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Angular 2 Game Of States

Who handles async calls?

Answer : Effects

Reducers should be pure functions, meaning they should not generate

Answer : side effects

___is single immutable data structure

Answer : store

State can be only mutated through

Answer : reducers

ngrx leans heavily on Observable paradigm.

Answer : True

Reducers take the previous state and __________ to compute the new state

Answer : action

You install ngrx using which command?

Answer : npm install @ngrx/core @ngrx/store --save

Dumb Component communicates events to Smart Component through

Answer : @Output

The state in which the app gets loaded is called ________.

Answer : Initial state

__________ handles async calls.

Answer : Effects

The state in which app gets loaded is called

Answer : initial state

Which type of application have "multiple stores"?

Answer : ngrx (incorrect)

____is popular State Management Library.

Answer : @ngrx/store
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____is similar to @ngrx/effects, as both are models for performing side-effects

Answer : redux-saga

@ngrxis a utility toolkit built upon principles defined by

Answer : redux

Which component is interacts with services?

Answer : Smart components

Which of the following is needed to add side-effect capabilities to your application?

Answer : @ngrx/effects

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