use a bench or floor stand grinder when any of the following conditions exits :
a) Guardis) are not installed, 6) Grinder not securely anchored, (c) Work rest exceeds 3 mm
nce firom the wheel, (d) Adjustable tongue exceeds 6 mm distance from the wheel, (e) Excess
rear is a evident on the grinding wheel and () wheel is chapped, cracked, out of round, or other-

wise defective.

Inspect grinding wheel and discs on portable grinders before use for any cracks, damage,
wheels out ofround or balance. Where any defect is evident, the wheel or disc must be removed
from service immediately.
Before mounting a grinding wheel on a grinder, check the operating speed marked on the
grinder and the rated safe speed of the grinder wheel. Grinding wheels are not to be mounted on
Trinders that operate in excess of the rated safe speed of the grinding wheel.
Never adjust the work rest or tongue guard while the grinding wheel is in motion.
Check the grinding wheel mounting flanges for equal sizes and correct diameters. Flanges
are to be at least one-fourth diameter of the wheel diameter.
the wheel to develop its full speed before beginning work.
Do not stand directly in front of any grinder when first starting it up.
Never force the stock into the wheel ofa fixed grinder or a portable grinder into the work to
the point where the motor slows noticeably or the work becomes excessively hot.
Ensure that the wheel is properly dressed at all times. Do not grind on the side of the
wheel unless the wheel is specifically designed for this purpose.
Store grinding wheels in a safe place designated for that purpose.
Machines must be shut off when
7.16.1. Grinding Wheels. Direct current motors shall not be used for operating grinding
heels unless equipped with an approved device to prevent overspeeding in the event of shunt
eld circuit being cut off.
Suitable protection hoods shall be provided on all grinders and the operators shall wear
itable eyeprotection when performing grinding operations.
Wheels used in wet grinding shall not be left standing in water-the water soaked portion
y throw the wheels out of balance.
When changing grinding stones check that the rated speed of the stone is suited to the
ed of the motor.
7.16.2. Tools. All tools and accessories shall be kept properly arranged near respective
hines to ensure ready availability. Employees shall use proper tools suitable for each job.
tools shall be kept properlyy sh.
Tools shall be kept in good repair and machine
handles. A file shall never bo .
All files shall be securely fitted with as a sed
or as a drift pin or as a hammer. ur

shall be taken in
all welding, burnig and and ecutiing opera.
Foliowing general precautions
tions. are carried
burning operations out
All places where welding, cutting
or shall be
exhaust system shall be installed t
work is involved
ventilated. Where considerable
coatings o n welding rods,
ctc. If brass, br ya
harmful toxic gases, which originate from suitable respir0, 2ine
brazed cut, a

galvanized lead coated material

a r e to be welded,
rator shall
exhaust system is not
Worn-particularly if the
be done in the immediate proximits.
cutting burning shall not
b Welding or
gases o r dusty atinosphercs. Wh
material o r explosive
former rooms. inflammable
cannot be moved suitable
barricrs shall be erected
and a fire extinguisher
at handWorf
kept readva.

