Alfredo San Gabriel v. Atty. Jonathan T. Sempio

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CHANROBLES VIRTUAL IAW LIBRARY CHANROBLES ‘era arma — LABOR CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Annotated co is Si tah Slr la br lt rnin of geet caley $22 Ultra only 12,480 os terol ZO Yona phie369 occ Selatan owner somneoce CHANROBLES PROFESSIONAL REVIEW, ONLINE A.C. No. 12423 - ALFREDO SAN GABRIEL, COMPLAINANT, v. ATTY. JONATHAN T: SEMPIO, ae Republic of te Phakippines CChanRobles On-Line Bar Review eupieme count Alama = ‘AC. No. 12423, March 26, 2018 CHANROBLES [ALFREDO SAN GABRIEL, COMPLAINANT, v. ATTY. JONATHAN T. SEMPIO, RESPONDENT. ONLINE BAR REVIEW pectsion For the Cours reshton 2 compan dates February 29,2016 Ne before the Insgrated Bar br compinant Atredo San Cadre! (complainant) against responcent ay. Jonathan. Sompio(resgonéet) praying tat the ltr be cbare fore lege ungrofersinal cond cf the Pibpines (IEP) = Commision on far Dic crannobloe ci Complainant atege tat someting in January 2014, he engage the series ef respendet to ana the annulment of his mariage (uty Case) fn connection therein ang By tue ofthe Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,480P 22a Ne DP. Weary & Eacharc: ty ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 ae CHANROBLES (CIN LICENSURE EXAMINATION Tata ONLINE Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12, os terol ZO Yona phie369 fated July 2, 2015 dsmsing the Muy Case without prejusce for respondent's fle to that the stustion wil be rociied by Ming te necessary maton, Le, & motion fo complainant el hat respondent had abendoned the Nulty Case, he fled the instant complaint. Ne further domed that respandent aleacy has track recor of unduly neglecting he dens! ‘fir, 36 een inthe e366 erie B2onev. Sompio}"(Szens) whore the Cour suspended Nim counsel 95 he intended to go abrosé to ea56 Ns “depression on scnunt of his suspension. In a roprt and recommendation? ted June 20, 2017, the Invenigntng Commistoner (16) Cade of Professional Responsibly (CPR), and accordingly, recommended that he be suspended trom te practice ew fra peries of wo (2) year® SOP " SSS eae? aeveniiece? on the go with Ee date {In a Resolution ® dated May 3, 2038, the 1BP Board of Governors adopted the IC's report and recommendation ha ressoncent be meted te peraly of suspension fom the practi of ew or 2 peiog a two (2) yeas. “The ossencal sve in this ch Is wheter or not respondent should be seminitatvely sanctioned forte as complied ot: “The Court's Rating reltions and gives rise to the ty of Melty to the cen’ cause. Every case Which 8 wyer CANON 15 - A owyer shal obsrve candy, fares] and loyalty n a his eeaings [CANON 17 ~& anyer owas Fatty tothe cause otis cent and he sal be minal of Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,480P ‘ta New rly 1230 Werany 8 Eh tect ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 sae “cients are ed 2 expect tat layers wouls always be mint of thelr ause ane, accor xercse the requires degree ofcgence n handing thei afar. On the eter hand, the myer Is expecta t9 maintan, at at mes, a nigh standard fla proficiency, and to cevote Ns fal attention, sk, and competence to the ase regarlss oft importance and whether oF not he cepts tora fe. To ths end, he Is enjoined to employ oly fale ane honest means to attain owt objectives "2 In tis cas, records show tha: Sometime in Jarvary 2014, complainant secured respondent's Serves in ercer to asst rim n Ang his Ny Case, and In connection threw, pad the Inter the amiunt of P129,000.00. inal, respondent flowed thro with his uncer Dy fling the necessary patton before the RIC. However, ster rich fling, cesponcent unduly resectos the Nulty Cas, 