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Normalized Inhumanity

A public hospital, or government hospital, is a health facility which is authorities owned and is

utterly funded by way of the government and operates totally off the money that is amassed from

taxpayers to fund healthcare initiatives. I have an unforgettable experience at Northern Mindanao

Medical Center of Cagayan de Oro City. The medical group was once as soon as busy, packed

with sick, bleeding, dying, sad, crazed, old, and cozy people. It smelled like rubbed gloves, moth

balls, flooring cleaner, and the aroma of a grandmother’s favorite perfume. There are more people

outside the facilities waiting for their turns. A lot of people lying down and sleep on the floor with

towel and other people sat on the chair and slept. There are more babies crying and pregnant

mothers crying and shouting. On the other side there were crying people because they lost the life

of their love ones.

Back then when I was 18 years of age, my mother was pregnant and that time was her labor. She

need to send to hospital for her safety. When we are already in the hospital my mother was shouting

of too much pain from her tummy. She was just only sat on the chair and the nurse said we just

wait for the doctor. I felt sorry to my mother because she was suffer of so much pain. Twenty one

(21) minutes of waiting to be recognize by the doctor. My mother was weakening and her face was

already pale. When she was lost her consciousness, the nurse came and she help us to accompany

my mother inside the room. I cried at that time, I’m worrying and felt sorry for my mother. We

wait for the result outside, after a moment, the nurse went out and said that the baby was dead. It

was really hurt to hear the result. I cried all day because my baby sister was not saved. After that,

because my mother was not already recovered, we need to wait for the recovery for several days.
My reflection about my experience at public hospital is that they lack of emergency response. The

unavailability of doctors and nurses, as well as their negative attitudes and behaviors, are major

hindrances to the utilization of public hospitals. I can say that in the government hospitals doctors

are no longer punctual, hospitals are no longer hygienic, medical doctors are irresponsible, crew

of people human beings take bribe. They don’t know the cure of some foremost illness. They don’t

have advanced first-rate of machines and do the work in a tough way and they are no longer do

the operations well. Also I can say that it is better than to private hospital than government hospital.

Because in private hospital they have a complete facility to use and ensuring the safety of the

patients. But the problem is at that time we have no money to support the expenses. We are poor

and no money to use for our daily needs and also suffer hunger at that time.

Public hospitals need to provide tailored services to each of its patients and therefore need more

nursing and general staff for the same. Because of that it increases the operations more valuable

and efficient. It is very important for the patients to be recognized and give direct actions for their

safety. To enhance the pleasant and effectiveness of medical uniqueness training, it is essential for

a share of training to be undertaken in settings different than public educating hospitals. When

costing the enlargement of coaching into a various range of settings, the public clinic body of

workers was once maintained. This capacity that greater specialist trainees will be needed in the

education system to implement training in other settings. It is very important for the public health

worker to engage or to resolve this kind of issues for the safety of their patients. They need to take

initiatives of their everyday happenings on their surroundings.

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