use. suitable goggles o r helmets and ga1

helpcrs shall w e a r
Welders and their
burning o r cutting operations.
Welders shall wearar cle
clear goggles
usesuitable shiclds during welding,
under the hood to inspect from grease, oil, petroleum
shall w e a r clothing free
(d) Welders and their helpers
other inflammable material.
elevation suitable precautions shall ho..
e ) When welding, cutting or burning at an
at lower levels rays, welding from flames, sparks, ete
tosafeguard persons and property material, the same shats
containers used for storage of flammable
Before welding o r sprayed with carbon tetrachloril
washed with hot water and
soda and thoroughly ventilated
shall be taken in the electrical welding operations
Following additional precautions shall be used. When the weli
cables with unbroken insulation
a) Only heavy duty electric be damaged during major erection iohs
cable is liable to be trampled bypersons or liable to
metallic conduit which is efficiently earthed.
the cable shall be enclosed in a non-magnetic
shall be checked before welding is started and
b) All connections shall be waterproof and
made during welding operations.
frequent inspections shall be for clectrie welding and
a r e not a sufficient protection
(c) Goggles suitable for gas welding
a r e not adequate for high ampereage welding. Opera
goggles suitable for low ampereage welding in hand.
t o r s shall u s e the goggles
recommended by manufacturers for the work
main circuit switch shall be kept open
(d When the welding equipment is not in use, the
low voltage. Therefore
e) Alternating current is dangerous e v e n at
() Avoid personal contact with the electrode or live parts of the clectric welding equip-
accidental contact of the electrode with ground or the nearby metallic
( ) Prevent
be kept open
(ti) When passing the electrode through doors, etc., thc main switch shall
S e l f contained electric arc welding machine driven by a petrol engine shall not u
poerated near the engine and generator equipment and the engine shall bc stopped
when iu
tank is to be filled.
g) Where there are a number of single operated welding sets working in the same . rk
shop, each operator shall have a separate return lead to his set. On no account shall the ea

connection be allowed to carry the welding current.

s A F E W O R K I N G

Following additional precautions shall be taken in welding, cutting and burning opera-

When the equipment

is not in use all
valves shall be closed. kept
h) After the valve cap has been removed and before the regulator is attached the valve
shall be opene
opened with only the proper valve key for an instant to clear the opening of the dust


cl After attaching the regulator and before opening the cylinder valve the operator shall
the adjusting screw of the regulator is
uddenly. The cylinder valve shallreleased, Oxygen shall not be permitted

he regulator suddenlv.
to enter
be opened slowly.
idIn case pressure in the oxygen cylinder is so low as to create
acetylene likelihood of the
osring back into the Oxygen cylinder, it shall not be used.
acAll painted surfaces shall be properly scraped before using the torch thercon.
Always use gas lighter to light the torch.
g) Acetylene gas at pressure above 1.05 kg/sq. cms. shall not be sued and it shall not be
container to another.
trom one
h The special wrench provided by the manufacturer must be in position on the valve stem
the cylinder is in use so that the gas may be turned off
quickly in casc of an emergency.
Torches and tips of proper size for the work in hand shall always be used. For size of the
. and the pressure apPplicable under various conditions reference shallI be made to the tables
ublished by the manufacturers.
(Only copper or brass wire shall be used to clean the tips.
)Oxygen and acetylene cylinders or containers shall not be permitted in small places or
compartments where welding operations are in progress.
(Gas cylinders shall be kept away from stoves, furnaces and other sources of heat. Smok-
DE near
the gas cylinder is prohibited.
imFlammable construction and/or material near the oxy-acetylene flames shall be ad-
ernately protected and fire extinguisher shall be kept at hand when working in such situations.
nHoses. cylinder valves, connections, gases etce. shall be kept free from grease, oil, white
ead. graphite, dust or dirt. These shall not be handled with oily and greasy hands or gloves.
o Cylinder valves
shall be lubricated only with glycerine.
ip Sparks and flames shall be kept away from the hose. Hoses shall be inspected fre-
quently to ensure that these are not damaged in any way.
g When testing for leaks only soap water shall be used.
(rThe gas cylinder shall not be allowed to be dropped or struck by other objects. Caps
shall be screwed firmly on cylinder valves when the same are being moved or are not in use.
s)Gas cylinders shall not be handled by cranes except in specially constructed cradles or