9 evinced net only y the RTC Order! datos July 2, 2015 whic cismissed oe case fr respondent’ flue to comply withthe tal court's dectves, bt also Dy ‘the RTC Order dated January 22, 2016 when ordered the archival af 28 cage duet Ns non= fog of any skeacngs in turnerance ofthe case ater ts einstaernant 29 tm an attmgt to exclpate Nims rom any Habit, respencent fered the excuse tat his Inaction was because ne got “depressed when the Gout suspended Rim from engogig In gal Dracte inthe case of Baens, and that In any caso, e had met wih complainant and aeady see him te Tok fora repicemantcaunEe. However ara 96 AY pointed aut Dy the IC, respondents reasons ae untenable, considering that: (2) tere mas 9 conicable par, Le, even (7) months, betwoen the fling ofthe pation and the te he lsaened of hs suspension, 1nd that wa never shown tht he one steps to move fred with the Nulity Case cing that ‘te; ane (6) assuring that he Indeed gave such aie to complainant, hed ot tke postive _epe to ensure his tinaly replacement Accorinly, respondent's nese of he loa mater ented ta him by complainant consttes agent voto ofthe afore-cited tenes ofthe CPR. Iai that once 8 Iyer takes up the cause of Ms den, he Is duty-bound to serve the later wih competence, and 0 attend to ch cans cause wih digence, care, and devotion water he accept fr a ee fr fe. Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,480P lan £22 ra New Seal cy 124900, Weranly & Exch: stechisreocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 Mareh-2019 Junsprecence v CLARABEL ANNE RLACSING, ‘Ane proper penaty to be inpose on respondent case aw provides that in instances where the lawyer commits srl ats against er respective clans, the Cour ingosee on Wem the aly of suspension from the practice ef aw. In Sepove-ibayev. Lan,2 the delinquent louver was suspended for @ period ef one (1) year fer fang to perfrm his undertaking unde is retinership agreement with hi lane? In non v.27 the derelet Iyer wis suspende or ‘wo (2) years for his faire to perform what was need from him by his cent In ov. ur she Court suspends tha ennng lawyer for 3 paiod of two (2) years for, inter ata, ragecting er clent's tis. In view ofthe foraging ~ ax wo ate fc thatresponcent wae sree surpenced inthe cate of Baers for commiting similar neploens ats tothe praucen of his lent = the Caure deers It proper to Impose on him the pena of suspension rom the rate of aw for 8 ares of to (2) your, a recommended by the IP Sead of Caverras Fnaly, the Cour notes thet complainant pid respondent the taal smeunt of F120,000.00 representing the late’ lage fees inutve of a the necator and incenal expen for the [patey Case] 1 up to the alesse af he dessin [in conection theres." However since t pears from the record thet the ool tinge that respondent dd for petonr in the Naty Cate were: (9) te ng of te Inatory pleading, Le, the petion' and () the Ang af 3 ration for econidretion® which lest the reinstatement of he sald pation, the Court tide It eopreprate to order respondent to return to complainant within tan (10) days trom receipt of this Decision, tie los! foes of P120,000.00 he recsved less the amount “commensurate tothe wors that he Fad done nthe Nulty Case, whieh te Caur pegs at aboot 720,090,003 ~ or a total of 200,000.09, Furmermore, nerest at te rate of sx prcent (6%) er annum is Impasse on the sid amount, whch shall acre from the time of respondent's ‘scalp of thls Decision until full payment. To be sue, since the cotgation&9 return arose — na thus, became ove and demancable = only trom the tme of the Court's reotton ot respondent's rdminiratve Iiky, inrest onthe sé monetary amount shoul begin accrue ncn respondent has ben duly notified of i admintrativelably ~ tats aon rece of the ‘court's Decson herein WHEREFORE, reepondent Ay. Jonathan. Semple (eepondent) i= found gully of viletng Canons 15, 27,18, and Rule 26.03 ofthe Cade of Profesional Reszorsbilty. Accordingly, Mele Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,480P ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 nly 124300, Weary 8 Sach oy $2 Ura New REPRESENTED BY TTS CHAIR, HOW: EMERSON B. AQUENDE, AND LE ICHAEL 2, UNTALAN, JONATHAN @. PETITIONERS-WTERVENORS (6.8. No. 242954)7RANCIS JOSE LEAN [AUAYATA, GRETCHEN M, VASQUEZ, LOUIE SALARO, AIREEN MONICA 8. ‘ays om receipt o his Deion, part of te legal ees he received fom he ater i he amount {P109,000,0, wich shal eam legal intrest at erate of sk percent (6%) per annum om is receipt of es Decson unt ful payment. Respondent shall bmi to the Cour pret of restation wthin ten (10) ys trom payment. Faure to compl with tis erective sna warant ‘the impostion of a mar sevare pana aly, respondent I DIRECTED torpor tots Court the cate of his reap ofthis Decsion to ‘enable 1 determine when Ns suspension from the practic of bw sal take etc. Let copes ofthis Beeson be Frised 0: (1) the Ofieeofthe Bar Confidart to be appended to respondents personal record 3¢ an attorney; (2) the Integrated Bar of the Philppines forts Information and guidanes; anc (3) the Ofie ofthe Court Asminstratar for cxeulstion to al ‘ersamin, C1, Cami, Pera, Dl Castile, A Reyes, Je, Gasmundo, J Reyes, Je, Hemande, Carandang, 2 LazareJevier, 2, ane Copuoa, 1, on eave Sremesdames Pease tke notice tht on March 26,2019 Decision, copy aacned herewith ws rendered by ‘the Supreme Cour nthe abovrenteg cas, te egal of which nas received by ths Offce on Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,480P ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 22a New al cly 12.430. EMERSON B.—«RQUENDE, 18 ANKE, ACCUSED-APPELLANT. (S0D.) EDGAR 0, ARICHETA ‘Endnotes: Rote p. 2-5, 2 See Acknowledgement Receiot signe by respandent i at 23. 5 See ot 23, Sea ao id 92-9. i. 3 20. Penne by Presiding Judge Carls lores. Dated Apr 29, 2015, Not sachet the alo 9 9 Ia 20 ® See motion for Reconsideration wth Metin to Publish Summons ¢ated August 17, 2015; 9.915516 5 See over dates August 24, 2015; ia 9 © See Ovcer dated January 22, 2016 signed by Acting Presiding ludge Edwin G. 18735 pi, 492 2038), Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490 lony £22 ea New lly 12.8 stechisreocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 MALINEO, PETITIONER, + GA No, 236815 - RAQUILAL » v ARMATORISPA AND/OR CAPT. DATO 1514, 092-85, Penned by Commissioner ReardaM. Espn 14, 9293-58. 1 Seo Note of Rerolsion In CBD Case No. 16-827 ened by Nations! Secretary Dorete 8 Aguila: 1.9 90-51, 18 S00 Paci. Samson, 8.C. No. 10253. August 2, 2017, 837 SCRA 352, 357 eng Rolo Narva, 493 Phi, 26,29 (2005). 284, 96 2984989, og Poor w. Gagne 719 Pi #2, 91 (2012) 7 See Order date Aupust 24,2015; 1. 219 24 see Go v, But, AC. No. 12296, December 4, 2016, cing Danggns v. Caz ‘Anges, 792 Pil 611,619 (2016) (2013, 27705 i, 323 (2082) 2 See. 28.230. Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490 oxy £22 rs New Seal nly 124000. Wart 8 Eachergo: 1 your 24 saechtsteocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 “amowmnoncr, nccuseo: 39 See Order dats August 24,2015; 318. M4 tebe wal to nate tat while te Court hae provouly ele that decphnay seminiratve and not his ev lity, (€ mast be chrified that this rule remain ngs srould oly reve around te determination ofthe respondent mye" engagement, Hance, since respondent received the aforesaid smount a8 part of her opal fees, the Court finds the ratum thereat tobe ia order” (See Gov. Bu, supa rote 26) 2 oTye recovery of attorney's fees on the base of quantum met i 2 device tat prevents an unscrupulous dant rom runing any wih he Ful ofthe legal Sevces of counsel witout paying fr Rand als avoids unjust eicmanton te pat of te atlomey insell An atarney must show that ne iS ented to reasonable ompensation or the eet in pursuing the dent's cause, taking ita account eran factors in xing the amount of teal fe05* (See Viarama ¥. De Je5u8, GR. Ro 237004, Api 17,2017, 823 SCRA 1, 14, eng Navona Power Corporation Has of ‘Sangkay 671 Phil. 569,505 (2011). Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,480P 22a New al cly 12400, Weary & saechtsteocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 LL ZANORA, ALEXANDER F SUERTE, ENORIE, NOEL ALMAZAN, REGINO ‘cRuz, RONALD ALLAM, LOUITO DIZON, CECERON 5. PENA, JR, RENATO. M. ZONIO, ROBERTO. F LUSON, CRISTOSI 5. ALBOR, ROGER TISURCIO, ANDTHE COMMISSION (THIRD OWISION), [CADAVAS, PETITIONER, COURT OF DDAVAD DOCTORS HOSPITAL ANO/OR + GR No. 207281 - ELAINE & ABANTO, NINA 8. A80TOTO, NAGTANGGOL P.RGUILA, MARIE PAZ FAGUILA, MERLINDA V. ALCANTARA, v ARZADON, JOEL F_ASCARO, MA, Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P (Cony £22 tea New Seal ely 124900. Ware 8 cha saechtsteocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 6 P. CALUB, SOMA CASTEN, JOSE CASTRO, AIOA UNA D.CELINO, EMILY A COLICO, TOBIAS V. COLINA, Francisco R. WZ, LLEIZA A CRUZ, LEROY A. CUEVAS, ANTONIO [CUSTODIO, SYLVIA G. DACUAN, ATA NM. DAGAL, ROSALIER B. DAGONDON, ELIZABETH H, DELA BEA, RODOLFO MARIETA M. GARCIA, RUMIER T. GO, ROLANDO N. GORDOVEZ, ADELAIDA GUANZON, COMINGO A. HABULAN, ‘CECILIA S. MERMOSURA, CESAR ¥. JACOB, ESTRELLA E. ICASUAN, MA v LEDESIWA, LOURDES ANNE E. LAO, Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P (Cony £22 tea New Seal ely 124900. Ware 8 cha saechtsteocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 208 MAUSISA, CONRADO FL MEDINA, ‘GREGORIO M. MICO, Jaws EULINIA ‘5. MORALES, LILIAN 0. MORSE, [GORGONIO 7 MORA, BERNARDINO € DOLAWVAR, JR, EDUARDO A. ONG, ARIA LUISA J. PADILLA, CESAR A PADRIQUE, AOSARIO MELANIE. C L QUIRINO, AURORA A, RADOMES, RARA, EDUARDO £. REYES, AIDA A RIVERA, EDITHA P RIVERA, ANITA C ENRIQUE P.SADIE, DIANA T. ‘SANTOS, DOROTHY Cah SANTOS, IWANITO €. SEBASTIAN, IGNACIO C. ‘SERRANO, JOCELYN . SIONGCO, Ma BELA L SORIANO, THELMA c. SUSTENTO.xi RAUL TTAASAN, ‘waasiey MA. LIBERTY C. TEC, BENILOA A. TEIADA, NEMITA.C Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P (Cony £22 tea New Seal ely 124900. Ware 8 cha saechtsteocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 1308 Nuflez, GIL BUENAVENTURA, 2UAK KEVIN G, BELMONTE, DANIEL. LOCA, ALBERTO A. LM, CECILO 8. LORENZO, AND JOSE LUIS L. VERA, RESPONDENTS. MARY IRMA D. LARA AND DOSEPMINE —_JAURIGUE, [oR No, 20922] DEVELOPMENT VICENTE VAlAS Y BALDERAMA, ACCUSED-APPELLANT GR Ne 2106 - soUTO v minasol—periTionens, Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P (Cony £22 tea New Seal ely 124900. Ware 8 cha saechtsteocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 ‘was FELINO R. QUIAMSAO, RESPONDENT. Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P CCaony £22 ea New Seeley 12.4900, Waray 8 5 year at 2 saechtsteocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 509 + GR No. 253544 - PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, PLAINTIFF-APPELLEE, v ALBERTO. GONZALES VITAL, REYES ¥ MAQUIVA.