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Name : M.

Ferdiansyah Putra

Student ID : E1D018057

Class : 7 TP 1

Business Name: Oi Fanda Attraction Business Address: Bima Town

Product Name: Sea Relaxing Telephone: +6285-3336-5789-22

Fax: Email:

Owner(s): Contact Person: 6285-3336-5789-22

Business structure : This business emphasizes on introducing the beautiful nature tourism of Bima
town. we work together with hotel and restaurant service providers, namely Hotel Laila, and also we
work with PT Langsung Indah which provides bus services.

1. Type of tourism business

This type of tourism service is to give tourists a ride to So'ati Beach by car/bus, and rent diving tools
to enjoy the beautiful sea at So'ati Beach.

When arrival at Soati Beach, tourists will be provided with a choice, namely underwater / diving, or
going around by boat to Goat Island.

2. Accommodation
1) Stay and rest at Laila Hotel in Monggonao in front of paruga na'e convention hall
2) Breakfast at Laila Hotel
3) Camping Tools to get some camping attraction at soati beach.

3. Qualifications and Experience

1) 1st Story telling education celebrate by primagama
2) English certificate by bifi eeducation.

The answers to the following questions will help you explain how your qualifications and
experience equip you for success in your proposed tourism business.
1. What entrepreneurial characteristics do you have?
I am a friendly person, I'm very easy to get along with people, and I like to open a
conversation. I'm also a little disciplined with time. it helps me to be more friendly with
strangers. I also have a little ability to speak English, so I can freely answer questions and
serve requests from tourists.
2. What skills do you have that will enable you to succeed?
I am good in communication in English by speaking and writing, and I think I am well in
3. What have you learned from your experience that will help you to succeed?
my mother is an english teacher, and she often communicates with foreigners, i always see
her way of communicating and establishing a chat. I also have the experience of doing trips
in every tourist spot in the city of Bima, I hope this experience helps me run this business.
4. Does your project reflect market demand and consumer preferences for your
proposed facility or service? What do you base this assessment on?
I think yes, because most tourists come to Indonesia for holidays, and the city of Bima is one
of the interesting tourist attractions because it is rarely visited by tourists, and is rarely
explored by local people so that the nature is still very natural. even though during the
current pandemic the number of tourists is decreasing, I think this business will continue to
5. Does your target area need a business like yours? Why?
do not have a specific target, because the tourism business that I offer is available for all
6. How will you generate community support for your business?
I certainly need the help of other parties, such as hotel and restaurant providers, for that I
establish relationships with the people closest to me so that it will be easy to get the services
7. What share of the tourism market do you think the proposed project could
capture? Why?
My project capture is depend on the situation, because if the situation is not in a pandemic
period like now, then the number of customers will increase and tourism activities will not
be limited.
8. How do you intend to attract these markets?
I will promote using posters and use social media to share information about my business,
and of course will ask partners who work with me to promote it as well. I also asked my
friends to promote it on their social media.
9. What other business ventures have you been involved in? What is your track
record in business?
I once had a cable TV business, and this business is the most interesting business, because
this business provides a very large income by selling TV station broadcasting services per
house, the tariff is 15,000 per house for each month in Bima town.

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