(t) Leaking cylinder shall be moved to open air immediately and disposed of in a manner
s to prevent and possibility of the gas getting ignited.
u When a welder is working in a place from which escape may be dificult a helper shall
aiway's be at hand to shut off gas in case of an accident.
te) Carbide drums, if any, shall be kept on a raised platform.
w Before the regulator is removed from the cylinder, that all gas from the
or is removed.
x Carbide shall not be kept in open drums.
th Following precautions shall be taken in respect of the gas welding equipment:
Cylinders containing oxygen and those containing acetylene shall be stored separately
eterable in separate buildings or separated by fire resistant partition), dry, well-ventilated

h va Dall bw othovWHw damagod. Th ylindorH alall not ho unpoad to t

nion, ndiaton umven or llowod tuuw in ontt with elovdrie wiroa or g
t n l quimont I t atrod in buldinga, tho ylindora uhall o pruteeted tro

Ialmdor valvo or my otwr pat of tho n Wellim r enttinH 0quip

onp, it rlondd b thawnl ut witlh warm wator hav ntonmporara of a" Cor
la alhall ovor bw uwd tow tin njpono
tC'ylnudon shul bo unod in tho ordor n whioh roroivod. DinobarHod oylinlers
nArhed 'vnmty and ahall bw handlol with tho nAmO OAro n luded eylindorm. ondod
ludor nhall bo kot m Hepvnte plaven
ww All ylimdera nhall bo tittod with preamure reliot dovico, high prommure gal
ate proanUe on thw eylindeH redeiH Valvo and a low preRure gauge to ndiente th
m tonvh hw oxygen rogulator vonnoetion ehall bave n right hand throad, tho uel ga
hall have a lott hand hreal a that they cannot be interolhangod Hulatlan
w Nach pronauro rogulator ahall he equippod with a nutoty roliot dovice which ahal
hoe the poaauo t n the loW roRNure gaugen and the diaphragm in cano tho rogulatar
hall devop a loak or an oxcexa proaRuro in othorwino built up. ln eane naloty dineu blawl
hall not b aortod br oporatora Ihese
The hne ndall be mpocially dowigned for ame eon euttig or welding operationm,Ou
h e ball Io of high prenaure Aroen rulbbor, md ucetylone hose ahall be of high p r o e
uerpovtal cane ahall be taken tu avoid interehange of oxVgen and acotylene honen. Thehu
nhall be tapod or rlampod topothor at 0 em intervala.
w'Nuw hone ahall bo thuroughly eloaned on the interior betore ataching to thetar
Sino the manudacturorR dust inaido ofthohoe with tine tale, conpreaNed air ahall never bounel
to lean the honen, aa it may eontain oil trom comprownur, Oxygen shall be useod to cloan
hos and aretylone to cloan neotylono honea
h A m r covered or wiro wrappod hoeahall nevor be uaod to conneet torchen andtnk
l'reuro trom oxygOn auply ahall not be uned tor eloaninng eloggod oil linex.


Follown Reneral proeautionR Bhall beobaorvod

l'ackagon containing painta, onamel, varninhea, lacquora or other volatile materialshall
be kept tightly elosed who not in aetual uao, and ahall not be oxpoNed to pxcessive heat, spark
lames or direet raya of the nn
l'amting nateral stall not be hoatod except by placing containers in water at moder
af temjeraturen
t Firo oxtinguiahera (earbon dioxido or earbon totrachloride type) «hall always be avat
able where lammable paunt are mixod, used or stored in largo quantitioa.
u) Food shall not be expoaed to umes or duat from paint. 'The employees shall careluly
leanse ther hands beforo eating.
Eatremne care shall bo taken to onuro that ereomote does not come in eontaet withak

The tollowg precautina shall be obiervod while painting on or near eloctrieal equipme
) Only competent poronN Nhall De allowod to under-take painting work on or near cl
t a l apparatu
/ ) Allpantn: jols noar live olectrical appratus sdiall be carriod out undor a pern

he fllowng prevautns shall
be taken while removing old paint by
henever practicable this work shall be done burnin
t h e work must out-of doors.
be carried on indoors, or in locations where there is no free circulatiOn
. p r v e d espirators shall be worn
The tillow ing procautions shall be observed while
aAll elevtrcal apparatus which are likely to spray-painting:
he sprar aintng is to be done shall be dead. produce sparks in the vicinity of the place
ASmoking shall not be permitted within 8 m of indoor spray painting operations.
When spray paunting is to be carried out in enclosed
.hng which fit snug(yat the places, the workmen shall wear
ankles, neck and wrists and shall wear
gloves, goggles and respi-



