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Hand Book of

(According to CCIM Syllabus)

Dr. Mahantesh, B. Rudrapuri


1. Definition and etymology of Rasa,

History of Rasashastra, Rasashala Karmavibhaga

2. Paribhasha prakarana and Dravya varga

3. Yantra prakarana 7

4. Puta Vignana 8

5. Musha Vignana 10
6. Kosti Vignana
7. Parada Vignana 13

8. Maharasa Varga 21

9. Uparasa varga

10. Sadaranarasa Varga 41

11. Dhatu Varga
12. Ratna Varga 59
13. Sudha Varga 78

14. Kshara Varga 84

15. Sikata Varga 85
16. Visha-upavisha 85
17. Standardization 86
Hand Book of Rasa Shastra Hand Book of Rasa Shastra 9

.Basing on functions carried outin them: e.g. Svedani after

placing dried chakrikas in it and sealed properly.
yantra, Jarana yantra,
Patana yantra. 3) It is placed in puta and subjected for heat.
.Basing on material used in designing them: e.g. Valuka 4) After swangasheeta(self cooling) the bhasma is collected.
yantra, Lavana yantra, Bhasma yantra. Number of Putas
Different Yantras and Their Uses. (Ref-RRS-9)
1) Therapeutic point of view-10 to 100 putas.
1) Khalva Yantra -

Bhavanarth, Mardhanarth.
2) Rejuvination point of view-100 to 1000 putas.
2) Tapta Khalva -
Parada Shodhana and Samskara.
Acc. to Rasendra sara sangraha,
3) Kacchapa Yantra - Parada Swedana, To increase 1) Chikitsartha - 10 to 100 putas.
Bubukshata, 2) Vajikaranartha - 100 to 150 putas.
4) Patana Yantra - Parada Samskara.
3) Rasayanartha - 100 to 1000 putas.
5) Dola Yantra - Swedanarth.

6) Vidyadara Yantra - Urdhva patana of Parada. Classification of Putas

7) Patala Yantra - Extraction of Oils. a) Agni puta (paka through fire) - Direct heating.

-Indirect heating (with sand etc.)

8) Palika Yantra Gandhaka Jarana.
9) Valuka Yantra - Kupipakwa Rasa nirmana. 1) Tivragni puta-Mahaputa and Gajaputa.
10) Sthali Yantra Loha Sthali

paka. 2) Madyamagni puta-Varahaputa and Kukkutaputa.

3) Mrudwagni puta-Kapotaputa and Lavakaputa.
Puta Vignana
b) Anagniputa (without fire)
1) Suryaputa/Raudraputa/Bhanuputa (through sunrays)
Rasadi Dravya Pakanam Pramana gyapanam Putam |
2) Chandraputa(paka through moonrays)
(RRS 10/47)
Puta means the unit of heat or the mode of Synonyms of upala- Vanopala, Utpala, Girinda, Pistaka,
heating Rasadi Chana, Chagana, Karisha,etc.
dravyas(Metals and Minerals) to Bhasma.The
prepar of Process
giving heat with the help of vanopala so as to achive their bhasma Different Types of Putas
is calledputa.
as Uses
S. Name of the | Dimentions/Quantity
Method of Putapaka No. puta of fuel
2 Hasta pramana/48 Ahraka, Loha
1) The Drugs subjecting for putapaka are triturated well with 1Mahaputa
angulas. 1500 vanopalas marana
prescribed drugs and chakrikas (pillets/cakes) are
prepared. 2 Gajaputa 1 Rajahasta/30 angulas Abhraka, Makshika,
2) Sharava samputa (with shallow 1000 vanopalas Loha, Tamra,
earthen plates) is Shanka Marana.
10 Hand Book of Rasa Shastra
Hand Book of Rasa
Shastra 11
3 Varahaputa I Aratni pramana/22 | Shanka,Shukti,
500 vanopalas Kapard, Godanti,
Srunga marana 1) Samanya musha & Vishesha musha
balasti/24 angulas Swarna, Rajata, 2) Andha musha & prakash musha
4 Kukkutaputa | 2 (Rf. : Rasarnava-4/38)
(B.R-I Vitasti) Naga, Vanga, Different Types of Mushas : In classical texts more than 23
10 to 100 vanopalas Mukta marana.
types of mushas are mentioned.
(Y.R-5 vanopalas)
5 Kapotaputa 8 vanopalas Parada jarana, SI.No. |Name of the Musha Uses
Parada Bhasma 01
Samanya musha Samanya rasa karma
02 Vajra musha Abhraka Satvapatan
6 Lavakaputa 4 karsha/l pala tusha/48|Mrudu dravya paka 03 Pakwa musha
gms Pottali Rasayana
7 04 Gosthani musha Satva shodhana & Dravanarth
|Gorvaraputa | Not mentioned Parada shodhana
05 Vrunthaka musha Satvapatan of mrudu dravyas
Bandaputa/ 1banda tusha Haratala, Somala
06 Yoga musha
Kumbaputa bhasma nirmana Parada karma
9 Bhudaraputa | Pit of 2 angulas depth Mudu dravya paka 07 Mahamusha Abhraka satvapatana
10 Valukaputa Red hot sand in suffi Parada, Haratala, General Uses of Mushas Doshaharana, Pachana, Dravana,

