Discussion Question 1.1

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Compare and contrast conventional strategic planning concepts with those of strategic intent and
skill-based strategic thinking. Explain how the differences in these concepts can lead to better
business strategy practice.

The traditional concept of strategic planning is the most applicable in modern organizations. At the
beginning phase of business, the BOD of directors or the head departments of that organization
made such an organization's future mission, visions, and objectives. This is defined as a traditional
strategic plan. This traditional strategic planning cannot be changed from time to time, because it is
determined to be once, the organization runs to achieve its mission, vision, and goals. Strategic
intent is an easy-to-master statement of the company's management plans to take the course of the
company in a certain time frame in the future.

Every member of the company needs to understand the strategic intent of the company.
Consequently, all employees can work towards a consistent overall goal. Skill-based strategic
thinking is that the organization assigns different powers to personnel in different departments
according to their skills, abilities, knowledge, attitudes, and experience. This helps the organization
to make better strategic decisions from relevant personnel to achieve organizational goals.

b. Explain the relationships between business models, business strategies, and strategic intent and
skill-based strategic thinking. Include an explanation of how these concepts can help avoid myopic
business strategy development.

The generic strategy lays out strategies for growth, development, operations, and what you are best
at, while competitive strategies help you gain a competitive advantage over your competitors. It
provides how to get to the market.

Strategic intent is a high-level statement that usually contains extended goals, which forces
companies to compete in innovative ways and design an ideal future. Strategic intent means a
considerable extension of an organization. Organizational capabilities can be achieved through
strategic intent. Uniqueness and innovation make strategic intent very effective, which is very
important for employees, and they can understand and believe accordingly. This forces
organizations to be more creative to make full use of limited resources. In order to achieve strategic
intent, companies often have to compete with larger and more well-funded competitors. This means
carefully managing competitive activities to protect scarce resources.

Skill-based strategic thinking is a personal thinking activity that is beneficial to the organization. The
purpose is to discover a competitive strategy that makes the organization's positioning very different
from the current one. Strategic thinking is different from preparing a strategic plan, which specifies
the strategy to be adopted to achieve the goal. Strategic thinking requires a holistic or systematic
view. It needs to be oriented towards the whole, not just a part of the whole. Strategic thinking helps
to make it operate systematically and effectively and complete the work.

Strategic myopia is an irregular aspect that hurts any form of business. The above concepts provide
a platform to overcome the problems that arise in any business. This strategy can be derived from
each of the concepts discussed above. This is most effective only when executive-level personnel
makes effective decisions about business development.

Pearce II, J. &. (2011).Strategic Management: Formulation, Implementation, and Control.
McGraw-Hill Irwin.

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