Atmospheric tanks,
low-pressure tanks, and pressure vessels are
acrordance with accoptable standards and therefore may not bedesigned
and manufac
pressurised above the
iesgnod pmsue of the vessel
lnspect prvssurised equipment and systems for damage before they are placed in service
atter nmajor repars or moditications. Do not pressurise a non-pressure-rated vessel with
aompressed gas eylinder, or other sOurces. Use liquid at atmospheric pressure to test for
Store cylinders in well-ventilated locations. Protect cylinders from extreme temperature,
sical damage and electrical current.
All oompressed gas cylinders should be labelled as to their contents. Do not use cylinders if
label does not identity their contents. Colour code for gas cylinders must be followed.
Smeking within 15 meters of designated flammable gas or oxygen storage facilities is not
Secure all compressed gas cylinders to afixed structure orin portable racks or hand trucks.
Always store oxygen. acetylene and otherfucl gas cylinders in an upright position. Keep acety
ene oslinders upright at all times, except for short periods oftime.i.e. if necessary, during trans-
portation to a job.
Compressed gas cylinders transported by crane, hoist, or derrick shall be transported in
houst racks, cradles, nets, or skip pans, and never by silings, chains or magnets. Close cylinder
alvesand place valve caps on the cylinders when they are in storage, in transit, or not connected
ar use

Have a valve wrench or wheel ready to operate when a cylinder is in use.

Using oxygen as a substitute for compressed air is not allowed. Compressed gases of any
indare not to be used as a substitute for compressed air unless used in a system designed for
such use.
heep oil or from oxygen cylinders and fittings.
grease away
Leaking cylinders must be moved, using appropriate precautions, to an isolated location
out of doors


Analysis of accidents has proved to be essential for planning accident measures for ensur-
ng the personal safety of all the personnel. The accidents that usually occur are generally classi-
ed as follows
Struck by falling objects, Stepping on, striking against
Sipping/fall of a person,
yODjects excluding falling st
objects, Caught in or between objects, Exposure to or conta.u,

extrem temperatures, Exposure to or contact with

hazardous substances, Contact with li i
rical system, Exposure to radioactive substances,
Exposure to explosion.
Over cxertion or strenuous
movements, and

The classification of accidents according to the nature of injury is as follows

Superficial injuries, Sprains and strains, Fractures, Dislocations, Concussions and
internal injuries, Crushing, Burns of various degrees, Acute poisoning, Asphyxia, Effecteh
tric current, Effects of radiation, Effects of inclement or extreme weather conditions m.e
injuries, etc. multiple
The primary approach in any safety effort is to safeguard personnel by equipping.
individually with specialised personnel protective equipment. them
To inculcatea positive culture of use of personnel protective equipment following shu
be done should
Write a policy on its usage and communicate it to all employees and visitors
Select the proper type of equipment
Implement a thorough safety awareness programme
Make certain that employees know the correct use and maintenance of the equipmens
Issue a directive for use of personnel protectie equipment
Enforce its use
Take action against employees disregardingthe directive
7.20.1.Head protection. Protective head gear must serve two main functions :
To protect the head from impact of
falling objects ard bumping into stationary ones
To contain unruly hair and preventing it from becoming
entangled with movine
Criterion of selecting the headgear equipment must include but not be limited to the
following aspects
Headgear designed for the first function usually fulfils the second also, but the converse
does not apply
Headgear type or color may also be a
symbol and means of easy identification of the
class or
group of persons to which the wearer belongs
Protective headgear is also sometimes required and
designed to provide a means
support for other things, i.e., shields to protect the eyes and face of the wearer fromof
radiation and flying objects
Hoods that cover the head, face and neck and
or protection
protective suits designed for fire fighting
against substances that cause injury to the skin must incorporate suitable
protective headgear in their design
For high voltage sources,
protective headgear must have suitable insulation.
7.20.2. Eye Protection. The hazards for which eye
is are:required
Impact from flying particles, glares and flashes due to are light, dust, gas, chemicals, ra-
diation, any combination of the above.
First step needed when considering eye
protection is to identify the task with the hazards.
The second step is to identify the hazard of each
task, as listed above, so that correct protection
be provided. The main types of protection
available are:
Spectacles (with or without side shields), goggles, face screen.
Where injurious dust, gases or chemicals are
gOggles, gas tight goggles or chemical
present that could endanger the eyes, dust
must be used.
Special type of goggles must be used by welders.