cient quantity Somala Bhasma Satvapatana, Varnotkarsha, Sarana, Dwandwamelapana, Rasa

bhandhana, Moorchana, Shodhanartha.
Musha Vignana (Crucibles) Musha Lepana Dravyas Vatsanabha, Tankana, Gunja.

Definition (Rasarnava-4/47)
The term Musha is derived from
Sandhi Bhandhana Joining of musha and pidhanaka (lid)
'Mush' dhatu which means is called as Sandhi Bhandhana. (R.R.S.10/5)
mushnati(To Steel, To remove, To destroy).
Mushnati Doshan Synonyms of Sandhi Bhandhana Randrana, Aandrana,
Musheyan sa Musha iti Nigadyate | Samslista, Bhandhana, Sandhilepa.
(RRS 10/2) Sandhi Bhandhana Dravyas - Mrittika, Lohakitta, Tusha,
Musha is the one of the
in the important yantra, which is used
Vastra, Godhuma pista, Guda, Jala.
processing of Rasoushadhies. It has the capacity to sustain
the higher degree of Kosti (Fire Place)
temperature without
According to Rasa ratna
which removes doshas from samucchaya 10/2-Musha is the one Definition
the Rasa
dravyas. Satvanan Patanarthaya Patitanam Vishudyaye |
Synonyms - Kumudi, Kraunchika, Kostika Vividakarah... / (RT3/24)
Vanhimitra. (R.R.S. 10) Karahatika, Pachani,
Kosti is one of the important heating device. For getting
Rasa Shastra
Hand Book of Rasa Shastra 23
Hand Book of
Sharaavasamputa> Gajaputa (1-10O0
Rasaka puta)> Bhasma (RRS - 2)
Kanta Loha Amrutikarana Abhraka Bhasma 10 Pala + Triphalaa
Hingula Kashaaya 10 Pala + Ghrita 8
Abhraka -
(Mica) Sp. G-3 Hard Pala > Madhyamagni (RT - 10).

Gagana. Bahupathra, Ambara, Vyoma, Lohitikaran Ahrakabhasma Manjistakwatha

Paryaya +
Vajra, Ghana, Kha,
etc. Bhaavan Chakrika 4-5 Times Gajaput (RT
1. Utpatti - Uttara shailotta, Dakshina - 10)
Bheda Musal
Satvapaatana Dhanyabhraka 1 Kg. + Tankana'/,Kg
II. Peenaka - Shweta (Muscovite) Swarasa Gola in Musha >
Alkali mica
H,KAI,(SiO)-Shweta Kriyaa Bhavana.

Naaga Rakta (Phlogopite) [HK (MgF)], Dradagni Abhraka satva (RRS-2)

Mg,AlSio,)- Rakta Kriya
Bhasma Varna Sindhuravarna.
Manduka - Peeta (Lepidolite) KLi [Al
Vishleshana Guna Tridosha Shamaka, Yogavahini.
(OHF)] Al (Sio,),- Peeta Kriya
Vajra - Krishna (Biotite) (H, K), (MgFe),
Medhya, Rasayana,
Prameha, Parada Bandhakrit. Deepana,
(AlFe), (Si0,), Rasaayana

(Ferro magnesium) Sparsha Sukshmachurna

Graahya Rasa Niswada
Lakhshana Snigdha, Pruthudala, Varnasamyukta, 1-2 Ratti (1 Ratti = 125 mg)
Adhika Bhaara, Sukhanirmucha Patra Matra
Guna Rasa Anupana Ghrita, Madhu, Navanita, Dugdha.
Kashaaya Madhura, Guna -

dha, Virya-Sheeta, Vipaaka - Madhura Roganusara Dravyaswarasa
Shodhana Grahya Krishna Vajra Abhraka Tapta Yoga Arogyavardhini Vati, Brahat Vatachi-
ntamanirasa, Vasantakusumakara Rasa.
patra Nirvaapana Kanji or Gomutra or
7 times Yogendrarasa, Panchamrut Vati, Gagana
Parpati, Soubhagyavati, etc.
Triphalaa Kwata or Godugdha (RRS 2)
Dhanyabhraka - Dhaanya (') + Abhraka (1) > Vastra- Vaikranta (Tourmaline) -
bandha Day, Kanji > Mardan (RRS 2) Sp. G -
3-3.2 Hard -7.7
Maarana Dhanyabhraka Kaasamarda Swarasa Chakrikaa Kuvajra, Churnavajrak, Jirnavajrak,
Kshudrak ulisha.cte.
84 Hand Book of Rasa Shastra Hand Book of Rasa stra

