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**could be O(n) with hash collisions and dynamic array

resizing but unlikely

Fast Access O(1), tradeoff: more memory O(n)
Shortest Path?
Radix Sort
Dijkstra Hash Tables
Quick Sort
Breadth First Search (BFS)
Heap Sort

Improve Time Complexity? Bubble Sort

Cyclic or Acyclic? Sorting? ~ O(N log N)
Depth First Search (DFS)
Selection Sort
Inorder Weighted or Unweighted?
Graph Traversal? O(n)
Insertion Sort
Postorder Directed or Undirected? Collision?
Linked List
Merge Sort
Counting Sort


String question?
Turn it into an Array ~ split()
Be mindful of Space Complexity! (Stack overflow)
Tree Traversal? O(n)


Tree Arrays
Singly Linked List Dynamic

Linked List Yes - Divide and Conquer - Binary search O(log N)

Searching. Is it sorted?
No. Will sorting make it faster? If still no, Linear Search
Doubly Linked List Array Stack ** can be O(n) on expanding memory

No. Is it a String? See if a Trie data structure helps

Linked List Stack
Binary Tree
Binary Search Tree

AVL Tree
Balanced BST Heap
Red Black Tree
Binary Heap
Priority Queue Trie

Dynamic Programming Queues

Array Queue (BAD)

Memoization Linked List Queue

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