For high
heat zones, nke
areas near
should be used. boilers and
7.20.3.Face Protection. Face
heaters, heat resistant eye
neshshield (in Aradiation Protection is usually of three
elds must offer shield.
Face shield types (i)A clear face screen
ofer protection against heat. protection against impacts. They must be
720.4. Respiratory chemic
mical resistant and
tling exposure andProtection.
the be
cOion must be used mainlysuitable the purposeprotection must be
that it is intended.capable of adequately
proare not fully controllable or will risks
substances and Respiratory
exceed thehazardous
limit gases in the
Respiratory protection is of three basic laid down in the
standards. atmos
aratus), (i) Filter types:
SThespecific classrespirators,
er (i)
Disposable Oxygen or air fed (known as
respirators to be employedrespirators breathing
ust. fumes, gases, mists, will depend upon the hazards
hazards can affect thevapours, oxygen deficiency. viz:
With the exception of
body in number of
breathing ways, some of which can be
cient oxygen exists at the work place apparatus, all forms of fatal.
in order to respiratory protection require that
Self-contained breathing apparatus support life:
face mask with non return exhaling valves supplies
to ensure a pressurised purified air,
back earried cylinders are not required or in difficult fully sealed system. Whereusually self
to a full
line can be connected to the
breathing face mask. conditions, a purified compressedcontained
oxyg levels are low, however it may also Breathing apparatus should be air feed
be used for employed where
and flames retardant properties are
highly toxic hazards. Chemical
Filter respirators are the considerations. resistance
clrer. They should be used for systems in which air
filtration of air only and it to be inhaled is first drawn
is aTailable in the atmosphere. Ditferent should be ensured that through a
same should be used judiciously. cartridges available for different
are sufficient oxygen
hazards and the
i Disposable
respirators are the most commonly used
be used for probection against dust
and non-toxic
personal respirators. They should
20.5. Hearing Protection.
nlugs. Defenders are referred to as Hearing protection comes in two
Ear plugs can be directly inserted into mutfs.
They are noise reductionmain types, defenders and
the ear canal. cups fitting over the ears.
If noise levels are above 85
7.20.6. Hand Protection. Handhearing protection must be used.
On use of
hands. Designs should be madeprotection is an
based on but not important part as most of the work relies
(i Hand limited to the
protection of simple design that following:
n Hand protects
protection of intermediate design, which against minimal risk omly
than minimal but less than mortal
injury protects against risks that are
(iit) Hand greater
protection of complex design that
The groups
of hazards to be protected by hand protects against irreversible or mortal
(n protection are listed as follows: injury
hazards-protection against the permeation and
hazards-protection for flammability, contactpenetration
ii) Heat and fire of chemicals
ii Cold heat and radiant heat
hazards-protection against convective cold, contact cold and water
iv) Mechanical
hazards-Abrasion, cut and puncture resistant
Impact cut hazards-blade cut resistance
(i Electrical hazards-resistant to electrical
i) shocks and electrostatic
Microorganisms hazards-resistance to discharge resistance
penetration by microorganisms.
7.20.7.Foot Protection. The main considerations for safety foot wear should t
limited to tho following
Toe impact stcel protection, Heat resistant soles, Acid and alkali resistant solas
standards, Anti slip extra grip, Steel preformed mid soles, Oil resistant sole, Singihtis
triple density sole, Water repeilent treatment, Shock absorbent heels and air cushion solu tatic
release fasteners, Additional upperfoot steel protection, and Electrical shock resistant
to meet
7.20.8. Rrotective Clothing. Protective clothing and devices need to be carefully.
the following requirements:
arefully selecte
)They must give specific protection against the specific hazard/s to which a.
a person wil\
be exposcd.
i ) Clothing should be of minimum weight and cause minimum discomfort compatiki.
protection efficiency. with
i ) Attachment to the body should be flexible but effective.
The wearer should not be restricted in movement orsensory perception essential
o to the
Clothing should not They should
look ugly. bedurable.
t Manufacture should be in accordance with the accepted standards for the duty reau
tt Parts should be accessible so that they can be adequately inspected and maintainod equired