* PETITIONER, v + GR Noe. 27659448 - SANTIAGO 1G BARCELONA, JR, PETITIONER, v PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, ResPoNoeNT, Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P (Cony £22 tea New Seal ely 124900. Ware 8 cha steclisreocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 808 TURLA, COMPLAINANT, v. ATTY JOSE Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P CCaony £22 ea New Sel ely 1240 Waray & Shares: tyr at 24 steclisreocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 708 REVOROSA IN HIS. CAPACITY AS INSURANCE COMPANY), VIRGINA BELINDA 5, OCAMPO, J0SE AUGUSTO ‘SANTOS, PETITIONERS, ve ATTY. MARCIANO 5S. BACALLA, JR, ATTY DUARDO MI. ABACRK, ERLINDA MALABANAN, PETITIONER, v + GR No. 203242 - LAND BARK OF ‘THE PHILIPPINES, PETITIONER, WY GRACE AND LMA GLORIA FRANCO, REPRESENTED BY Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P (Cony £22 tea New Seal ely 124900. Ware 8 cha steclisreocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 1908 + GA No. 216008 - PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, PAINTIFF-APPELLEE, v DON VEGA Y RAMIL, ACCUSED. THE PRILIFIMES, PETITIONER, [SUBSTITUTED BY HIS HEIRS, NAMELY, WIFE EVELINE POZOK AND DAUGHTERS GERALDINE MICELLE FOZON AND ANGELICA EMILIA JEANNE[*] LOPEZ, RESPONDENT, v FLIPINAS CORPORATION (NOW FREY Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P (Cony £22 tea New Seal ely 124900. Ware 8 cha steclisreocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 908 INSURANCE CO, INC. PETITIONER, v. EDGARDO DEL FONSO, NAMELY, MILA 1X DEL FONSO, LOUISA DEL FONSO BACANI, CARMINA DEL FONSO, EDGARDO PAULO A. DEL FONSO, AND VICTORIA DEL FORSO FRANCISCO, BEACON EQUITIES, INC, AND Toqueno, ARNOLD MAT, AOE, PETITIONER, v- PEOPLE OF {THE PHILIPPINES, RESPONDENT + GR ne 220030 - saMeER [OVERSEAS PLACEMENT AGENCY INC, v DOMINGO, ANGELITO D. TWARO AND Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P (Cony £22 tea New Seal ely 124900. Ware 8 cha steclisreocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 EUNG MONT Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P CCaony £22 tea New Seeley 12.4900. Waray 8 5 year at 2 steclisreocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 zine CREW MANAGEMENT, ASSOCIATION, INC, _AND/OR Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P CCaony £22 tea New Seeley 12.4900. Waray 8 5 year at 2 steclisreocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 LOGROSA, PETITIONER, v, SPOUSES + GA. No, 224466 (Formerly YOK 15574) = KAREN NUREZ* vito, LyWerres+ Ue? MASINOA, WARREN NUNEZ, AND ALDENW#* ulez, PETITIONERS, v. NORMA REXI"] A. URADO, CATALINA. 7. Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P CCaony £22 tea New Seeley 12.4900. Waray 8 5 year at 2 steclisreocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 PARTS, ALICIA RANTAEL, AND HONDA CARS SAN PABLO, INC, RESPONDENTS. INTERNATIONAL. (rans) ‘convonarionsco-8 KING, REGULATORY BOARD (LIARS) AND “TRANSPORTATION (oor, PETITIONERS, v. HON. CARLOS & VALENZUELA, IN HIS. CAPACITY AS PRESIDING JUDGE OF THE REGIONAL TRIAL COURT OF MANDALUYONG. (cy, RANCH 213 AND. BDOYC, ‘THE PRILIPINES, PETITIONER, Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P (Cony £22 tea New Seal ely 124900. Ware 8 cha steclisreocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 ANTONETTE 6. BRIONES, mANUEL ANTONIO G. BRIONES, MARIANO 6. BRIONES, ALLAN G. BRIONES AND JOCELYN 8. AVILA, RESPONDENTS. ESPINASAANUZA, ONEL ESPINAS, AS HEIRS OF LEOPOLDO ESPINAS, AND THE MUNICIPAL ASSESSOR OF DARAGA, ALBAY, PETITIONERS, FELIX LUMA, 38, ARMANDO VELASCO Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P (Cony £22 tea New Seal ely 124900. Ware 8 cha steclisreocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 JOVENCITA LAKES; ROWAN [CARMEN JUSTINIANG AXA. CARMEN {A MEDEL JUSTINIANO;RUFING v [GENILO; MARIA SOL A. SEVESES ‘SPOUSES SALVADOR AND. ‘onQUETHELMA ‘oeROns; GOVERNMENT, PETITIONER ¥, OFFICE ISMAEL M. REIROSO, SINEON c. MIRANDA. RENATO D.TAVAG, JUN F. TRIVINIO, CESAR VIRATA, DUAN PONCE ENRILE, 0S MACARIO