Samudra Phena (Cuttle Fish Bone) Sikata Varga

CaCO, Sr. Name Latin Form of Matra
Paryaya Phena, Saphena, Dindira, etc. No Addmini-
Bheda stration
01 Sikata (sand) Silica Fine Powder
Grahya Lakshana
02 Dugdha Pash- |Magnesium Pisti 1-2 Ratti
Shodhana Samudraphena Churna Nimbu Rasa Bhavan
ana (Talc) Silicate
Shuddha Samudra Phena (RT12) 03 |Kousheyashma Silicate of Bhasma 2-4 Ratti
Marana (Asbestoes) Magnesium
04 Nagapashana |Magnesium Pisti 2-8 Ratti
Bhasma Guna Lekhana, Deepana, Pachana, (Ophite) Silicate
Vishaghna, 05 Badarashma Silica (Fossil) Pisti 4-8 Ratti
Matra 2 Ratti (Silicate of lime)
Anunpana Madhu, Jala 06 Akika (Agate) Silica Pisti | 1-2 Ratti

Yoga Visha- Upavisha

Kshara Varga Sr. IName Part Shodhana Matra Guna Karma

Sr.Name of the Tankana (Borex) Sarja Kshara Yava Kshara

No. Used
No Drug 1. Vatsanabha (Aconitum Root Dolayantra swedana 16 |Yogavahi,
Na,B,0,)10H,O (Pottasium Salts) (PottasiumSalts) in godugdha for 3hrs.| Ratti Rasayana,
1 Rasa
Kshariya Katu Katu Sweda
2. Virya Ushna Ushna Ushna janaka,Kasa,
3. Vipaka Madhra Swasa.
4. Guna Tikshna, Ruksha, Sara, Snigdha, Tikshna, 2. Kuchala (Strychnos Seeds Khaniji nimajana for -1 ratti Agnidepana,
Guru Laghu Ruksha, Laghu Nuxvomica) 3 days. Vrusya
5. Types Sweta and Neela 3. Ahiphena (Papaver Phala Ardraka Rasa 7 -1 ratti Atisara,
6. Grahya Crystalline, White Somniferum) niryasa bhavanas |Antrikajwara,
laxana and Transparent Madatyaya,
7. Shodhana Utfulikarana

8. Matra 1-2 Ratties 3-12 Ratti 3-12 Ratti
4. Jayapala (Croton Seeds Dolayantra swedanahrs. | Ratti Jalodara,
9. Karma Lekhana, Depana, Pachana, Tiglum) in godugdha for 3
Depana, Pachana Tikshna
Chedana t virechaka,
Rogagnata Kasa, Swasa,Admana, | Mutra roga, Gulma, Arsha, Kusta
Ashmari, Vatavyadi Grahani, Arsha, Vibhanda, Ashmari swedana 4 Shota, Krui,
Pleharoga, Udara
. Dattura (Datura Metel) Seeds Dolayantra for 3 hrs. Ratt Kusta, Jwara.
in godugdha
Rasashastra is a important branch of
Ayurveda. Hand Book of Rasashastra
w r i t t e n b y Dr. M. B. R u d r a p u r i is " Must read

Book " for all the students of Ayurveda, a

Author has tried to concise the subject of

Rasashastra in a chart form for easy
understanding of subject. This book
consists various Charts, Tables and
Colour photographs. This Book is
designed According to CCIM Syllabus and more helpful for second
yearstudents of Ayurveda.

Dr. Mahantesh, B. Rudrapuri, born in 1978.

in Belagavi, Karnataka. Completed his under
graduation from Karnataka upiversity in
December 1999 and Post grauation (M.D) in
Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpa+ña from Rajiv
Gandhi University of Health Sciences,
Bangalore in September 2005.
He started his academic career in Shri
Shivayogeeshwar Rural Ayurvedic Medical
College, Inchal and
presently working professor and
H.OD, PG. Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya kalpana in

In December 2014 he has Released a kannada book
"AYURVEDAMRUTA" He has published various Research Articles in
National and Local Magazines and Presented number of Research
papers in State level, National level and International level


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