They should not introduce additional hazards through their form or material ofma

7.20.9. Protection Against Falling. Fall protection is oftwo types: (i) Harness-full bod
or chest i Belts-restrainingbelts or pole belts body
Beforc deciding on the appropriate equipment to be employed, risk assessment must
carried out.
1f it is not possible to present the working employees within one metre from an edge from
which he is likely to fall, a full body safety harness with a lanyard should be used. When working
on roofs cat, ladders should be used and additionally full body safety harness should always be
Rescue harness must be used for rescue of personnel from underground areas or work at
While safety harness is a protecting device, safety belt is a restraining device only. It is
always preferable to go for a higher standard of protection.
7.20.10. Fire Suits. For protection against fire and radiation impacts while fire fighting is
carried out from close proximity, suits manufactured in accordance with the best possible stande
ard: must be used. For protection against radiation effects, proximity suits must be used. Entry
suts must be used for enteringinto fíre.


industries. Thus
Sips, trips and falls a r e the accident causes resulting in major injuries in
the costs associated with such accidents are enormous. The provision of special shoes or flooring
industries improves safety. There can be alternative measures that reduce the risks of Sps,
ips and falls by designing the hazard out of the task, i.e., eliminating the hazard at sour
rather than protection. Protection should be secondary option chosen only if the danger cannot b
redured ty reasonably practical means. Priority needs to be given to the positive action by employer
gidonti1y work practices, defective equipment or poor environmental conditions that contribu
r risk of slips,
trips and
The system into which the worker is placed should be designed, if possible, in a tail sil fe
inaer or at least to be forgiving if the worker should not carry out his duties in the tau
sure that he
knows just what plan is declared safe. If in
and s
work on any job 1or which permit doubt it should be
employees t
too wor
is necessary, must
clarified. A
shiftand before
e of starting any new job that PTW is
sure at the start of each day
As far as possible, individual will draw the PTW
for specific jobs
been a l l o c a t e d . It is the responsibility to which they
of theEngineer Shift have
he person is familiar with the nature and extent issuing
work to be done.the PTW to ensure that
When it is unavoidable, a person of
higher rank can also draw the permit ; but it will be the
nsibility of this person to ensure that the men under
respeod on, the work to the done and his charge are
acquainted with plantto
limitations imposed by safety
when a person isrequired to work along with a number of requirements.
other individuals, the PTW for
wholejob should be read
personaly by every one before they start the work.
In case of electrical
fara permits, it is not permissible for supervisors to draw permits
the work themselves or unless
they supervise it continuously and directly.
For safety of human life in industry, adequate protection of human
are of protection depends on hazard and the kind of body is essential. The
try. The use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) typetheof operation/process involved in

arent situations, is a statutory requirement. Effective by employees in industries under
and safe use of PPE
ards involved, (it) selecting best configuration (iii) properly filling PPE and depends
on, (i)

lan and good condition, (iu) training workers on its need and (v) maintaining it in
Table 7.1. Common enforcing use.
types of PPE to be used
Protection PPE to be used Conforming to PPE protecting PPE to be used
for IS Standard
from duringlin
(Latest Edition)

