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Independent vs.

Dependent Variables |  These terms are especially used in

Definition & Examples statistics, where you estimate the
Published on February 3, 2022 by Pritha extent to which an independent
Bhandari. Revised on May 4, 2022. variable change can explain or predict
changes in the dependent variable.
In research, variables are any
characteristics that can take on different Types of independent variables
values, such as height, age, temperature,
or test scores. There are two main types of independent
Researchers often manipulate or
measure independent and dependent  Experimental independent variables
variables in studies to test cause-and- can be directly manipulated by
effect relationships. researchers.
 Subject variables cannot be
 The independent variable is the cause. manipulated by researchers, but they
Its value is independent of other can be used to group research subjects
variables in your study. categorically.
 The dependent variable is the effect. Its
value depends on changes in the Experimental variables
independent variable.
In experiments, you manipulate
Example: Independent and dependent independent variables directly to see how
variables they affect your dependent variable. The
independent variable is usually applied at
You design a study to test whether different levels to see how the outcomes
changes in room temperature have an differ.
effect on math test scores.
You can apply just two levels in
Your independent variable is the order to find out if an independent
temperature of the room. You vary the variable has an effect at all.
room temperature by making it cooler for
half the participants, and warmer for the You can also apply multiple levels to
other half. find out how the independent variable
affects the dependent variable.
Your dependent variable is math test
scores. You measure the math skills of all Example: Independent variable levels
participants using a standardized test and
check whether they differ based on room You are studying the impact of a
temperature. new medication on the blood pressure of
patients with hypertension. Your
What is an independent variable? independent variable is the treatment that
you directly vary between groups.
An independent variable is the
variable you manipulate or vary in an You have three independent variable
experimental study to explore its effects. levels, and each group gets a different level
It’s called “independent” because it’s not of treatment.
influenced by any other variables in the
study. You randomly assign your patients to
one of the three groups:
Independent variables are also called:
 A low-dose experimental group
 Explanatory variables (they explain an  A high-dose experimental group
event or outcome)  A placebo group
 Predictor variables (they can be used
to predict the value of a dependent
 Right-hand-side variables (they
appear on the right-hand side of a
regression equation).
A true experiment requires you to  Your dependent variable is the brain
randomly assign different levels of an activity response to hearing infant
independent variable to your participants. cries. You record brain activity with
fMRI scans when participants hear
infant cries without their awareness.

 After collecting data, you check for

statistically significant differences
between the groups. You find some and
conclude that gender identity
influences brain responses to infant

What is a dependent variable?

A dependent variable is the

variable that changes as a result of the
independent variable manipulation. It’s
the outcome you’re interested in
measuring, and it “depends” on your
independent variable.

In statistics, dependent variables are also

Random assignment helps you called:
control participant characteristics, so that
they don’t affect your experimental results.  Response variables (they respond to a
This helps you to have confidence that change in another variable)
your dependent variable results come  Outcome variables (they represent the
solely from the independent variable outcome you want to measure)
manipulation.  Left-hand-side variables (they appear
on the left-hand side of a regression
Subject variables equation)

Subject variables are The dependent variable is what you

characteristics that vary across record after you’ve manipulated the
participants, and they can’t be independent variable. You use this
manipulated by researchers. For example, measurement data to check whether and
gender identity, ethnicity, race, income, to what extent your independent variable
and education are all important subject influences the dependent variable by
variables that social researchers treat as conducting statistical analyses.
independent variables.
Based on your findings, you can
It’s not possible to randomly assign estimate the degree to which your
these to participants, since these are independent variable variation drives
characteristics of already existing groups. changes in your dependent variable. You
Instead, you can create a research design can also predict how much your
where you compare the outcomes of dependent variable will change as a result
groups of participants with of variation in the independent variable.
characteristics. This is a quasi-
experimental design because there’s no Identifying independent vs. dependent
random assignment. variables

Example: Quasi-experimental design Distinguishing between

independent and dependent variables
 You study whether gender identity can be tricky when designing a complex
affects neural responses to infant cries. study or reading an academic paper.
 Your independent variable is a subject
variable, namely the gender identity of A dependent variable from one
the participants. You have three study can be the independent variable in
groups: men, women and other. another study, so it’s important to pay
attention to research design.
Then, you select an appropriate statistical
Here are some tips for identifying each test to test your hypothesis.
variable type.
The type of test is determined by:
Recognizing independent variables
 your variable types
Use this list of questions to check whether  level of measurement
you’re dealing with an independent  number of independent variable levels.
You’ll often use t tests or ANOVAs to
 Is the variable manipulated, controlled, analyze your data and answer your
or used as a subject grouping method research questions.
by the researcher?
 Does this variable come before the Visualizing independent and dependent
other variable in time? variables
 Is the researcher trying to understand
whether or how this variable affects In quantitative research, it’s good
another variable? practice to use charts or graphs to
visualize the results of studies. Generally,
Recognizing dependent variables the independent variable goes on the x-
axis (horizontal) and the dependent
Check whether you’re dealing with a variable on the y-axis (vertical).
dependent variable:
The type of visualization you use
 Is this variable measured as an depends on the variable types in your
outcome of the study? research questions:
 Is this variable dependent on another
variable in the study?  A bar chart is ideal when you have a
 Does this variable get measured only categorical independent variable.
after other variables are altered?  A scatter plot or line graph is best
when your independent and dependent
Independent and dependent variables in variables are both quantitative.
Example: Results visualization
Independent and dependent variables
are generally used in experimental and You collect data on blood pressure
quasi-experimental research. before and after treatment for all
participants over a period of 2 months.
Here are some examples of research To inspect your data, you place your
questions and corresponding independent independent variable of treatment level on
and dependent variables. the x-axis and the dependent variable of
blood pressure on the y-axis.

You plot bars for each treatment

group before and after the treatment to
show the difference in blood pressure.

Based on your results, you note that

the placebo and low-dose groups show
little difference in blood pressure, while
the high-dose group sees substantial

For experimental data, you analyze

your results by generating descriptive
statistics and visualizing your findings.

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