LAUREL 1, 20S 3 LEI00, 2, (ALL SE, SINONDO, MANILA), RAFAEL 6. v PEREZ, FELICISIMO R. GONZALESI*) Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P (Cony £22 tea New Seal ely 124900. Ware 8 cha steclisreocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 MILING COMPANY, INC), DARDO, PETITIONER v BELEN CUA + GA No, 197498 - cOCA-COLAS*] SAG. No 21584 (Formery C80 v PETITIONER, GREAT. HARVEST Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P CCaony £22 tea New Seeley 12.4900. Waray 8 5 year at 2 steclisreocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 zane ‘GARRY SRIONES VESPINA, ACCUSED RESPONDENTIAM. No. Pa7-3708 [Farmery C8 1P2 No. 081758-P1) VICTORIA. BENIGNO, COMPLAINANT, ‘EUGENIO STO. TOMAS, CLERK OF ‘COURT, MUNICIPAL TRIAL COURT, [CABUYAO, LAGUNA, RESPONDENT. TAM. Na, 1-03-1472 (Formerly AM No, 02-10-27: MTCJOFFICE OF THE AND MANAGEMENT OFFICE, PETITIONER, v. COURT OF TAX APPEALS AND CITY GOVERNMENT OF TACLOBAN, RESPONDENTS. v _GLORIAN, ACCUSED- APPELLANTS. Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P (Cony £22 tea New Seal ely 124900. Ware 8 cha steclisreocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 ACOIEDO, ALBERTO OAWMIEL, MA IMEDA D. GANDOLA, MARIDEL 0. MORANOANTE(*] AND MA. NYHPHA + GR No. 224056 = LUCITA s PARDILIO, PETITIONER, v. OR EVELYN. BUCAY BANDOIO, OWNER AND MEDICAL DIRECTOR OF © & & OSPITAL, RESPONDENT. MERCHANT CORPORATION, AND/OR ResPoNoeNT, +6 No. 203097 - TERE LABORATORIES, INC, PETITIONER, w v ‘coRPoRATION (ronventr Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P (Cony £22 tea New Seal ely 124900. Ware 8 cha steclisreocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 TWWAHEG (RODERICK D. SUMATRA), ‘TRIBe, PETITIONER, v. THE PROSECUTOR 1 —_~FERNANDO PROSECUTOR ERNESTO NARIDO, >R ‘CEBU CITY PROSECUTOR NICOLAS ‘SELLON, AND THE HONORABLE JUDGE (OF REGIONAL TRIAL COURT BRANCH DEPARTMENT OF -—USTICE, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE SECRETARY LELA M.-F UNA, NATIONAL PROSECUTION seavice (REPRESENTED BY PROSECUTOR [GENERAL CLARO A, ARELLANO), AND PROSECUTORS (SENIOR DEPUTY Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P (Cony £22 tea New Seal ely 124900. Ware 8 che stechtsreocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 [ANGELO CHAVEZ I), RESPONDENTS, OPERATING OFFICER, DOROTHEA v THE DAR REGIONAL DIRECTOR, Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P CCaony £22 ta New Sel ely 1240, Waray & Scharge: year at 24 stechtsreocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 sya ATTORNEWIN-FRCT RENA 8. ABUCAY, RESPONDENTS.; GR. No. 186564 - ‘THE HONORABLE SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRARIAN REFORM, THE DAR REGIONAL —OIRECTOR [ABUCAY-SUANTE, ELVER 8. ABUCKY, ‘sriprins ‘CORPORATION, PETITIONER, FLORENCIO. 0 VILLARIN AND FIRST CARGOMASTERS. ‘CORPORATION, CEBU ARRASTRE & “sTEvEDORING ‘SERVICES DRAG, RESPONDENTS(G.. No s7a713;L0RENz0 ‘SHIPPING v onencio | 0. VILLARIN, Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P (Cony £22 tea New Seal ely 124900. Ware 8 che stechtsreocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 RAQUEL SAGUM Y_ MARTINEZ No, 12113 (Formary C80 08- 2193) ~ LEO LUMBRE, LEDIONN Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P CCaony £22 ta New Seeley 12.4900. Waray 8 5 voor at 24 stechtsreocem ps ahayeblscomiabwZ01Onaenssn ghi-368 ‘CALAOAGAN, PETITIONER, v, PEOPLE (OF THE PHILIPPINES, RESPONDENT. + GR No. 237166 - FIRST GLORY PAILIPPINES, INC, PETITIONER, + BRIAN |. “LUMANTAO, STEVE 3 ‘OF NORTH AMERICA, UNKNOWN COHARTERER OF THE VESSEL W/S “ORS WULIF, AND TMS SHIP AGENCIES, RESPONDENTS. Galaxy $22 Ultra only 12,490P (Cony £22 tea New Seal ely 124900. 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