Body Cotton Uniform IS 5915 Exposure to Constant use in

steam, hot oils, designated places.
Rubber Apron IS:4501 Splashes of Sampling
acids, alkalies, transferring,
solvents fitting, drumming.
Head Safety Helmet IS: 2925 Falling objects Constant use in
and hitting against designated places.
Eyes Eye protectors IS: 5983 Flying objects, Breaking of
splashes, sprays flanges, Chipping|
Gas cutting,
Safety Goggles IS : 7524 Welding, Uncoupling of
(Part-I and II) cutting and hoses,
grinding De-pressurising,
Venting, Sucking,|
(Table conted.)
Protection PPE to be used Conforming to PPE protecting PPE to be
for IS Standard
(Latest Edition)
Face Face Shield IS :8521 Chemical
Grinding, Furnace
splashes burner lighting, |
handling, Metal
Welding shield
Hot rays, Ultra Arc Welding, Gas
violet rays, Welding, cutting
Grinding sparks and grinding

Hands Electric Shock IS: 4770 Electric shock, Working on live

proof gloves Abrasion electrical
lines (upto 1.2
Beyond this
voltage prior shut
down should
be taken.

Asbestos Ceramic Hot burns Handling hot

steam leak etc.

PVC gloves IS: 6110 Acids, Alkalies Chemical handling

IS: 3322 (Part-I)
Oils, Aromatic Handling of
Rubber gloves IS:2573 chemicals and

Chrome Leather Abrasion Pulling ropes/

chains, using
tools like spanner
operating hard
valves, welding
Constant use in
Foot Safety shoes for Upper Leather Falling object,
designated areas
Mechanical safety should conform Striking against
(Weight shall not to IS: 5677 and object
exceed 1200 grms) Laces should
conform to IS:

Muddy land, Use under specifie

Gum boots IS: 3738
Water spill condition
(Weight shall not
exceed 1200 grm)

Electrical safety Electric shoes While working on

Foot electrical
shoes with rubber
sole a possibility of

coming into contact

with live wires
( T a b l e conted.)
Protertion PPE to be used
Conforming to PPE protecting PPE to be ured
for IS Standard
atest Edition) from duringlin
Canister Mask IS 8523 Toxic Gas Use for specific
vapours jobs/confined
places where much
toxic vapours are
Self contained
IS:10245 Toxic gas Use for specific
apparatus set
leaks, Smoke, conditions
Dust Mask IS:9473 Air containing CoalFly Ash
dust/solis handling, Grit
particles blasting and
ut environnent
Ear Plugs, Ear IS:9167
Ears High noise area Constant use in
Muffs and Canal IS: 6229
designated areas.
Falls Safety Harness IS: 3521 Fall from Working above a
height height of 1.5

Working on video display terminals can be hazardous to one's health due to
( health effects of electromagnetie fields of VDTs LCDs are not as hazardous as CRTs
(ii) chronic eye problems
(iii) repetitive strain injuries
(v) printer noise
(v) health problems due to physical inactivity.
(ci) stress associated with prolonged work.
Much work has been done in VDT safety and health. People by following such
recom.mendations can overcome all ill effects of long working on CRTs.

Q.1. To ensure good housekeeping, what precautions should be observed ?

fic Ans. For good housekeeping, some important tips to be observed are:
(a) Walkways, aisles, stairways, fire escapes and all other passageways should be kept
lear of all obstructions.
create a slipping hazard and should be
(b Puddles of oil
and water up cleaned
c) Tools and materials should not be placed where they may cause tripping or stumbling
hazards or where they may fall and strike anyone below.
d) Nails in boards, such as those removed from scaffolds, forms and packing boxes, constitue
a hazard and should be removed. The boards should be carefully stacked or stored.


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